Rebekahs Vote Gift for Home Gei Acquainted! km.w '"**T Pythians Plan Coming Events At tin- m eeting o Mt Heart lletiek VmuMii.i in I«®* (l„ orrgai Afiw’ru «" 1111i< er* wore |>t>-*ent ihe (Lr«t tim e in Nubto Grand X ' u‘ “i’i’,* d *,y J w »rvrrni mooting» I leut ha Hum exp ri-w »! hrr upprec IntifMi (<>r the good attendance on tlx* A practice is to to- held Monday eviming, November 30 at 7 30 p.m at which all officer« and staff mem hers are ask'd to be pn-wmt part <4 lw>th i4fle«w» ami inem tu’r» The charter won draped fur a |« f N *' Hal i4 30 day» m luerm ry «4 Alfred to I.«»* *eek> 'lu,z m ew lier «4 Mt Heart l/a lg e 1 « riuiny year», who |«a»*e«l aw ay No veenlwr I Officer« lor I9H5 were elra-ted lu follow« Noble grand Mathildr H it grrwm; vice grand. Marie Elttott; recording «erretary. Irnui Chance. ItnatM ial MKTVtory, I»«<4hy Carter and tra w u rw . Kaye Davto A|5MMi4ive <4ficer» will lie named later by the incoming officer» and nwtaliaiion will lie early in January A rejmrt woa given on a viait to the im H Fellow » h»«ne In Portland by Gertrudr Srhalock Mt Heart So rial 1 lull | »resident who had lieen M-tximpanied by Marie ElltrMt, Ma n r Shuler M ane Atkina ami I»oro thy Carter They had le a n x sl that Item« needed at fhe h « n e included *heei* pillow» «am am, towel* and atnce Mt Heart balge hod not *eni item* to the Inane recontly. Il® w m alkitted for |iur«*>< i im » i otnnUttre mtertainrd at the l«*iu- of bei Grave« Thur »lay. No It A Iwuncaa »-»»ion will . men potluck luncheon verte« <4 card partie» hall will atari Ntwem I 00 o clock H: Mlt Mrs Gladys Sozoff and Mrs Ro- bert Wyckoff of Forest Grove attend ed the meeting, the first they have been able to attend this fall and MILS. K.l.VIS STITT ».\aacy Jo Howard* S tilf-H o w a rd Vows Exchanged In EUB Church Rites Saturday A pink .tnd white c<4or » h em e waa rarrieil out at the w «bling laid Saturday afternoon N ovcto I xt It at the Evangelical 1 ruled Brethren church at which Mlwi Nancy Jo Howard, daughter »4 Mr and Mr» Joe Howard br»amr the bride <4 T Ivin G Stiff inn <4 Mr and Mr» I. T Stiff Ihon H u » Howard from Portland who wore There weren t too many girls tw¡uifont »ktrted drrvw* of junk »ilk then- heeausT <4 ».«catM«i Some organdy lte>< man wn* l-irry Hickman <4 girl* started their TV slippers R«4reshment.* were *erv«i after The I inlle* and groomsmen were the merting Itichard Hunteman Marvin M a « hath* Tomlin, reportet and William Howard r»her* were A ; la rg e Crisp Stalk* M'C k ILS E R K S H E U . . . 1 * 1‘ U K E . . . if» H oi . e ^ some . . . like ALL Stnndanl Ihury pnxluct*. WHY hO NT YOU ( ALL YOUR STANDARD DAIRY MAN TODAY? *0« Ocean lleach Highway — Phone 125-1400 Henry Anderegg, Local Distributor The own march was in fkxservante of the anniversary of the Pythian Sister order and will be sent with other birthday offerings to 'he Su­ preme Temple far carrying on the work '4 the or-U-r Following the meeting, refresh­ ments were served by Mr* Jennie IzLsby. Mrs Maude Wells and Mrs Grayce Bundy In addition to initiation at the De­ cember 9 mwitng, election of offic­ ers for 1965 will be held The coin march will derive funds for the Christmas gifts for guests at the Oregon-Washington Pythian home at Vancouver A change of meeting date for the last meeting in December is being made so that instead of holding it on la-cemlier 23 it will be December 30 That v ill be the date for exchang­ ing gifts, revealing of secret pals ing year Plans for installation of and drawing new ones for the com- officers will be made that evening, also 3 Double Boilers 4-H Cooking Club Started The Double Boilers 4-H club meet »ng was called to order Tuesday. Nwemlier 10 by the leader. Mrs' Neil Zimmerman The following officers were elected: President, Della Hass; vice-prem- dent, .Jim Bundle; secretary and treasur.r. Belinda Brewer; cheer lead.- Nancy Hartzell; song leader, Donna W arnland TTx gjrlii made orange floats which they ate at the close of the meeting Beporter, Vicki May Chapter By-Law Quiz PEO Program Feature -Mrs Ralph Valpiam was hostess for the November 10 meeting of Chapter BS. P E 0. Sisterhood After the business meeting, Mrs. W'm Bndgers presented a clever program in the form of a '¡uestion and answer quiz, on the constitu­ tion and bylaws of local chapters of the Sisterhood The next regular meeting will be Tuesday November 24, at the home <4 Mrs Richard Fletcher CAREFUL DRIVERS GET A A 20% DISCOUNT! f'f'? .■ i,:.8 i J Auto Insurance FMMIRS >«K I> zj ou« Aeren tb« nation » Around tke clock FAST • FAiH • FRIENDLY IJoyd Quinn — HA 9-5211 PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FABRICS 'n FASHIONS SWEATERS (Reg. $3.9M10.9S) Now $2.88-$6.00 SKIRTS (Rev. ' >10.9») Now $.3.00-$.’».00 VINYL SI EDB .1 VCKETS Only $7.00 AL1. regularly priced dresses and stretch pants 10<“< off FINAL < I/iSEO I T ON SI MMER BLOUSES. DRESSES ANI) SKIRTS SEW for Christmas with These Specials: One group Bate* Cottons One group reg $1.29-$2.98 One group W ools. 58-60" wd. (3.98) TARPOONS— 15" wide. reg. $1.98 HOMESPUNS— 15" wd.. reg. $1.98 NOW $.60 yd. NOW $.75 - $1.75 $2.50 NOW $1.50 NOW $1.50 NOW ALL YARDAGE not sale priced KT Off REMN \N T S — drastically reduced, good selection Due to Christmas layaways, no yardage lavawavs on this sale. SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 28 on ALL merchandise. C ****lflk •• really "Up-up’’ Stan- tnl hairy milk! It’» THURSDAY, NOV 19, ¡' jm At the rmeting »4 V.-monia Temple Pythian Sister» Wcxine-vlay evening »4 hurt week, balloting wan exempli­ fied and plans were made for init­ iation <4 new member* at the De­ cember 9 meeting ittt lodge loot Thunwlay evening ull ■0T* retired U m l« l'« . I t l . M l l v " « ‘"<0 hu*,M' low in g Ab#1 U Ocrnonia Eagie y f; I * 2 /2 9 c CELERY «« » or SW EET I’D I \1D E S 2 29c TAM J U rge No. Is Ocean Spray 2 i kgs.45c CRANBERRIES Fresh No Return Hotties Carton of 1 49c SEVEN-UP |6-o/. Size Huff«»— Free Bo* I SHORTENING \ttached 3-1.h. I in 69c Betty Crocker 3/S 1 CAKE M IXES Regularly 13c 39c BISQUICK 10-oz. Package N alleys 15-oz. Jar 4 /$ l CUCUMBER CHIPS Pennant Brilliant 39c CAKE M IX 16-oz. Package . . a a aw r* I /■ Mixed Vegetables fLA V-R “I AC Frozen—10-oz. Pkgs. 2 /3 9 c , — Davidson Sunbeam 2/69C STUFFING M X ... CRESCENT SAGE 1-oz. Tin 2/45C kaiser Heavy- A LU M IN U M FOIL Duty. 18”x25' 59c he uhii HAMS, m o « " »"« T H A N K !i< i,I l í ' . í . . ™ S A M ’S food store PHONE HA 9-5501 FREE DELIVERY ^ E ' S' chi J kens A M . ALL the trimmings