(u a v .i’K U . ^ « n u n . B A !» » n i ) i n n n in iH m iB in ;n » n « m n IT'S YOUR LAW Jtopccf far Lan Makee Draueraey Live Under our dual system of govern­ ment, two sets of law -state and fed­ eral-m ay govern what we do. State laws have traditionally gov­ erned certain fields, for example, the law of wills, e la te s, and trans­ fers of property upon death. Each state has its own rules on death tran­ sfers, how to make wills and what happens when a person die., without a will. But the federal government has same power in this field. In a dispute between the United States and a state over a decedent's estate, the U. S. Supreme Court set forth same of the federal powers: A war veteran died in a veteran’s hos­ pital without a will or heirs. He had some personal property. Under the state law property reverted to the state. Under federal law his property goes to the United States. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal statute controlled and was va­ lid under Congressional war powers. When patients in a veterans’ hospi­ tal die without wills or legal heirs all their property goes to keep up veter­ ans’ hospitals and recreation pro­ grams. Other veterans' laws have cut into the states’ property laws. Federal laws govern G. I., insurance. As a rule people who live in fed­ eral enclaves within a state must obey state laws. Thus, Oregon law governs civilians on federal military and scientific areas, or workers on a federal reservation as to wills, pro­ perty, marriage and divorce. In the case of crimes, there may sometimes be con-current jurisdiction. But the federal government may pass laws to avoid conflict between state laws and a national policy. (Oregon lawyers offer this column as a public service. No person should apply or interpret any law without the aid of an attorney who is com­ pletely advised of the facts. Even a slight variance in facts may change the application of the law.) rest. We might claim damages. We may want the court only to en­ force an agreement we have with someone by directing him to perform a specified act. Maybe we want to stop or prohibit an action or circum­ stances that will cause us harm Then it’s an injunction suit we want. Maybe we want to get back some­ thing other than money loaned. This is known as "replevin.” What it is, we’d be almost certain to come out aliead in the long run because we think about suing only as a last resort, and only when our con­ science tells us we are dead right. We have faith that the law will pro­ tect us, that a court will see that jus­ tice is done. (Oregon lawyers offer this column as a public service. No person should Fpply or interpret any law without the aid of an attorney who is com­ pletely advised of the facts involved. Even a slight variance in facts may change the application of the law.) F IN E — WE Oernotiia EagU THURSDAY, DEC. 3. 1964 KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" D E L IV E R - A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square 29 Yard_________ J. Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square 59 Yard___________ A 9x12 Plastic $7715 Surface R u g s_ • ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned. Independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING NOW 10 l- o o t See Our New Selection of Table Lamps p95 and up 10’ SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and Box Springs $ d Q 9 5 Price, each jk «Z Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $ f7 Q 5 0 Springs, Each • *z Visit Our Toy and Fur­ niture Department Up­ stairs Batteries — Group 1 15 Mo. Guar. $HF55 Exchange • PR O G RESS Coast King " 2 0 0 " N TELL 10” VELOCIPEDES f’ -VIEWER Feature* etep-plete ball bear­ ing front wheel,eeml-pneuma- tic tire«. Red & White. (SX2420-7) t 12” (SX2422-S).............. 5 1 0 .8 8 16" (SX2426-1).............. &12.88 IGHT NEW WORLD OF ENTERTAINMENT SHOWS PICTURE-STORIES IN TIME TO WORDS AND MUSIC. B trn z o m a tic . L ad y V anity TORCH KIT _ , X ? , 7 Light TREE LIGHT SET ELECTRIC Cute electrically with 2 »tain- laaa steal, hollow ground, waver- ly edge blades. Detachable card. (WJ 0450-1) La Salle "Fan Gio” Automatic Elec. Heater with *0 /1 95 Thermostat— IN NEW CHRISTMAS CORD SAFE CHRISTMAS LIGHTING F a ttiv e graan cord, rad plug and 3-autlat connactar. UL approvad. (EB0259-5) Pencil point torch, flame spread­ er, soldering tip , heavy duty burner head, epark lighter. In metal case. (HA1896-7) Holiday 8 Transistor 4 -K o ll Economy 1S-LITE S E T .fT F a 2 7 n -n .lI.O 7 Universal "C om pact" HAIR DRYER RADIO HOLIDAY WRAP Each lite burns Independently. Indoor use, extension plug, colors. (T F0260-3) Regularly $12.95 Titan Circi-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant $6 Heat. Only — *25’ NEW ! Big Rectangular Screen MOTOROLA COLOR TV Regularly $15.95 Colorful Christmas designs and colors, 340” - of quality gift- wrap in big pattern variety. • For Fine Reception • Carrying Casel • Earphone! • 9 Volt Batteryl (ME0008-9) Big 52 Galien Silver Seel Electric WATER HEATER Handwired Chassis Full Year Guarantee Color Indicator Light New Slim Cabinet Controlled Oakland Wood Heater Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater Don’t buy a color TV that may soon be obsolete. Get a Motorola Rectangular Color TV. - Now O n l y __ ~ Extra large hood, nail palish dryer, 2 pockets, hat box style. (W50300-2) Auto. $ X 5 ß 95 Model FD 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. capa­ city, 30” width, 59%” height, 71-lb. zero zone freezer. Automatic de­ frosting refrigerator section. Snowcrest White only......................... Goulds oalanced flow shallow w ell system No tank, no extras. (Many Other Models In Stock) X FRIGIDAIRE Thermostatically S Q Q 50 B^twell Sofa Bed and i z i z Rocker Set ............... *299’ ’179’ IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA V is itin g H ig h lig h ts T h a n k s g iv in g H o lid a y RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick were guests Thanksgiving day at the Iwme of her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce at St. Helens. Sunday the Krinicks visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Briggs at Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May and three children spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mizner at Hillsboro. Mrs. Alice Mills came home Sun­ day after spending Thanksgiving at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff. Thanksgiving day visitors at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Richard Good­ man were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gaines and tour children of Eugene Riverview At the Mile Bridge B— « E C O A S T . T O - C O A F U R N IT U R E T.V .Pillowback Recliner Vinyl Covered, Foam Set and Foam Back. Now ^ Q 88 Only DO • • • • S T O H ÍS C O A S T TO CO AST S TO R ES HARDWARE and ELECTRIC Family Makes Holiday Visit MIST—Mr. and Mrs. James Stagg (Beverly Bliss), Bobby Dee and Beth Anne Bliss of Walla Walla College, College Place, Wn. joined her moth­ er, Mrs. Bern Bliss and the Ray Garlocks Wednesday evening for the Thanksgiving holidays. The Lloyd Garlocks joined the group for Tlianksgiving dinner after which the family went into Portland to visit with Bern Bliss who had entered the Portland Sanitarium before Thanks­ giving for an operation. They found him coming along fine and planning to leave the hospital soon. Mrs. Fred Larson and Debra visited at the Gar- lock home Saturday evening. Mrs. Archie Horgan of Hayward, Cailfornia was a Monday overnight visitor at the Dave Crawfords. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Deatheridge and family of Bremerton, Wn. arrived Wednesday evening and spent the STARTING A LAWSUIT holiday with the Crawfords. The thought of starting a lawsuit Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel ac­ may cross your mind, and you have companied Mr. and Mrs. Lawton only the slightest idea of when to sue Waddell to Portland Thursday and and how to start a suit. joined Marlene Kahoe for Thanks­ Our laws give us a written guaran­ giving dinner. Wednesday evening tee that the courts will see to it that the Libels attended the dinner at the we are repaid money we loan, or that Natal Grange. people we deal with will keep their Members of Mist Helping Circle word when we make a contract, or are reminded that the club will meet that we’ll get what we are reasonably December 17 instead of the 24th entitled to if hurt because of another due to the holidays. They will meet person’s negligence. at the Birkenfeld Center and reveal Suppose someone doesn’t pay the secret pals and draw new ones. Pot­ money he owes us, or smashes into luck will be served at noon with our parked car and refuses to pay Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Mrs. the garage bills. Or, maybe he claims Wayne Kyser as co-hostesses. it was our fault when we sprained an Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews en­ ankle on his broken stairway and tertained with a family get together lost a week’s work; and we feel sure Thanksgiving day, with Mr. and that if he had taken care of his pro­ Mrs. Walter Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. perty we’d’ never have missed the Robert Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. pay check. Art Farnsworth of Portland as The law gives us the right to go to guests. The Farnsworths arrived court. That, W9 know. Wednesday evening and joined with Which court is the right one? Is the Mathews in attending the Natal the claim small enough to be handled Grange Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. by a Justice of the Peace? Or, must Alvin Wright and David of M. BRUNSMAN < CO A S T - ÎO -C O A S Í The guy who boasts that he runs things around his house is probably talking about the lawn mower. Reform is a medicine some men want others to take. E& B LAUNDRY and*” ! DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge St. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Sarrica CASH & CARRY I - . . - —. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guests, Visits Spark Holiday BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ by Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonn- quist and Mrs. Winifred Hult dined out on Thanksgiving. Shirley, Nick and Erik Berg had dinner Thursday at Portland with ¿in aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Larry Hoff. Saturday evening Mr. ¿md Mrs. Arby Mills entertained with a fam­ ily dinner. Also present were Mrs. Freda Foster and Miss Ann Ram­ sey. J. J. Lonnquist and his brother Scotty of Eugene came Friday for a visit with relatives and that even- ing a get together dinner was en­ joyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins were dinner guests at the Mickey Hopkins home Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham and family of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bellingham and family and Mrs. El­ sa Richardson were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Art Bellingham. Mr and Ms. Lloyd Beach were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach at Pitts­ burg. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parman and Roger of Portland were guests of the Darrell Bakers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg and Walt were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berg at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg and Loren were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicholson of Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Buster Benson and family spent Thanksgiv­ ing at the Everett Johnston home. The Larson families were guests at the home of AI Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen of Monmouth spent the holiday at the Francis Nordstroms. Miss Cathy Du- Puis and Miss Jean Borders, stu­ dents at Monmouth, rode home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Condit of Portland were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston. Pete and Chuck Lousignont have been here visiting with the Donnie Lousignonts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bender and children of Forest Grove visited here Friday with relatives, the Roy Stuves and E. T. Johnstons. ATTENTION TRAPPERS Access to Crown Zellerbach Corporation lands for beaver trapping shall be by permit only. Permits may be secur­ ed from the Corporation Pitts­ burg headquarters.