oggers End eoson w ith •0 Victory Churches Plan Rite h It"*' , ÜKiKierld -«•«•’”»> Ertday h, with ' " v,-r ,h r ' • » ' , w **r m i „ h , ¡»-Id '»«•” ' - '• * > ««»"' A« ■■, H " ‘ bark v»r«U «<» «hr !-<*’> '" 13 Inri thr ball on <*” * " * Vrrnonu. a w i |,|..1 < d hm I «•«worth« I « * on thr U lÜ « 1" Again «hr s held I*™« »«opprtl «hr visitor'» nil lh»>- I latfway in U h - rrt^wl quarter ( <« I had 1« iw-lr»«rtl t«» th r Ver U »là-n a |«fw»lt> «*»< «hrrn >ar,b ..n«l m «*"“ »»*»• P**?* ,h r X p. I ,-Jt«sl I- '* k «o t«*r tl ytiWtl 4 paw to th r IS «lili c M and .« |«tv-h that nrt thr VenwrUa wore on another ■ frtwti Brtlingham to Smith Tty pnnl failed Rayala' law threat carne In ihft.il «»U when they a th u n rrd within a (Mil oí th r go al I-u g g rr OTuratun ¡»Id and tune ran «ail ihr Royal* In W m w tiw Ixxgjgrr» were out pding th r'« ., >.««< tlw g a iiw es II) so a* they w«-rr outweighed 30 ¡«»i/xU i«-r m an They lad four goal h n r threat* by ftos als and chalk«*! up gain» of yard* IB from rushing and 147 pauing Tlu» wound up th r ai n « ' l l fifth pla< <- Purt and («** cm lesi winnrr» dur ■ thr half » e rr Danny Eh««i Paul ■won .m l P aul I m v is In thr II. 13 ■ l l s r a r ’ ■'«r 'I • !>>,»a¡¡ighl sole !- • Cousin» J im (.lo u lie i>l b.irri.ld Prisdil were appointed a cranniittre far the annal light- and decoration runteat s|Hinsoreil «hr chamber Crowston Gets High Rating By Coaches R ally Banquet Tickets Needed GSA to Open Bids on Office assistant regional director of busi rwss affairs of the General Servicesi Aitniinisiroll.wi I^us-m advivr* that a ¡»ews re Im sr will he issued when the sue ie«*fiil Iw.kler has been ibXrmurwd Estim ated ctwrt of constructuai is »125 TOO hrtr ¡amber Board lids Band Fund VOU/MK 42. Nl MBl-.lt 4«, A recent press release from Ore gwi State University at Corvallis hr«* tlw following highly cornplinwn tary rem arks alxiut Vemorua'a Mar vln «‘rowston ' Marv ('mwMon lx the type <4 fiMithall player that head coo. Iw- like to have around Tfw form er Vermaua high iwhool Young |woj>lr who wish to attend star is versatile, to say the least the «Yirlsllan Yiajth Rally liarw|i»rt He's p la y d at bsir diff'-rent posi tMm* in lew than two varsity Mvuwjns November 21 base only until Turn ilay November 17 to obtain tlckrts. at Orcgim State As a so,ihom« information rrlease«! by «1 out as reserve n of radio station KPlKg ojiener. hut l<«4 hlv yob to .sopbrvmre wmuitiim Pnul Brothers onr of the In Portland brightest young quarterha« ks in the nation "Then in juries hit the Beaver tail hack |Mcturr Sure enough Cr'rw-si r lush) stttrm uld ms I- obtained In it was a grandm other who W far .i mother who n this subject The Masonic Ixslge as ihrtr ermtn bulion to National Exturatuai \»cek has a rra n g n l for the speaker of tin- evening who will Iw Kenneth Shu m aker Irom Portland He is nm iMM-tnt with the Benke Walker Rust n > C u U n g e and will speak an. "kal- ucatton pay* Ihviilenils' Tlw Masons will also prejiare anil serve their uvual dehrtnus refresh m enls alter the |irogram Tfw nweting will be held at the Washing! n scltool in the art mom at R wi p in Any cantribuliw * to the t hristm as candy fund by lxrurw»e people or •«* dlvtduals will Iw greatly appreciat rd by the PTA Th«w interested may ikmate at tlw nweting or .semi conirihution* to Mrs Kennrth Snwj kal I T A treasu rer Tax Payment Deadline Near November 15 is the drwdlitw for paynwni «4 county taxes in onler to qualify for the 3 jwreent rel»atc. re­ mind» Shertif Roy Wilburn Since ihr 15th falls on a Sunday mailers are .«tv iswl to mail their tax re­ turns so that they will have a Satur .b y («jstm-wk Any mail dr|xwitrd in mail boxr*. an SumLiy ar after the final mail pickup on Mitunlay will liavc a November 16 postmark ami will not be eligible lor the re hale Letter« m ailed at the \rm«Mua po»t office up to 4 30 p m Saturday will Iw (Kwtmark.sl Novetniwr 14 ami will go out w was nobrl .*»' walks ami roofs in the Vernonia area early Wednesday morning November It Persona wh«» traveled tlw road Irom St Helens to Venwnui Tuesday n-jMWted encounterint heavy hail on the mountain Unusually heavy rainfall was noieu T u c m L iv ev«»mng 4. •- ’ . •-« - c a VIEW <4 Ih r M rrrM -hM uni p ip r show« the Invagl Al««,* J ,n,‘ *h’ ,l,r workmai» who carved II. •kown I. the Inaerted tube la the bawl of the |4pe which waa used lor bolding rolled tobacco lea ve, which were »niohed ra th e r «ban a *hre«Mcd tobacco placed In the bowl a« pipe « m o k rri do now. vitonc - ixiia T io l .- .- kj VEItNiiNIA, OREGON ~ THURSDAY. NOV 12, 1964 Drop-out Problem Faced le a c h trs at Vernonia highi m .-1 vx 4 have t*-«-n alerted to the problem of M'hc-il dropout* through inlormatii.fi (-(«npilrd by Su|xrintendent J.wy W' Aeaiturri Irom school records. Ixx-al records cwnpared with state and national figur«-*. show the prob­ lem to be <4 less pr<^-xtion ta re than e! ewhere but, according to Acajtur ri. as long a* there are any l Eroin I' m al statistics. Aeaiturri show* that during the sehrxd years 1956 to 19W) a period «4 m x years, there were 12 high school dnp^uLs. some college This was 26 percent five percent of the total 227 graduates ' f the toed Iiuring the period 1961- 'hiring that tinw Ituring the school years 1961 1964. 1964, 47 of the 131 graduates, or 36 a |M-n«Ml (4 lour years, there 21 high percent of them, entered some type school drep-ouU which was 1« per of training above high school. By cent of the total <4 131 graduates adding to this those who entered lie further states that in the year some bramh of the service, the to­ 1964, Vernonia high school graduated tal was raised to 50 percent 81 percent of the class which enter­ Arattu-n states that the increas­ ed as freshmen This was slightly above the state average of 8«) 8 per- ed percentage of graduates seeking cent and well above the national advanced training in the past four years indicates the benefit of the up­ average of only 70 pertenl Acaitum further stated that dur­ grading cf the curriculum and the ing the? 1956-1960 period, 59 of the '•necurag'-me-nt given students to 227 students graduated enrolled in seek further education. However, he states, the increased dr pout problem has prompted the reorganization «4 the vocational ag­ riculture department and the hiring of an additional teacher in that field. He concluded that every teacher has a definite challenge to study the ably all the items which had been problem and ascertain ways to help the potential drop-out Included in earmarked for irberitance by the on­ suggestions made by him to his ly grandson were gone Then she teachers were increased utilization had a letter from her sister. Horace's of the library to keep the interest of aunt, saying that of all the items, the skw learner, referral of students the pipe was the only thing that had with problems to the guidance in­ mA been sold to obtain food Ami. by structor. careful attention to good a quirk of faie »he had found a wo­ lesson plans, class presentations and man who was coming to the United discussions, and additional en­ States, in fact, to The Dalles with couragement to the slow learner and whom she would send the pipe to poor reader since these are the ones Horace who usually become the dropouts Somehow they little expected it would ever arrive because its value and unumaLiess could be a tempta­ tion to any one and they knew nothing of the person who was to bring it to them But. in due time, she did ar­ rive in The Dalles and delivered the Vernonia's alumni will entertain pipe intact, to Horace This, to him. is a priceless trea­ a Rainier alum team here Sunday sure. for it is his only inheritance afterr.Ton in another benefit football from his gramifather And. the game for the athletic (iepartments of means by which it came to him the two schools when they tangle at 2 p.m on Greenman field For this makes it doubly precious school, funds will be used to defray expenses for the coming track season and fc- das» backboards in the gym The local's lineup will include Leonard Schmidlin. Jim Mullins. Local police and volunteers joined with state police Sunday night in Jim Justice. Jack Hclsey. Bill How­ the search for a hunter from the ard. Dale Andrich. Bab Mendel Bob Beaverton area who became lost in Ctne J m Eckland and Ted Boden- the Rogers Park area He was ftund hamer Li«t Sunday 's alum game at Clats­ about 1 1 a m Monday kanie was won by Vernonia 32-7. Scoring plays include«! five-yard and 15-vard runs by Wendel. Fred Man­ gat on a 45-yard pass from Wendel. Columbia county voters turned out Bill Howard on a 55-yard fumble re­ November 3 to register a total of covery and run and Jim Justice on 10 389 votes which is 88 43 percent a seven-vard run Mangat ran one of the total 11.748 registered voters extra point and Wendel dropkicked in the county, according to figures the other Clatskanie scored on a sne-yard compiled by Ray A Nelson. Colum­ tun bv Puzey and the kick was good. bia county chirk Intricately Carved Meerschaum Pipe Valued as Family Heirloom A pqx- is '4t«-n the prtied possesion <4 a man. *«anething that helrxigs to him alom- ami ¡ msvmtk - s almost a part «4 him It can be a mark of dis­ tinction ami young men seem to feel they have achirvnd a true mark <4 maturity with the acquisition «4 their first pipe A utb«’ and rnen of creative abili­ ty M-em to do th«*r Ixwt thinking with pipes in their mouths whether lit or r*X, and to snwkers, the pipe hccorm-s a companion an emotional levelcr and eaaer of tension along with ix-ing the mean» of smoking en­ joyment The pipe pictured here has become an heirloom pass«*! from grandfa­ ther to gramiwn with a previous his­ tory about which little is known Horace Hertel was borri in Germa­ ny. but came to the United States with hi* parents when he was only four so he remembers little about his gramifather. Karl Bargenda. ex cept what he has 1»en told He be­ lieves that his gramifather was bom ..N h ? 1870 When his grandfather was in his teens he worked for an elderly wi­ dow who became vtry fond of him When he left to join the navy, she wished to give him a gift, so she gave him the prized pipe which had belorced to her husband and which he is believed to have acquired many years earlier in Austria or some otb«» Southern Eun^iean country The pipe is a Meerschaum, elabo­ rately carved ami matle in a style that would indicate it is very old. jirrhaps dating back to the late l.OOs or the early 1800* It is in an intri­ cately carvtxi lettther case and what research Hertel has done regarding it indicates it may have originated in Turkey Instead of being made with a bowl into which tobacco is tamped ftc smoking it has inserted in the bowl a Meerschaum tube about the nght size to hold a small n g a r The early custom of pipe smoking was to use them as a holder for rolletl tobacco leaves, a forerunner, no doubt, of the r ipar It IS from this practice that the word stogie, now applied to a small, inexpensive cigar Is believed to come The meerschaum pipes are maiic from a » ft white mineral substance sometimes fouml floating in the Black sea ami resembling seafoam which accounts for the name Most i4 the meershaum in «wnnwree is obtained from Asia Minor, where lumps of it are found in masses of clay it is a comjxwiml of magnesium, silicon, oxygen ami water Pipes m ade i4 it a re white when new. but with careful handling ami use they became a rich brown color Meer slutuni pi[x*s break easily, which mnknv th«» one owned by Hertel es pccialty precious because it has beer. p re » rv e d Hertel remembers that as he grew up his mother told him about the pipe which was the prized possession of his grandfather, ami since Horace was the only grandson, it was passed on to him along with other articles <4 keepsake nature Then cam e World War II l*eople who lived in East Germany under th«* Russian occupation knew great opjeessum ami destitution They sold everything t4 value th.it they had to get Iwcn able to save in orikc meager fcxxl anti necessities of life Even then, they died of starvation ami privation So it was. in the early IWtks th.i Karl Bargenda. grandfather of Her­ tel, ended his days. Horace s mother, then living at Th«' Dalles, exwnmenKxl Ihat pr<»- Alums Await Rainier Tilt Lost H unter Found Vole Totals 10,389 T..IS P U T IR E show* heirloom ponessi«" «4 Horae« aMet to the smoker’s pleasare i ^ i Ï e e i X a t e s that il •» proh^'X thaï it face* away from him.