Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 12, 1964, Page 3, Image 3

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    itm g "I Nehalem
H.U-r of EnM rrn
Bl dte MaaonU'
(M. tiatuland. a
,„ | coHimitUw id
4 I aegim g«vp »
on Ih»
nullte during the
Mr» Irrn r
it, ( r a n (Tata
untili, worthy
and Mr» Irl»
n fritti Hill»
Ma«.. Shatter was | l-M-tltl*)
L , a hearty weh.«
Enter by u ffih a "-’
L , t meeting will t«r
L u i ha* »-*" «k*»«
L n « e patrona «»*•
» night
« Imcd.
Liviviing "I gmgert*
I ,-rr.iin were » m e .
L>«n curiniltlee Mr
L Mr* Fktyd Hu*h
ten for Teacher»
lanned by Club
future TW“ h***
hrl.l It* m<«'*bly ti teet Ing
S<>v « litre t
» .fce l'k » ! I»
I of the te.. her» <k
[itu •»!><*’ W e e k
«; number, <d the
I to attend (hr ETA t < « iv e n
Ptrtlafld Novrmber 13 14
mtrnlien «re »dll veiling
. The cw t U »1 00 anti
«, te purch..««! from any
iniion Program
Jive Baking Hint»
pia t l(rt,sn«l I nit memlirr*
jr .1« (hrir project, t 're o ln e
*Uh Mites
at their No
> 1» nweting at the vtesl lire
kfcr;. at II «1 a m Mrs Tula
Otti Mi» HLa tTinr are p ro
Lk lunrh is planned but dr»
fr wt nmled 1 veryanr in
I .> »rU-nne and th iee who
Lie aikisl to bring fhrurtm a»
Xuto Insuran ce
- 4r»*»rf lk« <la,k
A/« • fffltNDLY
Four Generation» Abound
At 74th Birthday Party
Ki-latlvua uml friend* guthrT«) at
the I «or of Mr» K ile W mvvr at
TnO iarnr Sumlay to help I mt ob
*i«rvu her 74th blrt fa lay lrxliHl«l in
th r group » e re all »even of her chll
ijn-n a» follow* D»yd Weaver, liar
ry Weaver. Mr» HoD-rt Krynoliln,
all from S raald r. Mr» Stanley done*
(traut» I’a»* Mt« Charles lomunon,
Sali-tu Claud Weaver and Mr» I .in
wood Iteynoid». V rrn x ua
All w rre ui'<’<«ii|*anted by their
hiuduiftl» and wive», children and
grandchildren Io bring the total a»
srm b lag r to 77 Knur ilifferiait lour
gem-ration combination* » e re pre*
ent to m ake a picture taking heyday
lor rom er a fan»
A im «ig other relative* » e re * oum '
Irian T a n a n a Hinton Portland and
Oernonia Cagle
WURSDAY, NOV. 12. 1(J64
Small Family
House Drawn
ThLs efficient house for the smaller
f irmly features a frame construction
with concrete slab-on-grade and
’rw-sed roof. It provides living space
f<<r retired persons or a young cou­
-4 1
Slides of Trip
Shown to Club
Member» of the Vernonia Study
club pietit a very intrrrwttng even
ing hud TTiurwlay at th r home of
Marvin Kamhofi with Mr*
llalph fteynold» presenting a trove)
«gite of her sum m er trip to Europe
Her talk »a» accompanied by very
ra re fim i »Inle» anti »be tank thr
group through her travel» from Ihr
I'a rt land International airport to
N e» F «indiar»! and from there to
the British Isle* » h ere (hey vuutrd
Snidanti Ireland anti England Ite
fnre going to the Eur«|anMi conti
nm t
The principal European rountne»
» e re v uutril im i udì ng Italy Spoln
anti tireece
1 »unrig (lie buxine*» of the evening
die club <lunatrd »'• o" to the United
Fund drive
l i n e n , ( mt J the club «ill meet
at th r bi»tw id Mr« H arry Samkin
( « the annual Chrivtma» party far
«loch a program I» being arrangisi
by the program committee
Fennell-Reed Vow» Are
Exchanged November 4
M arriage vow» » e re exchanged
vs tf»»wLiv evening d last week. No
vem her 4 by Mis* M iibrlr ltor»l of
Srranton <»uo awl Patrick Fennell
TTw rcrrm utiy ».1» iwrfurmed by tlir
Itr-vrfT-nd William Aniwirung at thr
bum r of (hr gri«»n» grandfathrr.
Wiitntr t»avi*. in the i«r»enre of Un
m ediate inerntw-r* of the family, in
eluding the tirtdc'» psi rent» who came
»«-«t for the event
The couple enjoyed a honesrno««l
trip down the ( >regun coa»t to San
F ta n risc o to v Isit (he groom'« par
ent» Thev a re now at ht«iir in Ver
Balls of Yarn Club
Continues Knitting
The Hall, of Y am 4 11 d u b held
their »»»dils meeting. November 4
at the home 14 thw r |i»Mler. Mr*
Don Hu* with Mr» VI Fciherstun
s-nve of (hr gtrl» have started (heir
TV sb|«,ier« A few are Igarmng to
l<rttrl *<• they, tt» , can «tart tbrii
TV slip,MT*
After the meeting rrjrtw h n im ts
were served
Kathy Tomlin, reporter
If you want to know who your
friends are, just m ake a m istake
PLAN NO. 71 3 4
Becker Anniversary Observed
By Pomona Grange at Warren
Saturday. November 7 wa* thr
m eeting date of the Columbia t'oun
ty Pomona Grange with Warren
G range entertaining in their hall in
McNulty A large crowd wa* in at­
tendance inrludmg Slate Grange
Chaplain M artha Wright of Portland
and State Agriculture Chairman
Glenn Simmon* of Glenwood Wash
mgton county Boih brought me*
»age* dealing »ith their iim- of in
(erect m Grange work
Simmon» warned of the danger in
using m « i tievk-i and »«ehcide* anil
urged careful following of directions
since many are too powerful to be
used carelessly U 'e the hoe more
and spray less is his advice to the
A reception was given at 1 p m
in h'-nor of Mr and Mrs John Beck­
e r the occasion being their fifth
wedding anniversary A guest book
».is prearnted by the Part Masters
Happy Cooker» 4 H
club a corsage for Mrs Becker and
a carnation tor Mr Becker by War
Club Name» Officers
ren Grange a piggy bank ' by
Tlie first meeting of the Hapfiy
Fern Hill G rangr awl ail partook
C< ker» 4 II clufi « a s called to or­ of the beautiful anniversary cake
der Weilnrsday November 4 by the awl coffer The photographer from
lender. Mr» Richard Ifuntem an Thu the Grange Bulletin Loren H Mil
member* nominated officers a» fol hmcn. was present to take pictures
of the honored guests
lows P m id r n t Gwen Pervyn vier
Members taking
prrsidrnt Shirley I »ennä secietary
Banrue Nurmand
hade«» Awirea Grange degree in the evening * rre
Eano awl Tyne Salo Calvin and
Bell reporter. Jackie Etdr
Gwen and Andrrsi rrvafc- twinana Margaret Gregg of
Ralph awl Anw Krous Bille Bui;-».
milk TIM- refreshment* »ere s » tv «)
Win awl Peggie Vanlawr Itu v d l
The m<»4ing » .» closed
and I*ons !»-ugherty of Chapman
Jackie Hide, reporter
Sewing Sisters Begin
Work on TV Slippers
Tile Mx'tml m<»"t;ng of the 4 It Sew
mg S u ters »a* held at the home of
their le.«ler Mrs Hubert B onier'
November 7 No official nw rttng was
held since only four members were
The girLs started working «1 their
TV dippers
Hefreshntent.s were
iknighnuts and rider
The next meeting will be December
KrpMdrr SKiron Brewer
Parents Reveal Plans
For November Wedding
Mr anil Mrs Adolph Edward Bent
lev of Butte Montana announce thr
forthcoming m arriage of their daugh­
ter Agnes M ane to Gary IkeHue
Anlerw*i Seattle Mr Anderson ts
th r sen of Mr and Mr- Merrill I.
Andersen of Vernonia
The »«M ing »ill take place No­
vem ber at at the Gloria IM Dither
an church tn Butte
1 vc bowled a game u r tw o , o r w hen yo u're w inding up
'K at the neighDirhood b o w lin g center, it'a good to relax
" ’ an<l compare «cores. W h a t b etter w a y to add to the
•he «ociablenen than w ith • refreshing glass of lieer?
yon take v o u r fu n -s k iin g ,s k a tin g ,o r at y o u r ease in the
m -b e e r always makes a w elcom e addition to the p arty,
""liar glaaa o f beer is also a pleasurable rem inder that
» and of personal fre e d o in -a n d that o u r rig h t to enjoy
inn 1 fWC
<*e**re’ “ i uw “ nc> hut an im po rtant one, o f
Students Go to
Junior Concert
The bedroom is separated from
the living and kithcen areas and Is
-c/unil cushioned from the entrance
hall by closet walls. A second bed-
ro a n could be added with the en­
trance through the space now occu
pied by the linen closet.
A work room with modem equip-
merit and storage areas is located
near the kitchen bathroom, and rear
entrance. This provides a place for
hanging work clothes and washing
up before entering other areas of
the house There is sufficient floor
space for sewing, ironing, and chil­
dren s play. For the older family,
the space could serve for hobbies.
Complete working drawings of
Plan No. 7154 may be obtained from
Farm Building Plan Service, Agri­
cultural Engineering Building. Ore­
gon State University, Corvallis, for
85 cents
( bances are said to be one in three,
that when you eat in a restaurant
your potatoes are of the intant va
A bus carrying 48 band and chorus riety
I'udcnts from Washington grade
school joined the 30 bus.*--* which
brought 12tX) rtudents to the Port­
land public auditorium Saturday
morning to hear the concert pre­
sented by the Portland Junior Sym­
phony orchestra
The Vernonia students were ac­
companied by iJonald Jackson, vocal
music teacher, and James Fiske,
band instructor Mrs George Shaw
chaperone and George Johnson, bus
Groups came from as far away
as The Iialles, Gearhart and Battle
Ground. Washington Added to those
»ho came by bus were the Portlano
students »ho swelled the audience
to over 2000
Saturday's program opened with
these more than 2000 children sing­
ing the last verse of America the
Beautiful under the direction of Ja ­
cob Avshalomov
Numbers featured in the concert
»ere The Flying IXitchman. Ulys­
Do you know all the facts about
ses Kay 's Of New Horizons. ’ the
such things a s . . . Auto Insur­
Glaztunov concert waltz and Moore's
ance discounts that may be
Pageant cf P T Barnum Before
available to y o u . . . compact
each numer the conductor told them
car savings . . . how to save
something about the music
when you insure a second car
C u e t pianist » a s lfi-yearlold Mark
. . . what to do if you have an
Wi tcott who played the solo piano
accident. . . or what to do if
i le in the finale of Beethoven's C-
you plan a trip into Mexico
Minor Concerto
or Canada?
Vernonia students especially en­
joyed the instrument demonstration
I f you’re not sure, see us for an
of the woodwinds, according to their
Auto Insurance Check-up!
Phone HA 9-3462
Get the
about Auto
to fit your
Horsemen Invited
Betrothal Is Announced
For Lillian Schmidlin
Mr* Charles Schmidlin of Vernonia
this week announced the engagement
of her daughter lalhan to Edmond
Evey, m t of Mr and Mrs Fred
Evey, of Manning
\n s s Schmidlin attended Vernonia
high schmJ ami is now employ«! at
Sawyer's Incirjxwnted at Progress
Mr Evey attended Banks high school
and is now emp! ved by the Schmid
l,n Brothers logging company
A June »editing is planned
aa Better
ter bowling, beer is a natural
D esrhuttes No.
POTATOES 10- Lb. Hag
The Columbia County Posse is in­
viting all horsemen to ride with them
at Click's Arena w a r Warren each
Wednesday evening, starting at . 30
The amount of interest shown with­
in the next three weeks »ill deter­
mine whether or not this activity
wall be continued
Phone HA 9-6203
905 Bridge Street
Vernonia, Oregon
The average American
spends 11 hours a week fi
for her family, less thai
time it took her when sh
raw ingredients
H»rtforJ Accident and
Indemnitv Company
Member Hartford
Insurance Group
Hartford 15, Conn. - *
ality for Less Here!
2 /29c
2 /45C
t L 39 c
4 SI
I6-02. Tins
- - . m a il H IV
Vrocker Date
MUFFIN M IX «rorange-l»-«.
Standby Whole Kernel
CORN Fancy—No. 303 Tins
1 A I V Nestles Hot Deluxe
M IX c -
. - . » » A P k l T Lady Hudson Liquid
DETERGENT 1« («>«»’
S A M ’S food store
PHONE HA 9-5501
• l * * r goes with fun, with relaxation
M eeting