R» i Oernonia Eagk THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1964 7 VERNONiA BRANCH CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS 925 Rose Avenue Bruoeh Presidency — Elders Wilbur K. Wilson, Robert E. McNair Sr., Wayne R. Markham, Henry T. Ilnd- *on, clerk. -S- Ijfli l " Sunday: 10 30 a m . — Sunday school David A. Zamarippa., Supt. 6 W p m — Secramcnt Service. Wilbur E Wilson, presiding. Tuesday. 7 00 p m - Relief Society, except second Tuesday of each month, work meet. 10:00 a m Pol. ly Hudson, Pres Primary, Wednesdays 4 pm . MIA, Wednesdays, 7:30 pm Genealogy class, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Visitors Welcome at All Meetings ’ F I ’ VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH lion Wantland. Sunday School Sup't A ,f A f U f>O*T C ita c i * » I Dt MAJ. be vC!*-9 hCAFFOORf, OFT yTARtOW frOUti» frOtc?» M A 4 U t « f A CHURCH A RCH lV rCTÌ- o tN iS A t, P r '.lO H to , DN • .x acm : kc - tr a t /> u WA'- aìn VOD IA T I t r Post Office Design Accepted by GSA O nerai Servto«- A«toninl«tra i annoum « I aix-eptanre <* dr- or tir new United Mule» Pont jnd E«kvnl id lu c Building all«««- . . . ___ > i,___ in-signed by the archil«*turai lirin . . ii . . of j reinforced concrete ri«un*<<- exterior „ wall* with applied e r tim i »turco finish Interior partitions are concrete m a wmry unit* and gvp»uin w allboard p.n Six Day* a W m I c ST. MARYS CATHOLIC 4 H i stand (nt Hoad Heart. km * a re and how *>-nl to th rir environment, »uch as 7 SO P M cruiser USS Topeka, after complet­ 7 00 p m — Choir practice CLUB job» burning and ebUtning medical l.r o r g r la w » . P rr»id en i ing a tour with the Seventh Fleet in 8 00 p m — Study group LTS FIRST AND T H IR D ra re , are aa»igm»d to c a w worker» 1 30 p m second and fourth — Mis­ H a rry Junhm . \ ice presideni the Far E art )NDAY EACH M ONTH who aerve w’ familie» and have time sionary service M anley E n r*o Jd *rn . Secretary The »hip visited port* in Japan I 30 P.M . TIRE H A LL to give individual attention to each Okinawa. Guam and Hong Knog R Iph B crgoraon. T reaiu rar Sargent. President MIST-BIRKF.NFKLD ef them peraon* who are largely V I S IT O R S W E L C O M E laekvon. Secretary 5*5 COMMUNITY CHURCH wlf »uff«lent and »how only need 10 «4 TRIBUTE \BI XDANT FOODS? Sulo A. Sanders, Pastor ta for financial help are aaaigned to A a a À k I 1 a . 1 1 I II. No Manv in temporary need A. F. fc A . M . Mrs. Sanders. Sunday School caw w orker» with m urh larger case V e r n o n ia B a r r a c k » ;ire able to manage without welfare Varnonla Lodga No. 114 Superintendent loads whose m ajor responsibility la V o te r a n a o f W o r ld W a r I help where abundant foods or food A. F. A A. M. mo«»« •! At Birkenfeld Community Center to m ake »ure thiit a«» stan re is pro­ FACTORY FRESH—DRY CHARGED, «tamps are available M u on ic T»m pl». S tated vided in accord with agency state Sunday: M eet* 4lh M onday IS IT TRUE THAT W E 1. F A R E 9 45 a m — Sunday school for all Com m unication th ir d darda and |wbcies Through Uaw ea c h m onth at the PAYS FOR lloU Si KEEPEIUs FOR i Thursday of aarh m onth, • I ,.i:. w.-r-h.;1 Nur-ery for Clauuficntxin manv families have SOME OLD PEO PLE’ lO O r h a ll. • P Jd at I 00 pan. pre-school children Iw-rn rehabilitated with an estim ated When provision of housekeeping ser F Hrrgeraon. W.M saving to taxpayers of a millitm dol Wednesday: view enable an elderly person to re 7 45 p m — Prayer and Bible study K. Einn. See’jr. 1-*A D <«. P alter, t otnmwnder lara a year A rt G ard n er. A d ju ta n t main at home inrteod of going to a At Mist Church M y d au g h lrr 1» pcrgnanl and u - IGHTS O F P Y T H I A S nursing home, public welfare can pay 8 00 p m — Sunday evening worship m a rrie d < aa »be ge< help until «be service as long as the total A U X IL IA R Y Harding Lodge No. 11* f i r this --------------- serv ice a or « v o n la able io »upport ibe child h ers elf' cost will not be more than would be M eet» 4th M on.. IO O F h a ll • p.m. Vernonia. Oregon The law requires you. as a parent lxmii Weidman. President required for nursing home care \ EKNONLA EY ANGELIC.AL LO O T . H all 7 65 to help her as far as you arc finan­ Many older people are happier and Cora la n g e . Secretary IN ITED BKETHERN Second cially able If you are not able to more comfortable in their own honw- State Avenue M onday support ber Aid to Ik-jMCwlent I b i when it is possible for them to re ­ Ravmnnd Targgai*. I’aMur of E ach M onth ilren or any of several private agen IW A L o ca l main there 1768 N Ainsworth. Portland. Oregon ices can provide for her needs until WHAT IS AN ADULT F O S T b . R Berqetton. C han cellor BUtler 5-8159 3 -1 4 after the baby is bum However, she HOME? I T H O U G H T HOMES 9 45 a m — Sunday School. Carl rimandar will be e ip rc te d to cooperate with WERE JUST FOR CHILDREN Carnet. Secretary M eet* Fir* I and Hoisry. Sup't. law enforcement agem ies in obtain­ Some adults require a certain a 11 00 a m — Morning worship Nur Y T H IA N S I S T E R S T hird Thuraday* ing sujn>ort from the father of the mount of care whether because of EASY PAYMENT PIAN serv for small children /em onia T em ple No. 61 7:30 P.M child if «he requires assistance after age. mental retardation or some 6 00 p m — Youth Fellowship Meeting»: I.O.O.F. H all C I O A EL ether handicap but do rwt need to go 7 00 p.m - Evening service the child is born td and Tourlh W edneadaya sbotibin t lather* he forced lo sup­ to nursing homes Faster family Wednesdav Buaineaa A gent in at *he h a h of aech m onth port ihelr own children instead of homes are often an ideal arrange­ 7 oo p m - Hour of power, prayer N o rth an d W ashington St* Atkin«, M.F..U. ment for persons who cannot live relying on taxpayer»? and Bible study Laage, Secretary ’ 65 th ird an d fo u rth T h u ra d a y 10 Whenever a child requires a m b ­ alone A pamphlet on adult foster a.m . Io lt:M p.m. *64 iance beenuse of a » « « supporting care is available from the State FIRST BAPTIST l Hl Rt H nonia L o d g e N o . 2 4 6 Alla* Tire» parent, law enforcement agencies Public Welfare Commission. Salem. I.. A. l»u Bo®*- Pa*“”' Batterie« arc notified immediately Public wel­ A -rod Washington St. O r d e r o f E a s to r n S t a r Accessories fare cooperates with thoae agencies IE MY T E E N A G E DAIGHTi R Sunday Services Motor Tune-up N eh alem C hapter 153. O. E. S. in obtaining support from parents GETS A PART TIME JOB CAN 9,45 a m — Sunday School. Mrs R egular c o m ­ Auto Parts »ht-rever jxwstble. even when* the sill SAV1 M"Nl y TOWARD COI Carl Yore»»». Sup't ü and T h ir d T u e s d a y m u n ication Oral H A iel 9 6691 I.EGE OR WILL ALL EARMNtib 11 oo a m — Morning worship parents have moved to other states 8 P.M. and third Wad. However, when the father cannot he HI DEDUCTED EROM OUR AID 6 30 p nt. - Training Union •« Hull, Noble Grand of each m onth found or has no income, public wel TO D E P E N D E N T CHILDREN 7:15 p m — Evening service (ulbrrtaoa. Her. 1-65 a t Maaonic Tam fart- can m eet the needs of the chikl CHECK' . . plo. AH visiting until such a time aa his own parents Your daughter can save a certain • HEART R E B E K A H lis te n and b ro th portion of each month' s earnings to­ a re available to sujqxtrt him a r t w elcom e. LODGE N O . 243 P a I have to take n "P auper a ward future education if « appears Jeun llergcrson. W. M. that she is making a aound plan for O ath” to get old age assistance? <• 2nd and 4th T huraday Frances llrrakey, Her. I*3 Public welfare does not requite a this Your ca-M-wiM-kr-r will he g a» Yes! Now is the time to •9» of each m onth in th e to disiuss this with you and help you • , kiu | x t s oath” . (»Id Age V ststance F. hall. 5s. have your ear checked com­ recipient* may retain the home they and vour daughter work things out • Horn. Noble Grund AMERICAN LEGION live in along with up to « 5 0 tn cash pletely from bumper to fina Chance. Secretary y M eets F irst and or liquid assets and any other per bumper tor the coming win At least one ph**' in ,he 1 s ' a 3 65 T h ird M onday* property so long ,,l