le Slated b y lian Sisters i . . . «........««*• - f pxl.xksl ■" ,b r «nM* r , . Mr* Virgin».» l ’alt«« ,h Mr» Mutar L Í.M .- Mr» F k rm re Tar L »'all »«I M r. Al • f L b «and n •* i rtnpi.- w»** « £ ,..,„<1 «....ml T rtnplr , lM.|,l at L , | |>Um I r the rtu.unugr L „uxk- Mr» («<« | ..aw niit.* " N m «nt*r « *«d » w tin u r L Saturdav Lira! 'In- lixrtllii' 11 L., ,„1,1 U h - dining r o m L l l« -n cu krlully K rt« - « L Gm-J* were ( nxrtinp NnvrtlJwV D L »iU I«- «nrrnpWled and L u be nwxb- lo r initiuti««» in E j ¡hi» nxrtmg *iH idwerve the L * ñ id il* urdrr ami w ill be | n-ihi I - “ *1 nwnnlwT t» a»b LntnbuO- -• ««•*»<•» u* “ b irth Irf -g I» Ihr ''n ja tin r Temple b.¿Í4'ji»«i ceremony w ill lx- L r (d il»- <-'«-nmg iterans Day nice Dated 1 Ham» ks and Auxiliary «X War I J'-’S ” *< Monday eve L ihr Odd Fellow* hall Thr I wire beaut dully «k-i-uratrd L lla liiw rrn fixed [ Marte i a llre >4 Portland h r official visit a» het I otlw-r visitor» Lj,hnx«i and Ib ue i L>f*l .«• I Mrwlame» jar, 1 Wheeler of 8l |Xrw»drnt were Hr* nx«iq«»xi 4 r»rk»<*i Hetrrv» L ,iliod by J W Nl chtdai Answer lo lu»t week» quiz Ne|» Ifagber* E xp en ses for M onth T o ta led Tlx- I o| lim bi a County Publii- W'el faro Commi»»a>n. Hoy K Smith, od m im tlr a lir rrqiuri» Ih r following ex |x-ndituro«> for tlx- (ixmih ending hep tember so. i ‘zM (.m o ra l n»*i»tan«-o, S2 I10 9I fo» t i f care. >22 *«24 'Jt aid lo il»-|«fxl«ftt c lu llin ’« p i H16 ring a d.«ncr at Hanks N o 'i-m lx f 7 which I» Open lo (be public Novem brv 20 (h r Itxlg e Hiiler» are having a fam ily fun night at th r Scout Cabin It is hoped that all of tlx- m rm lx-r» and th n r famille» w ill allerxl There w ill lx- no regular inerting in N 'osem lxf ami m rm fx n » were re m im lrd that r h r t x m al adirer» i* to lake place in I r t s m l r t A (ra il ride t» l«euu' planned if ihe w-rathrr hobl» arwl nxnslw r» w ill ho n m lu rle d a» lo tim r and pbxo Coffer wa» xerved and a film . The H eart of tlx- Korku*» wa» shown Rainier Woman Given Recognition for Work Al the nseeling held la -1 work lo cal board m em l’or» le gram) of l'»ri-«t Krtx-kah Izxlge ami 1» nerving (hi* year as cliaplain t miimuing their program* on art, Mr« Allx-rt Hrunuman gave an in hTCKting review of the life ami paint ing* a l Gainslxjrough Mr« ltal|«li Valpiam will be ho* («• mi for Hx- next nx-i-iing November 10 Record Books Received By Balls of Yarn Club llx- Halls ho»tess for the The chib will n xrt again Novem- b tr 19 at the hi,me of Mrs I^unee Cou ins in Riverview. 'k-lightful refreshment, servwl at table, prettily decorated lor Hallo­ ween A variety iX doughnut* served with cider anil ciXf»*- were approp riate to lb«- occasion During the nxrtm g. new officers were installed in a candlelight cere­ mony into which a touch of humor was injected by tta- symbols of ol- fice presented U> Mrs t'harley Hick­ man. president Mrs Blount vice- president ami Mrs Carl Davi sec­ retary-Ireacurer. Tlx- member* worked on door swag* made from used Chrstmo. card* and ni«boi»s which will fx- tak 20% DISCOUNT! Auto Insurance a FMMt»S . <<»HM»aua dJ uour E dock FAST • FAIR • FRIENDLY A rr tti Ih» nal',9n - A riunii ih» L lo y d Q u inn — H A 9-5211 ♦ V > ♦ I Î ♦ I I I CONCORDIA ♦ V Friday - 8 P.M. I i V So U GARY IIAN.SOS sophomore. IIB . play» JV ; 135 lbs Could be a good, defensive half- hark and is rood tackier. So *1 L A V E R S VON liE K D E K . M.phornorr renter. 155 lbs. Played some varsity de-fenes. Had a goad J \ season and should be a start­ er next year. So 42 KEN YF.A LEY. »«ptomore QB, 145 ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I lbs Played JV thi» year. Defensive rom er man and could be starter ncvl year. { WE RE BACKING THE LOGGERS — WE HOPE YOU DO ALSO! 1 Linn Grocery Sunnyside Service Edna and Walter Linn ------------* ------------ Hans and Vi Slette ------ ★ ------ Vernonia Service Station E&B Laundry & Dry Cleaners ------ ★ ------ I Ä X ■ Vernonia Clinic Dean's Market $ ::: Ed Bredeau George Johnson Prs. Holiart. Thirr.ger, Hansen, Kramer 1 •: Fabrics N Fashions Doris Skidmore Vernonia Milk Farms King's Grocery ------ ★ ------ The Pine Cone Union Oil Company ♦ i; Cliff and Ruby Fowler ----- - ★ ------ l«oel Roberts ------ ★ ------ ♦ 1 Tandy Shoe Repair Dessy's Bowl Î V I Boi). Earl, Emilie Sturdi vant ------ ★ ------ V Ï ♦ I Ralph's Chevron I V Henry and Isabel Anderegg ------ ★ ------ AP e rt T a n d y ------ ★ ------ Zeke and Marion l.vtnaick ------ ★ ------ $ ♦ Mar-0n3 Bootery Bob's Union Service attend I Stona Serafin Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson ..5 it # Better Quality for Less Here! FOLGER'S COFFEE INSTANT COFFEE FABRIC SOFTENER CRACKERS COLD WATER ALL MARGARINE CAKE MIXES “ Ï N ew ♦ ! R a lp h When truth staml* in your wav i» lim e lo change dtrcclion» GET A » ■ ♦< Baking with Mixes Is Topic for Unit Study Smith Ahn. ok-as for the Deremher umi («tanned n x rtm g w ill be «bown and discusM-d Everyone is welcome to CAREFUL DRIVERS] VERNONIA motif An invitation w a. extended by 4 « e»i Rebekah U *lge M Forest Grove to visit them Decwnber 16 when th r State Awwmbly pr«»ipurd ami Mrs G 3 FHDTBALL : (Miring the business si-ssion first nomination of offu-er. »a» heard as follow» Mathihle IhTgerwm. mJile grand Marx- E lliott, vim- grand. I r ­ ma < ham e, recording »acretary: Mamie W ells finam i.il w* ri-tary ami Faye Davis, treasurer Second nomination ami election w ill take pl,«< «• November 12 The lodge voted lo eonlrilxile lo the I mle«l Fund a* ho* been its an nua! cttitum News wa» received that Mrs B«-u lah Bashngton ha» remarried ami w now M r* Hay Simmons ami is liv ­ ing al ll«-muslon Noble Grand Iteaiha Horn asked thai M r* Marx- Alkins be « cortrd to th r renter of the floor She thro reiwl an original poem (o her amt j-o/. K r is p y — T h in n e r . Lb. M o re F la v o r Keg. S9c Quart Good Luck 1-1.b. ( In«. SA M 'S FREE DELIVERY RUTABAGAS —■m iiinf' Lefa Make An old TURNIPS s,nack Treat Nehi Asatd. Flavors (H usD eposit) 10-OZ. POUND 5C 39c 3/S1 6/SI 29c fo o d STORE PHONE HA 9-MOl