Group Visits Home tor Aged IT'S YOUR LAW H ap tct fo r Law Maker Democracy Live DANGER SIGNALS There is no sorrier person than one who has been victimized by a phony deal. Unfortunately, once the buyer has signed an order or contract, lit­ tle can be done to get him off the hook. “But I didn’t realize...” are words often heard by lawyers who are us­ ually unable to help at that point. Despite the complete disavowal oi “caveat emptor” (let the buyer be­ ware) by ethical merchants, there are still some businesses that thrive on high promotion deals. Buyers are contracted by direct mail, over the telephone, or by “come on” adver­ tisements. Such sellers resort to fan­ cy claims and a high pressure ap­ proach. How can you avoid such sales tac­ tics? There is no sure way, outside of dealing with reputable, established merchants, and using common sense in reading the ads. But there are cer­ tain danger signals that should ring the alarm bell. Here are a few: “Buy now or lose the chance..." “You have been especially select­ ed...” “It’s only a legal form...” "You can save up to...” “Yours absolutely free...’” These signals do not necessarily indicate a bad deal, but they are fre­ quently used by shady promoters. So read carefully, think it over, com­ pare prices, and ask for information from a merchant you know, or from a friend. Remember, in this world of tough business competition, o n e seldom gets anything for nothing. Once you have signed an order, even the law may not be able to help you, no mat­ ter how bad the deal may be for you. In fact, unless the seller is doing something illegal, the law may wind up helping him to enforce the bad deal that you made. So watch the sig­ nals and look before you leap - or sign! (Oregon lawyers offer this column as a public service. No person should apply or interpret any law without the aid of an attorney who is com­ pletely advised of the facts. Even a Oernonia £a■ Values to $3.98 S YOUR CHOICE 8 ............. NOW’ $|29 A IMI I T V 1 A IA IIC T C AMITY WALLETS L®0*®8 Mens COTY from $3.98 $ from $3.98 X $2.00 Fragrance and Dusting Powder.....................From EMERAUDE - L’AIMAINT - PARIS - L’ORINGAN £ CHRISTMAS TREES | . . . . . . . . $199 * 8 ï 5-Foot Aluminum — While They Last SPECIAL..................... COMPLETE SELECTION NEW WESTCLOX ELECTRIC CLOCKS FREE KODAK FILM KODACOLOR OR BLACK & WHITE With Every Roll Left Here For Developing and Prints YOUR "Perfect Photo, Inc. DEALER During Month of December Only cene « Ä ff D R U G CO, HA-9-6154 S?