lh b , . t . 5 •« S e *1001 A,,,,iomm'.lely „lu i • “ •» ,,iu’ ' .... * ,„l l.lM Special Series A aerie» Itaymoml I ’ Tnrggurt, l»a«tor <4 the «hurch other evhc.lulad apenkera are aa follow» W.-dnmday, November II. Ilev Robert Hletaclier. |i.iMor ol the I x i i i . KUH church Thursday, No » in n la r 12. He» Itotant Day. |»a* 1 « of Ila- Wk hHa I-UH church F rt day. November 13, Hev Robert Wot zel paator «4 the Mock» < rent HUB church SalunL-.y, November It. Hcv Robert Morri». poMor of the I irM I l II church Portland, Sunday N ovendar I'» Rev V A llallanlyne. di«trtct M j|«Tinfindenl for KUH < hun I . » In thl* area A ll w r v lo t ..re m ia .lu l.il for 7 Jo p rn and the public 1» invited lo al tend * "'• .... ................ lt,VÌ.Ù*"'*y*rr \ h.ul.- H '" » ’ ' V ,rn " ' " " i I -kr tlw l«’"1*, '*• 1 rv‘' " i ' . ........ wn» m F e r n ........ . *»•» Mr» Bob skerot» Norman n an an «•» „« ih rime In fo rm a to * 1« Mi and M i Haa ‘ .... X-iuru. Thum b.) where u., lyllet (or a jrw d ry , ( K j* » »">’ M r» ,M lr ,1 children were !< « * * » * * lo hi»*»- Ja” < the H ill Mulkey lama« There were Iilaag 75 gue-t» who caine and went during da- evening There were r«-fro-4ui»«-nt * and llra ith l.a i. - She <4iml the w w k end here baby «it- ting while the Kelly» were an a hunting trip ¡ular work an.) M r. » I ' McCoy « ml touted her Mitchdl Sunday AiaM l** let Mr» E n iii'H I M nilh UWt ».-dm-«.!«' Gr.ni- l ’< M het returned laWIM- t after »pending a week \l» il la in " in 1‘nnrville Hewl « « I Hrr nephew .1.1 wile, Mr I t . ( ah in Sherman «X Bend r r rajil» bona* with a birthday < ak<* to help M r ItcynokU «-elebralu lu» huttalay Week on I gue»t» were Fto bert l. it y an T ill IN P U T N r; OP THE t III Hi H My Rev. Raymond P la rg g a rt II i* very d iffa u lt to evaluate th.- milu.-fi-1- < I the ehurch in n e-.m o u fiily hr»- »4 the mm! effective way» to do this would l.e (h it of »liv continuing nil actlvitie» of the ehureh. Sun-lay »chool young (au- ple»' meeting» and litf.-ning to any reiiga.u» brtxidcawt on radio and T \ for a period of two year» in any giv en «.immunity Then- are very few who would care lo live in a community <-ity or ecuntry where there were no churches On.- i not always eon- micus of all ihe cmfort-» and con­ venience* . f his heme until it has been dewtroyed by fire wind or earth quake Wh«-n this lake* place he in suddenly ta\ id le r hi» tractor ni .rxl recovery He wlU work fflce until abb ’ « r r i,l,n ,o ................ Bible Study Series Continued by Guild Church Slates □ Id re » »n«1 A«J“ U ’ Meet» las, T liu tw lay every month West O regon E le c tric A u d ito riu m . 7 SO P M l.co » g r M w «. Pfr»alcB l llarry Juokrn. \ ice persidr.il Mantes I ocsnMwn Secretary Ralph B«-rger*on. Treasurer V IS IT O R S W F L C O M F I««« Vernonia Barracks Veterans ol World War I each month IO O F hall. at I 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i invites you to the Fellowship Hour SATI R D U M l.H I. NOVEMBER 7th—7:00 P..M. REV. VIRGIL PEASE ♦ M • B K i’.iv from First Conservative Baptist Church, Oregon, will show colored slides of S o uth irk be ng done by the famed •4 i *•* v X WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS i Go - - I - -r 8 — to th e c h u rc h o f y o u r choice. c h u rc h hom e, we in v ite you I f you have no to pay us a v is it. 1.. A. DU BOSE, PlMtor g the P M «fl y I IWA Local 3-14 Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meeting»: 1.0.0 .F . H all nd and Fourth Wednesday» o| tach month »ie Atkins. M F C. ,» l anye, Secretary 1*5 Meets rir s t and Th ird Thursdays ÌW Qfi A F I. 7:30 P M C IO Buslnrsa A g e n t la »» the hall. N o rth am i W a shington Sts third and fourth a.m. to 12:30 p ro. Thursday 10 4*4 ’ernoni.i Lodge No. 246 Order of Easîorn Star J .O .O .F - Flrit and Third Tuesday I 85 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 M»*«» 2nd end 4th Thursday ’ •ninqs of each m onth in lha ■°-OF. hall. • "h i Horn. Noble Grand Chance. Secretary _ _ _ _ _ _ VERNONIA CHAMBER Nehalem Chapter 133. O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and third Wad. of each month at Masonic T e m ­ pi«. AH visiting sisters and b ro th ­ er» welcome. Jean Kergoreon. W. M. France» llerwhey. See. 1*5 AMERICAN LEGION Meets First and T h ird Mondays 1 o f each month. V E R N O N IA OF COMMERCE to ' q u n rte rly H oard meet» ( '»ml 4th M onday», H 00 p m , W” «t Oregon E le c tric o ffic e '»•tor» invited. *7 I- Ihonin», President E’ »lrn Heath, Sacy. YOUNG PEOPLE'S GROUP i PYTHIAN SISTERS re p o rt \DVERTISING — IT PAY« i Il ti. I’ altee. Com m ander A rt Gardner. A djutant :k Rergeiton. Chancellor Commander E. Garner. Secretary D irectora l’ f \ D ••» » » » I» if LO O T . H all Second Monday o l Each M o n th of " Meet» 4lh Monday A U X IL IA R Y M eets 4 lh M on.. 1OOT h a ll S p ro. I„nn Weidman. I ’reMdeni Cora lance. Secretary ?*5 Herding Lodge No. 118 Vernonia. Oregon «»rd . _ C hevrolet IGHTS OF PYTHIAS 8 P.M. n»» Hall, Noble Grand < ulh.-rl»nn, See. In the ime state lived a godly man and his wife, Rev and Mrs Jonathan Edwards A study was authorities w ill not have to use the made of ever 700 of their descendants electric chair " with these findings 300 were mini­ There are 8.000 o n criminals list- sters of the gospel, 65 were college ' I in the department nf justice in professors, 13 wive university presi- Washington I l f Not many of these dents. HD wroe authors of good books will he found enroll«! as devoted at ■ nd cf all the ethers only one was U-ndantr, of Sunday school and found with a questionable character church According to reliable sources They cost the state nothing for m< e than 'Hi percent of the boys and < rirw-s on the other hand they were girls wh.; attend Sunday school regu­ making constructive contributions to larly never get into serious trouble -ciety 'X the IRQ robberies 100 burglaries, Jim and I were pals, close pals of ./X, auto thefts, and Z'/xi larcenies the David and Jonathan type, but which are committed each day, few wr» were sinners, away from God. re committed by regular attendants in cur early twenties In the provi­ 'it Sunday -« h< < I and church. dence «X G«xl | was led into a eamp Ibc fcllcwing statistics taken from me* ing conducted by the ehurch ihe recced» of two families involved There I w. ccnverted and have just vivid picture of tia- church’s (• mpl«-t " ~ “ ^ , „ u„ Telephone your Chevrolet dealer about any VP POST l i t VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Ihinii«« Hull. Commander H arry Culbertson. Adjutant A U X IL IA R Y Flrat and Th ird Tueaday» Hruuhih Hall. President Murel Folken. Secretory 1*5 I *5 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA OREGON PHONE HA 9-5023