Sale Slated by Pythian Sisters Lei's Gei Acquainted! Do you know this man? Rebekahs Date Officer Choice Borr. August 31, 1885 a t Edmonds, Washington. Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters Married in 1912. Guests from Forest Grove, Rainier had as guests last Wednesday eve­ Has four children, also grandchildren a n d Westport w e r e present last ning six members of Ava Temple at and great-grandchildren. Thursday evening for the Friendship St. Helens. Included in the group Came to Vernonia in 1934. Night meeting of Mt. Heart Rebekah were Mrs. Mary Watkins, most ex­ Worked for Clark and Wilson for 20 Lodge. Also, members, Mr. and Mrs. cellent chief; Mrs. Virginia Patton, years. Otto Cantwell and Mrs. Homer Gwin, grand representative; Mrs. Mabie A railroad spur was named for him. came from Cannon Beach. Among Sheeder .senior; Mrs. Florence Tar- His hobby, inventing things. the visitors from Forest Grove was bell, Mrs. Beulah Hall and Mrs. Al­ Some of the things made by him Mrs. Lester Heisler who is the sister ma McVey. have provided interesting Jambo­ of Mrs. B. J. Hom, noble grand of During the meeting, Mrs. Irma ree displays. Mt. Heart lodge. Mrs. Heisler is a Chance, grand representative for Now retired, he enjoys looking over past noble grand of Forest Rebekah Vernonia Temple, gave a very in­ Vernonia regularly. Lodge and is serving this year as teresting report on the Grand Temple (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chaplain. sessions held at Roseburg October chols) Prior to the meeting, a program 11-13. Answer to last weeks quiz: Nels was presented which included a pia Hogberg. Additional plans for the rummage no solo by Judi Hom, several num­ sale were made and Mrs. Cora bers by the grade school chorus di­ Lange, committee chairman, asked rected by Don Jackson and a skit, that everyone bring their rummage “My Boomerang Won’t Come to the fire hall Thursday, November Back” , by Laura Floeter, Darlene 5 so the committee can >et it sort­ Welch, Elsie Berg, Kathy Minger and ed and ready for the s t \ No cus­ Janet Bruce. tomers will be admitted tnat day. Eight members of the Mt. Heart The sale will start at 10:00 a.m. The Colombia County Public Wel­ lodge also presented a very pretty Friday, November 6 and continue fare Commission, Roy K. Smith, ad­ through Saturday. ministrator, reports the following ex­ black light number which was very Following the meeting, a social penditures for the month ending Sep­ effective. During the business session, first hour was held in the dining room tember 30, 1964: which had been colorfully decorated General assistance, $2,110.91; fos­ nomination of officers was heard as for Halloween by members of the ter care, $22,524.58; aid to dependent follows: Mathilde Bergerson, noble Past Chiefs club who were hostesses children, $9,816.60; aid to the blind, grand; Marie Elliott, vice grand; Ir­ for the event. Guests were greeted $328.64; aid to the disabled, $4,667.41; ma Chance, recording secretary; by a charming ghost as they enter­ medical aid to the aged, $4,351.96. To­ Maude Wells, financial secretary and Faye Davis, treasurer. Second ed the dining room. Refreshments of tal expenditures, $32,669.07. doughnuts and pumpkin-faced cook­ The expenditures from the county nomination and election will take ies were served with cider and cof­ funds were $4,268.51, from the state place November 12. The lodge voted to contribute to fee. funds $9,959.87, and from the federal At the next meeting, November 11, funds $18,440.69. In Columbia county, the United Fund as has been its an­ balloting will be exemplified and 1,967 persons were eligible for the nual custom. News was received that Mrs. Beu­ plans will be made for initiation in surplus food program and 841 per­ lah Baslington has remarried and is December. sons made use of this service. now Mrs. Ray Simmons and is liv­ Also, this meeting will observe the ing at Hermiston. anniversary of the order and will be Fall Events Planned Noble Grand Reatha Hom asked roJlcall night. Each member is ask­ that Mrs. Marie Atkins be escorted ed to contribute 25 cents as a birth­ For Ridge Riders to the center of the floor. She then day offering to the Supreme Temple. The Vernonia Ridge Riders met at read an original poem to her and The re-obligation ceremony will be the Washington grade school Octo­ presented her with a gift in apprec­ a feature of the evening. ber 27. The meeting place was iation of the many things she has changed due to lack of heat in the done to be of assistance. Theme of fire hall. the poem was “when in a pinch, get A large group was present with on the phone and call Marie.” Susan Reynolds from Mist as guest. Mrs. Gertrude Schalock, president The Washington County Sheriff’s of the Mt. Heart social club, report­ Posse is sponsoring a dance at Banks ed a small attendance at the last The Barracks and Auxiliary of November 7 which is open to the meeting due to illness and conflicting Work War I 2525 met Monday eve­ public. engagements. Plans were completed November 20 the Ridge Riders are there for serving the dinner at the ning in the Odd Fellows hall. The tables wore beautifully decorated having a family fun night at the West Oregon annual meeting which Scout Cabin. It is hoped that all of was reported to have been a success­ with the Halloween motif. Mrs. Marie Calfee of Portland the members and their families ful venture. made her official visit as president will attend. The next club meeting will be No­ There will be no regular meeting vember 10 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of district I. Other visitors were Ber- netta Johnson and Hazel Thompson in November and members were re­ of Mrs. Bernard Killingburg. of Portland and Mesdames Erickson, minded that election of officers is to In addition to the good attendance take place in December. Harris and Wheeler of St. Helens. of visitors Thursday evening, there A trail ride is being planned if the were 34 members of Mt. Heart lodge Guests of the Barracks were James Harris, Commander of district I ; weather holds and members will be to make a very good crowd. Follow­ Happy Thompson and H. Calfee of contacted as to time and place. ing the meeting they all assembled Coffee was served and a film, in the dining room for a social hour Portland; W. Howell, Commander of St. Helens Barracks and Jack “The Heart of the Rockies” was during which Cora Lange, Edith Erickson, service officer, from St. shown. Markham, Margaret Thompson and Helens. Grace Currie served delicious ginger­ Albert Lewis joined the Barracks. bread with lemon sauce at tables at­ Rainier Woman Given The next meeting will be November tractively decorated in the Halloween Recognition for Work 23. motif. This Sunday, November 8, is Vet­ An invitation was extended by For­ At the meeting held last week, lo­ erans Sunday and all veterans and cal board members of Selective Ser­ est Rebekah Lodge at Forest Grove their wives have been invited to at­ vice Board No. 2 were informed that to visit them December 16 when the tend services at the EUB church at Mrs. Grace M. Brough of Rainier State Assembly president, Florence 11 a.m. The singing of “There’s a recently received a certificate of Ball, makes her official visit there. Long, Long Trail” by the veterans appreciation from Sprague Carter, is a promised feature of the service. state director of Selective Service Baking with Mixes Is for the State of Oregon in recognition Honor Is Conferred of her five years of service as a vol­ Topic for Unit Study unteer registrar in the city of Rai­ On Former Resident The Timber Route Extension Unit nier. will meet November 10 at 10:30 in Mrs. Chas. S. Hoffman, formerly, Local board members are most of Hoffman Hardware, Vernonia, appreciative of the work of these the Vernonia Grange hall. Creative now of Reedsport, returned last volunteer registrars throughout the baking with mixes will be presented by Mrs. M. Sheppard and Mrs. G. week from a visit with her son and county. Smith. wife, of Wilmington, Deleware. Mrs. Also, ideas for the December unit Hoffman’s flight was primarily to planned meeting will be shown and attend a luncheon in New York, Oc­ Vancouver Couple Here discussed. Everyone is welcome to tober 15, honoring her son, Dr. Ro­ Enroute to Corvallis attend. bert M. Hoffman, senior research TIMBER — Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sil­ associate with duPont at Wilming­ When truth stands in your way, it ton, when he received the Harold De­ ver and family of Vancouver came Witt Memorial Medal, for testing and Friday for a short visit at the home is time to change directions. of Mrs. Silver’s parents, Mr .and materials. This medal is awarded annually Mrs. Henry Mitchell. They left their for outstanding achievement in the children here while they went to Corvallis to attend the annual In­ science of textile fiber utilization. vestor's association banquet. Mrs. Ron Silver recently was elected Knitting Pearls Work as president of the Green Meadows On Projects at Meet golf and country club at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Archer of Pu­ The Knitting Pearls 4-H club met Tuesday, October 21, at the home of yallup, Washington spent last week Mrs. Esther Hunteman. The girls end at the Roy May home . Guests at the Roy May home knitted and talked. Afterwards, they Thursday were his son and Wife, Mr. had cookies and punch. and Mrs. Lester May of Beaverton. Reporter, Della Hass Expenses for Month Totaled Veterans Day Service Dated Gainsborough's Art Theme for Program Members of Chapter BS, P.E.O. Sisterhood met at the home of Mrs. David Brunsman Tuesday evening, October 27. Continuing their programs on art, Mrs. Albert Brunsman gave an in­ teresting review of the life and paint­ ings of Gainsborough. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani will be hos­ tess for the next meeting November 10. Record Books Received By Balls of Yarn Club The Balls of Yam held its weekly meeting October 28 at the home of Mrs. Shirley Huss with Mrs. Vi Fe- therston assisting. The girls got their record books and filled them out. Later, refresh­ ments were served. Kathy Tomlin, reporter Past Chiefs Seat Officers Demon la Eagle THURSDAY, NOV, 5, 1964_______ 3 Eleven members of the Past Chiefs club spent a delightful even­ ing at the home of Mrs. Laure;a Lamping Thursday of last week. Mrs. Albert Blount was co-hostess for the delightful refreshments served at tables prettily decorated for Hallo­ ween. A variety of doughnuts served with cider and coffee were approp­ riate to the occasion. During the meeting, new officers were installed in a candlelight cere­ mony into which a touch of humor was injected by the symbols of of­ fice presented to Mrs. Charley Hick­ man, president; Mrs. Blount, vice- president and Mrs. Carl Davis, sec­ retary-treasurer . The members worked on door swags made from used Christine, cards and ribbons which will be tak- en to the Oregon - Washington Pyth­ ian Home prior to Christmas. The club will meet again Novem­ ber 19 at the home of Mrs. Launee Cousins in Riverview. CAREFUL DRIVERS GET A 20% DISCOUNT! A u to In su ra n ce Across the nation — Around the clock FAST • FAIR • FRIENDLY Lloyd Quinn — HA 9-5211 FO O lBili I VERNONIA vs. 1 CONCORDIA j Friday -- 8 P.M. «' X ♦' ► J X V >*. ’«• No. 83 GARY HANSON, sophomore, HB, plays JV; 135 lbs. Could be a good, defensive half- back and is good tackier. No. 81 LAVERN VON HEEDER, sophomore, center, 155 lbs. Played some varsity defencs. Had a good JV season and should be a start- er next year. No. 42 KEN VEALEY, sophomore, QB, 145 lbs. Played JV this year. Defensive corner man and could be starter next year. WERE BACKING THE LOGGERS — WE HOPE YOU DO ALSO! Linn Grocery Sunnyside Service Edna and Walter Linn Hans and Vi Slette -------------★------------- -------------★------------- Vernonia Service Station E&B Laundry & Dry Cleaners George Johnson -------------★------------- Ed Bredeau ----------- * ------------ Vernonia Clinic Dean's Market Drs. Hobart, Thiringer, Hansen, Kramer ------------* ------------ Fabrics N Fashions Vernonia Milk Farms Doris Skidmore Henry and Isabel Anderegg -------------★------------- ------------ ★------------- Ralph's Chevron King's Grocery Ralph Sturdevant Bob, Earl, Emilie -------------------------- -------------★------------- Union Oil Company The Pine Cone Loel Roberts Cliff and Ruby Fowler -------------★------------- ------------- ★------------- Dessy's Bowl Tandy Shoe Repair Zeke and Marion Lemaick Albert Tandy -------------★------------- ---------------* --------------- Bob's Union Service Mar-Ona Bootery Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Stona Serafin v Better Quality for Less Here! AA FOLGER'S COFFEE T, $1.57 INSTANT COFFEE 89c FABRIC SOFTENER “ L 85c —Check Up . . . Save Time and Trouble- Bumper to bumper, over and under, we check your car thoroughly and right what’s wrong. Then, we check again to make double sure! Why not give us a try! BOBS UNION S E R V IC E r D A < l/C D C V K A V llC K J New Krispy—Thinner, More Flavor Oft-. Lb. COLD WATER ALL 65c MARGARINE S Z 5 / $ l CAKE MIXES ' X X 7 49c RUTABAGAS T l i n i l i n C L®4’8 Make An Old TURNIPS Fashion Stew DRY ONIONS SHORT RIBS “ DI I/*I EC WHISTLES, DAISIES oUvLtj Snack Treat SODA POP (Plus Deposit) HONEY ■ u. 39c A W/4>l 4/$l 29c S A M ’ S FOOD STO R E FREE DELIVERY PHONE HA 9-5501