Last Services Held at Chapel TOPICS OF THE TOWN Gut-Ms Tuesday «>( last w«x-k at the home of Mr aiul M rs Harold Shipley were his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs Merle Shipley front Pasadena. California and his ntolher, Mrs Shipley from Portland Kathy Weller. Jerry Bush and Rich aid llunteman Some of the guests camo in costume to add to the tun cf the evening Rummage sale. F ri. anil Sat.. Nov. 6 anil 7. F ire hall. P ythian Sisters. Hf.’c Mrs. B. J. Horn and Mrs. Charles Minger were in Portland Sunday eve­ ning to visit Mrs Albert Tandy at the University of Oregon nuxlieal sehtxil hospital where she is recuper ating from surgery on her spine which was performed Monday of last week She is making good, though slow, recovery. Jack Bergerson is one of those lucky elk hunters Saturday. open­ ing day of the season, at Quartz creek on Sunset highway, three oik. one a logal hull, camo right out in front of him He gave chase and bag­ ged his prey without difficulty Luck­ ier still was hav ing some friends come along to help him cany it out to his car. Rum m age sale. F ri. and Sat. Nov. 6 and 7. F ire hall. Pythian Sisters. 44 t ic Week end guests at the home of Mrs M A McNutt were Mr and Mrs Jim Fluke from Springfield, Mr anti Mrs. Darrell Fluke and two small daughters from Eugene. Mrs Ted Anderson from Tillamook. Mr and Mrs. Gay lan Fluke and Mrs Judy Gardner from Longview Jim Fluke and son Darrell hunted elk The ninth b irthday of R icky Davis was observed October 30 with a party at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs Sam Davis with 14 boys as guests. The party, held after school last Friday, also combined the Hal­ loween theme in games and refresh­ ments. Mrs. O livia Wood, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Bundy. Mrs Olive Powell anti Mrs Blanche Mill is. drove to Newberg Sunday afternoon to visit Mrs Mary Skinner who is in the Newberg hospital recuperating from a hip injury received the previous week. M r. and Mrs. Jack Thompson and Mr and Mrs Harold Shirley of Gig Harbor. Washington spent last week end here with Mr. and Mrs IXx- Mil­ ler The Thompsons formerly owned the drug store here. Mrs. M arie Shafer returned home Saturday from Salem where she had spent more than a month with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr and M rs Floyd Shafer She made a point of getting home in time for election An old fashioned Halloween party was held at the home of Miss Sun­ ny DeHart last Saturday evening and guests engaged in such games as spin the bottle, charades and cracker spooning. When they arriv­ ed. they were greeted by eerie sounds from a tape recorder and the living room was decorated to resemble a witches den After mid­ night. a scavenger hunt was held to whet appetites for the sandwiches, doughnuts, etc that were served when they reassembled. Guests in­ cluded Mr and Mrs Larry Hickman of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard. Mr and Mrs Marvin Mask. Miss Nancy Howard, Elvin Stiff. Miss Oernonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, NOV. 5. 1964 • I o f/ T h e a t r e Nov. 6-7 F ri., Silt. JE R R Y L E W IS as THE PATSY Funeral Week end guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Borders were Mi and Mrs Lawrence Piquette of Springfield who came for oik hunt­ ing Tho party in which they hunt txl brought in one oik Lane D aughtry, son of Mr .anil Mrs D 1. Daughtry, entertained friends Saturday afternoon in ob servance of his seventh birth,lay Guests included Brett and Lynelle Wuest. with 'heir mother. Mrs Joe Wuest and small daughter Brad and Karl Garner who were ae cempanied by their mother. Mrs Lurry Gamer Scott. Max anti Kala Sword. accompanied by tlteir moth er. Mrs \ F Sword. Ricky Davis, Mis Oscar Yike anti Mrs Harvey Kiilmend Highlight of the refresh ments was a cake decorated to re scmhle a race track complete with miniature cars Mrs. Thorn Shafer i-nlt-rtained Mr. ami Mrs Frank ikinge Sunday with dinner at the Village Inn. new res taurant near St Helens. They then enjoy txl a ride to sex- tlx- lovely fall foliage whieh atkls much to the seen cry this time of year Friends here learned Iasi week nl the death of Lester Mowe of Port land He was the son of former Tim lx*r route residents. Mr ami Mrs Verne Mowe. He is survived by his wife, four children, two sisters. Mrs Myrtle McCollum of Myrtle Point and Mrs Edna Kimon of Okahloma. and a brother. Maurice Interment was at the Willamette National ce m etery. Rum m age sale. F ri. and Sal.. Nov 6 and 7. F ire hall. Pythian Sisters. 111.’, Vernon Bateman, owner of R iv e r­ view Cabin-', who underwent surgery at the University of Oregon nuxlieal school hospital two weeks ago. con traded pneumonia but it is now clearing up ami hi1 is making steady improvement. He will lx* in the hos­ pital for some time yet however, ami during his absence. Mrs Bate­ man's father. Randy Cook of Forest Grove, is here to assist her Among new residents to move to this area in recent months are Mr and Mrs S. P Klein and five chil­ dren who moved to the former Mar cus place on Keasey route in July They formerly lived at Oswego M r. and Mrs. George King of Cor vallis were in Vernonia Sunday to visit his mother. Mrs Blanch«1 King, and his sisters, am) husbands. Mr ami Mrs Robert Retd ami Mr and Mrs. Tommy Ames George Robert­ son. father of Mrs George King, joined the group for dinner The Kings had received word from Rich­ ard Main waring that his wife, the former Donna Miller, passed away October 22 in Lombn following a heart attack Services were held in Ixindcn October 28 Mr Mainwaring is teaching in IxtmJon The advisory board of the Columbia County Mental Health clinic will meet in Room 12 of St Helens senior high school Monday, November 9. at 8:00 pm . The planning committee will present its conclusions following the recent survey of services necxled in the community. Interested persons are invited to attend this meeting. Knocking helps few people, except floor-to-door salesmen i’l’ vhv’ ij.iirui' v PEACHES« 2-. ,»» g« 3 for 1 i ukksio ' i -: SWEETIE RIES » 7 . 2/79e LIBBY'S HASH GRAHAMS ... 21-«»/. I lo, llr M IK V I E SAFFLOWER OIL - 2 2/75c 2/65c 4/85c l i d , y (i«xk«'i .'2 «-<-«»/. , ’kg. BROWNIE MIX DATE BAR MIX BOILED ONIONS 11. ('rocker I l-oz. I’kg. O re g o n ’s lin e s ! W hole— V«». !<).! ( a n COOKIES PEANUT BUTTER,, SALAD DRESSING Sunshine \p p le Sauce year* U«-v Ivan MarbU. pa«*«* «4 the i i«x-k i inmunlty «hureh <4 lu -i.itixl with Thnrnuei Jah*nk> a* 4.1.^-t and M m Gontan Merrill «» «gnnmt l*»«ge rite» were ixtmkirt ml by the Vernuttia (Md FePswa with H.ory (Wbrgtao» In charge | ,alll>rari»» w« iv lodge member*. IN-ivr Wirderfcehi Krneot Herman S.U,, Hearing Mr AlU-ri • Ww*l Allwet Tamlv ami Art Killtngtw-rg Mr Welil» ««»« a native «4 rinlar io Canada where he waa born Au -u-i i inno He came to Wadvingiun with hr» family a» a small hoy. hv«, 4 number »4 year» at A lw xikr» ago at the age <4 79 He wao a iiettiiei ui th r \ e ttw iu a k * b 'e la i Each L A K I.E ,C: PRUNES,"" FISH STICKS 55c BEEF TAMALES , ■ " 2/59c M rs. Paul's I io / e n Choice Meats Zennei 'x MILL MARKET The annual Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts Goodwill bag distribution will be Saturday, November 7 in th« Vernonia area. Scouts will leave th*- hags on the front porch of honx-s on the 7th ami return th«- morning of Saturday Novernlxr 14 to collect tho filled bags, according to Ray Lamp- No lie wa* Ml H e a r t B eC iek V im M * lzalge !'«»• Dw ' • I » . >1 ( i r e < a u *i ends at n ifm .h t N-'«X» l«x ; Borntng j«-r m lU are m> lunger re»pure»| ami t l fw i'Viging are r»< re»|utre«l to have lire fighting tout« >«i their operation» The Mate L-<’. L ig h l were rtawv \ Ilf«-» a - » tila n - h i r e ten»)»» a c r e .»ml i« ir wa» a rk»«a B fire — one 'I , > I N UH M 8»k ‘ (.nx-tunan ( ’«dwidua F m w n w m -C I »<*« M l MONDAY. N U V ft n ^ Nehalem Avwrnhly Ma-.»«u> Teti,|4r 7 1 P tia m h rr ,4 ' » n « ^ ? * Oregon HUtg . , “ n t x i't i v n y tM U g \ «Aeron X-ivU r OtfMrr 10 » 111 to I p m t1 w |4 .t Its p y () R alpli \ alpiant « 1 D N Ix ItV V . Vermxim i.-„i,4 r lOOFhall I |.(a » pm N u Traffic Court Convictions 0, tire, 0 rmrrt, h*>. than .»•"«•> iralfir timv. 1.» the lM»tur« mmria charge I' - - .r | lauanai a tiwy M a y m ta i amhg to «xam|4y »sth u y | * • • • n» <4 th* w* Itrenor« the XpatlBM Wi . -r.i'r-! *»-*-. i' er» » w> legal region tlwWl* tjeenvex tMT tio r v a - 1 «4 tk r la I k e Im Ili X«! drawg -w«t re> •«: ' - 4 -I fa ilu re Io paM tt*U *M to x3X't T h r Heel ng will X W l WMfcington ««rtuMf ‘ » 1*1 evening, W* (lw >(rd • ’ g ra d rx two llenuch 11 there -a »i4firw* * al irrftaf» i®1 the (»ori „ ■ a» » jmw* * *< l*T\ will troop t autex »4 thrxe (tr«-» wefe aa 1»4 luw» »n»ik»-r» 3 rim-trt»- f«*nrna 2 campcn I it« aml n q a irt mg » f ( t m out /oHt.y/oH/ brices Scouts to Aid Goodwill Work of J il l* d g e je w e l ago Closed Fire Season Ends III. F re s h (.te e n Bum hex Pre«? Deliveries Twice Daily a lw i a l i e l l l r r \< x » M ">»«> riub u - h .„„h 0|4 Te I i n n i Y a kim a PICNIC HAMS BOLOGNA BEEF CUBES <*> . e a r a ll Vernonia in (■olden Dein ions M O V IE lu » M - v e ra i IK vvm < Latukatue and John Bet! y ami Kathertne Stn>|»*» <4 liarring ton Hi» <»viy wo \!lm ! died al TOL TISSUE - - 3 ¡D E E am i t latxk >rue am! Mr» Jt4m M y rtle Xirnpw ri H arringtcn W adungton ami five g ra n d » iu klrm Bill ami B<4i I K oli Pkg. APPLES BROCCOLI am i V a lle y'x la n g ANNOUI PUBLIC STENOGRAF® M l MC. fl" W Q u in n Irwtirsfx* 1 ' ! Mt I tank (HoM* 1 While the Selection Is Complete . . . Order and Lockers Member of United Grocers Q I'A L IT Y SHOES H>( Bridge St., Vernonia Gha|*l Fore»« Grw** Mi Webb pa»*«'«, away at hl» hutnr ot Oketweud Sumlay evening follow,ng an »Ibaaa o< »he |*aot three ."»hippy ( le.unv ( fu a it ,'R O W Y ’ S Z E , N o v« xii,sf N I You’re a s close to Mill M arket as your l» h o n e - ||A 9-3192 H O Ü T IK Y Wcdn.xd.iv IM VK A AM a m t l i a r I n t e r n . » *;onal Womtwxker» (4 \m*T«rn Surviving 1» hi wife Mr» srim a Webb t.ieirw'»*! two daughtre» Mr» Harold Dorothy l«avt» <4 Pound Pack.ig« ---.J 0 ^ W .I4. «4. «d GU-nw»««, w w ctm«h*rt trv rt.n l Iknielesx 99 ' .............. ►MII.AV Fm4lM.ll I lM lf * l.ean- ‘Mr. Sneeker’ Tennies, (bulkie corduroy, flan­ nel, canvas or b u rla p )! F a st moving irrijxut A „n x | 4 al 1 pm at the Fuilen Ki«x«m Murtuary ( h unk o r Sliced AT LOW PRICES ,«* M a i V II, II „1 I l-oz. Pkg. Board Dates Meet x iv ic « * — - |(, A.M., 3 PM ing. Scrsii master 'H h - bags are then d eputed u. the V f W hall lor pickup by (;