CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE General FOR SALE Six year c u b ami play­ pen Mrs Neil Zimmerman. 124 F sttv-ei II Y/cl N M 43t3c EOR SALE 5 spring calves 1 Eng idaire. automatic defrost Some old cai-s. etc 1 flatbed trailer See or call evenings. HA tv3270 44t3e EOR SALE Used items as follows. Spark oil heater. $20 large refrig­ erator or cooler compressor. 115 volt, quarter horse motor. $20 d,x.r. 3-panel. one light, 2'8" by 6 8". hardw are and frame. $2 50. door, five crass panels. 2 s by 6'8". door and fram e. $2.00; window ami fram e ■ ( R >.- New combtaatian screen door. $7 tXher nusc bldg m aterials Vernoraa Golf Club. HA zd 9-3865_____________________ 43t3c PRY seasoned hard wood. 16 inch, fine for heater or trash burner. $6 ( x t load, delivered Vernonia Golf Club. HAzel 9-3865 43t3e CHRISTMAS is tim e to think of World Book Encyclopedia ami Child- cr.ift A wonderful gift from think mg parents Easy term s Eor infor­ mation call HAzel 9-3782. Mrs la v Rundle. 45t I EOR SALE Eemale pup from regis­ tered Dachshund mother. $7 00 Call HAzel 9-3875 45tlc FOR SALE or TRADE Two well- bred Jersey heifers, yearlings. $75 each H.Azei »5891_____________ 45tlc EOR SALE Ten-key electric adding machine Call HAzel 9-3782. 45tl FRESH FLO W ERS for any occa­ sion Flow ers w ired a n y w h ere R uth S teers. HAzel 9-5384, 15tfc FLOW ERS TH A T PL E A SE F in ­ est in flow ers for ail occasions. Plants, b ouquets Floral pieces f >r funerals. Flow ers speeded by- long d istance or w ired a n y w h e re Mrs. Lloyd Thom as, HAzel 9-6611. ______________________ltfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE by bid—1956 4-door Chev Mail bids to Vernonia Federal Credit union before Nov 9. 1964 Minimum bid accepted $450 00 44t2c See hometow n hoy AL Hl NTI.EY Pick-ups - Scouts - Travalons All units available in 4-wheel drive. 1964 INTERN YTIONAI. PICK-UPS Half ton. heater, defroster, spare tire and wheel, internal cooling system. 100.000 mile w arranty. Immediate delivery $1790 1964 IN T ER N A T IO N A L SCOUT Dual tanks, sure-grip rear end. bucket seats, full top. 4-wheel drive, leaded with extras $2488 HKK- Financing - Debt Consolidation Budget Terms Phone AT 8-6366 (¡ary W orth Plymouth Co. 1913 N.E. Union, Portland For information call collect 38t8c CLASSIFIED RATES THE EA G LE assum es no fin a n ­ cial respo n sibility for erro rs th a t m ay a p p e a r in ads pub lish ed in its colum ns, b u t in cases w here this p ap er is at fault, w ill re p rin t th a t p a rt of an adv. in w hich the ty p o g rap h ical m istak e occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions lor the price of two. NO C L A SSIFIE D OR D ISPL A Y ADV. W ILL BE A CCEPTED A FTER TU ESD A Y NOON E X C E PT FOR N E X T W EEK 'S P A PE R NO inform ation on classifieds w ill be given out u n til after paper is m ailed. BLIN D A DS w ith answ ers Io be han d led by T he E agle: M in i­ m um charge $1.00. No in fo rm a ­ tion g iv en relativ e to such ads. CARD of T hanks & N otices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. A dditional lines, 8c each. Oernonia £a WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS 45tlc SERVICES FOR 1965 calendars, busine-« form.» ami other advertising specialties, contact Al A Reeves 224 North St Yemonia. Oregon. 44t3c FINANCE your new 1965 oar with a loan fr< m Y’ernonia Federal Cred it Union 853 Bridge St 43tfc HAVE dump track. Will haul sand, gravel, top dirt, anything requiring dump track f a ll Francis Wright. HAzel 9-5828 43t3c SHEET ROCK nailing, taping, tex­ turing. Free consultation and esti­ mates References A complete, guaranteed service Wallboard Con­ structors. 224 North St . Vernonia. Oregon \l \ Reeves Owner 44i3c Walt's Cabinet Shop St. Helens, Oregon Phon«- 397-1231 Kitchen cabinets, bathroom built-ins. counter top* Formica, plastic ami ceram ic wall tile Flecto finishes complete furniture finishing line in stock. Electo clear Varathane outlasts v ar­ nish 2 to 1 Flecto white out dates paint. 43tfc S E PT IC TA N K service. P um ping ar.d repair. G A R ussell, Colum bia C ity, O regon P hone St Helen- 397-0650 d aytim e; 397-0074 after 5 00 p m _____________________46tfc Haberman's Meat PROFESSING PLANT S ta te Inspected CUSTOM SL A U G H T E R IN G Beef: M onday, T uesday, Friday Hogs: T h u rsd ay , F rid a y till noon C u ttin g an d W rapping S h a rp F reezing S m oking and C uring F ree use of S tock T ra ile r Shop Res. EL 7 3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141, F o rest G rove, Ore. On F e rn H ill Road ltfc CLA REN CE R W AGNER, i surveyor, C o u rt H ouse. St. H elens Phone office, 397-0698; hom e, 397- 0018 Private surveying, engineer­ ing w ork. 24t/c WANTED FERN wanted. Contact West Coast Evergreen Co., 144« S. E. Water street. Portland. Oregon. Plione BE 6-0844 daily 7:30 a m . to 4.00 p m , Saturdays 9 a m. to 12 noon 44t2c W A N T E I) DEER, ELK, STEER HIDES Trade for Gloves and, or fa sh . J. II. AETMA.V Vernonia _____________________________ 39-520 CALL Guy A. I-uttrell collect for domestic ami irrigation well drilling EHA term s 397-2140, St. Helens, Rt I, Box 732 ____________________36tfc Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have w ater and build­ ings Can pay all cash b k r Call Portland, BEImont 4 6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore­ gon. 20tfc MEN'S LEAGUE lly Ed Ad<- I bans Market Ixxit lixigm- lead mg St Helens Ice & Beverage 3 to t and Ralph s Chevron Service eked eut a 21.- to l»j win oxer Rriinsinaii Hardware A Electric in the In,In- trial League Ralph's Chevron Serxiee high series. 2103 and Brunsman Hardware had high game. 757 Ted Btxlenhiiiner hail high indivudual series 518. ami high game. 212 Splits pickixl up were M II.lines 3-10. D Ell It 5-7. ami P Wisxlxxoilh 5- 6-10 Industrial Standings YY I. St Helens lee 13 Ralph's Chevron to1 9* Rrut’sinan Hardware H1 1C Di-an- Marital ■ i- Crcxxn Zcllerbiich mere.isisl llx-ti lead io the City leag u e a-. they took 4 points (rem Vernonia Milk The Verm iua Lions Club climbed out ,4 tlx- cellar with a 3 Io I point win oxer Bob's Union Serxiee Crown Zellcrbach had high s«-ries 2710 ,,ml high game '»a. D Johnson had high individual series. 581 ami high game. 197 Splits picked YY M arkham 3 10 .1 Magoff 2 4 to E S! >wik . to I Mullins 5 10 ami W Hall 17 10 City Leauge Standings frow n ZellerlxK'h Y’erncnia Milk Lions flu b Bob's Union Serxiee \\ 18 9 7 6 1. 2 11 13 14 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Team Standings W Quinns 164 West Oregon 16 Standard (hl 9 The Pills 64 High gam«-. Janet Fields i-». series. VI Aldrich. 510 Split- picked up Elcrvnz Huff 10 and 5-6 6- 10 .„vg.rtis law ns,u.ra.g » "'y m the In«»« ‘ 11 ,x-w ,,-nge. c a r. s,J.I m the Mate g .w „go rile d».-« > ,1M! to Y.-rn L Hill «kr.x-tor <4 <»»« depMlnienl d «"»“ * '• * * * * The m-w law pa**d b> 1 legislaR-v. m x » m r i f n ' '• ..erson diall riler (or «do « «»* Laxenger aut»«.»ri»»le that h « * * ,„g for one "*** P“ * ’" * * * ” * s„le the driver uni«- «he xehlvle is ol , ui IIM. sm « s L 74 8 15 174 high M argaret Thompson -<• 5 Grass Control Raises Yield »’ inter wheat yields can lx- tncreas i-d by controlling annual grasses, de­ clares County Extension Agent Don Coin Walrml Depending upon th«- grass problem yield increases can a meant to as much as 12 or 15 bush els per acre If grasses are not a pro­ blem. particularly ryegrass, the field should not lx- sprayed Diuron. generally known as kar- mex DW is th«- rccommcnde«! herln cide, says Walrod Fields can be sprayed either before or after the wheat has emerged However with heavier rains imminent at this time of year. th<- lx~,t plan is to spray im mediately after planting th<- wheat Control of annual grasses is parti cularly important in short straw nl Gaines wh«-at and in fields where heavier rates o f nitrogen will be im-d to boost y ield, states Walrod FOR RENT CLEAN CABINS f « rent furnislx-d Inquire between 8 a m ami 2 p m at Riverview Cabins or call HAzel 9 3344__________________ 4.313« CH ERRY TREE A pts Com plete- ly furnished except bedding, dizh- e R ent includes all utilities, heat, lights, w ater. P riv ate bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042 H. J "H ill" Edison, Mgr. 14tfc LEGAL NOTICE Iron, MS,« n.e bel«s or harm * m - s must nwei muiunum stamlaWs and sixvilicaii'«» ad>|««sl by «he ,k-,wrtn*n« d nx»«or vehicles Hill noted Huit the law actually re „„»res only two seal b«-M» <* harix-x m - s . and n-c«nlix-mled vehlilen that nonnallx carry mkbtional passengers du.ul.1 abo have beHs installed l„r «•very pi-,M-ng«-r | xki I h « i < o («oxnie |irt4crti4 drive by Hx- scout» wiU «»•“ * '*•’ ’* ’• ***•• urtlaxs Noveinlx-r 7 ami 14 It w expected »«ud a B«»v Seoul qxAesiiian «hat "-m e »."♦«■» B«'V ScvuLs. < ul» ami Senior Sitwils will Ian out ovw twelve isxmtle« In (h e gen ami southern Washington in the mammoth drive l«»r «liM-anksl but« l.xbii»' Nearly I iss» tr.xqx. p u k s and «b-ns »«U |wrtnq«n«e vu Hing 2.V» ••*» Iwxnes in Hx- a rra Itx' R.4 ux-mlx-rs X lunteer »ml m an true«« l.x moving the ed its (««I m a lrtia ls in to G..«l»ill » pl«’»« ami H . v a «- m m imxMle much d ih«- musa le lor un kMtling .«ml -(.»« king in Hie plani Etre ,U-.Mttm«-ni» in l“Xh Portland ami «iiHying etile» give vital help m twi. ways by prnnltlM g «w c «4 Hxir lire IxaiMw aa .lUlrlbutlng lutni» b«r tlx- empty •- <«l Turn hags to the Scout unit» »ml Ii* use as NOTICE TO IXXi OWNERS lt«5 Columbia County Dog Mcenaea are now available at the County Clerk's Office, Room loi, Court-, St. Helens, Oregon. Roy A. Nelson, Columbia County Clerk Noveinlwi ; I h «« m -U,|,| i i ,1( r «»»•• b „ 8b I ! - - later Saturday HeeuU return u, 1 •»«g» Tlir j, M * placed im R,«* lJOit lta(i ** tq can ««nplrte th, naan ** t I I» • t.. n a !„ Uil7 * l Goxlwill I«, llUtlftUu| *>»1 «»■'>4, I« l.itcr d iiHXr (hjsA -g) 'I I Ixx-t. waiting lor Ox. will I an pruvxlr ell (lung drtxm b, q , gan in lire ' •‘«•l»ill ’ hx aZ j ** |x-»q.i« «vrvrd »jx| Yl«yt ihuirirw Soil, Water Districts Slate Annual Meeting Next Week Water resource» «leveh»|«»nent i*it>- he relati. n» »ml cansers atk»a will h r krx lopics far tlx- l®ih .«r.ntuU ii»w-< ¡ng d the (Xegix, A»««» t»(««jti «4 .*xxl .«ml Water Eon»« vat tan duirict» at purtLtml Wr»|nr>i lax thrcsigh ErUtay N.ivrnxher 11 IJ m u c d in g to E lm « PiXrrwXi Kiuxiew IvLirnl «tairvman and ¡UMX-latKta prtwxtrnt Tlx- nx«4ing o,*«*» Wrsbwewlav with the «-«ghth »nrwial *lalr ? al ¡«sdglng C'XXtrM St y «TBW,<» fur (he meeflng itw ll d Agriculture, crew leader l(«4«-rt o|x-ns Thu'wkax nwmmg in (hr U44>) 1. Glusenger sard recently <4 .he Sher »tuft Ytder Inn site «4 all Enurneraturv in Columbia crxiniy regular meeting* P r-rru « , will [<«- belong «° •» forie «4 23 uoo throughout vale over '.hr «*rung asxrvnbly rr Frank segnx-nts «4 th«- U S economx Data Bennc*- I ngctme prrw.A,-nt d E»»t gathered include tlx- numlxr and ««rn Or«-ggunian. in a special bxir day home vtudx Paul Ylrvamlr-r farm r,«?r am* stX • Msr d the (lad es««i 4 j crom will I» thr -»m*1 tay e|«nr» h contarsi •twt »W W -, s-rr Ih n «ighouf (he stato year a rani <-M U Rxqr st( t u r e M aft.sgemng i t t i SUI h t al mg w.'hi«^ aa jpprti« f M ■» •■ sd, a s| mi creating Ocriicnij TIR RMiAY »A 1 1 U C ÏO lïflü l-M F ATLAS P IU M A -R II B ATT K RY a os t l vOH EASY PAYMENT NOTICE OE FINAL A(COUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as adm inistrator of the estate of Ruby L Biggs, «k-eeased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the Slat«- of Oregon for Columbia County, ami that F ri­ day. November 27. 1964, at the hour «»f 10 wt o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the Oxirt Room of said ( ju rt has lx-en appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto ami the settlement thereof. Date of first publication. October 2!», 1964. Date of final publication, Novem­ ber 26, 1!(64 Charles L. Biggs Administrator Donald L Kalberer St Helena, Oregon Attorney ««»lUx-H.x, ( *l«h (onirtbutnd Nrnuts d i » i n l x g / ^ * MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt 2, Ilog 379, Purest G ravo, O re My Frank J. ladu-ney QUESTION My hu-baml is u, and I m 63, but be won t retire | work­ ed a few years myself a long llrnr <»go Do I have to wait f,» n,v hl)v band to ret in- before I « «n get so d a l security'» ANSWER Your husband has to be getting his social security Ix-fore y«« can get lx-n«-fiU as a w.b- llowexe, you should lake your Mx-,al number to yw r, M^ (n bee ami see if y,M|'r«. eligible (<* y«ur own benefits because ,4 the work you