Pages from Our Past TOPICS OF THE TOWN 0 D ll F R tN F B CANADIAN VOYAGKUK M r and Mrs Sam Murray were her Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckrnliablc parent*. Mr .uni Mis Charles Ev­ of Salem ami Mrs Jane Pidcock of ans ami Mr ami Mrs Harrv M cM innville were calling on fricmL* in Vernonia Friday Mrs. Pidcock en. all (rum Hillsbora Week end guests at the home of has made goal recovery from her Mr ami Mrs M B W illanl were broken hip and was very happy to Mr and Mrs F Frcunfleter from be Kick in Vernonia for a few hours. and Mrs Wayne Miss Phyllis Williams spent last Wyoming. Mr week end at Newberg attending the Rcymlds from Mist. Mr ami Mrs annual homecoming at George Fox Dale Rhtxlcs from Spokane and Mrs Eva Poynter from Portland Mrs College Johnny Biggs is spending a .TO day- Poynter has spent the past week here ami has visit«! a nuinlwr of leave at honx> with his parents. M r friends and former neighlxirs includ and Mrs Charley Biggs He w ill re­ turn Liter this month to the' naval ing the Harry Ecklands M r. and Mrs. Lee Srlwmp and base at Guatanamo. Cuba family from Forest Grove wore din Mrs. Bernard Gilliland, who recent­ tier guests Monday evening at the ly was in the Forest Grove hospital for m ajor surgery, is now making home of her parents. Mr and Mrs good recovery and is able to be out Marion Steers. Harvey iB udi Vyers. owner of the again local second hand stare, is in the Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Horn drove io Columbia D istrict hospital in St Eugene' F riday evening and stayed over Saturday to attend the Oregon- Helens with a broken leg which re­ Washington State game Mr Horn's sulted from a fall last Thursday cv brother. Robert Hom of Spokane ening He had taken Mrs laiura Vrrovv smith to Ix r home on Clatsop was also there to televise' the' game street ami was helping her get I xt for Washington stations. Saturday groceries out of the car «hen he step morning, the Horns hail breakfast with the Gonk>n Larsons of Banks [xxl in a hok' and twisted his leg. who we're spending the' week end breaking it just above the ankle with the'r son who attends U t»f O The Vernonia ambulance was called to take him to the hospital and their daughter who is married Guy Thomas joined friends from and lives at Springfield the Corvallis area for elk hunting in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine who re­ the Wallowa.« out o i+ ile in last w«'k cently purchased a rx'w home at the comer of Maple and Third streets in Hx'v encountered cok! weather ano Vernonia and moved there from Mist snow but were successful in bagging were pleasantly surprised Sunday a f­ two elk Funeral services were scheduled ternoon when a group of relatives Thursday at ar.d friends arrive*! for a hausewarm- far 10 a m today Caldwells Colonial Mortuary in Pori ing. H ie guests brought cake anti ice cream to serve and they presented land for Nelson M Welly brother of the Devines with gifts for their new- Mrs Nora Harders ami Clayton Wei home Additional wee*k end guests at ty of Vernonia Other survivors in­ the Devine home were their grand­ clude his wife, a step-daughter, a children. Cheryl. Ricky and Carla grandson and another brother ami sister He had been critically ill for Devine from Turner some time Mrs. Oral Faulkner of Portland came last week for an extended stay at the home of her brother. Robert L Spencer Mrs. Edith Markham. Mrs. Faye Davis and Mrs Lesta Gamer visited friends at the Friendsview Manor in Newberg Sunday afternoon They a l­ The 7th annual bred ewe and lamb so called b riefly on Mrs Walter Kent sale sponsored by the Oregon Pure­ before coming home Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lindley of G ari­ bred Sheep Breeders association w ill baldi were week end guests of their be held Saturday. November 14 at Rickreall, reports Don Coin Walrod. daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs county extension agent Larry Gamer and fam ily The sale w ill be held at the Polk M r .and Mrs. O. T. Bateman were county fairgrounds located one-fourth in Hillsboro Sunday to attend a din­ ner which honored her sister and m ile south of Rickreall on Highway husband. Mr. and Mrs Robert Har- 99W’ starting prom tly at 10 a m. lion Kessi. Harlan. Oregon is chair­ tram pf on their 25th wedding anni­ man of the sale committee Other versary. The dinner was arranged by the H artram pf's daughter and members are Eldon Riddell. Indepen­ husband. M r and Mrs David Brink- dence: Wenton Redmond. McMinn ley Other guests were Mrs Elsie ville and B ill Harland, Dallas Roy Benson. Hillsboro, w ill serve as auc­ Stevens. Mrs Mae H artram pf. Mr and Mrs Elbert Stevens and M r anti tioneer. The sale w ill include consignments Mrs Ross Hartram pf. all of H ills­ <4 45 Suffolk.». .33 Southdowns. 28 boro. Mrs. Marie Shafer accompanied Hampshires. 20 Romney; 15 Shrop­ Other breeds w ill include Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose and their shire Cheviot. North County Cheviot, Dor­ grandson. Jackie Greenwood to F or­ est Grove Sunday for dinner at the set, Lincoln. Corriedale and Colum bia. home of M r and Mrs Derrel Rose Purpose of the sale is to assist Jackie, who has been home on leave farm flock owners, 4-H ami EEA following completion of boot camp training, left Tuesday to return to memlxTs, as well as purebred breed­ San Diego where he w ill be assign­ ers in securing high-quality bred ewes and ewe lambs at a central lo­ ed to a ship Mr. and Mrs. B ill M urrell have cation A ll animals consigned are register sold their home at the south edge of ed and transfer w ill be made to the town on highway 47 to M r and Mrs. buyer following the sale. Elgus Frank and they moved last A sifting committee w ill pass on week to the form er Blanche Berger- son house five miles out on Timber the soundness and quality of each road. They plan later to move to St. entry. Sale catalogs may lie secured from Helens to be nearer his work John Hansen, Polk Guests Tuesday at the home of Secretary N county extension agent, Box .348. Dal las. S h eep Breeders S ch ed u le S a le O c r n o n ia E a g le 2 THURSDAY, NOV 12, 1964 Classified ads are like freedom — they're everybody’s business' DEI \ \ I l I U ’O IN I PINEAPPLE JUICE OYSTER STEW 4 10 oz. Cans MONTE 46 oz. Cans SI A 3 89c 2/59c A QQp X/ 0*1» I ’ e t In s ta n t 12 I f f . SÌ/C I'k g . DRY MILK DILL PICKLES vp a 1 fcA Nabob Eamou* Canadian B lend B la c k le a M \ \ \ \ El I I ’k g . o f I s B a g * H O I SE COFFEE— - 2-lb. Can ■«AV a T/\CO IV I Alvth $15^ P k g . o f * s e r v in g . N abiM O I ig COOKIES DRY BEANS N i u t o ll- - I b l ‘k • N M .I.E V S G re a t N o rth e rn 2-1 h. Package ( It E O l. E MEAT BALLS l">-oz. t an In I uni. .sauce COOKIES SARDINES MINCED CLAMS 3 for S1 S u n *h in e llv d r o v < hoc. S a n d w ic h — I li. P kg. lin y l o t Im p o rte d -!G-(»/. ( an* H o ve r Blue- p o in t — x -o / For Wet Weather Walking . . . v it j? f t ItO ü T IH Y QUALITY SHOES 854 Bridge St., Vernonia % »8 43c 3/85c 4/S1 c : 19 BOILING ONIONS- - I.ABISH (E N IE B -!-l.ti. Bag A 7 A 0 C POTATOES LYNDEN . . . . 2/98c POTATOES X X ' X " * * 10c SCALLOPS 2/95c N e tte d G e m * I .S. No. 2 20 I.h . Bag I Choice M eats I our /owJJ/ow Prices SWIFT'S PREM. PRODUCTS X PORK ROAST . . . . . .. 43c i & <> $ It four I • I I I • I I 1 Semi-ltoneles*. Eh. AT LOW PRICES Be Fashionable. Keep dry in our water­ proof, fleece lined, rubber and suede boots. For ladies and children. 10c 2/75c 25c O te -ld a In s ta n t M ashed SAI SAGE ROLL, Lb. — BOI.OGNA, l.b LINKS, 12-<»z. — WIENERS. 12 <>z. o Mix ’Em of Match ’Em .¿S?1 * J • I I I I » » I I I MILL MARKET X You're »« clout I., Mill Market aa your I’hunr-IIA S-J|»2 Thaw have been reprenentativee id certain |»n»ult» who have !«*<«,w »lerutyprd im ieltbly In the hutury ,ii«| folklore <4 Ow Am ericas b w W M ofthe distil» Uvenei» «•< ihe tr w n i lutim i» the conquWadurs. tlw m i» i . iiuiiv |«ieat. the gaucho of la t in America. ami tn North Am erica the tiM-vmtaui man. liw |>n«»pr< fair, tlw ,,,wt>oy and a numi«* <4 oilier» One of die mo»i cU orful <4 all » « » th e F rc ix h Canadian vayageur Ju»t ¡1» tolay (hero 1» one |v«4rw ,41 I. V h o b* w b lih would lw v ir tually .it a I*«» wltbuut F m w h Co nadian.' » *• Bud tlwv » w .ibwdutely io th r fur trade They w rie u w rr al Inane in a ra noe than anywhere rl»e I a*t t4 the Iturkv mountain« the canoe» were II ,.».te U birch Iw rh . here they were dugout» ’Hie Sork cra ft were gene» .lllv front to 40 feet long W.tUilng ton irv in * ••• A»tu»i.i say». ' * « n-Mw of tiu« are generally mai» aged by i-ifeM or ten men. two of whan .»re puked veteran», who re reive «ioubic «age» ami are «tation « I iste at tfw> bow ami the other at the »tern, to keep A b«"k out t the f«»e»nafl‘ , (ha gnu ver mail die r.ieerwvan*. ami the m ilie u * the im kUe man The voyageur» »wvtng ttflghi re«I b ia iin i |uwktlr» whuh fladw d in the «un a *truke every >r»u*»i -■ and «al in ¡»air» cm tlw («le» <4 trailing good« or fu r i Dw toyagrufa (Made a fum lom m tai aj»l effnAive <«attribution to th r lie V r ¡< » -meni >4 <*u Pacific N<«th «««t iih r ti la n rit and Clark tr a i v in i uptXreani on '.br M i«-.«irw I no p m MONIBAY, SOYFMRFR I« Project levier» meeting He-rf On» gon Rldg . io » a m I.»«v club dinner meeting F ire hall 8:30 p m American lapion PoM II» Lsgian ball • 8 OQ p m < it> ( ounnl CMy haU R no p m n fsday . n h y fm bik p EI It Guild • Hi«»)- i4 Mrs Carl H 4»ey R r» p m American I r r it a i Auailtary b ill 8 on p m ‘ Vernonia 0.1.1 Fellow» Lodge lo ll R cm p m "» D S IS D A Y . noykmrer IS f ib Circle E l JR church I O) p m Nehalem Chapter, OES Masonic Temple r m p m Member oi United Grocers Marine Private Ronald A Shep pard, son of Mr and Mr». Melvin R Sheppard of Timber route, com pleted recruit training October 8 at the Marine Corps recruit depot. San Diego. Marine recruit» undergo more than too hours of physical com! it ion ing, «pend more than BO hours learning how to d rill .anti devote three weeks to rifle and pistol marksmanship in Try to ii Himikw % t*( ih«' great Freue " « H ih i. t»»' fur trad, y / * ' KbW <4 U» p Und« Giitimte ►'•«ni Matthin’T L i ' m efiti G nvtó J<~14. Ihr Hmkon » g«. •4 f ibe «lami * " b many 2 ' •m l »U lt d r u g ‘ the first wtilae, Valley The, » »er, tki fui H.«Img fwjgltaRg " PW| I tuHlte.Hi Chouteau» »So» e»! all tiw »»y mu fc , M.mlarta 'hr 11^-^ '-«d a m —-frm named for ihm, were all .aer (he iw rtn rr ,n reumi,,, «eherne» leachi^, valley amt min <»»(,* r illi, »te,'.gl (tw y. - Ibe wÜdnd FiemW.^ " j * Prufiatdi mg m «|[ ami II«- h Iieja-ve^k w * ' lorloMling were d * , 1 a» mu. h .11 C .nag ,Jn ageur« atriAad ihre ami «ang ihetf rbyu»m v tweee Ihr grMR m « g litlrd alioig Death Claim Early Resides F lirv ra l cf-,kr» ■ ‘«r t a f|i man Fum<»l ( hat« « S I f.* an r,i: \n-aau *, bam J M ei r-4'er tj Mellinger <4 '.rf*re_i W Iham J Udkapr ml June : tfI3 ot pw» iaiaf he wai « irm | fa n r, -, tlgp Utg a »hrel dmr is tkr (hr . I .im r Io \mceu Here unüil h t «at ned f Mi ls * a n tr i other pwawer tarmi» They taler ~x»«4 W 1 1 »here Cc !: -..»• e '-r -e.«rr. "»RI house whrrr ihr (iantpl . .e h«4a* ic a id g » 8| « b rrr )■> ba* twrB an» Ml V - c ....». w ( l*«e- M licirfi» ani lea Survivor» .mLiota 4 Wtadfrod it weil «f Ibe brother 'î,ergiaa4 àot gRNtgfl tad* R Mal Let s Gel Àc li. L« KaM na M li- m September 4 M R 4 1 Sev mia to m e to \ «r nuta* B « • b*»d here licvt : 24 Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Re«- Ma* t,.Mj “ **’ ! .toti Theatti • . o x o i o x o x o r o x o x e x o x e - x o : » : * : * : •:••*'■*'■*■*•*■*'*" their 11 », ,.k training program Several hour» an- deV0( a .M„ 3 p M Sheppard Is A ssigned For A dvanced Training .••«»waeuu, . Ilerve.1 N(W i, Hellie. I Phone IIAzel 9-6611