CWF Plans for nors Due Farmers During Party, Bazaar rm-City Week in State, U.S. ■ " » . . I F a rm -tty N<> Lynd«*' ,I.1UI,.,I by ?'•*»<* “ „ r r Ix-in« «»«dr lililí-X»1 Illan» p. ,1 ni. . , V I . Í M . " _ through (Wvg,« m a l m i t to Lawrence E - Ik * . N o v rm lirr 12, the CWF held an all -------------- «1- luive dropped. but Ila* a v«u ge »Ire of farm » In the state grew fr « n 34« acre» In ,«50 io nearly 300 acres In IfMMi A decade ago. <«e <*il of every M'ven |«r««in» lived on a farm Now. It 1» alx.ut one In 13 E v m though fa rm population luia been dropping. rural populatti« 1» increasing, a* |«opte move to ihe Miburta. tK e r (lie past decade, the ru ra l non-farm («jM ilala« Ui Oregon Iww recorded a 12 (» < (« * inert-a»«- Al Ihe v m r lim e, fa rm e r* have bnrome increoAingly e ffi< l« it. free mg more awl nw re fieaple (a produr« the oilier g(««l)» aw l Io provide Ihe M-rvicea llia l account for the nation'» high »lawlard of living. It wa» ex plained r ffld « * l’r,MhM'r r J 4 " K I product* the *<*>«’ ,MM ' ih r American fa rm « „ .It«mi' rr »>lw I ..I ........ . b',lk"' , i ini» U '»«■ fire»’««' " tv n in . • I x I. hm «« ' n»r> «►‘ h o tn n m af K»rtn< Uy Week « m m ll -allinj’ alleni Ion to ,h r which md» «*» Thank»«lving „uni out Ü mi I n grlru l Ihr IW« I U Oregon'» «cvnd ranking In r „-,**k*l («ly by timbm murti rgun (antier* ( («tribute wn« noted .et’1* 1 rcunamY, H . own Ih rir own form *. are rt jl ,,„| liavc a big b ind in »1» . / living f«< n rv rr r,. ,n hnbwy •»» * ’ ” " “ h f," B| |«-cn | few many «< «’ n-a.M«a,de a c w t buy«* la r g ì« tanner» »pen, null last 'e a r Io operate th ru V m -IU- i U»y r « - r t ir d M l« ) (ur thetr product« Aa la» tlw v contributed 444 m illlt« gavanimm, for real aw l per pruprrty * ,r -f .,<-»« «-y wa» valued al «,> Bjnalrly V . billion A* praduc thry (armed 21 m illion ocre» U aw) their (armhouae rent' borne pr(«lum l food and tu ri i valued ai 444 m illion M allM i.- (lay meeting in the Christian church social hall Time was »pent working «1 a quilt until alterwxm wb4 month in M Helen» reported an enjoyable tim e Miss Faith M< Cruckrn mlsaionary from the Con go. wa» ih»- speaker In 1M0. one Am erican fanner pro duerd enough food, fdw r awl rth e r farm |ir««hicl» for 1'» |i« q ,lr In 1963, h r »applied enough for 31 people A* a result fowl a* a IwtU-r buy today than ever Ixdme the n w iia lr men »tre»» noting that American» are eating lx *te r while at the n iin r tune using a Mt»alU* amount of their ta ke-hirnr j»ay 1 « food C urrenlly, food take» lc» Ilian 19 cent* of each »(wndable dollar, compared with nearly 23 cent* In I9M comunw*». < »regor. farmer» out last vm r wane 445 m ilii« i wt n>-xx net«»" tor the Mime that c ity " («mille» buy. «ucb (,»1 clothing drug*, furniture ance» «e I form and hane own«». 72 « il fvrf • (anti o,«-t.line* Ul the r in I'»'/« were lu ll owner* and ,,T. ¡».ri own«-. The remaining wm ¡«olom m anlly tenant* ngon (arm ojx-rator* like ibw e ywhtVc have sown many change* past decade Farm inani««* Letter to The Editor To the Editor 1 arn rk*-ply grateful , « th«- oppor tunity to carry on the work of the late Walter Norblad a* Ccmgreftsman f- r the Fir*t Congressional District Ix-t r w extend my »¡were thank.* to the t.undredv of volunteer workers who made possible my victory, and to the thousand* of Republicanx and la-nwxrat* who Ixxiorcd mi- with their votes The annual Christmas purty w ill la- held ISs-emla-T 14 at the church D errm tier 3, the next mwding will la» held in o rd ir Io prepare tmzaar art h I«-» The hezaar awl cooked lowl sale w ill la- at the fire hall Ihs-em her 4 awl 3 The rne«4ing waa ad journrd with the CWF jaayer Alaska Scenery Holds Interest lairin g my campaign. 1 »tressed my determiruition to represent the First District with a birthright awl active voice in O m grca I intend to howir this pledge with all my ener­ gy. awl lo respond to the problem* of every resident of the District Al­ though eli-ctions are now over. I will w ed continued *ufxiprt and counsel in meeting the challenge afforded r w My d w r in Washington w ill a l­ ways lx» open, and no communication w ill be unanswered T IM H F It ItT - I 'a u l Weaver writes relative« hare that the recent trip he mode from Seaside to Sitka. Alas­ ka was indeed a pleasant ow- He la now employed a, Sitka awl vtate* that the» view of mountains awl *w/w from there is breathtaking Peterson« Completing Mr and M r* Gu» Hull from Rod Move to Warren Home man flay. Alaska arrived here laat N ATAL I'lTTKBU IW ; - M r awl Monday to *j«-nd the winter Mr awl Mr» Ronnie Smith and M r* V rrw m IM eraon of Vonrw iver were here Suwlay to help hl» folk». fam ily fr<»n Cottage Grove spent M r awl M r* Ira I ’ rtw w m (*«n|»lHe part of the week end visiting Mr and M r* Bud Gibson awl family thetr m o*e to th eir new home at A (om ier Vernonia rwddm i Fair! Warren Iteynold« has (wen relea-ed fr« n the Sulu Sawler». k r« lie aw, ,k«ina hospital awl 1» making »atwfartxry awl ("¡irol Ibvidcrw»! called « i Mr aw, Mr» NoWe Ium lap W «lwwday recovery from the tnjuru-* he re ceived No* ember 4 when a car aftrrnoon ‘ >• ' ¡ ' ■'>' M eet* la«t T h u rs d a y e v e ry m<>nth Tuesday and W<*tne*da> night of West O regon E le c tric A u d ito riu m . List Week here with an aunt and 7 SO P M uncle M r awl M r* tanw<««l Reyn I.eorge U » « . President old* awl their four children I rn extremely proud to serve the v(M/-rs of our Slate, ow, humbly grateful (or their support and good wishes Moot sincerely, Wewiell Wyatt Cwignxwman First Congressional lAstnct LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA LIONS CLUB J tfT S F IR ST A N D T H IR D MONDAY E A C H M O N T H I JO P K - T IR E H A L L k f. Sargent. ,*rc»ident Jack*on. SecrrSary________ 3-feS A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Loda* No. 1M A. F. fc A. M. m»«t« at Masonic T»mpl». Stated Communication th ir d • Thur»«l*y o , »ach month, •t I 00 p.m. F. H»* Hall, Nntilr Grand re* tiilliertaon. Sec. |-*5 • HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Mset» 2nd and 4th Thursday ’•lings o, »„eh month In the *-O.F. ban. Order of Eastern Star N ehalem Chapter I S3. O. E. S. Regular com m unication firs, and third Wed. of each m onth -at Masonic Tern pie. All visiting sisters and broth era w elcom e. Jean Hrrger»an. W. M. France* llerskey, Sec. , 45 AMERICAN LEGION Horn. Noble Grand Chance, Secretary M eets First and Third M ondays of each month. 345 ‘RNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE “nd of D irector» report to '“mlierx q u a rte rly . B oard m ee t. " ’,r” l * lh Munday», « 0 0 p m , Oregon E le c tric o ffice invited. • TUmas, President E’ »lyn Heath, Secy. 745 ft- VERNONIA POST 11« rhwmas llall, I'nnunander H a n y Culbertson. Adjutant A U X ILIA R Y Fir», and Third Tuesday» Heaulah llall. President Murel Folkrn, Secretary Son and Family Visit Hersheys Twg M ia s trv M io o r r WANT ADS WORK Fanners Slate Vote for ASCS Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, NOV. 19. psq vtate committees Qualification« i.f persons eligible to hold office as a committeeman in elude eligibility to vote in the election and being a local resident It is also highly desirable that nominees be curr>-nt,y active farmers or ranchers who are qualified for community committee work and who will be re­ presentative i j the various .sections and types rA agriculture in the com county. munity. Further information on com­ f^ich community elects three re­ mitteeman qualifications may be ob­ gular committee member* and two tained from the ASCS County Office alternates. The chairman, vice chair­ man and regular member of the SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! elected ASC community committee will also serve as delegate, alternate delegate, and second alternate dele­ gate respectively, to the county con­ vention where the ASC county com mittee w ill be choaen The nominee* from the Nehalem valley are as follows Bruce Berndt. Archie Da*«, Robert DuPuis. Loyd Garkxk. Howard Grunsbo. Walter Mathew M a r v i n Meyer. .M a x Obiack. John Siedleman; THANK YOU . . . Ballots for ccmmunity committee­ I would like to express my apprecia men must be returned to the ASCS lion for the vote of confidence by office by December 1, according to the many fine pecple throughout Co­ William Armstrong, office manager lumbia Ccsinty who worked for and BallrAs w ill he tabulated publicly by voted for me t h e incumbent county committee I further express the need for all of 'Carting at 10 00 a m . December 3, us to work together in all areas of at the ASCS office. government, to forge with under­ Tlx- county convention to elect a standing a new discipline for solu­ three* man county .ASCS cn Coin Walrod Norniwes are from the five estab 11 » h e d communities of Columbia Oertionia Eagle ■ ■ I I I I I ■ ■ I I I I I I I I I N ATAL I ’ lTTSRl'RG — Mr and Mr- Mike M ullin* and «laughter from laK .ran dr were guest* of hi* folk* Mr and Mrs DeeYorrr Her »hev last w«*-k end Sunday. Stanley Chandler and daughters Carol and Joyce and Mr and M r* 1 tank C ha rvikr »ere dinner guest* ot Ihe Hi-rdwy? After dinner they all a,- lemhxl the alumni fort ha II game in Vernonia M r and M r* Ih tk WlUi» of Gaa tun were dinner guest* id M r and M r* Max Oblark Sutsday Sunday visitor* at the 1 J Dae* home included M r and M r* !> « Armstrong and family of Beaverton M r and M r* John Buchanan and fa m ily of Ixwgvlew and Frank Reed and ht* mother M r and M r* Onn Davts were among tho-e who attended the wed­ ding of Nancy »Inward and F in n Stiff Saturday M r ami M r* Geo Mathew* called a, the DeeVeere Hershcv h r tiv Fri day evening Monday Open House Planned B lltM -J d E E U » -M i« 'n n i Han berg is having an open house and display of a rticle* for sale at her home Monday November 23. with pot luck a, noon A ll ladiea interest cd are wxdeome 7 I I I I I I I I I I ■ The Thanksgiving season is with us again, turning thoughts to the many reasons tor thankfulness on ihe part of each of us. May we wish you, our loyal patrons, a large measure of all the good things Thanksgiving otters, and we thank you for the many joys your continued friendship has brought to us. Several from here attend**! the hfl/iiar and program a, the Mne Maple hall Saturday evening M r and Mrs D arrell Baker vis­ ited with M r* Car, Eubank* at Bea verton Sunday They also visited with M r* Wilfred Patman who is in the St Vincent» b r u t a l where she had surgery recently She 1« coming along fine Wedne* lay (linnet guest* Mr and M r* G WanMrom wet» Mr* Ione Downs and Steve and Eileen G ertr. all of Portland Dinner guests Sunday a, the horn« of M r and Mrs Ron ItonNed of As tuna were the Bellingham familie*. A rt and Marie. tk*- ♦ ,s » « F WEST O R EG O N « ELECTRIC CO-OP.INt • V e rn 0 ^ A ^ c rR tc ^ self t,o u = CM X c ( : D . T A X F A T M O a T iv E EHTEHPR!SE