Dates To Remember THE PUBLIC WELFARE ? TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lamping and Mrs. Marion Knoll went Io Yakima family from Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamping and family from Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lamping Jr. from Lyle, Washington all made visits here at the home of Mrs. M. J. Lamping Sr., mother of the three men. Local members of her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lamp­ ing and family, Robert McNair and family and Mrs. J. A. Yeager, also were at her home to visit with the out-of-town guests. last Wednesday evening to join her husband for Thanksgiving at uie home of his parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Knoll. Rev. Knoll is making good recovery from recent surgery. Mrs. Knoll reported snow at Yakima from Friday through Sunday when she returned home. Organs, pianos, new and used. Conn Organ Store, Dec. 8-24, Horn Bldg., Vernonia. 49t3c A group of ladies who enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mrs. Olivia Wood included Mrs. Grayce Bundy, Mrs. Thora Shafer, Mrs. Blanche Millis, Mrs. Lois Thay­ er, Mrs. Maude Wells and Miss Ivy Peterson. Mrs. Darrold Proehl received word recently of the death of her father, Arnold Larson at Lake Preston, South Dakota. He had been ill for some time and Mrs. Proehl and her sisters had visited him last summer so she did not make the trip at this time. One sister, Mrs. H. L. Lee of Portland did go and her husband and family spent the Thanksgiving holiday here with the Proehls. See and play the new Conn organ. Hom Bldg., Vernonia, Dec. 8-24. 49t3c Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shafer of Sa­ lem brought their Thanksgiving din­ ner here to the home of his mother, Mrs. Marie Shafer. Guests during the week end at the home of Mrs. Shafer were granddaughters, Del Rita and Teena Marie Rose of For­ est Grove and Marlene Wantland of Beaverton. Miss Connie Bum ess of Eugene spent the Thanksgiving week end here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cagle. She also visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Marie Shafer. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Cagle home were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wantland and family from Beaver­ ton. Christian Church bazaar, Dec. 4 and 5, fire hall. 49tlc Bill Krieger cam e home Sunday from Good Samaritan hospital and is making good recovery from recent eye surgery. from Mrs. Otto Bittner of Hillsboro that her son, Loyd Osborne, suffer­ ed another heart attack last week and was taken to the Portland Vet­ erans hospital. ! St. Mary’s Altar Society cooked food sale. Sat., Dec. 5, Deans Mark­ et. 9:30 a.m . 49tlc ; Pure Vegetable i 3-LB. CAN Mr. and Mrs. Clifford White, who retired in March after 17 years in the Vernonia Western Auto store, took their long-planned vacation trip in November and spent a little more than two weeks in the Hawaiian Is­ lands. November 2 they left Portland by jet flight. Their entire tour was planned so they could see the most in the allotted time. They visited four of the islands, and on each, they took tours to see pineapple and sugar cane plantations, the volcanic lava beds, the many beautiful flowers and other things of interest includ­ ing Pearl Harbor. They were im­ pressed with the friendliness of the people. Weather was perfect with temperatures from 72 to 80 degrees. They flew from the islands to Ever­ ett, Washington November 20 to visit their son, Clifford Jr., who brought them home on November 22. St. Mary’s Altar Society cooked food sale. Sat., Dec. 5, Deans Mark- et. 9:30 a.m . 49tlc Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken were in Medford for the Thanksgiving week end at the home of her daugh­ ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ gar Culbertson and family. They found Mr. Culbertson improving slowly from his recent heart attack. Mrs. Ruth Vealey entered Forest Grove Community hospital Thanks­ giving day and underw“”* surgery Friday morning. She is making good recovery and hopes to be home soon. Guests for Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall of Astoria and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Kamholz of Jim Jones is steadily improving following recent surgery and hopes to return home this week end. A number of friends have been visit­ ing him at the Forest Grove hos­ pital. mentary schools enjoyed a coffee hour together Monday evening after school in the teachers lunch room at the Washington school. Mrs. Dorothy Sandon, Mrs. Ida Richards, James Johns and Wayne Markham were in charge of refreshments. Christian Church bazaar, Dec. 4 and 5, fire hall. 49tlc Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed and Os­ St. Mary's Altar Society cooked food sale. Sat., Dec. 5, Deans Mark­ et. 9:30 a.m . 49tlc The faculty m em bers of the ele­ car Weed were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gamer and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gamer. 2 THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1964 JO Y T H E A T E R Fri., Sat. Dec. 4-5 THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN Plus THE RAIDERS (Questions about public welfare which are of general interest are answered in this column as a public service. Help with individual prob­ lems is available at your county wel­ fare ofifee.) Friends here have received word Goldendale, Washington spent the Thanksgiving week end here with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz and sons Greg and Ed. News received here from Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Pevoto of Pima, Arizona who formerly served the Vernonia Baptist church, is that he is in the veterans hospital at Ft. Bayard, New Mexico and underwent surgery last Friday for stomach ul­ cers. Demonia Eagle • » » » » » » I « * » » » » : Church Plans Discussion The Mutual Improvement associa­ tion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold a fireside discussion at the chapel on Sunday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m. Visitors are welcome. Missionaries from the For­ est Grove area will explain about the Mormon church. At the heart of the 4-H club pro­ gram are some 400.000 men and wo­ men who serve voluntarily as lead- AT LOW PRICES Make Everybody Happy. . .Give Starting Dec. 4 SLIPPERS $2« Store will be open each Friday till 9 I’. M. until Christ­ mas 0JW BOOTEB Y QUALITY SHOES 854 Bridge S t , Vernonia COTTAGE SPRUANCE i SHORTENING BREAD MIX 59‘ 3-Lb. Pkg. Makes 4 Large Loaves . . . j J 59' ! MAYONNAISE: 49 c WAX PAPER . ko „2/75 c NESTLES QUIK 2-Lb. Cannister 75c KLEENEX Pkg. of 400 H FAC. TISSUE- - 4 for 95 SARDINES Norwegian—3%-oz. Can 5/79c Fireside 2/69c FIG BARS lH-Lb, Pkg. 25c PINTO BEANS “ LIBBY’S DARK BROWN 2 « Tins PORK & BEANS - 5 ■ TCI ID Chili Pepper I JR 9 1 Snider’s Large 20-oz. Bottles 2/45c MJB INSTANT COFFEE 10-oz. Jar $1.49 Franco-American 3/49c SPAGHETTI 19'/i-oz. Can ft FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN 10-oz. Pkg. CUT CORN.........6 for $1 35c BROWN RICE Booth Frozen Pacific Ocean PERCH Skinless Fillets—Lb. Pkg. 2/89c CARROTS ..... E .c h 10c CABBAGE » e l " “ ......................... - 5c Does public welfare find adoptive homes for physically handicapped children? The fact that a child has a physical handicap does not in itself mean he cannot be planned for through adoption. As with all children in permanent custody of the Public Wel­ fare Commission, the agency makes every effort to find the right home to meet that particular child’s need. It is not always easy to find adoptive homes for a handicapped child and public welfare welcomes applications from prospective adopting parents who feel that they could accept and love such a child as their own. I have a chance to earn five or ten dollars a month on odd jobs, would it mean a cut in m y old age assistance check? If you are already on Old Age As­ sistance and you find a job of this type, the first ten dollars of monthly earnings plus % of the next forty dol­ lars can be disregarded completely in computing your need for assis­ tance. If you earn more than ten dollars, necessary expenses, such as transportation can be considered in determining bow much your grant will be reduced. I am a college student and would like to become a social worker. Is it true that I can get help with the cost of m y graduate education? If you are employed in public wel­ fare after you complete your under­ graduate training, there is a possibili­ ty that you might qualify for one of the educational leave grants public welfare provides for its employees to enable them to complete their professional training. If you are not employed by public welfare, you may be able to qualify for a training grant to help meet the expense of your second year of graduate educa­ tion after you have completed the first year. In either case, you would be required to agree to work in the agency for a specified period of time following completion of your gradu­ ate training. Why do som e fam ilies get general assistance when there is a special program for aid to dependent chil­ dren of unemployed parents? Under Oregon law, persons receiv­ ing Unemployment Compensation are not eligible for assistance under the Unemployed Parent Program. Some families who need only temporary help, such as those who expect em­ ployment in less than a month’s time, can receive emergency Gener­ al Assistance more quickly than eligibility for Aid to Dependent Chil­ dren could be established. June Eversole was reported on the sick list but is improving. Laughter eases people over the jolts and rough spots on the highway THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 CWF - Christian church - 1:30 p.m. Vernonia Study club - home of Mrs. Harry Sandon - 8 p.m. Christmas party. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 County Homemakers committee - Home of Mrs. Helen Sandstrom, Columbia City - 10:30 a m . CWF Bazaar - Fireball - all day. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 St. Mary’s Altar Society food sale - Deans Market - 9:30 a.m. CWF Bazaar - Fire hall - all day. Grange installation, Vernonia, Wi- nema, Natal - Vernonia hall by golf course - 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Lions club dinner meeting - Fire hall - 6:30 p.m. Arts and Crafts Society - West Ore­ gon Bldg. - 8:00 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall - 8:00 p.m. City Council - City hall - 8 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 Timber Rt. Extension Unit - Home of Mrs. Barbara Bergerson - 10:30 a.m. Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood - Home of Mrs. Ben Brickel - 8.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Columbia Co. Historical Society - Fairgrounds - Noon. Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Initiation. Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. State Prepares Forest Seeding Another big year is expected in re­ forestation by the state forestry de­ partment for the state-owned lands it manages with 11,599 acres sched­ uled for planting and 2,176 acres for seeding. A large portion of this area is lo­ cated in Northwest Oregon where 9,169 acres will be planted and 742 seeded. Much of this is in the Tilla­ mook Bum. Elsewhere, 1,131 acres will be planted in the Willamette area, with Clackamas, Marion, Linn, Polk, Lin­ coln, Benton dnd Lane counties in­ volved. In the southern part of the state 1,034 acres will be planted in the El­ liot State Forest in Coos and Douglas with 1,434 to be seeded, while 40 acres are up for planting near Glen­ dale in Douglas county. In accomplishing this objective, a total of 5,478,535 nursery-reared tree seedlings will be used. And in addi­ tion, 1,734 pounds of forest tree seed will be applied in aerial and hand seeding. Arrangements have been made al­ ready for planting crews. Trade at home,, for your own sake, — and community progress. DR. R. V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST Wed.. 10 A .M .- 5 'P.M. Vernonia Clinic Building PATTERNS and MATERIALS for CHRISTMAS PROJECTS Ribbon, a rt foam, satin sheen balls, pixies, candles, etc. Order table center pieces, door swags, wreaths and Christmas gifts plants now. — ALSO FLOCKED CHRISTMAS TREES — SPOFFORD'S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP PORK ROAST PORK STEAK “ RED SNAPPER Fresh BOLOGNA Premium - 39 c u, 49c ....... n>. 39c, MILL MARKET and Lockers You’re as close to Mill Market as your Phone—HA 9-3492 Member of United Grocers Free Deliveries Twice Daily—10 A.M., 3 P.M. Students Spend Holiday W ith Relatives Here BIRKENFELD — Marvin Larson and Gary Johnston returned to college Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with their folks Mrs Winifred llult of Horton spent Thanksgiving anti the week end here with relatives. Mr and Mrs G. P. Wanstrom were in Portland with their nephew anti wife. Mr and Mrs Lowell Swanson, for Thanksgiving, then spent the week end with their daughter and grandson, lone Downs and Steve Mr and Mrs. E. T. Johnston and smaller children took in the auto show at Portland Saturday. The "coffee break-’ as usually practiced is not an efficient substi­ tute far the adequate breakfast. Many a man stays up all night listening to the money talk he work­ ed all day for. our Headquarters for Christian Supplies Beginning DECEMBER 4 - Montgomery Ward Sales Agency will be open Frida vs until 9:00 p.m. Week days and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This Christmas call Wards for "Talk of the Town" Values MONTGOMERY WARD SALES AGENCY 786 Bridge Street Phone HA 9-6744 Locally Owned and Operated WE WELCOME TELEPHONE ORDERS W ARDS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONÉY BACK V s | i v