CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE: 20 H&N pullets, some laying now, rest laying soon. Henry Hunteman, Pebble Creek. 51tl A sale of Christmas decorations gift items will be held Friday Saturday at the Art room in Clinic building. 1 to 9 p.m. and and the 51tl FOR SALE: Used bathroom fixtures, three pieces, cheap. Mrs. Evelyn Heath, HAzel 9-3702. 51t3c Save $200 on a new Conn organ. See it at the Hom Bldg., side entrance. For more information call HAzel 9- 6941. 51tlc J. H. McKnighl Well Driller GARY WORTH PLYMOUTH CO. See Al Huntley, or Pepper Home Town Boy See me first or see me last New cars - trucks. Buy now. 1965 FURY - $2199 1965 SCOUT, 4-wheel drive - $2523. 1965 half-ton pick-up -$1820. 1965 half-ton pick-up, 4-wheel drive - $2799. 1965 Sport FURY - $2620. Rt. 1, Box 240, Warren, Oregon Domestic, irrigation or well drilling. exploratory Also Pump Sales and Service FHA or GI Terms Available Write or call collect, St. Helens 397-2910 50tfc SADDLERY—New shipment in—ex­ tra large selection of bridles, sad­ dles, etc., for Christmas. LIBEL FARM SUPPLY, Mist, Oregon, 775- 2454. 50t3c FOR SALE: Grain fed Black Angus locker beef. Bob Borders, Mist Rt., HAzel 9-5123. 50« FOR SALE: Oakland wood heater, $25, cash. 458 A Street. 50t3 FOR SALE: Good feed oats, $50 per ton. Also, hay and oat straw. Max Oblack, Mist, Oregon. 49t3c U-CUT Christmas trees. Also, flocked trees on order. Colors available. Marvin Meyer, HAzel 9-6432 even­ ings. Westwood Tree Farm, 3 miles south of Vernonia. Live trees, also available. 48t4 FOR SALE: New duplex, income property, save $1000, now $14,500. Three - bedroom new all-elec­ tric home, save $1000, now $12.- 000. Building sites, $500 and $600, choice location, all new homes, sew­ er and water, over-sized lots, one- half appraisal price. 24 wooden sash used, $2.00 each. Prehung doors, $18 each, sizes 2'0, 2’4, 2’6, 2’8. Misc. roofing, all colors, $7 sq. Crown Con­ struction Co., Inc. HAzel 9-5832. 47tfc FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-661L ____________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate Columbia River Real Estate REALTORS VERNONIA BRANCH 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 BEAUTIFUL, large 4 B/R home close to schools and shopping. $7500. 2 B/R house for rent. 3 B/R house for rent. 2% ACRES with house, near Tophill on highway. $5000. WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS RILL HORN and Vernonia Insurance Exchange Bank Bldg. HAzel 9-6203 FOR RENT: Small home, one bed­ room. electric heat Ideal for couple, $35 It’s a bargain! Large, two-bdrm home, 4 lots on Bridge St., $7900. 709f finanred. LISTINGS N E E D E D 51tlc Oernonia Eaqie MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail mat­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3.50. N A T IO N A L 4943 N.E. Union, Portland 288-6366 (Call collect) 100% financing, debt consoli­ dation, bank contract. ___________________________ 48t8c SERVICES LADIES, spend your time with your families during the holidays and let me do your laundry. Professional iraner. Maude Adams, 108 A St., HA­ zel 9-5573. 50t3c FINANCE your new 1965 car with a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred­ it Union. 853 Bridge St. 43tfc Walt's Cabinet Shop St. Helens, Oregon Phone 397-1231 Kitchen cabinets, bathroom built-ins, counter tops. Formica, plastic and ceramic wall tile. Flecto finishes- complete furniture finishing line in stock. Flecto clear Varathane outlasts var­ nish 2 to 1. Flecto white out dates paint. 43tfc SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytim e; 397-0074 after Haherman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT Slate Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ____________________________ ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ ing work. 24tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT: New all electric du­ plex, two or three bedrooms, with washer, dryer furnished. $75 and $100 per month. Call HAzel 9-5832. 50tfc FURNISHED cabins for rent, $50 per month. Riverview Cabins, HA­ zel 9-3344. 50t3c FOR RENT: Two-bedroom furnished house. Inquire at 542 Third st. 50t3 REALTY FARM Gary Worth Plymouth IO IT O ÌIA L N CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ ly furnished except bedding, dish­ es. R ent includes all utilities, heat, lights, w ater. Private bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. H. J. "Hill” Edison. Mgr. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income anti outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat­ urdays. Must have car. L. C. Long- anecker, 17075 NW Springville road, Portland, Oregon 97229. 46tfc WANTED WANTED: Barkie Douglas Fir poles and piling. Also, Douglas Fir car stakes. Delivered to American Tim­ ber and Trading Company, North Plains, Oregon, Phone 331-2311. 50t4c ■■ ' — ■—.1 Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and build­ ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r Call Portland» ¿Elmont 4-6681 or write 3058 NE Glisan St.. Portland. Ore­ g o n ___________________ 20tfc C O X O X ’ X O X O X O X O X O X O X O X O .'O X O X O X O X O X » : « # Oeritonia Ea