Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 12, 1964, Page 4, Image 4

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    Card Parly I» Planned
At Wlnerna Grange H ell
HlltM NFI 14» G eo»*’ M artan »4
F trn d «dove huntad Saturday ami
soihbv with the U rw a ia Mr» Mar
in i i .une with him sum lay ami via
,l,sl with the |jir»im liunlln« Atoo
here ovei the week end were the L u - i ' lornily *4 Nelart»
llii> column w
»,»41, ami , h ,»,».U m -1 by thia -**»
«„er a> •«» <Gucailu««l and ,H‘bl "
„.nice II y«*
'i1**“ 0*“ * ' h
recan í
lb -
S T V .C C
'* •* *
M a ,r
« .« I «
’ J * ’" '
.loymenf limurum-e Ikvtotoa. ptoa*
ndtlrw* them I" ‘
I M - " '”,‘"'
I - ls » ^
tita I
\ curd r»'t> w,1> *» l,r,4l at W1
nema Grange hall this Satuntoy ev
enUW. Novwnlwr 14 Eviwyune la
Miu \iuui Hallberg ami Mr* Con
r .„| S* si nun w eir in I* ugene last
M «id.*v to w*e Walter Ny»tmm who
b.**l umkTg'Mw surgery at the Nacred
Ql I STION lb1» I»»-«’ » job* ,l“l d '-
Oregon Slate Htiplovinent Service
liml (or i*v>f>lc l.oi year
W ttiii
FUMIGATION i .pi pnienl in i pc ration co Fred l.ut-
trell's berrv farm . Stan Ivrrsen, Seattle, left of trac-
lor. »u h while ■> hirt, fumi'hiTl equipment .»nil Miprr-
vised operation. l.uttrell operates tractor.
Car Accident
Injures Girl
TIMBER R T —Karen latent* wav
injured in a ear accident Sunday al
3 p ni She is n tract« n at Fman
u. l hivqnt d She suffered a sprained
back ami an injured m»k
Mr and Mrs Chuck Harders ami
family from Aberdeen Washington.
Mr and Mrs George Snv.irr and
family from Sweet Home sjient frwn
Friday evening until Sunday evening
with their rnirther anil brother Mrs
Carl Snyder ami Bert to celebrate the
birthdays of George ami Bert Sny
der which were November .» Mr
ami Mrs Donovan Reynolds .*ml
familv joined them for lunch Satur
FO K E G R O lM l: Polvcthelvne cover on first fumigated strip through
field. Fred Kutlrell, on tractor, making return round. Area between plas­
tic will be treated 48 hours later.
Mr ami Mrs Rav Thin ker . i d
Mr ami Mrs Wilbur Thai ker .iml
Mr arid Mrs Wm I
day iiftemoor.
Mr ami Mrs Carroll W'ienecke
ami Barbara from Veneta spent the
week end recently with hi* nxrthcr
Mrs Carl Wieneckc
Mr and Mrs Everett Iirurv Iron.
Vancouver were recent guests of
Mr ami Mrs Wilbur Thacker
Michael Slette *4 Spokane W.i?;i
inetcn is vi« ting his parents Mr
nd Mrs Hans Slette fur a couple 4
Texas Flight
Made for Plane
BIRKENFELD - Art Bellingham
ami E T Johnston flew to Texas
last Friday Dn th ir return home
Art wall be bringing a new airplane
CLOSE up vie» of equipment shows tank containing the fumigation m a­
terial. methyl bromide and shloropicrin, pressure gauge transfer tubes
and role of three-quarter mil clear plastic. The plastie covers the area
immediately following injection of fumigant in soil. Purpose of plastic
Layer is to prevent fumigant from escaping the Mil. The tarp is removed
in 48 hours following fumigation.
Soil Fumigation Tests Made on
Three Farms Seek Gain in Yield
Technical ingenuity and research
are combining to improve Columbia
county's competitive position in the
strawberry and raspberry industry.
Commercial application.* of soil
fumigants have been made in the
county for the first time this fall, ac­
cording to Columbia County Exten­
sion Agent Tom Zinn.
Lester Mazour, Scappoose. Ken As-
burry, St. Helens and Fred Luttrell.
Yankton, will be analyzing the re­
sults of soil fumigation in their ber­
ry fields Although fumigants were
applied this fall, the acreage will not
be planted to berries until next
spring. Information on the results of
fumigation will not be available un­
til the plantings have had at least
one year’s production
some information may lie obtained
sometime after plantings as far as
plant survival, plant replacement
and growth rate, Zinn points out
Experiments, while showing the
fumigants can increase yields, do not
provide sufficient information to es-
tablish general recommendations at
this time, says Zinn However, these
ru.ults do provide that there are sub-
star.‘ial benefits to be gained with
seme crops on some locations
These growers are hopeful that the
rese rch information obtained from
their triais will provide concrete
facts for a better story on the effects
of soil fumigation as it applies to the
berry industry in Columbia county.
Soil fumigation urr't new to Oregon
growers. This practice has been used
to protect other crops from harmful
soil organisms and diseases Fumi­
gants are being usisl annually to con­
trol soil organisms ami diseases in
such valuable crops as ornamental
bulbs and tubers, nursery stock, po­
tatoes, and vegetables.
"As long as our growers are con­
scious of the need for continued re­
search ami field evaluation of horti­
cultural crops, Columbia county will
continue to rank high in production
ami afford a greater potential in the
years ahead,” Zinn said.
fcctuaU, durian lha flac«l
\ jud |»v! the Dreg«« SJ*'lr •
plomwnt Service marie mme ib.rn
362.235 pliU'cment.' Ihi*. U4al
Owa •' ,;1
in jstoliorvs im iml
mg prole « hiii . i I managerial. fieri Mile» ami setvue |siMli.«» The
1 mplov twill Service tccL* tiur* It»
sieppivl lip program ol applicant ami
employer service plus letlel la» lit
lies in whuh h* lull» iiiiri have liad a
lot Io do »llh Ilk- im re.ise in place
ment* *turing the I‘*‘•'8 ' ,%u More
.ilkI Illore clllplovcls .III* limhilg Lit
I lie Eiripbil nii*tU Service I* the best
place to (iml quail! ictl people lor
their jobs .ii»*l n»*re aml more cm
pio y m are using the F S MTi lie»
h r all their employnunt m*«»Lv At
tile same tin»* l»*lter **rvi*e Io ap
pile.mts through »pm ahd interview»
counseling ami testing, give» job
seekers a better insight to their qua!
i f i c a t ion* .iml i unfiilrncr in up
prnuching employers f o r
Hits column U wntton
v*«skiv .uvl published by this new»
paper as a public ami i»tva atwnal
service If you have questiin» af»*lt
the Oregon State f nipko/iw-nt Srr
vice and
or I Urmptoyrnent h»ur
am e Division pleasr atklnss,« them
to Oregon Dejiartment of l injiloy
meat attn Inlurtnaliunal llrprcw-nt
alive. kC Labor ami Induartm Hidg
Salem. Organ 97310
THURSDAY, NOV. 12. 1964
Pop used to whip his son to keep
him in line — today he just locks
the garage door.
Girl Recovers
From Surgery
tJmto the five »Id «laughter «4 Mr ami Mr»
Dun Want lami urn 1er went a U«v»ll
lertxmy at G«««l Sam aritan h««,atal
m Portland Ueslnrsday
She I» re
covering slowly
Mr .»ml Mrs Jim Hell *4 Lavg
j«-tvt Soturiko night at the
*4 tier brother ami family Mr
.iml Mr» •*•*' Wantlaml
I «- sims A <4 P m llami s)v«it muU
<4 last week at the ItKIie «4 lut |aoT
ml* Mr .iml Mr« Virgil Smmk lie
arid bis father hunted elk every day
Lit wert* tussiKtesaful
Mr ami Mrs ( erti Bird of Sunny
m dc V
V .idiington w -ilo l ber steter
.ml family Mr ami Mr« Virgil
It is« t easy fur an ><leo to Mpimre
into a bmwl full «4 je e p n h rm
H m li.
“”*1 » nmh« 7* 1
, . • i
wa. •,*.«,,|
Pure» »Cte .*war,kd f«
• d»
w cre S.,ml, ,
m I m «.1
. ..
a n d K ali.
, „
Perry Iso ­
ille mliill .
II.M »n Wrr. n.,
wa» In r h a t. e .4
John Alvu» ’H r» ^ —
Walter liat <<i oig) jgf,
kilihän du!ies vjrt g g
Mr» Perr y |
Pagb aml M Zurtutanm, ,
c*l tb r lutermmi »«h il»»Ui
pum|*kifte »dehm «yntar
M rs M arie f «m
L i» brs-n a
«. ¡4 j
liia n hratir
■ «»»| fr-
aml M
tn T
' 4 im *
ro n * u lta tiu n * h Mr MMM
Mr aml Mrs Wm r ; ^ ,
L aiir Tursday fr*»r ■
Mr s Gilr* ■
Un I m
i n het
aml f.titidy Mn VyiMki ,
f-«m to* >
rrdtimrst t» ► • .4h Fdk »
Gilros hr.» lartre» as I*
Ihe railtm id
. S '•
Yrtur r e g u ie r e d p h arm « * i»t fill« sow toe
lo r ’» p r e e m p tio n w illi proir*»mn*l pre»
• ion Hi» »kill and (rain in g «re ,oap«»u4
lo th e »ingle p u r p o s e o l m aking «w» *te
g e| r t a r i l y ” t> h « | th e doctor ordered
/h » » «
to<M At<»r
_ ta U lr •
were gueirt* at the fieorge Mathews
hwne Sunday lire Herxhey vudtru
the Mathews one day during the
week Saturday Mr ami Mr» Muth
ews were in Forest Grove on but
T -O -Y -S
J W ed.. 10 A.M.— 5 P.M . ;
Vernonia Clinic
Sum I hm
Keg. r» .» ”
Now Only
We also have many other
name brand toy items at
tremendous savings.
----------------- ★ ------------------
Keg. 9Be Hull
Special orders please order 1 day ahead.
We will be closed on Thanksgiving, November 26.
M ist C ircle D ate
A dvanced One W eek
DR. R. v . LA N C E
n * u .1 ^
tl» r i n Z ? 1
was u gic.ii .m ,,w -
i biUIrcn .imi .«n lMt^ ,
How (•
ylT.STIoN H >w iloe.s a ¡«-rson
in a rrmute ju rt *4 thr state take
advantage of Oregon Stale Employ
ment Service (artlitiei'
Ws'AI K Tlie I»■{Mrfiiwn! >4 Fm
ploynxTlt ofirratrs 3 (4flees in 3
areas of Oregon In .xiditinn tnowt
outlying areas have what is called
itinerant service esj»s tally ilurtng
peak lime» of unemployment Some
4u itinerant j»«inLs are served at
thee* jM’ak line's \ j»*fson looking
(or employmer/ mas either apj4s at
ow of the itinerant {»ants or at me
ful time employment officers If you
are not sure wherv the nearest i!in point to you is 1 sa te d write
the nearest Oregon ttrpartm rni *4
Employment office or the Oregon
E'lllploynwnt Service u c l.d»» ami
Imfustrie- Bldg . Salem. Oregon
97310 and the tunc* ami day« of
service at the nearest point to you
will lie mailed to sou
Member-, are reminded
that flic lb'lping Circle will
meet the third Thursday November
Laura ami Clara Amt* r«»n of Ham
19. this month at Mr Bud llerm-nn
let rente, Seaside visited last Sat
home with Mr* Al SrhJebuber as co
urday with Anna Hanberg
hnstr&s Final plans for the annual
The Nehalem Valley Canton club fall program. November 21 will be
will meet at the home of Mrs G P marie Everyone is urged to attend
Wanstrom Wednesday November 18 if possible
at 1 30 p m The subject will !«• ar­
Guest* at tin- ( k irk * Sundlano
ranging of artificial flowers Every
home Thurwlay w ire Mr ami Mrs
one is welcome
Ira PetiTson Friday. Fred Parkento
Mrs Eddie Price 4 Clatskanie ami Stanley Dvewm <4 Portland were
visited last Wednesday with Mrs in Io reminisce over old tune* Sulo
Francis I arson
Sander» called on the Sundtamb Sun
Mrs Fred L aron, Dennis ami day evening
Randy and Mrs Gene loirson were
Mr and Mr» Kenneth Tujiper
in Portland last Thurs/lay
Mr ami Mrs Skip Hammond ami
family have moved to Estacada
Anna Hanberg was a rectal visi­
tor of Mrs. Ann Lonnquixt and fam
ily at Eugene.
Mrs Roy Stuve ami Mrs Vick
Berg were in Forest Grove Monday
on business.
The Meadames Marie Bellingham.
Jenny Richardson and small son ami
Minnie Reach all spent lh<- week
end at Seaside with Mrs Elsa Rich
1 'M “ * ”
T“" '" '" 1
Jam es
Sm«*k Friday ami Soturday
Thia w inter we will clone at 7:30 p,m. on Sunday.
Demonia Eagle
lIc.Ht lw»|Mtal They t««k him to
FliYMwe whero he i» »laying
Party Succi
t r a d in g ®
I ■
5 9 85 I
.'»I Inche**
I xvng
^ c*‘
ta-*- • ••
VP-s h s i
Ml I