8 THURSDAY. NOV 19, 1964 T h o u g h t le s s H u n t e r s D e s tr o y P e t P ig e o n TIMBER—The pigeon belong­ ing to the B B. Wright fm ily and a pet of even-one in this communi­ ty, will not be» flying down to ride on anyone's shoulder or into a honx’ to perch on a TV or radio to listen to music any more. It flew down on a car top in front of the tavern the other day, expecting a tidbit in­ to be petted «hen two hunters cam e over and took it of the car ami «rung its neck Many tears were shed by the small fry These men. strangers, will m4 tx> too welcome in this vil­ lage Mr ami Mrs Clarence Tabor moved their trailer house from the Johnson property to West Tim­ b er this List week end The Kelleys have txvn very busy- clearing off ami burning underbrush recently, making a pasture and nwm fix- a small ham for the latest mem ­ ber of tlx'ir family, a horse. Er.uik Ceiloha, accompanied by Al Tucker, went on a bunting trip for elk last week No trophies were ob­ tained. however Mr and Mrs. John Ahiso and Grant Reed returned Monday from Elgin where they «ere elk hunting Mrs Alviso visited with a cousin she had not seen for 40 years while there. They also visited a brother of Mrs Alviso's, Berl VanWinkle, who lives near Elgin. w iu m g u tlU llH lr Stock M em bers M eet a t S alem O e r n o n ia E a g le HOME APPLIANCE ¡TORE! The 29th annual nxvtmg of the Western Oregon Livestock association is scheduled for the Marion Motor hotel. Salem, on November 19, rt. ami 21, association president Myron HARDWARE tK ELECTRIC Harper. Brooks, representing over F IN E F U R N IT U R E 1000 affiliated nx’mbers front county livestock associations announced this week. Senator Wayne Morse, featurtxl speaker on Friday afternoon, will iliscuss tlx- current national livestock situation At this sanx1 session. W T Guerts, Oregon Turkey Grower’s as s.x-iation manager, and num ber of tlie freight rate study committee, «ill high light their study progress The heavy business of the assix-ia tian is done by a group of six com­ mittees who «ill start functioning at Biltwell Sofa Bed ami I 30 p ni November 19 \ no host dinner is set for the Senator hotel at Hocker Set 6 30 p.m. that evening The Friday morning program pro vicies committee reports ami a talk on livestock economy featuring Mar iixi Thomas. extension economist at Oregon State University The annual Banquet is set for the hotel tor Fri­ day evening starting at 7 oo p in All m em bers of county livestock associations are members of W o \ and a re urged to attend the conven­ tion Special activities have been planned for wives attending T w o F a m ilie s H e r a ld G r a n d c h il d A d d itio n s un BRUNSMAN WE appliance month AT COAST-TO-COAST VI« 45 RPM D E L IV E R Thermostatically Oakland Wood Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater Ss.oo RACK SALE a * a- • I «».•. > Lok» • • '4 * ' •nxFMD N E W ! B ig Reclangulir M OTOROLA COLOB 51 ANTI FREEZE a r ' 12 02. CAM \ •••• • ratwtaa N j Uf « ♦*••••• Aba»»ka » • • » * * • ri HMkfc **4 11»*«. AC04MU) T V 1‘iDowha. k Kertinrr Vinyl Covered. F órni Sr4 ami F'uam Bin A Now only ’G S 96 Ihm 'l buy a robu l-i Salle "Fan Gio'' Automatic Filer limiter with IMMIftlkH « ‘2 1 Tbenncwt.it SIM M O N S l —, J Titan Circi Aire Portable Ikneboap! E ke Heater ambiiutxxi Fan Farced and Radiant S lum ber King Innet Spring M attress are* Box Spring» Heat Price. e a rh ’2 5 (mb IS e a a ty ■ wa S pring Í4 1” N O V EM BER Z 6 - 1 2 P .M . TO 8 P.M . ROSES KITCHEN Sun set H ighw ay at Tim ber Junction Service U p . . . Go with Ease * * * * C om plete, su p erior s e r v ic e a lw a y s ! N o-ch arge ex tra s, loo! B elter b u ys for you r car s e r v ic e buck! A ll w o rk gu aran teed ! BOB'S U N IO N SER VIC E ll.llid w ! . vìa < « 1 i l ) Y r a t G u a ra n te e « • ■ >. I I • \< a S h u . ( a h tn . • i M , at • l. i/ '. ' ' ¡a S*rt| liir e r f 7 9 ” □ Model FD 11 <4 — io.il cu ft cap.i city. 30” width. 59S height, 71 lb zero zone freezer Automatic de frosting refrigerator ms tion Snowcrest White only 299 $1.69 B udgetonv covering 1 a Visit Our Toy and Furniture Department Upstairs ng u ’rm n vtnyl F ute asl Hour f w r i n g spiare F o r m e r T e a c h e r V isits F r ie n d s a t J u n c tio n n.MBER Miss From-.- .Monmx who was a forrn.T teacher at Tim ber for several years ami now Ls head teacher at Maiming, was a wsvk end guest at the Timber Venwua Junction uf Miss Gladys J.Jmson Mr ami Mrs M rry Spomiel ami son Bobby ..f McMinnville sjxmt the week end at the home of I^n-y-, parents. Mr ami Mrs Vern Sptm.M-1 Farrell Wert, to date, seems to be the only lucky elk hunt.T in tllIH vicinity. He bagged a nie- one laxt week W edding R ites In A nchorage TIMBF.R R T —Mr ami Mrs Wil­ bur Thacker hav. received word that their granddaughter. Darlene Newton, daughter of Mr ami Mrs Royce Newton of Anchorage, Alas­ ka and Ray Neckalski, also of An chorage, were married at the First Baptist church in Anchorage No v. rnber 7 Walter Rascal! left for North Bend November 15 to lake a coufm - m logging through the job training program conducted at Southwadern Dregon College Ills folks took him to Portland to the bus depot then spent the day with Mr ami Mr- Virgil Hascall. Mrs Muriel Watson, Mrs. Mamie bloan and Mrs. Hazel Hascall yte- ii'd Mrs Mae Wicnecke MomL-iv evening 7 Mrs. M J Miller from St Helens «pent several .lays the first week of November visiting at the h^nie of a friend, Mrs Art Odam n> IJVK IN VDW P in n a in M a k in g f o r C h r ia tm a a P T A B a z a a r Junction Area Accident Pw * “ b” pnUu, k ''" P" > Mr Kare am i v‘ Mn, Clarence ( luir li KyMT Mr ,,nd Mr* Karr of Vancouver Safurday Monday afternoon guests at the at ? me ' Mrs ,.J,n f 1 M r Howard Grtonabo. Mrs tJoyd karlock. Mrs Norman Han-, lM,n, Mrs Prod Bunch ami Mrs Wayne K. Mrs Crawford showed tlK. |w ,.|, •n - < Ii IIH r g r r n K Iin i> ri s A burg h ead q u arters. m «id a a « I nb-wdetr. Get a ( <>lm TA . C orporation la n d s for b ea v er ed from the C orporation P itts ­ (MCOOtO-S) •P a a k D i p i " C a t Lin» A cc ess io C row n Z ellerb a ch o n ly . P erm its m a y be se c u r ­ "r» a.. <4i B. J • • r«,»«, • 1 »M*»' £••• «"4 • •• .”4 i m « - •«< M •• «"J Alit -• f 0 ,.»'•» * • 1 «>••• Autc T 39 8" HOti^l •A Vi OVIR ’1 5 6 ' Heater BIRK EN FELD -M r ami Mrs Roy S tin e have news of a new grandson MIST—Saturday evening. Mr and bom November 9 to Mr and Mrs. Mrs Ed Simmons of Clatskanie Mr Fred Bender of Forest Grove He ami Mrs Walter Mathews. Mr and has been named Kevin Scott and Mrs George Mathews Mr and Mrs weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces Clarence Kyser. Mr and Mrs Nor­ Mr and Mrs Richard Paul are m an Hansen. Mr ami Mrs Fred rejoicing over the arrival o l a Busch. Mr ami Mrs Howard Grtms granddaughter bom October 8 to bo and Mr. ami Mrs Bud Hemeon Mr ami Mrs Harold WiLson Diane gathered at the home of Mr ami P a u l1 of Portland. They have named Mrs Lloyd Garlock to enjoy an e\ her Summer Diane Her other grand­ erung of visiting and games Sunday, parents are Mr and Mrs Wilburt the Garlocks were in the Hazel Dell Wilson of Clatskanie Mr and Mrs. area near Vancouver to visit trie Harold Wilson and little daughter Roy Totten and Yem Wagner fami­ recently spent a feu- days with her lies The Tottens have just moved folks here into a new home Mr and Mrs T. W iLstad of Enum­ Mrs. George Mathews substituted claw. Washington, her daughter ami at the Jewell grade school Monday husband and Mr and Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs Ed Johnson of Port­ Morris from Portland were here land were guests at the Al Schlehub- Sunday to visit with the E T John­ i t home Sunday Mr. amt Mra Bud ston family. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Koljones of Hemeon and family visited there too Friday guests of the II M Reyn­ Seattle spent the week end with olds were Mr ami Mrs. Robert Doty Ann Hanberg. of Portland While on a drive through } E& B LA UN DR Y and ’ * the Mist vicinity. I>r S A Thinnger stopped for a short visit Sunday- DRY CLEANERS Mrs Hugh Cox are! Mrs Wayne 736 Bridge St. Kyser w ere in Longview Tuesday on ! — Also, Shoe R epairing — business Visitors at the Cox home Tw o-day Service Sunday were Mr and Mrs Kenneth CASH & CARRY Fowler of Warren. A T T E N T IO N T R A P P E R S Controlled ‘ BIG 10" HOLIDAY TRANSISTOR RADIO F ACM FAMOUS LABEL RECORD ’1 7 9 “ Group M eets at G arlock H om e NOVEMBER IS HOME Vl«htng Sun IIMBF.lt At a caffe clutch hrld * the home Of (he IT A premdenl Mr» \ e m Spumrl. l»rt H e d n m U ) 1 '«Tung, idane were made lor a pre 1 Ixi-Nm-is bazaar Itosremher II to raisr more-» f(jr ,rM U -nd * g ra m l .r the Tlml«-. , hil.lren H ire r (■Lire were prreenm l at the N m rm f«-r II ITA meeting Vartawt cam mittees were ann.sin.ml and tbetr ’ •'.«-I outlined There will lie a foal ' 'ble lonry work a white r|r|Ju»ni able, (ail |«eid. ra k e walk ami a grab bag A nvair having itenw i s •'ble fir these various t« a h s n u t Mrs St-mwl who will have 'hem |,irknt up Ihnner gm-Ws tert Sunday at tte* B I .liman honir m r Mr ami Mre Everett Drury of V anrouvw ; I'» Falith icggle „1 Hujrton and Mr «*1 Mrs M I. Tollman .4 F.rert (.rove TIMBER Ib a h w a j» * ’ «-d Al Met i..* They are 1 *** d Mr awl Mr» J‘* lly. r a r tll M'!(<*» 1 M rOurfi«« him*. 1»' their I m is ' M K IN G ’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 Mfhara Your M or»r Buys More" ,M MU* i* ALW AYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Boat Prices ALW AYS — Phone and Dalite^T From your home-owned. Independent gro^ SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE iRC