Ucnonla L CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE General APPLES for sale. SI 75 and $2 25 EOR 1985 calendars, busines forms and other advertising specialties, contact Al A Reeve* 224 North St and pipe Vernonia. Oregon lake new, $30 Also useu EOR SALE Vernonia Golf 48tlc 5 spring calves 1 Erig Eemale pup from regis­ tered Dachshund mother ■ci n h s Call HA 4«itic FRESH FLO W ER S fo r any occa­ sion. Flow ers w ire d anyw here R uth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 15tfc FLO W ER S T H A T P L E A S E F in ­ est in flo w e rs for a ll occasions. Plants, bouquets F loral pieces fo r funerals F! wers speeded by long distance or w ire d anyw here Mi-s. L lo y d Thomas, H A zel 9-8811. _____________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate BILL HORN REALTY ,ind \ ernonia Insurance Exchange Bank Bldg. HAzel 9-6203 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Columbia River Real Estate BEAI TORS VERXO XM BR INCH 868 Bridge St Phone HA 9-521) WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS WANTED WANTED - HARDWOOD PULP­ WOOD - BASE PRICE - 8 Ft. $17 00 CORD AND LONG LENGTH $14 50 CORD. PLUS M ILEAGE PAYM ENT FOR SHOW OVER 30 MILES EROM M ILL SITE CON­ TACT PULPWOOD BUYER WEY - ERHAEUSER COMPANY PLl P AND PAPERBOARD DIVISION LONG VIE W WAS! 1INGTON PHONE 425-2150. 46t4c w A N T E I) DEER. ELK. STEER HIDES Trade for Gloves and, or (ash. ■I. B. ARTMAN' Vernonia 39-52c < A LL Guy A. Luttre ll collect for domestic and irrigation well d rillin g EHA terms 397-2140. St. Helens. Rt Box 732 ___________________ 38tfc Want to buy farm for cattle and horses Must have water and build­ ings Can pay all cash b k r Call Portland, BElmont 4-0681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St Portland. Ore SO" 20tfc MISCELLANEOUS WOULD $40 per week fill the gap between incane and outgo’’ 15 hours a week days or evenings and Sat­ urdays M ud have car. L C Long- anecker. 17075 NW Springville road. Portland. Oregon 97229 46tfc CLASSIFIED RATES T H E E A G L E assume* no fin a n ­ cial re sp o n sib ility fo r errors that m ay appear in ads published in its columns, b u t in cases w here th is paper is at fa u lt, w ill re p rin t th a t p a rt o f an adv. in w hich the typ o g ra p h ica l m istake occurs. M IN IM U M charge 73c for 23 words or less. Words over m inimum, 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO C L A S S IF IE D OR D IS P L A Y A D V . W IL L BE AC C EP TED AFTER TUESDAY NOON E X C E P T FOR N E X T W E E K ’S PAPER NO in fo rm a tio n on classifieds w ill be given out u n til a fte r paper is m ailed. B L IN D A D S w ith answers to be handled by The Eagle: M in i* m u m charge $1.00. No in fo rm a ­ tio n g ive n relative to such ads. C A R D o f Thanks & Notices: $1.00 fo r up lo 12 lines. A d d itio n a l lines. 8c each. P O E T R Y accepted only as paid m a tte r: Rate: 10c per type line. Oernonia E agle MARVIN KAMIIOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class m ail m at­ ter, August 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879 Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3.50. S a i'' ■’n rjM ti,. * " ■ N'b l e l x m| * •n xh o rl arai P * ISarwma 44t3c FINANCE your new 198.» ear with <*nd Mr» M r ami Mrs J httwlay cu-ñu* a loan from Vernonia Federal Cred it Union 853 Bridge St idaire. automatic defrost Some old cars, etc 1 flatbed trailer See or call evenings. 1IA 93270 44t3c EOR SALE Group Atte^ Pomona Cq SERVICES hox Also 42" copper range hood complete with back splash. dampers doors and windows Club. HA 9-3885 1 " " " ■ ìits '•M J 43tfc V Peter»«, T«*wb, day rvmoq. g* Mr and Mr» , g, SehUKa— ’ '«1'inpM Phone 397-1231 Kitchen cabinets bathroom built ins. counter tops. Formica, plastic and ceramic wall tile Flecto finishes complete furniture finishing line in stock. Flecto clear Varathane outlasts var nish 2 to 1 Flecto white eut dates p u n t________________________ 43tfc S E P T IC T A N K service Pum ping and repair G A Russell. Columbia C ity , Oregon Phone St. Helens 397-0850 d a ytim e ; 397-0074 after 5:00 p m ____________________ 46tfc H aberm an's Meat PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected C U STO M S L A U G H T E R IN G B eef: M onday, Tuesday. F rid ay Hoqs: T hursday. F rid a y t i l l noon C u ttin g and W rapping Sharp Freezing S m o kin g and C u rin g Free use of Stock T ra ile r Shop Re i. E L 7-3922 E L 7-2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141. Fczest G rove. Ore. On Fern H ill Road ltfc C LA R E N C E R W A G N ER , county surveyor. C o u rt House. St. Helens Phone office. 397-0698; home. 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer ing w ork. 24tfc CHERRY TR EE Apts. C om plete­ ly furnished except bedding, d ish ­ es Rent includes all u tilitie s , heat light«, w ater P rivate bath, k it chenettes 830 Second St HAzel 9-5042 H J H ill" Edison. Mgr _____________________________ 14tfc LEGAL NOTICE ESTATE OF ( 4RI. C. DEMDTT In the Count» Court of the State of Oregon, for the C u n ty of Co­ lumbia. Probate Department Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed E x­ ecutor of the Estate of CARL C DE.MOTT. deceased, by the Coun ty Court ef the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, and has qualified All persons having claims against said e la te are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as bv law requrred. to the FIRST NATION­ AL BANK OE OREGON Trust De­ partment. P o Be* 3457 Portland 8. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof EIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON Trust Department P O. Box 3457 Portland 8. Oregon Dated and first publisher! November 12. 1964 Date of Last Publication December 10, 1964 Mr omi Mr, Mas 0Uw to Itnaverian EruJsy und» William H 1 ar’i « lut» mH waj, u U M h rw , Friday »ere M r. x M ilrw » ». .7 dir» Mr» t. M h i ^ ’ ; 1 ug w« M FARI 'w-.iwright i« shuMB receiviag ««-rill i« .»»«• nt Service (nun Elranur Bardell, bo.irit clerk. lor Ih r ye.irs »i»rk (Mi Ihr- Columbia Count» selcctivr s< riiir Board. Ile ha* «erved as rhairm aa »iw r ihr rrtirr ment ol Ihr late VV ill.ird F'vrnxon itl ( lalakantc In i»in nit-nling on hi« servier. Se.iwright s.nd. "Morking xilh such drtiiralfd people as Ihr mrmbers ol ihr boaril has been a ple.isure — partleul.irlv whrn ihr» givr individual elassifiralion thnr full .itlrulion w ith (¡ard Io m i our age mc n I lor higher rduraltua ’* "Wr f< I that I ulumhla ruSMU» ha« a tm* h hlgbrr ratio u4 vcling turn seeking higher rdiM allou with belter quail lieallon« ihan no««I ( ounlir» In the « la ir " he < oolln tir.l shewn left lo right Hubert \ agt. allorne« . Mr« Bardrll. rlrrk I raoard Milner m rm hrr all a< M Helen« Mavar t a t m l Sander« m em ber S« jippome anil I art Seanrlght M Helen« Plans are being made by the Co­ lumbia Association f o r Retarded Children to observe National Ret.ml ed Wrx-k from November 15 to Nov ember 28 May r Me Michael of St Helens will sign the proclamation making it official State H um r.ui Chairman of N R C week in Unvnn is Mr Heck Harper Restaurants in the area are being contacted anil asked to contribute proceeds of cofte sales for one il.iv November 20. to retarded children .is a fund raising project during this week Indiv idual m e m b e r s ami friends are being asked to hold Cof fees in their homes Those serving coffees w ill be Mrs •Soverin Posch i member Mrs Inez Langdon non member'. Scappixwe on November 18 Mrs Elsie Pantano of Scappoosr November 17. Fran Robin on and Martha Maloney Nov ember 23 V o t im i M! t Mr m t Mr» lim i Hemeoa w rte (fi ttrmw-rton Washington Sai uriLiv an the In» nailon *4 F rvign Th> riva« llranr to «loft th r t SS Si tian in Oregon The executive board of the omoc latiun na-t at the Kxoe of their prcsulent Fran Rotun«*«! at p m (Ml Novemlier ID (Mt \ ivrt! t))n Mn had high individual ser„., ami high game |< q -1IS’'llp t ,’í ' í " ’ 1 w t" - M'**> Muilm, I«. F-rl Ade 3 io tt-,1,4, Keaxev 3 - , ' ^ 7 ' ^ h e io h , ¿ , ' etung ami rrt'srmwf to hi« -hij> Sun day evenm g lu m i P ietlam I airp>ut Mr .imi Mrx -halrtMjn lale-1 w rfe -igain in Pirdam t ^umka« to «Hit F d lamUwrg al tfw Si \ im e n i* bw jiital Mr» late-t «tale» Mr lim i l* r g i* m i feritng li» »eli Whike in l ’irtla n d thè la b ri* -,i« it« l with hi« «u’r r and lomil« th r E ranri* Burnhon»- F.nrotifr to P'Ztiamf thr« itsNed »uh thr l ^ e t , » W okirll« Mr« la t r i .«ttrmlrd ih r Frida) «how er frr thr Meniamo» iM rre ll ami •.ene B ario* Friilay eventng al thr ! rk rn frld center Mr« i iarenrr K««rr and chi! ben ami M m < L u fe K >w-, wrTr in H illihcr» to t * fh rir Hdl Kart .«-Irbrale hi* birthday IW ' Grumho uiju rrd h i. ankle > ' Friday by pulling «<,»- lig * me«» and u an thr m a rin e |t»i Mr- rm-WJ lb«n*an a«« *e.,«ani«l Mr« Hurl |lr-tiw*«xmgrfer» who »mi It-m i.- Ky«er I KTo ie Mb»,| i ,nrMAnr1 Saturday to a ilm r) th r •• - r r i I f the Portland Junior Sym J ’’ auditorium II- »tales thr „ „ „ T t y-yahl. A/tPt rrturmng to Vernon •« hr W.u, a tfumt of laxwUi Blount '" B I hi* mother come f.< him m «verting F am ily Gathering Held At I orlland on Sunday Mr ami M r, H« F r ^ L i B hara* »ei from i * , , on Mr amt Mr» Submarine Base day Association Plans Observance Of Week with Special Events MEN'S LEAGUE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! ^ » 1 Mr ami Mr» S-imlra callnd an Walt's Cabinet Shop St. Helens, Oregon NOTICE TO IX X i OWNERS 1965 Columbia County fx>g Licenses are now available at the County Clerk's Office. Room 101, Court­ house, St. Helens, Oregon. Roy A. NeLson, Columbia County Clerk __________________ 44I.K w a ? * ■ Mr amt Mrs ta»v Mkl Dee » « , "2 «mi Mr* Georg» M aj/»1** * evening T"»»« SHEET R tX’K nailing, taping. te\ lin in g Free consultation and esti mates References A complete, guaranteed sen ice Wallbourd Con­ structors. 224 North St . Vernonia. Oregon Al A Reeves. Owner 44t3c NOTICE OE F IN A L ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Ruby L. Biggs, deceased, has filed his final account in the O iunty Court of the State uf Oregon for Columbia County, and that F ri­ day. November 27, 1964. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock in the forenoon of •said day and the Court Room of said ( lu r t has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Date of firs t publication, October 29, 1964. Date of final publication, Novem­ ber 26. 1964 Charles L Biggs Adm inistrator Donald L. Kalberer St. Helens, Oregon Attorney ’'I ■ i t L * * .... ... 'he I..... . , b l’ho Old fashioned wrsnan of b„iu, » ........... 'ASSOCIATION Ä Ä . " ' - ' “ -"' Couple Atteoi Wedding Trilli Mt ST Mr am] Mr» H¡0 »ere m J<-i!«-r*n Tr«i»i g, t • atlrrwl thr --liai d * doughfer Jann W iio* «*> Arnold M u lliru i *«r* at a U -audul $ put (tant many Aller a mwt «HUg tfe ■ »•. i -i. -e» taota a 1 ).«•<* arei Frr I ¿k* 'hr U» «un* have « :utrt peogram at thr cibasi Mr ami M r. lirirarJ lari \ a n tiirv rr »err here Pridli t -t hi« dad and «ulrd l! .«h Ari llrllm ^h a m mr< ash 9» to »tart a n r* IH kSSUM rivete w«-fx- w-si-tv aha tWWt Mr» Howard (.rimala» Un I ra«f