n in H i B H H U i n t » - , — - E Gross Farm Income in County * n n , . Mer, but because most Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baker and has undergone surgery on his lalla spent the week end here with Christmas meeting at which the Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson, of it is used by growers for livestock spent the week end with his folks, shoulder. He is not yet able to go Ann’s folks. Saturday evening, the 1964 pals will be revealed and the Terry and Dave, Lloyd Johnston and feed, the small amounts sold to other the Darrell Bakers. back to work. Mrs. Robbins spent girls were dinner guests at the Shir­ exchange of Christmas gifts will be •lirn Bellingham. Terry, Lloyd and stockmen and ltorse owners returned Several from here attended the several weeks recently in Mississip­ ley Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ram­ held. Jim went down Friday evening. sey took the girls back to school about $66,000. bazaar and program at Mist Satur­ pi due to the illness of her mother. Mrs. Vick Berg accompanied Mrs. Truck crops, mostly cabbage for day evening and enjoyed it very Ruth Steers to Portland last Wed­ Jack Gaston returned home from Sunday afternoon. Read the ads, it will pay you! processing into sauerkraut and cu­ much. Mr. and Mrs. Errand, two sons Tuality hospital Saturday after cumbers for pickles, along with beans Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson were spending seven weeks there due to and a daughter from McMinnville bring gross receipts of about $82.000. recently in Astoria and Portland. injuries received in a car accident. have moved here and are living in While potatoes are grown rather Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Glick and He is able to be around on crutches. the Tom Johnston house. Mr. Errand widely over the county, limited Candy were Saturday evening dinner Glen Reynolds, the son of Mr. is E. T. Johnston's farm hand. amounts sold commercially for table- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds, came stock and certified seed return grow­ Mrs Lloyd Beach entertained with home Saturday after several days Kruckman Brothers Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview ers a gross figure of $48,000. a birthday dinner last week for her stay at Tuality hospital with a kid­ Small grains, once major crops in mother, Mrs. Maud Rogers. Also ney infection. Visit Local Couple "Where Your Money Buy* More" A t the Mile Bridge the county, have netted growers sucn present for the dinner were her Vernon Bateman is still conva­ NATAL - PITTSBURG — Fred low profits that these crops are now three other daughters. Myrtle, Lena ALWAYS — Top Quality lescing at the home of his mother, Kruckman of Camas and brother used primarily in rotations and or and Mary. Mrs. Nellie Bateman at Forest Harry Kruckman of Latourell Falls erosion prevention rather than as a Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham were Grove. He will have to return to ALWAYS — Best Prices major cash crop. in Portland last Friday evening at the U of O hospital December 1 for visited with Mr. and Mrs Noble Dunlap Saturday. Farm woodland returns for the the IVrtland International airport to a checkup. ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass spent year remained high, probably as a meet Douglas who had come from Mrs. Mabie Mills of Los Angeles Monday in Portland They visitea result of continued harvest of blow- Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He is on a —From your home-owned, independent grocery__ delay, enroute to Fort Lewis and is visiting at the home of her moth- with their daughter. Mrs Don Arm­ er. Mrs Artie Buckner strong at Beaverton, also. will spend Thanksgiving at SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Portland were Sunday afternoon vis­ 6 THURSDAY, NOV, 26, 1964 SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! Cline at Vancouver Sunday. itors of their son Orin and wife - WE D E L IV E R - NEW! Big Rectangular Screen MOTOROLA COLOR TV SA LE STARTS TODAY! /I W. Mathews See Filins of Camp ÎB lii ÿ ’ $- J J . T 7 ’10 ’68' Helping Hands Slate Election $4 Box ¿4M $r 1 jQ «/ 50 V 0300303 $Q/1 “F 95 156 139 $1.69 B33SBEB33a3XXEiai>— 4 Injury Forces Long Vacation iztZ 179’ $ 299 00095 Winema HEC Dates Party KING ’S Grocery-Market Denton ia Cagle