Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 05, 1964, Page 6, Image 6

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    Grange Hosts
Speech Contest
Letter to the Editor
file Mist Biikii.l.'ld lions
I M i n e n nnunlx'is will I*' m>" ux
|,. pinne
C latskanie. Ore
N ovem ber
T o th e E d ito r
In C< lum bia C curty the ra c e s for
th e ».’fu n ty C curt w ere fang and claw ,
slugging contests en g ag ed in by som e
can d id ates using q uestionable tneth
ods. a le tte r w riting group who
sm acked of professionalism , a p ress
largely unfair, an d a segnx-nt of the
public prone to ru m o r m ongering,
innuendo and unfounded accu satio n s
It w as a rep reh en sib le cam p aig n
but such ca m p ap tn s h av e th e sa lu b ­
rious effect i f focusing atten tio n
w here apathy h as prev totisly existed
This is the c a th a rsis w hich r«xl«xxns
dem ocracy
ih ie cf tile many refo rm s needed
in . ur Ccunty Court is a public re-
' I t
p n eedi tgs Sect I
e . \ e ’' a r ,s s-eretly a rriv e d at a re
a s p a s s e ' cs th e diplom acy of M etter
nich and T alley ran d
Our county
seem s to lx* on th e v erg e of an u npre
e e d - et» I ir h istric l an I econom ic
developm ent and th e people of this
county should have an equal oppor-
tunity to p a rt ike of the fru its of this
growth This is denied them , in p a rt,
if dealings a r e allow ed to be kept
se cret a s they have been in the
The cc u rt, ? s
will t-c co n stitu ted
a f te r the re tu rn s h av e been counted,
will probably he b i-p artisan in con­
te n t—it should be b i-p artisan in its
dealings. If th e re a r e political fa-
vi rs to be dispensed from these
people elected to th o se who w orked
t ' elect them , th ese favors should
lx* paid in th e coin of im p a rtial, fair.
. nd honest tre a tm e n t to every o n e
re g a rd le ss of th e am ount o r direction
Oernonia Eatjte
5. 1964
¡Phono HA 9-34621
N M AI PI I r s i u I»;
the Nat-'1
G iange w. s ag ain Ih -t lo the speech
c in tis i - p I’ m n i l by the Ulalsk ime
‘Y I Ci ns ‘tv alien district at then
last m tin«’ ik-tili r 2t C lal'k in i'
and V, I " I l l I high set els were rep
of the help they may have given
The court is able to ilis-pense this
favi r an d we. as citizens, can «le
nd i n nx>re hut it is a responsi
1 dity It d em an d no less
Y o u rs tru ly .
Bob W Ellis
Itt 2. Box 162
C latskanie. Oregon
Three Sisters
Enjoy Reunion
MIST — Mr .m i Mrs H erm an
I m g-l.iat S parks N
cd at th e C h arles Sutxiland hom e
W cdrcsdav to visit her sister, Mrs
'i r d ic e I M rs I an g -ta a t did net
ktb vv am th c r sister M rs l.c re tta
Ei -ter i f Sti cktcn. C alifornia, was
I re v i-iting. sc it w as a very pica
-.ant su rp rise I r tlx* th ree sisters to
I ti .'c 'h c r for th e first tim e in •••
v n ve>rs Ronald E ester ef Sacra-
m e rto
a rriv e d unexpectedly
Monday an d w as dso able to •qiand
si m e tim e w ith his m o th er am i aunts
Ronald is on the m a n ag e ria l sta ff ot
the H unts F eed Co.
Ronald left
T hur-day and the LangsU uits ami
Mr< F e ste r F riday en ro u te hotix-
via S to ck trn . C alifornia This w . ls
M rs L an g staa t s first visit to Mist
in 21 y ea rs
Mr and M rs J im Powell w ere
d in n er c u e -’* at the Bud Hem eon
honx* Sunday
Mr an d M rs Shalm on Libel w ere
in P o rtlan d Sunday to visit Ed Lind
berg at the* St V incents hospital
They also v isited with tlx* S am De
vines in V ernonia
M rs H erm an L an g staat ami Mr--
L o retta F o ste r visited with M rs E l­
sa Know k*s during the week David
Closirer visited, also
H u n ters by the dozen w ere here
an d th e re o v er the week end of the
opening i f elk season Boy K yser
.and (>ren Weed of V ernonia w ere at
Buck Mi u n 'a in over Saturday night
C laren ce Ky s e r and D ale Leino w ere
i n N ieclai m ountain E veryone -talcs
no luck
Rud Howry. Billy and frien d s from
G ran d e Rcm le w ere h ere o ver the
week end hunting
n 't I w ill R obert I'w |ii.iv cl \ i'i
nenia being judged the winner llay
P i t e r t. f t behalf i f Crown Zcl
let-bach. presented a tri|4iy to Ver
nenia high school as the "iniiiii
A fterw ards
the regular
gran g e mix-ting was held with the
third and fourth ik'grces eciiterrin
in Mr and Mrs .lain« s Jehus Mi
ind Mrs Sherm an E i-le r. Mr and
Mrs J.inn s Pow ell ami M r- I " lib
McCr tie
Mi ■
callisi on Mr
<iei rgc
and Mrs
Math vv-
ii .. . i„ v S’undav evening
Mr and Mrs 1! S I mils w .pent
Friday in Portland
Mr .and Mrs Albin Obi n k ami
Bi-b of Ml kill.i spent the week u x l
with Mr atal Mrs Max iih l.u k
Mr an I Mrs Vernon Petersen
ami I 'inly of V an.' liver s p i v Sun
day with his fclk- Mi an I Mrs
Ira Peterson
Irvin S .iln ek v ami Fred Wall a e
of Molalla -pent a few d a y s with Mr
and Mrs Max Ohlack while .loiiii
sem e hunting
N a ta l G ra n g e P a rty
O b se rv e s H allo w een
\ fairly larg e a tte n d lin e
was m ted Saturday evening at the
N a ta l (¡ra n g e let a llallew n-n p ity
G a m e s w ere p lay ed at! I visiting was
M' s (' o lla n -en retm n e I Friday
evenin'' a fte r '( -n fit:•• the week in
P o rtland She had accom panied her
daughter. Mrs T id Kulju th ere Sun
day evening While in Portland she
v isited with Mrs Jo,- Che lunar k
ami with her daughter
Ku' u
ami Mrs Tom Ford Mr i h u h i i
tX'k is able to do her week and get
areund real well since r«*. ■>•. «-r it-
from a stro k e suffered after leaving
Mist She -ent a hello to every« r:e
her«- While visiting with Mr < he h
m anek. she learn«'I that J. «• J r
his wife w ere leaving for a two we- k
trip to E urope
Visitor Enjoys
Local Fishing
Extension Members Due
Meeting Pl«ce Calls
I ti*’ P «** "•
.............cured le, the Novell'»"■ *‘
meeting rhe I .* « "
c ™ » " 'e " lk
,«g « u h Mixes will he rive« bv
i h u b s It.inisey
Wavin' Kvser I h r .b - t . -ba. a .e
m .ule will lx- eaten it m- n M .-m lx*'
will lx» mSilietl what to hung
nx-etiflg will start -It 1C *> «'*•
J week
Mrs Hugh l ox .m oiti(uiim ! Mrs
Wayne K v«t to Vernimm M-sbi«
eryone e invited
M is Harold «’.>-«• returned Miwxlay
alter bring W f 'litv»nut visiting loi
i v ittiMui ih r <Li> Mr .nul
m \xtaii .1 all
ll.ilb'Wi an |».ih>
Mi .mJ Mr' Martin llanw n wrt i*
hail M* a um tlx* w i.k «'ixl M ('
•n Wiie. ill »tul«' h err -K*l *•* a un
uhi«' to trut h Moixkiv
M rs
Among ih..-» «ho
their tuill , |k Hu,
he! I . kt
g' d an
b ri
M uy (arit
I a t" n ‘ irrtig «u J?
k. Inter Gwlman
P r o g m t al»» g.z t ^
DR. n . V T ’ an
• Wml.. 10 A M. 4
■ '
U u san
• . •
U r g . » I.p i
M en S
le g . » I * .
eti bll'im-ss
The Vuk R errs
W al'rr B-
ltal|4i Berg, and k d Berg, all
)oyrd a pet Im k dinrer Sunday
the heim- cf Mr and Mts Phil I.
m an at .lewell Hx- .» sasa o n v
the sts'oml birtlvkiv cf little M.e
I«ix man
George M artin <4 F o r t .' G n with th«- l a f ns dnrtng
werk <ir I but tlx-x Kid no Im k
Jim G arkxk a
Delake spent th.
Jim AA. i I m o h
¡r^ '
Art lb llingham an l I
I 1 I
ston (b'w t« Eugene la.t wedne»!
H a n y I . kl .ml .„„I
le. I a n ilo f,
e r t Iti.lg'er» am i little
Ml * ’
4 fl %IM<
folk' ÜM E ra m i. Ia»r«on» and other
i «•!.«! i w .
\ I Mt ai i ami hunter » at the Da» reti
H.ik.-i h «ne oxer tía* week ria l
w rrr 'I f amt Mrs IJtiyd Patm an
Mr .uxl Mt* E tisk -ru k Baker a lui
Mrs li. v Muve and h
m ists t h
Ral|4t Cundtt (Mhrr
were Mr and M t' t'««ywr .4
Helens Mrs Ci- t r i. an aunt
Mrs t husten
lixe.l In VetfM nto
frttfti H.iuiier
T JC tiw trn
tlay dinner
Mr «mi M r.
Metb. tiri . , llllth m
|«xit sa tiu d a v night in r w t l n n d
ml Mi
Hny theu, ,4 ,
• I
l.aiv .lihnstoll i f «»><’ * » l»>me
„vet the we«k end lie had th ree
I n ia d . with him They ca m p e d out
over the week end an d one «4 the
I miv g«< a spike I.ary le lu m e d to
K I Swstay evening with a In m d
Sunday Dinner
Honors Ladies
and Mr« I- M »‘«’“ I •»**
K tln u k a . ,
H IliM Nl I I D August lltrk en feld
,4 Hood Hl'»’’
’ t-'*bt»»<
here at
<»»s*I|e HU hardson» He
h. I h c . i d. Illg n lot nt (UtuiMt tiv e i
the werk end h i. two «on» Tony
,ml \mlv came to <h» w m » hunting
Come in and have a free cup of coffee ad
browse through our new Toy Department
A d O i I n K g
T ta
co .
M ttP t
8:00 P.M.
M K .r .E K grid M,u..d. I9M . from U ft. front row G a m y I ,,x I r r r .
Smith, Jofca U<-||<-r. Henni. I.oloey, llanny M erle. IJoyd J»hn.t<xi
Terry lairstm Bill Pringle. M ark M ed g r, ;»rr„n<l row Irm n left I „-,(
•Smith. B«ih Mood. Roger Medge«. Joe ( uri. Jerry lla y ., I(„s , |i r ,|
im n«l
lla x
Iro in K l
• ' tn
lla r t a r ll. I h a r te . K o fcrrteo«.
M anager ( . a r t
Von lle e ttrr,
M tw rl
J im
K a f c r e t m . la tr r y
llr u n .r n a n
B ellin g h am
It o U e .
t.a r y
lla n w t i
Ih H
h ex \e»try.
I urli» !*•*’
Ron Itodenhnm er. M an a g e r < a «d o o H U e h tM trn
We're Backing The Loggers
Spofford's F low er & Gift Shop
Darigold Farms
-------------- ★ --------------
-------------- ★ --------------
Crown Construction Company
Vernonia Drug Company
------- ★ — -----
Western Auto Associate Store
-------------- -----------------
A llied J& H Lumber Company
-------------- ★ --------------
Mr. and Mr . Roti McDonald
W auneta's Ceramics
(F orm erly Johnsons)
Montgomery Ward Sales Agency
Jean Myer, Affent
Lew 's Place
-------------- ★ ---------------
Vernonia Branch
The U.S. Bank
-------------- ★ --------------
Sam 's Food Store
-------------- ★ --------------
N ichols V ariety
B eil and Dave Brunsman
E sth e r Rinsr
Ruth and Marion Steers
Standard Dairy Products
------- ★ — —
Kate's Cafe
Brunsman Hardware & Electric
-------------- ★ --------------
Vernonia V ariety & Shell Oil
West Oregon Electric Co op.
■------------— ★ —
Mar-Lee Beauty Salon
-------------- ★ --------------
. . We Hope You Do Also
John and Helen Wylde
------- ★ ----- —
Eneo Service
Joe and Wally Grosche
-------------- ★ - ------------
Fisher's Electric & Appliance
George and Sherm
Birkenfeld Grocery
Em ma Etheridge
Standard Oil Company
Joe M agoff
Nehalem Service
Bill Horn R eally and
Vernonia Insurance
------- --------- -
Vernonia Trading Co., Inc
and 88C Store
-------- w-------
Columbia R iver Real Estate &
Insurance Lloyd Quinn, Agent
Fuilen and Friesen
Chapel In The Hills
-------------- ★ --------------
l.loyd Gallister
Mill M arket & Lockers
------------- ★ --------- ---
-------------- ★ --------------
Vernonia Card Room
The Vernonia Eagle
Hex and John M< R«e
Elgus Frank
Paint Gonttactor
-------------- ★ ------------- -
Vernonia Federal Credit Union
-------------- ★ --------------
Ben's Barber Shop