Holce n Dales To Remember t u t MSDAV. NOVFMHFH 1« Vcrnunbt Estwumei Bull TOPICS OF THE TOWN W.-»t lire II » m |*«vl Cluct» t lub • B»«I»C «4 Mrs Launw »'«tiuna • ■ p m Mrs. Trill;» Anderson was guest of honor Sumbv at a birthday »tinner at the home of her daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs Ed Rixxtiger in Riverview. Additional guests were two daughters and husbands. Mr an»l Mrs Sam Anderson amt Mr and Mrs Chet Anderson and a grand­ daughter and hushand, Mr an»i Mrs Dole Crouch and two ehil»|ren. all front Tillamook; another »laughter and husband. Mr amt Mrs Eben John and their daughters amt hus- bamis, Mr. and Mrs. Pick Ingram ami four children ami Mr ami Mrs Henry Easter and son. all from Portland; the Roedigers son ami wife. Mr and Mrs Pave Roediger from Beaverton, their daughter. Jeannie Roediger ami her fiance. Gary Jones. Pre-Christmas sale for one week only at Fabrics A Fashions. See ad in this paper. t it l e Jin, Jones, who has fx-t-n ill for gerv recently f» r removal of a brain tumor has improv«sl sufficiently so thi»t she has been moved from Good Samaritan htvspital to a nursing bonw- at Milwaukie Her condition still re­ mains critical, however IKIDkV, NOVI MU! H I t ( .duinbui F ncam pn-nl No »» . | im »F tiall 8 p tu HAH H D " . \OVFMB» It »1 duistiuii S»»ulh Hally l»«nquet I l |i rhurch •• *» p hi Mist t .romunitv Program MM Gym » «» p m \ former resident. West«»« Sheeley of Poril.iml was in Vernonia on busi­ ness Monday. Mrs. Marian Tallman of Portland visited hire last wxs-k end with her si.ter ami hushand, Mr ami Mrs Harry Culbertson ami her brother ami wife Mr ami Mrs Ed Crawford of Trohame Week end guests at the home of Mrs M \ McNutt were her daugh­ ters. Mrs Jerry Ganlner from Long view ami Mrs Jim Fluke from Springfiel»! PRICES Pro-Christmas sale for one week onlv at Fabrics 'N Fashions. See ad in this paper. 47tle George Biddle .accoinpanirol by his daughter. Tish ami his son ami wife. Mr ami Mrs Bill Biiklle of Aloha, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Junken <»f made a hurried trip to Riverside. Hillsboro were hero Saturday to at­ California last week to attend funeral tend the Stiff-Howanl weiiding at services for Mr Biddle's mother. the El'B church. Mrs Ix-titia Biiklle. aged 85. who Guests during the week end at the passed away quite aiddenly earlier h,xr»e »4 Mr ami Mrs Marion Steers in tlx- week They l«*ft here early wero two of their daughters ami fa­ last Wednesday ami drove straight milies. Mr ami Mrs Hon Smith and through Considerable snow was en­ children from Cottage Grove ami Mr countered between Weed ami IXms- ami Mrs Bill Cota ami two children muir. California »m the way down, from Forest Grove Sunday after­ .»ml coming home Sunday .they wero noon, Mr ami Mrs Steers ami the in snow this side of Grants Pass Cotas enjoyed a drive down the ri­ Relatives» at the home of Mr. and ver to Astoria where they crossed Mrs 1. E Stiff last week end who the ferry to Mecler and came home came to attend the- wedding of their by way of the Washington highway to son, Elvin inclmled her son and wife. Longview and across the bridge Mr ami Mrs Ray Ballard from Eu Millard Parks from Nubieber. Cali­ gene; her brother. Robert White ami fornia spent the week end here with his son and wife, Mr and Mrs La- his sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. Von White from Battle Ground. Wash Harry Emmons and mother. Mrs ington: his brother ami wife. Mr Iva McGilchrist He reported a ha­ ami Mrs Glenn Stiff ami their son zardous drive here Thursday night and wife. Mr ami Mrs Clayton Stiff when he encountered black ice most ami family, all of Hillsboro of the route of the Willamette Pass Mr. and Mrs. Croad Morgan vaca­ highway. tioned last week in California, trav­ Vernon Bateman, owner of the eling as far south as Sacramento Riverview Cabins, was able to leave ami across to San Francisco. then the University of Oregon medical back up to Eureka to visit his par­ school hospital Saturday and is stay­ ents ami other relatives They aLso ing at the home of his mother at visited Mrs Morgan's sister ami Forest Grove while recuperating He her husband who Is statiomsl at is improving slowly. Travis air force base Bon Pringle Among the »Hit of town guests at assistant manager at the St Helens the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe How­ Deans Market, acted a> manager ard last week end were his brother here in Mr Morgan's absence and wife, Mr and Mrs Ira Howard Mrs. May Havcraft of Pendleton from St Helens and two sons and is here visiting her sons. Albert. their wives. Mr and Mrs. Bill How­ Ralph and Bill Krieger and their ard ami Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Howard families. and their families from Portland, all Weaver Clark was here from Hills­ of whom were here for the wedding boro Tuesday to atteml the funeral of Nancy Jo Howard Saturday after­ services for A B Counts noon Fred Mangat Jr. was taken by Pre-Christmas sale for one week the Vernonia ambulance to th*.- For­ only at Fabrics *.N' Fashions. See ad est Grove hospital Sunday after he in this paper. 4711c received hack injuries in the alumni Mrs. Marie Shafer is counting an football game He remained there even dozen great-grandchildren now for several days this week for treat­ since the arrival PI( ED 55c |M” x2u Roll D u ty — l o t K o a-lin g Iln- lu ik e y MINCE M EA T.. . ;.. 2/83c CRANBERRY SC 3 65c N allev'x Pie Shut l ine Jellied I ( AMPI IRE SUPER II » s»A V . MID It !4 iK iptri Bs IT'11 Sisterhood Home ,g Mi V H It Flet.-brT I p m H F I P S ts D " M »\»MHFH Si I nbx» ITtanksgixlng sawvleo Christ lan «•hutch • 7 30 p m Nat.tl Grange Nat.vl lu ll SDTT 1.1». Pkg. Marshmallows - 2 for FCY CUT YAMS GREEN BEANS APPLES CELERY Absent M em ber P ro b lem Studied by 4 H C lub 1 litz mrtitber* «4 the M.»,4e Mr» Iuwv U vraliak rlub ntr< at the Ixxne <4 B»»«r Stedetman Saturday. \uvcm brr 14 What to »tu ;»b»>ut m em bers that iluO I coiwn U> uan>tings wax discus «1 Plans w«-rc n .wkr lot a Uhrlst Hi»» (sartv I»rowilie» IS with Yank I.X) 4 Iters us »'irsli Steve llurds-ts nrw s rrj*«;«-i Fam ily M em bers V isit Patient at H ospital riMBFH BT <.im Krynobte sun 4 Mr ami Mrs .in Heyrsnbk» was taken to Tie hreqalat in IlillsIsKt» i.»st Tuesslay H’S (uur sisters amt thetr fxrrrnts vtsitrsi him ‘»turvla- Ih f gran-fjr»'»'■« gradimu ul y-. vetsuv ,n b "Wl ‘4 ti» lu j ,iutr „i ijra"/1“ tronh »agtsoHi ty, Vas wan Murocope Swaty a M-k— ». -me , (os turers (g urn) |f„hjrr» « br^l b ir d Ui-inannSj» w , Im lixlir^ hqh ami |i »n< J e» ami riretna Pbnl I... lütis« Wt „ , I apitol II ,h«»v 1 - ^ Continued Educate AHorded Service M» Vien y Uxxsi at lor«« w ..» r eejerv g lo ries a'u'll t »Hire the»; rdur j»*t. re«(xx*tem« —mm y> 1‘*. »4 st b «4 ts ixrsrotiy alyet«« a • • «.uses He a J Mr • .1 M Ikon >.» land Bit wd« rrsdn laskr BEN S BARBES Expert Tonsoriil Open Sla Dep I I« Vernonia. (S p > •••••••< Lei mother rest on this day and coop with us S i. 50 for adults and 75c for cb ren. Eal as much as you want of whil wan). ♦ tu rk ry and Drewdng •»< fours*— S Kind» o f Salad»» ★ 2 Kind«» of Potato«*« W W .1 D ifferent \ rget.tM«* * 2 Kinds of Pie ( >1-11 I IMI P .M. to M V K E It E S E R \ OH P -M. \ T IO N S i® ’ - Happy T hanksgiving To All Innathan Extra Fancy 21-1.b. Box Extra Fancy Large Stalk* J— — —— ¡TURKEYS - B Grade ! Young Hens POUND TURKEYS - À Grade Young Toms pound LARGE FRANKS DAfAAl DMVUN Premium Thick Sliced TURKEYS À Grade Young Hens POUND l.b. 39c 2-l.b. Pkg 99c MILL MARKET For the . . . COLD SEASON Coryban-D Capsules - - $1* and Lockers Clt-an up naaal «iingi djon, p-- Multiple Vitamins - - • - ’hi»' daily, «ix m onth* (supply Vitamin C T a b le t s ----^ I HOD Tablet* f ’ompli’tt* family *upply ^,,r winter. 1GO nig. You’re as close to Mill Market as your Phone— 1| A 9-3492 Member of United Grocers Free Deliveries Twice Daily side this week ami found the new ar rival doing fine. Johnny Biggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. BO OTEH Y QUALITY SHOES «"’■'"I »'uougnT!?. K»» Ixs-n , l|k- -THANKSGIVING SPECU 21 rapMtilox. vitamin ( ’. PRE-CHRISTMAS Nov. 21 Nov. 28 ■ ou p in A|q.,tni,IMM CITY CAFE Key noldx H eavy MtMDAY. M»VFMIt»M 13 WW I Hain»‘ k» .»ml AuslIlaT) I im i I lu ll » » p r o . |»4lu« k \.-lv;»l»sii A*M-«nbly IL»ml«»w Girls M.ix.au» Temple 7 30 p ro I luiinl'er »4 t »xiuuerce Ixxinl W ent GregM» Bldg « '» » p r o 2D Cans PEACHES.......... 4 ALUMINUM FOIL I AT LOW PRICES A p p o in t n i hHXi Imildlng Charles Biggs who is at home on leave from Cuba, was married Mon day. November 16 to Miss Shirley Gascic of Scappoose. The ceremony took place at Cathlamet, Washing ton. Johnny will return to Cuba soon and his wife will remain here since |Q AM., 3 p.M lamiliwt are not permitted to aroom pany servicemen ll,ere The bri.R-'s Parents an- Mr ami Mrs John Gas etc o( Scappoofie. The only quest,,« (lwj(W nn 'kxlion year is whom- conedence to lx- your guide HEAD ¿OVERTIMING - |T PAYM! *exuf£ ¡X