TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. Wilbur Davis, associate grand matron for the Grand Chapter of Oregon, Order of Eastern Star, spent last week end at her home here, then left again Monday on her busy schedule of visits to chapters throughout the southwestern section of the state. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, she and other officers from the Oregon Grand Chapter were in Dalles, Texas to attend sessions of the General Grand Chapter. Pillow Case yardage special $.49 yd., (Reg. $.69) at Fabrics ’n Fash­ ions. • ■ 50tlc Recent Newcomers to Vernonia are Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hazen who moved from Cannon Beach to the former Harkson house at 1246 Rose avenue. Mr. Hazen is a for­ mer minister of the Evangelical United Brethren church and more recently was associated with the Sunshine Biscuit company in Port­ land. The Hazens returned home last week from Kansas City where they visited their son David and his family. Western Auto open until 8 p.m. Fri­ days until Christmas. 50t2c Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers spent Sunday at Forest Grove helping their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schamp, move to a new and larger home. Special Christmas shopping hours at Fabrics *n Fashions - posted on door. 5Otlc Vernon Bateman came home Wed­ nesday of last week from Forest Grove where he has been recuperat­ ing since leaving the hospital. He is making good though slow recovery from surgery. For your shopping convenience, MAR-ONA BOOTERY will remain open until 8 p.m. each Friday until Christmas. 50tlc Mr. and Mrs. Marion Siedelman and grandson Benny Fields drove to McCleary, Washington last week end to make the acquaintance of twins, Donya Leanne and Sonya Lyn- nette, granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Siedelman, who were bom No­ vember 30 and weighed 5 pounds and 9Mi ounces and 6 pounds 7te ounces respectively. They are now staying with the maternal grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Crane at whose home the Siedelmans vis­ ited. Their son Don, daddy of the twins, called from North Carolina while they were there. He is anx­ iously awaiting his transfer to Ar­ kansas so that his wife and the twins can join him. Dor Cord yardage specials $1.00 yd. (Reg. $1.69). 50tlc Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fields left Saturday for Oklahoma to spend Christmas with his family. Their son Benny will fly to Dallas, Tex­ as December 19 and they will meet him there. Gary Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wright, of Mist route, is now employed as a guard at the Washing­ ton State penitentiary at Walla Walla from which seven convicts recently Oernonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1964 BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oregon escaped and he has sent clippings to his parents in which he was pictured and information was given about the search in which he helped. Since that escape, he and another guard foiled another escape. Gary graduat­ ed from Vernonia high school in 1956 and had completed a tour of army duty in Korea before taking this job. He is married and has a three- year-old daughter. Presently, they are living in Milton-Freewater, Ore­ gon but they will move soon to Wal­ la Walla. Western Auto open until 8 p.m. Fri­ days until Christmas. 50t2c Sherry Cox of Salem spent the Thanksgiving holiday here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodcock, and went with them to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mil­ ler for Thanksgiving dinner. Other guests at the Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hacksma. Jim Jones cam e home Monday from the Forest Grove hospital where he had spent the past two weeks. He is making good recovery from sur­ gery. Mrs. Emily King spent two days last week at the Forest Grove hospi­ tal for tests. She returned home Thursday to continue treatment. Mrs. Launee Cousins was at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Caramella at Milwaukie for Thanksgiving, then went to Grants Pass for a visit of several days with friends. She re­ turned home last week. Outing flannel special $.33 yd., (Reg. $.49-$.59) at Fabrics ’n Fash­ ions. 50tlc Dr. and Mrs. Oloff Hansen spent the week of November 7 to 14 in San Francisco attending the national con­ vention of the American Dental as­ sociation. They were kept very busy, he with meetings for the dentists and Mrs. Hansen with those for dental assistants. While they were there, heavy rains hit the area so they ex­ perienced California torrents which were causing slides in near-by areas. Members of the Aldrich family ga­ thered at the Odd Fellows hall Thanksgiving day for a dinner for which Mrs. Mary Aldrich came from Hillsboro to attend. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Aldrich of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Aldrich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Deri Roberts and fami­ ly, all of Vernonia. Mrs. Aldrich now resides at the Quaring Nursing home at Hillsboro. Organs, pianos, new and used. Conn Organ Store, Dec. 8-24, Horn Bldg., Vernonia. 49t3c Mrs. Ruth Vealey came home last Thursday from the Forest Grove hospital and is making excellent re­ covery from recent surgery. New shipment lingerie for HER for Christmas, make you selections ear­ ly at Fabrics ’n Fashions. 50tlc Funeral services were held Tues­ day of this week at Roseburg for Mrs. Clara Hill, mother of Mrs. Lloyd Callister, who passed away Saturday at a Dallas nursing home. She had been in failing health for some time. Mrs. Callister was called to Dallas Friday and Mr. Callister joined her at Roseburg for the ser­ vices Tuesday. For your shopping convenience, MAR-ONA BOOTERY will remain open until 8 p.m. each Friday until Christmas. 50tlc Little Lori Attebery was rushed to Rites Held For Former Resident Q U A LITY and LOW PRICES SHURFINE NEW CROP EVAP. MILK OREGON WALNUTS 14%-oz. Can Ungraded ft o $l .O K » 3 w s ; $1 A Z A A A IIIIT tU L U N U I Durkee’s Flaked, Large Economy-Pak 14-oz. Pkg.. Mrs. Winona Medley, wife of Walt­ er Medley Sr., proprietor of Medley’s Meat Market in Coopers Grocery at Forest Grove, died at the Tuality hospital in Hillsboro Wednesday, De­ cember 2 following an illness of the past six years. Services were held Monday, De­ cember 7 at 2 p.m. in the Fuiten- Friesen Mortuary Chapel. Hillsboro. Wincna Aster was bom January 15, 1909 in Marshfield. Oregon. The family moved to Huntington while she was still an infant and she grew up and received all her education there with the exception of some time in the Ontario and Nampa, Idaho school systems. It was in Huntington that she met Walter R. Medley to whom she was united in marriage on August 8, 1927 in Wieser, Idaho. During the first 12 years of their marriage the Med­ leys lived in Huntington and in Em­ mett and Nampa, Idaho prior to moving to Vanport, Oregon. In 1947 they moved to Vernonia where he worked in the meat mark­ et of the Safeway store. They made their home in Vernonia until moving to Hillsboro in 1952 where they have since resided. Surviving in addition to her hus­ band are ten children: Mrs. Dale (Betty) Roland, Hrs. Roland (Wan­ da) Sieman, Mrs. Glenn (Coleen) Rice, Walter R. Jr., Ernest C„ Ro­ bert D. and Wayne A. Medley all oi Hillsboro; Mrs. Bonnie Clubb of Gridley, California; Ronald L. Med­ ley of Spring Valley, California and Herbert J. Medley in the U S navy now stationed in San Diego; two sis­ ters, Mrs. Frances Robinson and Mrs. Clifford (Juanita) Luchs, both of Portland, and 22 grandchildren. 49c Lyons Radiant for f Q Fruit Cake ......... Lb, Pkg. J # C FRUIT MIX BISCUIT MIX Ä FLEISCHMANN’S 2/79c Strip of 3 Pkgs. 15 DRY YEAST.......... Milk Chocolate Blocks—12-oz, 2/95c a | a Honey Graham Crackers with IM>ADI j LU No-Bake Fruit Cake Recipe, lb. 34c ■a a If* IA If* Bel Monte Seedless 49c RAISINS 2-Lb. Pkg GHIRARDELLI (&H PWDRD. SUGAR BROWN SUGAR 1-Lb. Pkgs. Bellingham Air Strip Accommodates Visitors BIRKENFELD—Cecil Elliott, Keith and a friend from Warrenton flew here Saturday and landed on the Bellingham air strip. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist at­ tended the Methodist church in Clats­ kanie Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham spent the week end at Astoria with the Ted Bellingham family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg were As­ toria business callers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marlin of Sher­ wood visited at the Fred Larsons Sunday. 3/35 CHOCOLATE CHIPS n ^ 2/75c HI HO CRACKERS 34c 45c STALEYS SYRUP CAKE MIX E L 2 for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 Vernonia Extension Unit - West Ore­ gon Bldg. - 11 a m - Nehalem Valley Coin Club - West Oregon Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. Election. Nehalem Social Club, OES - Home of Mrs. Jean Bergerson - 8:00 p.m. Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF hall - 8:00 p.m. Christmas party. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 Mist - Nehalem Extension Unit Birkenfeld center - 10 a.m. Columbia County Grade School Bas­ ketball tournament - High school gym - 7 p.m. Basketball - Loggers at Hood River 6:30 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 Winema Grange card party - Birken­ feld hall - 8 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls - Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. Lions club ladies night dinner - Ma­ sonic Temple - 7 p.m. Christmas party. Christian Women’s Fellowship - Christian church - 7:30 p.m. Christ­ mas party. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 EUB Guild - Home of Mrs. Harry Sandon - 8 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary - Legion hall - 8 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 EUB Circle - Home of Mrs. Cass Bergerson - 1 p m. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple - 8 p.m. Trip to California Taken During Holiday BIRKENFELD—Roger Berg spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his folks at Fortuna, California. On his return he brought his mother, Mrs. Russell Berg, as far as Portland, where she spent several days. She was joined there by Shirley Berg Tuesday for dinner at the Cottage Kitchen. Mrs. Berg returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Pan-nan of Portland visited Sunday at the Dar­ rell Bakers. JO Y T H E A T E R Dec, 11-12 Fri., Sat. MARNIE “Tippi” Hedren PATTERNS and MATERIALS for CHRISTMAS PROJECTS 85 SWANS DOWN ANGEL FOOD Dates To Remember Ribbon, a rt foam, satin sheen balls, pixies, candles, etc. Order table center pieces, door swags, wreaths and Christmas gifts plants now. — ALSO FLOCKED CHRISTMAS TREES — SPOFFORD'S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP LIMA BEANS “ Freze" 4/85c GRAPE JUICE 2/59c ONIONS >‘h“ "............ Lb. 5c GRAPEFRUIT " rPink 3/35c Your Headquarters for Christian Supplies V V S >? S ' __ ••• Ä 0 A $ V V Í * V 5 î v V *5 •Î i POT ROAST - 49c Fresh FRESH STEWERS Cut Up Lb. 29c 100% Pure Ground GROUND BF Fresh Hourly Lb. 39c FREE KODAK FILM MILL MARKET tX V i X Î •5 S V V V V i V $ V V i V V •5 Member of United Grocers With Every Roll Left Here For Developing and Prints "Perfect Photo, Inc. . and STILL CHAMPION! You can depend on-: S T A N D A R D DAIRY PRODUCTS for PURITY and consistent QUALITY! Have delicious Standard Dairy products delivered to your door. . .HOURS EARLIER! You’re as close to Mill Market as your Phone—HA 9-3492 KODACOLOR OR BLACK & WHITE YOUR V V J î Free Deliveries Twice Daily—10 A.M., 3 P.M. I DEALER il DRUG C the Forest Grove hospital in the Vernonia ambulance last Friday night with a sudden illness which hampered her breathing Her moth­ er, Mrs. Shirley Attebery. brought her home Monday. HA-9 6 0 5 4 Western Auto open until 8 p.m. Fri­ days until Christmas. 50t2c Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner va­ ir MF» cationed several days the latter part of last week and enjoyed a trip to Olympia and Tacoma, Washington and to Portland Mrs Gamer s moth er, Mrs. Wm. Lindley of Garibaldi, stayed with the three Gamer chil­ dren while their parents were away. V î J See and play the new Conn organ. Horn Bldg., Vernonia, Dec. 8-24. 4943c Mrs. Vera Aldridge remains in V V V critical condition in the hospital at Milwaukie, according to word re­ ceived this week. Still some red-hot bargains on the sale rack at Fabrics n Fashions. >5 Henry Anderegg—Local Distributor V •5 s