Chamber Plans Sponsorship of Holiday Lighting U unrr Cousins. chairm an of Manual holuby lighting ««K«-» ..„„„I by «»"' V.-riM«.h. <1ui»nl*c '»«• »»-’H r4*r wl1* ** „I .iH w m iw the winners cui»-» are w f*4t«ws 1-uqMr-' to «Umiliate (Mirticl KMi by «H rreUdmts ,n “n ovrr ,4i,ri l<> «< * ,,rrn0>- arti»*« «n*l fnendlinro« '*’ "ur ,4 Vernonia 'hiring ihr hnlldoy ; i will b««tn ,*< *m b er S rod I •« ember 1« j winner» *111 » * " • l " ^ 1
»iwun 60. who had „-n a r«uU, rvreung following an illness ! 'Jr p » t l’> month» Puraesl »rrvice» were conducted I the Evangelical United Brethren inert» Tunwlay. Noveenbor 24 «* pm with arrangtvnent» entruMwl ) the Kui'.en E'n<-.«i M-ctuary Th- rhur'h paotor. Rev llaynwwwl krtgart <4fk< I n te l with Mr» Frank rrafin a» -«J««»! and Mr*, U oyd I mtu » a» argantat (onrluding rite* r»! intromeni were nt the VemnnLi (ro»«--.! «ernetm with four of hi» ■phr»* Robert Horoid. Gordon awl lanm (Yxwxinn Ja« k tklrun awl im Cox waving aa cask»« Iw-arer* Thr -«I >4 the l.»te John awl E.m la IlyrrtMO Mindy J<4wi Byomson nu bom .»I Sherwood. North Dako I September 23. 1W4 After receiv nr hi» education in North Dak<4.x e rame an a v awl two ststrrs. Mr» Edith I'rowMon. Vernonia, nwl Mr* Juur UklliKro rli tun flie Harriett Well» wan bom No reive a loir evaluation Without rettlatrntion it ia (»malhle that w a w hounrn could lie rni»»»«l thi* tlw com m ittee winhe* lo avoid li Begiairoikm i»*n»m» wtlJ appear In 'hi» |ut|ier ne»t week T h ew < egin at 7 no p m the evening lit tlerem her III 7 TTw»e will he three catw gurie» in which |irire» will he awarded fw te«identi.d .|i»,4ay« Itrligiwi». which will Inrlude N ativity Men««, etc , llliuniiuition which * ll, be iliaplay» m adr m o lly with light», awl Santa (Tau» which will include decorating Itm ta «»ch airm en lor the Vnited Good N eigh lxc drive in thw area rrtart that total» ore rlim i«ng awl that tnnum|ilr4e«l figures thi» » rck iw iicate that It has reached » e ll ov er 80 |»ex ent of the gtwl .4 11200 w t (ur thi» area The drive will ckw e at the ew l of Novem ber after which a com pkde refurt ai luwl* and « g an u atiow » donating will tie given It is h«i,wd that by that lim e thr area will go over live R«»>J »o a» to leave a «uh vtantud amixml in the local em er gem y luw l The co-th ain n en urge alt »h o m ay have l>een mmnnd In the willc Italian nwl who wish to contnlxitc to ctmtart «liver <4 them now Students Go to State FTA Meet Member« of the Euturr Teacher« ul America ch a|«cr at \ erwvma high srhool. aectaripanied by thrir at! v lsw . Mr« J W A raitu m . attewl ed the annual ETA state convention in Partlaw l N ovem ber 13 aw l 14 Sennon» were Iw-ld al Portlawl State Collage E'riiLiy evening, tliere was a Ivan quet which was attended by Mr» Acalturrt. Kothv M in g « . Ituviell Itedmund Tim Conroy, Kory Work man awl t h ru Bew ler Other* who a tt« u l« l «eaaiana on Sotunlay were Tammy Ixiwlcr. P ete aw l C ard Bninsm an The Saturday w~**i«mfi ilealt with the varifNW aspect* of Ic.vching Demonia VOLUME 42. NUMBEIt 48 «ETEEN s w a m re s te d an It i« alw ays tntereMlng to know wiuit (Nithn memlier» of each high M'hool griMiunling rlasn follow awl it ha« been ihe cuabmi each fall to give infirm atlon eorvceming them when information could In- wv»em Med <4 the 31 viixk-uit »hr. graduated at Vernonia high *f ix«4 last May. 14 have enmllerl in w e e type <4 train Ing beyond high Mhnd Thi» incltide» college«. univem itim awf traile •choohi Thi* make» a v«-ry gn»»| re­ cord for Ifve cla*« TEwne wiw in <4her M-hwil» include luv«| with tier |vorenL* to Ihe ' (Veek area where she attemi- hwil Her high school «lucatiim ” 1! "i ■ Q i «| m < h * *1« united In m arriage to ’mm E Barrett. September 13. *>n h«T parent's farm near E'ar- ¡rove Mr Barrett prw-«»rd n death August 21, »«»fit» e tlien she hoe *|ient much 1er time with her chitlren in wda awl Pirtlaw l. ■vlving are two children. Me|- ' Ham-tt of Vernonia aw l Mrs " Kolileganle <4 Portland, six '< h'Mren awl eight great grawb J*". » brother. Howard T Well« 'tamath Falls, a sister. Mrs >» Sue«» <4 Portland VERNONIA. OREGON V O L I S'TE'.E.R flrrm ra »harpened iheir »kill Monda* night ot a prai lK r bum at 1143 ( olumhia Street. O rili M aster lina Bebb direeted ihe p ra e tlrr lor « h lrh ftre- m rn «e re ralled by thè regalar alarm System a f l « School Confab Attracts Group Arthur chairman memlxT and J Bellingham, schc/jf board David Brunsman Mr» Ixiard Mona Gordon, clerk W Acaiturrt. superintendent r.-prejwmtod .«-bool district 47J at the November 1420 Oregon S chool Boanbt association. Oregon Asnocia twn of School Administrators and Oregon School Cfcvfcs aswxiation convention held at the Portlawl Hil­ ton hotel The various (rohlem* of school organiiation awl administratiwi »ere examined in discussion groups In jfMilion, state and national educa tionai figures spoke m current and ¡«•wling pnihlim * confronting edu­ cation Acaiturrt was a member of the panel which examined the Oregon «mall high school W rirk of the Oregon small high .sebaoi committee was discus«! with changing inrtruc tional awl curricular innovations in the small high school being the main topic School Seeks A-2 Transfer The Oregon School Activities As soriation is expected to take formal acticsi this week end on the formal transfer of Scappoose Union high w-hool from the A t Wilco league to the A 2 Cowapa league The will not interfere »ith the remainder i4 the 1984-^j school year ftr which all «chedukxi athletic a ctiv iU « will remain in the Wilco league Schwvl* in the Cowapa league no» include Hood River. Concordia. Ver noma North Catholic. Rainier War­ renton Clatakaroe. Seaside Neah Kah-Nta and Ranks However, it is understood that Bank» » requesting a transfer to am Robt,rt SawLstrom. Clatskanie Ile- house had been fueled and fired by department members. The bouse was owned by Beri Robert» and Bill Horn Youth Group Requests Listing of Curfew Law A local youth group has requested a of curfew regulatnau for Vernonia so that youth in the age limit* specified by the law may be informed of the r«|iurefnent* and comply with thetr. City ordinance No 313. passed in 1951 wtahlishes the following regu­ lation* It state* that it »hall be unlawful for any person under the age of IS to be on thr street.* or in public pLace» m the city betwron 'he hour* (4 9 p m awl 5 a m during the months of (irtoher No­ vember. liecember January. Febru­ ary. March awf April Eor the re­ maining months May June July and August the hours are stated as from 10 p m to 5 a m It further states that these hcur* mud he cb served unless the person under 18 years of age is accompanied by a parent guardian or suitable adult Certain excepiwns are allow«!, in­ cluding actual travel from or to places of employment school, re- ligicus meeting* or errawk* of mer­ cy or emergency uwler the direc twn of parent or guardian, or go­ ing to or from places of recreation or -ur.u*e'T)ent with the consent of a parent or guardian The ordinance specifies that it shall M- the duty of the officers, on a first offense to take the offender in­ to custcdy and notify the parents or guardian or to have the child taken home If after such notification, the par- Vets Property Taxes Increase enL* ailow the child to continue to violate the ordinance, they become liable to arrest and fines ranging from «25 to $100 and or jail senten­ ces of up to 30 days If continued violation of the cur­ few ordinance has indications of de- iinquewy the offender tan be re- mawied to the juvenile court Scenic Board Slates Hearing The Oregon scenic area board will hold a public hearing Tuesday De­ cember 1. in Seaside, to consider designations of three scenic areas in Clatsop. Tillamook Washington and Ctlumbia counties. The hearing is scheduled for 1 p m. at the Seaside hctel The first area begins at a point two miles south of Carmen Beach junction on US10I in Clatsop county and extends southerly 8.68 miles to th«- north ;>ortal of Arch Cape tun­ nel. except for an 32-nule section inside the Cannon Beach city limits. Petitirner for this area is the Ore­ gon Roadside Council The second area, submitted by a different petitioner, covers much of the same section on USIOt This se- wn-mile area begins at a point 2 5 nules - uth of the Cannon Beach junction and ends t 18 miles north ot the neeth portal of .Arch Cape tun­ nel Excluded are 2 64 miles from Cannon Beach's north city limits to the south end of Cannon Beach front­ age road Petitioner for this area ,s the Cannon Beach Commercial to the statewide average of «J»*- The berrowro pay» •»» J**“ „xm hly to the state .'rtroatv* dc* club The third area. 35 miles in length, un US28 Sunset Highway* begins at a point 0 63 miles east ci Neconicum unction and ends at a point 0.50 miles west of the Nelulem Highway junction west of Manning This area lies in Clatsop. Tillamook. Washing­ ton and Columbia counties Excluded are 2 50 miles at Elsie and 2.00 miles at Vernonia road junction This area extends on both sides of the high­ way. except for a throenule section betwron F-Lsie and Jewell junction, where it is on the south side only Petitioner for this area Is the Oregon Council of Outdoor .Advertising Construction of billboards is pro­ hibited from highway sections desig nated as scenic areas E.xuitng signs must be removed from this areas within sew n years Inrorporated ci­ ties and heavy rewnwrctal areas are part men t along with his exempted The av.rage ex-C,l with an Ore gun veteran»' farm and home loan paid a property tax (4 » » U‘“ -v~ £ a 10 tiervent increase over the he paid Iasi year and 15 percent above his 1982 payment of $285 This figure was reported by H ( Saalfeld. director <4 the state p.irtment of veterans affair», which pn,d ».771.SM in 198440 Wees th^ month i«i the p r o p e l « 28 h- World War 11 and Korean veterans who have state loans u x paymaat was «7.497.258 on 28.968 properties In Columbia county, the tax on 334 properties was 98.208 25 a' erage tax here was «294- « m p rv x l - the tax colUxior. anti maw » November 15 to twm throe percent discount th,.» *ear saved the veteran «271.(«> Demos to Rally I’hrLstmas Trees - Democratic Victory Rally >* hekl Friday. December 4 at 7 at ,he M«J*e l U H n ek» a •pus will be a pot 11 « 'll * h,r^ TV Program to Feature Trees , ‘ ,,, ,k ,,,c n - d Their Pro V«- M e m b e r 29 on (T ia n o eU -K G W ^ .v n Coin Walrod. Columbia c««tv Don ( oin Christmas ex te n sm ^ ^ -u c « tree sp «ies. I f«- use and and certain " J * * * “ “^ care of trees for best res