CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE-General J. H. McKnight Well Driller GARY WORTH PLYMOUTH CO. Rt. 1, Box 240, Warren, Oregon See A1 Huntley, or Pepper Home Town Boy See me first or see me last Domestic, irrigation or well drilling. exploratory Also Pump Sales and Service FHA or GI Terms Available Write or call collect, St. Helens 397-2910 50tfc For sale or trade: Dining table buf­ fet, chairs, stoves, organ, lovely large Chinese chest on legs, man’s gold stretch watch band never out of case, Misc. See Essie Nance at Mar-Lee Salon. HA 9-6121. 50tl ONE PAIR caulked shoes, good con­ dition. Sold cheap. Jack Hacksma, 600 Jefferson Ave., Vernonia. 50tl SADDLERY—New shipment in—ex­ tra large selection of bridles, sad­ dles, etc., for Christmas. LIBEL FARM SUPPLY, Mist, Oregon, 775- 2454. 5Ct3c FOR SALE: Grain fed Black Angus locker beef. Bob Borders, Mist Rt., HAzel 9-5123._________________ 50t3 FOR SALE: Oakland wood heater, $25, cash. 458 A Street. 50t3 FOR SALE: Good feed oats, $50 per ton. Also, hay and oat straw. Max Oblack, Mist, Oregon. 49t3c FOR SALE: Wood logs. Can deliv­ er, or roadside. Marvin Meyer, HA­ zel 9-6432 evenings. 48t3 FOR SALE: Pair of Salem Maple Colonial Nantucket end tables, $25. Call HAzel 9-3334.___________ 48t3c CHRISTMAS TREE Hayride into the woods to cut your own. Everyday (except Saturday) beginning Sunday. Heavily brushed Douglas and Grand fir. Bring saw. No business Satur­ days. Less crowded week days. 40 cents to $1.00 per foot. Clint's Tree Farm, Keasey Road. 48t3 FOR SALE: One end table, one cof­ fee table, one corner table, good condition. Inquire HAzel 9-6395 after 4 p.m. 48t3 SPINET CONSOLE PIANO. Want re­ sponsible party in this area to as­ sume $16.50 mo. pyts. Also WALNUT ORGAN. Write or phone 363-5707, Credit Mgr., Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Ore. 48t3c U-CUT Christmas trees. Also, flocked trees on order. Colors available. Marvin Meyer, HAzel 9-6432 even­ ings. Westwood Tree Farm, 3 miles south of Vernonia. Live trees, also available. 48t4 FOR SALE: wringer-type pump, $40. 1003 Clatsop Maytag white porcelain washing machine with Contact Gladys Mason street. HAzel 9-6372. 48t3 FOR SALE: New duplex, income property, save $1000, now $14,500. Three - bedroom new all-elec­ tric home, save $1000, now $12.- 000. Building sites, $500 and $600, choice location, all new homes, sew­ er and water, over-sized lots, one- half appraisal price. 24 wooden sash used, $2.00 each. IVehung doors. $18 each, sizes 2’0, 2’4, 2’6, 2’8. Misc. roofing, all colors, $7 sq. Crown Con­ struction Co., Inc. HAzel 9-5832. 47tfc FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion. Flowers w ired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384, 15tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ____________________________ ltfc New cars - trucks. Buy now. 1965 FURY - $2199 1965 SCOUT, 4-wheel drive - $2523. 1965 half-ton pick-up -$1820. 1965 half-ton pick-up, 4-wheel drive - $2799. 1965 Sport FURY - $2620. Gary Worth Plymouth 4943 N.E. Union, Portland 288-6366 (Call collect) 100% financing, debt consoli­ dation, bank contract. 48t8c WANTED: "Old” dolls, doll bug­ gies and beds, any condition, cash or trade. See Essie Nance at Mar-Lee Beauty Salon. HA 9-6121. 50tl WANTED: Barkie Douglas Fir poles and piling. Also, Douglas Fir car stakes. Delivered to American Tim­ ber and Trading Company, North Plains, Oregon, Phone 331-2311. ________________50t4c Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and build­ ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan S t, Portland, Ore­ gon. 20tfc NOTICE NOT responsible for any debts oth­ er than my own. Jack Gaston. 50tl Demon ia Eagie MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail mat­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3.50. SERVICES_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CLASSIFIED RATES LADIES, spend your time with your families during the holidays and let me do your laundry. Professional ironer. Maude Adams, 108 A St., HA- zel 9-5573,___________________ 50t3c THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c each. FINANCE your new 1965 car with a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred- it Union. 853 Bridge St._______ 43tfc Walt's Cabinet Shop St. Helens, Oregon Phone 397-1231 Kitchen cabinets, bathroom built-ins, counter tops. Formica, plastic and ceramic wall tile. Flecto finishes- complete furniture finishing line in stock. Flecto clear Varathane outlasts var­ nish 2 to 1. Flecto white out dates paint. 43tfc SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 aftei RATIO MA I lO I T O I I A l Figures tabulated at the end of the football season at Vernonia hign school shows a balance in the treas­ ury, even after a deficit incurred during the 1963 season was retired. Gate receipts during the 1964 sea­ son amounted to $1406.85. Season passes accounted for $40 and pro­ rated student body dues contributed $350 to make the total receipts $1796.85, Expenses included the following items: Officials and mileage, $267.50; team travel and meals, $291.32; sup­ plies and equipment, $814.43 and miscellaneous which included league expenses, travel, dinners, dues, gyp­ sum and field light work, $170.90. This makes a total expense of $1544.15. Subtracting the total expense of $1544.15 from the total receipts of $1796.85 left a balance of $252.70 far the 1964 year. From this, the 1963 deficit of $161.37 was paid to leave a net balance of $91.33 in the school athletic fund. Stale Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday. Friday Hogs: Thursday. Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res, EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc 6_______THURSDAY, DEC. 10. 1964 MEN S LEAGUE By Ed Ade Woodworth had 480 and Jack Holsey 492 for Bob’s Union and Fred John­ son had 460 for Vernonia Milk. Splits picked: Henry Anderegg 5- 7-9, Dick Beers 5-7, Phil Woodworth 5-8-10, Moon Mullins 5-6, Joe Ma­ goff 5-7, Dick Johnson 3-10, Doc Hobart 5-7 and Rex Normand 5-10 and 3-10. r> Top ten: Dick Johnson 177, Ed Slowik 166, Homer Fuller 164, Joe Magoff 160, Moon Mullins 156, Rex Normand 152, Doc Hobart 151, Ralph Keasey 149, Jack Holsey 146, Bill Vealey 146. W L 9 31 Crown Zellerbach 21 19 Vernonia Milk 22 18 Lions Club 28 12 Bob’s Union Service St, Helens Ice and Beverage took over first place in the Industrial League as they beat Ralph's Chev­ ron Service 4 to 0. Bill Smejkal had 506 for St. Helens Ice. Deans Mark­ et and Shaw Bros, split 2 and 2 with Deans Market getting a 783 game. Phil Woodworth had a 199 game. Looks like his backup ball backed up too far. St. Helens Ice had high series, 2163 and Deans high game, 783. Splits picked: Dick Aldrich 6-7-10, Jon Carter 5-8-10, Phil Woodworth 4-5 and Hilding Berg 2-7-8. Top ten: Phil Woodworth 166, Ted Bodenhamer 156, Zeke Lemaick 156, Ed Ade 153, Rex Normand 151, Bill Smejkal 145, Ralph Sturdevant 145, L W L Hilding Berg 139, Dick Aldrich 136, Team Standings 13 31 West Oregon Electric A1 Schalock 131. 16% 27% Quinn’s L w 28 16 Standard Oil 22 18 St. Helens Ice & Beverage 30% 13% 21% 18% The Pills Deans Market High series, Ann McEntire, 518. 19 Ralph’s Chevron Service 21 Black Toast High game, Dorris Krieger, 190. 15% 24% Shaw Bros. The new bride worshipped the Splits picked up: Violet Fetherston In City league action this last groom and everything she set before week Crown Zellerbach increased its 5-6-10, Nancy Leonard, 2-7, Dorris him was a burnt offering. lead as they beat the Lions club on Krieger 3-10, Janet Fields 5-8-10, Thursday 3 to 1 and in a postponed Margaret Berg 3-10 and 5-6-10. match on Friday they beat them MARR & STAFFORD again 3 to 1. Four members on the Crown Z team had over 500 on MEAT CO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Thursday with Ed Slowik getting Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. ESTATE OF CARL C. DEMOTT EL 7-7281 In the County Court of the State 553 and a 200 game and Moon Mul­ of Oregon, for the County of Co­ lins had a 211 game. Rex Normand Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing had an even 500 for the Lions. lumbia, Probate Department. Meat for sale, any quantity. On Friday Joe Magoff had a 514 Notice is hereby given that the C attle Received Sunday and undersigned has been appointed Ex­ and Homer Fuller had a 202 game for Monday until noon. ecutor of the Estate of CARL C. Crown. Dec Hobart got a 516 for the Hogs received Tuesday and W ednesday until noon. DEMOTT, deceased, by the Coun­ Lions. Crown had a nice 978 game. Come through Banks, take Vernonia Milk and Bob’s Union ty Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook road X*/, mile, Columbia County, and has qualified. Service split 2 and 2 as Bob’s Union take first ieiihand road. All persons having claims against rolled a 946 game and edged Ver­ ltfc said estate are hereby notified to nonia Milk by 6 for total pins. Phil present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the FIRST NATION­ AL BANK OF OREGON, Trust De­ partment, P. O. Box 3457, Portland 8, Oregon, within six months from Don’t take any chances with those the date hereof. FIRST NATIONAL BANK headlights— Have them checked and OF OREGON if new units are needed we are equip­ Trust Department P.O. Box 3457 ped to handle the job quickly and Portland 8, Oregon economically! Dated and first published November I 12, 1964. I Date of Last Publication December j 10, 1964. 46t5c WOMEN'S LEAGUE LEGAL NOTICE Haberman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT Oernonia Eagle Athletic Fund Balance Noted SEALED BEAMS ON THE BLINK? BOBS P U B L IS H E R S Character is often determined by what a man says no to. A S S O C IA T IO N O I 0 N SER V ICE Come look them over! Come try them out! They're in our showroom now—ready for you to see and drive. So come an in and get the fu ll story on the beautiful new Chevrolets for ’65. CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ ing w ork.____________ 24tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT: New all electric du­ plex, two or three bedrooms, with washer, dryer furnished. $75 and $100 per month. Call HAzel 9-5832. 50tfc FURNISHED cabins for rent, $50 per month. Riverview Cabins, HA­ zel 9-3344.___________________ 50t3c FOR RENT: Two-bedroom furnished house. Inquire at 542 Third st. 50t3 ’6 5 Chevrolet It’s a longer, lower, wider, Toomier, road. And even ihal’ll seem newer. everything’s new right down to the And we’re itching to show it off. I t ’s a racier looking, quicker steer­ ing, flatter cornering, roomier riding kind of Corvair for ’65. With a longer, wider new Body by Fisher. And up to 180 hp available in the quieter, handsomer, swankier kind of Chevrolet. Fact is, just about B ecause now C h ev ro let’s J e t- smooth ride is smoother than ever. CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ ly furnished except bedding, dish­ es. Rent includes all utilities, heat, lights, water. Private bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. H. J. “Hill'' Edison, Mgr. ___________________________ 14tfc FOR SALE-Real Estate Columbia River MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate REALTORS VERNONIA BRANCH 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS CARD OF THANKS BILL HORN REALTY and Vernonia Bank Bldg. Insurance Exchange IIAxel 9-6203 FOR RENT. Small home, one bed­ room, electric heat. Ideal for couple, $35. FOR SALE: Newly remodeled two- bedroom home, $5000. Easy terms. FARM WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between income and outgo? 15 hours a week, days or evenings and Sat­ urdays. Must have car. L. C. Long- anecker, 17075 NW Springville road, Portland, Oregon 97229. 46tfc LISTINGS NEEDED SOtlC To Whom It May Concern: We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all of the cards and letters sent to a ir Mother, Vera Aldridge. Sincerely. Elmo and Iral Aldridge ___________________________ 50tlc I APPRECIATE visits and other brances while I and extend my each of you who so much the cards, thoughtful remem­ was in the hospital sincere thanks to were so kind Ruth Vealey ’6 5 Corvair More Io see. more to try in the ears more people buy Choose a new Chevrolet, Chevelle, C h w y H > C o r ^ new Corsas. Where do you find out about this firsthand? Just follow the enthusiasts—to our showroom* at dealer's No. 36 8700 VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY BRIDGE STBEFT VERNONIA OREGON PHONE HA 9-5023