Ocrnonia Eagle VERNONIA. OREGON J Ml 42- N l'MHUt 47__________ Till RSDAY, NOV 19. M ist Circle Ians Annual ntertainment feturib ) evening. «1 " 00 the Ml* I Helping Circle *1U Mtlt tlwtr annual hranfll pr» the Mi i gym n.«- evening ,(aI, - u h » M>«' >«>«•»'' v“r , r t y v »hkh »ill in* l'“ ‘«- tnw»kol nun» ami ».kit* Thune * h u have a ,‘ ^.1 the program In | m * i >«w» that n ini ««’»•mg ev«-ntngs «•»» »infiM-m W nlway» provuW bJlowin th r |T«»gram then- will i ., ik « i « i «i/fkient fumU are taken p , . ?.< '.hi |n»»-«-ta Hitting th r uiv i I x I k s i w eitemlr«l Io every io attend M l't ll < o o M r u i O< m i J r h o 'a h '« u r th iy W lln r a a rw r tr n la g Ih r " m ip le ir x l, will th r s tru c t u r r n n rw Iw - u ln l in Form al tl«j«t (X Jrtim ah \ Witnrwwrw Will M’ held at 7 30 p m . tiu« Satunlay. November 21. with Norman l-vr-w-ti city se rv u d '<> »».»•■ m lie <-oilegm give first h.n»i infantlataai about aradert.ic (Xfetizu!' roqiSremrnt-. *im i»A i<» t tu t , ton and fen, and lardup opjmrt urut ws at the var »rbork- alrrt- »1» have the ability to t»l«T<- work will h e u r g n l to srw-k rattan t«ry<>nd high s«h«sX and I Will !«• •-iK'O'ir.'gnI to pursue type uf |«»»t high M-twnJ train to prrjnrr fur future , areer» • re urgnl to disruw th rw w-s with tlieir high M-huul wet«, and daughter* lie/ire anti the ix rfrrrftrr (whiled for the program are J anl Pizzn r t m i i n e w eretary. l tiM*t Uw small a rm in die tiwatei tiuiiding as ii t e m p o t ary Kingdom Hall TM- nrsni fX a larger meeting place rvwdilv becam r ap ,tarrat a« the cxm prgation Rtradl ly inrronsrs) to It* pr«~«rat 33. all Trades Group Plans Future M w n irrs endup. f « the m erchant with the iwat dr»-<» rated wuwlnw I Wall* will l»e re ­ leased later a* to rules to be foi (owed T h e com m ittee also lav«*l ten,a live plana lor a holiday hall and far (h ru d m a s rarobng in the citv sM>p (ring area It alsm Is possible that late *ho,iping hours will be twtahiLsh rsl Crrwd Morgan ami Bill Bundle m em bers «X the retail tra d e commit tee. will contact m erchants to Msl ami Crown ( 'nrutructam company (ram ed the building to tM- rmX from there volunteer workers look over Koch weefcrml a flurry ro- groaed rapidly a* «killed craft vmrn from neighi<»ring crngrey^atrin» came in to help the lorai vi4unt«rrv t'rrnenl fintsMr» installed the side woilu the u»r>! brick front went an the shertrnck was ta je d and fmivMs! pluniMng installed hardwood flours layrd ami finished tile «-ntnes ami planter install,«! the gas furnace ami the carpet far the Mage was install ed pflXerwionaily 1 isher » FM rtnc did the e|<«-trical wo»k Everything else was handled by the M itnesses iM m aeh m TM- women of the congregattrm had their diore too They provided a grswi hot m rol for the workers each Saturday ami Sunday I. If Todd preluding minister Mates “ that the rrwult* al all this effort has been .i |<,Xcs*ionaily built building which he M't»-' »ill M- a credit to the community and on ad v am-emrnt of thrtstianity in the \ e r n ma area ” Event Set for Saturday Night All tM«w wM> have tu k ets for the Youth ltallv bamiuet nt the F I B church Saturday evening are remind fd that the event will start at 6 30 p m A auth groui» (ru n nnghM ring oommunitir« are expected also The age limits are 12 year« through col lege age l>ut the m inisters ami ad virors a re mchaksl Jerry Johns«! from radio Mation KI’IXJ in l*ortlaml will «pw»k f«J lowing the , ha ken dinner pre|varnl by fViar Tiick Church dresB is ,M- recognized at tire. speaker E m ph asizes V alue o f Education Novwnbtr l*TA inerting wits Monday evening at tM> Washing RTaiie M-hnnl nly ,,h *‘ o u ’ e M-dil from nr»*i Saturday ami the [rtiidic 1« m edially tnvtted to :hool to Host illege Team want to go to the sum m er a rts ami crafta class­ es hut can't afford tM’ fee* There will be m ore disruaaion on the**’ m a, ter* nt a future in n ’ting l high whool ami n present needa for M-th tM’ gtft«xl chilil ami thoae ,X leaner ability ,»ne of his parting rem arks was. "An iilea is one thing you can give away ami Mill keep ami it becomr* more valuable because you gave it away.” Mrs (Airl tM'n cloned tM* meeting by reading excerpt« from lM' spec, h John F Kennedy was l»> have given that infamous day laM year in Dal las. Texas He felt that the old ad age "P eace on E arth ,,o»»l will to­ ward Men" was Mill tM* be.M way ami the only way for Amenca to Mdd up her head A most appetizing oyster stew was tervevl by the Masons following the meeting l rum Thanksgiving services next Wednesilay cvraing November 25 at 7 X p m will lie held at the Christ­ ian church on North strort ami an in­ vitation is cxtraled to everyone to attend Pastor« of the various churches will he participating as follows In­ vocation Rev Kaymrad P. Targ- gar, EUB church sonR leader. Rev Robert Sargent, Christian church, scripture reading Rev Suio Sanders. Mist ISirkenfeid rommumty church; prayer Rev L A I»uB«se. Baptist church MTTnon. Re-. Zener- Pan&ho, Timber Friends church Special music will he prov.ded by the high school choir direcled by James Fixke Phone Company Tax Bill Higher West Const Telephone company of- fictalv are paying $afi9 517 in local property taxes for the company at 11 county cour'-houM”- in " n v o tl this week TM- largest cMxk involved is the om- for L»M 591 ma»1e out to W ashing ton county acconiing to Wes, Coast's Oregon divL-ion manager. Lyle E C m » 1, represents an increase of $55.917 over the company 's W ashing­ ton county tax payment a year ago In Columbia count) their 19M pav- ment was »15 155 compart'd to $H. 961 in 1963 Cross said that W est t oast s total county prop'-cy tax bill m Oregon this year »a* up more than $113.628 over tM- 1963 figure $755 689 Most of tM- increase » a s record«! in two ctuntw* Besides the SSS.9I7 advance in Washington county, there »-as a hike as orrams, Concluding rites and interment were in the Pioneer cemetery on Rock Creek with T F Keasey. Ron McDonald Walt Parker. Cass BtTgerson. Clyde May and Bob Spen­ cer as casketbearers \hsalom Counts was born March 23. 1871 in Counts (Tossing Kentucky the son of George and Elizabeth Counts He spent all of his early life there until his marriage to Isabel HaJl on October 20 1896 in McDoweL1 Kentucky To this union »ere born 11 children In April of 1903. Mr and Mrs Coun' s and three of their children moved to Rainier and the following vear move,! to a farm on Rock ("reek near Vernonia Hiis »-as their home until July of 1912 »hen they moved to Sublet,. Idaho where they took a homestead After two years they moved back to Vernonia and lived on tM- farm until 1933 Mr Counts trailed his farm in Vernonia for one in Roseburg where he lived until April cl 1916 when they once again moved back to A ernonia Mrs Counts passed away in A ernonia in June of 1947 In September of 1955 Mr Counts »as united in marriage to Mrs Erie Knapp »ho preceded him in death August 21 of this year In addition ta farming he dtd car­ penter » irk and built several houses in Vernonia He is survived by the foUo»ing children Mrs Julia Boeck. Parker, Arizona Mrs Elizabeth ttx-hr.in Palm Springs, California: Mrs Pearl Gonkm and Mrs Arlene Hunan both (X San Jose. California Mrs Eva Jean PeA'aney. Snohomish. AA ashing- ton Herbert Clifford Johnny Ar­ nold and Hawley Counts, all of Rose­ burg. 19 grondchi liken 29 great grandchildren and 2 great great gramk-hildren One son Millard preceded hint in death The petition of Jay Misenhimer for annexation was again held over pend mg receipt of another petition which is expected State liquor license renewals were recommended for Lew's Place and Vernonia Billiards •After payment of bills .the council adjourned to meet next on December 7. County Vote Tops Average Columbia county can well be proud of its percentage of voters who trek­ ked to the polls to make their wants known, if national figures released are any indication According to As­ sociated Press figures, the national average of voters who exercised their voting right was 60 8 So far. Utah leads the states with 76 9 percent of its voting age citizens casting bal­ lots In Columbia county 88.43 percent of the registered voters went to the polls, a healthy indication that the resident- of this county are keeping abreast of county and national af­ fairs and doing their Mt by voting. Alarm Answered Mon. Members of the A'ernoma fire de­ partment who »ere attending a fir« aid class at the union ball, took has­ ty leave last Monday evening »hen the fire siren sounded shortly after 7 30 p m. The call stemmed from a short circuit in a com box at the laundromat Other than damage to Hie coin box involved, minor damage stemmed from the necessity of break mg through the wail to determine if fire had penetrated to the Mx-k room Acce» »as not available through a J»x>r Board to Meet The meeting of Hie adv isory board of the Mental Health Clinic, which » ¡a not held on November 9, has been set for Monday evening. No­ vember 23. at » » p m. at the sen­ ior high school in St Helens. At that tune the planning committee will present its conclusions following the rreent survey of serv ices most need­ ed in the community All interested perstxis are invited to attend the meeting, according to Miss Anita Niewoehner. social worker. A z halfback. KM K L W H * « • n*"»*«* *'* ‘h*‘r ' bv ,he A î (5TO.R .U-league «election of IX -ye^ by e tc h e s is the league, ih rer of them £ (tr»t team p.«iU,m« »sd » * fur hmwr* * Mark M'Mge». le ft »a* able menit««!