I Prices In This Ad Effective Nov. 19 20 21 and also Nov. 23-24-25 \ W e g iv e / E '. '■ Á SAVINGS f REFRIGERATOR BISCUITS WHIPPED CREAM MAZOLA CORN OIL KNORR SOULS STUFFING MIX 3 : 89 CANNED YAMS Hetty Crocker EACH Instant Lucky Whip Instant— EACH QT. JAR r o R All Varieties LEWIS I Wingendorf Seasoned— Keg. 33c Pkgs. BROTHERS SLICED BACON Lb. 59* HO CRACKERS No. 2 - Will take 13-lb. fowl or a 19-lb. roast. Regular S2.49 Value. QT. DECANTER P E IS 49* N ullings ROASTERS 3 : $1°° Red |j.b r l W hite <>r Yellow IS-X2T/ FEDERAL BLUESTONE 1.3‘ j - wz . Pkg. POPCORN MUM. WRAP No. .3 Squat Can NYLON POPSHITE REYNOLDS 0 R SPECIALS IN OUR NON FOOD DEPARTMENT . . . Sunshine Brand — F Irishman's Brand — l l.h . < a i tons RO SYRUP Blue Plate Cut — S&H STAMPS Heat Resistant DEANS SPECIAL PRICE PLASTIC TUMBLERS Asstd. Colors—Reg. 10c DEANS SPECIAL PRICE WALLA WALLA PEAS & GREEN BASTERS PE \ s A CARROTS 6* Lay-Away for Christmas Avoid those last minute rushes . . . “Lay-A-Way DEANS Way.” No in­ terest . . . No carrying charges. No. .3*1.3 Tina 5 : $1M ...........4 oz. Tin 55c cinnamon DEANS FEATURES THE FINEST PRODUCE BEST FOODS YAMS and SWEET POTATOES - - OCCIDENT FLOUR 10-Lb. Bag SNO-»1<>Y MAYONNAISE Quart Jar 1-Lb. Cello Bar» CRANBERRIES....... Eo. Z a BC WHITE t ’KISI* CABBAGE................ Lb. O (.KEEN M akes \ Salad PEPPERS - it 19* Complete Stock of Toys at Deans THIS WEEKS SPECIALS IK DEANS FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT HL W EST Ill-WEST lll-W EST III WEST PEAS Peas & Carrots CUT CORN Strawberries lO-oi. Pkg». 10-oz. Pkgs. 10-oz. Pkgs. 7 s $1°° 7 J $1°° 7 j sl°° ltKoz. I’Kgs. 6 : $1°°