Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 29, 1964, Page 9, Image 9

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    Letter to the Editer
I see where the Democratic candi­
date for County Judge, according to
his placards, advocates a “time for
a change”. . .He fails to explain
what his change would do for Co­
lumbia County . . A change from
what? . . . To what? . . .
He exposed his hand at the meet­
ing of the Democratic Central Com­
mittee meeting held at Vernonia,
September 8 . . . His hand of com­
plete incompetence and irresponsi­
bility . . . Incompetence in that he
has not informed himself with the
duties of his aspired office . . . Ir­
responsible in that he intimates that
if he were in office he would public­
ly reveal the confidence of his of­
fice to the people . . . His point was
that Judge Whipple, acting individ­
ually, was pricing various parcels of
property without the people of Co­
lumbia County being advised as to
what is going on . . . Every coffee
cup in the County, bubbles over with
conjecture concerning our imminent
industrial development and this man
cannot understand that the reality
of this development can only come
about through the maintenance of
confidence . . . To follow the blind
judgement of the Democratic candi­
date would nullify all the hope of a
“progressive’ ’future for Columbia
County . . , Columbia County pre­
sently sits on a bright horizon of
progress . . . To assure our proper
place in this future the retention oi
John Whipple as County Judge is
vital . . .
To the Republicans, and most im­
portantly to the Democrats of our
County, I appeal to you, to continue
to favorably support bi-partisan poli­
tics in the same spirit as did Presi­
dent John F, Kennedy, Lyndon B.
Johnson, and the late beloved Speak­
er of the House, Sam Rayburn . . .
These men, as most great men do,
advocated and practiced bi-partisan
politics . . .Kennedy, Johnson and
Rayburn, each, has proclaimed him­
CAN, a man loyal to his state, and
then a Democrat . . . A Democrat
only fourth . . . And rightly so if
the principles of this great Republic
are to be preserved . . . These men
made appointments heavy with Re­
publicans to “KEY” posts: Dillon,
McNamarra, Defense;
McCone, Intelligence; Bill Martin
Jr. was retained as member of Fed­
eral Reserve Board; Herter, in
charge of tariff negotiations; and in
the center of high policy making in
the White House itself, President
Kennedy placed, McGeorge Bundy
. . . It is very vital to Columbia
County to follow the example of
these great leaders and Americans,
by retaining Judge Whipple, to pro­
tect the principle of bi-partisan poli­
tics which has been so good to our
country as well as Columbia Coun­
, Presently the County Court
consists of Judge Whipple, a Repub­
lican and two Democrats, commis­
sioners. . .
The issues in the local contest are
not as the Democrat candidate ad­
vocates, “a time for a change” to
nothing . . For a change to take
place for the sole reason that a giv­
en number of years has transpired, is
in direct conflict with the principles
of the labor movement and these
principles have been accepted and
practiced by both management and
business . . . What w rking man in
this county would consider it justice
if he or his working companion were
removed from his place of employ­
ment just because he had been on a
particular job for a few years. . .
Generally this is considered an asset
both to the man and to management
. . . Maybe in the cleaning business
a man might wear out and lose his
competence and value to the craft,
but in other fields, such as educa­
tion, science, business, the labor
movement or in the home, time and
experience means competence and
the ability to produce effectively and
harmoniously. . .
It is true that Oregon law is mini­
mal in its requirements of a person
to be County Judge . . . The implica­
tions, the duties, the responsibilities
and the burdens of the office are both
great and numerous , . . It behooves
each and every person to consider
the value of a legal background and
experience of he who would aspire
to this important position . . . The
Democratic candidate received lit­
tle more than the other eleven mil­
lion men in uniform during the sec­
ond World War as far as his educa-
tion is concerned . . Judge Whipple
is legally trained, and has served
this county well, he has brought to
Columbia County, status, respect, fis­
cal responsibility, rapport with other
counties and state agencies . . . Har­
mony now prevails in the County
Court . . . Judge Whipple works
courteously with people, Democrats
and Republicans alike. . .
My travels throughout Columbia
County, brings more assurance each
time, of Judge Whipple’s re-election
. . . But if vigilence is the price of
liberty, then we must in this coun­
try keep our eyes on the future which
offers so very much to us all if we
but prepare for it . . . To paraphrase
a current advertisement, most folks
I have talked to agree that “us Whip­
ple folks would rather fight than
switch”. . . Abraham Linocln said,
" . . . at what point then is the ap­
proach to danger to be expected?
. . . answer, it must spring upon as
from amongst us; . . . i f destruction
be our lot, we must ourselves be its
author and finisher . . . as a nation
of free men, we must live through
all time or die of suicide . . . ”
Therefore we had better think twice
before we swap Judge Whipple for
an unknown quality . . .
Respectfully submitted by a DE­
MOCRAT . . .
Vernon V. Griffin
Rte. 1, Box 234
Warren, Oregon
industrial expansion.
Altho I am a life long democrat 1
can’t see putting a man in as county
judge that hasn't any more to recom­
mend him than his army exper­
ience and whatever experience he
has gained working in a cleaning
and pressing shop which I under­
stand has been his sole occupation in
this county.
I think we should keep a good
Judge while we’ve got one.
L. C. Wheeler
Box 352
Scappoose, Oregon
I am getting interested in this
race for county judge and what got
me to thinking about it was an ad
I saw where Seawright said “it is
time for a change” .
I work at one of the mills and like
a lot of other working men have
worked there a long time, 13 years,
in fact. I have learned a lot during
that time and now feel better quali­
fied and trained when I first start­
ed. I also feel that I am worth more
to my employer ,too.
To follow in Seawright’s thinking
I guess all we working men, who like
Judge Whiple, have worked hard for
a few years and have become pro­
ficient should be turned out of our
jobs. To me that is pretty fuzzy-
Party label doesn’t mean a thing
to me when it comes to electing a
man to a county office. I have known
John Whipple for several years and
I see in the paper where Mr. Sea-
know he is sincere and has the in­
wright wants to be county judge and
terest of we working men and wo­
about all I can see that he has to
men at heart. I feel that changing
offer is that he thinks it is time county judges now could prove a
we made a change.
costly mistake for our county.
If he means that it is time for our
A. F. Coy
county to change from a man of in­
2525 Firlock Park Blvd
experience to one of experience 1
St. Helens, Oregon
could go for that but to swap a man
of Judge Whipple’s professional
background, integrity, experience To the Editor:
In a perfect example of poor use of
and maturity for Seawright’s vis­
ionary dreams would be a serious land, and lack of long range plan­
mistake, particularly now that our ning, the County Court sold the river
acreage north of St. Helens to Alcoa
county is entering a period of great
Mining Company as a
velopment site. This Is 4o be Used
when, and if, ore supplies in South
America run out which may .never
come about. In doing so the county
denied us an excellent state owned
and operated Marine Park which
the state desired to develop in this
area for years.
This site would be producing a tre­
mendous return in public relations,
effective use of land, and a giant
step forward in creating in Columbia
County a recreational facility we so
sadly lack. The county is only col­
lecting taxes on this site based on
tree farming which is the lowest
possible rate.
This property is now unattainable
for use as a public facility and the
public has been denied its use. Sites
like this are gradually slipping away
from us because of poor judgment
and lack of planning and coopera­
Demonia Eagle
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1964__ 9
As a county judge, I would step
up long range planning to a maxi­
mum and keep the public constantly
informed as each step is taken. The
chairman of the Columbia County
Plaraiing Commission advised me
that we are 25 years behind Wash­
ington County in the area of planning
and development! Isn't it time for
a change?
Earl N. Sea wright
Candidate for County
Please vote 113 X LAWRENCE
MEISSNER. He has the time, energy
and ability to study proposed laws.
Paid Ad. by Lawrence Meissner,
Meissner Road, Deer Island.
Reta Ridenour
Columbia County
"A full day’s work for
the taxpayer's DeRar."
Bom and educated intOre-
gon, I have been a ta x ­
payer in Columbia County
since 1947, I have worked
in the Columbia County
Health Dept. and Colum­
bia County Assessor’s Of­
fice and for the Oregon State Tax Commission.
will be appreciated.
Your support
Endorsed by ILWU, Local No. 8
. . . . . . . . . r -
Pd. Adv. By Reta Ridenour Kerry
405 S.E. Third, Scappoose, Oregon
r ______ -------------------------------------------------------
Is Columbia County's
business big business?
It certainly is!
It’s a $34 million municipal corp­
oration. The man you hire as
County Judge is chairman of the
County Court and judge of the
Probate Court. The County Court
is responsible for spending several
million of your tax dollars. A
terrific challenge confronts the
new County Court because our
county is on the verge of exten­
sive industrial development. This
means new people ,new homes,
and new business all resulting
in greater demands for county ser­
vices. To cope with the many new
problems this influx of population
will bring you will need a man
whose legal training, and exper­
ience as a county administrator
is proven. A bright future awaits
our county if we maintain good
roads, good schools, good church­
es, and adequate health program
and live within ojjr income and ,
ability to pay. There’s not a coun- ]
ty in Oregon of similar size and
population that can equal our fi­
nancial condition. If you favor
such a program then retain Judge
Whipple because he feels responsi­
ble to each of you regardless of
your party affiliation.
Vole 118 X Re-Elect
John W. Whipple
County Judge
Pd. adv by C. R. Olson, Warren,
Ore , Ch. Com for Re-election of
Judge Whipple.
Two booths dedicated to letting Americans have their say
The right to choose and the right to speak one’s mind are two of America’s main pillars of strength. And the
freedom to exercise these rights is, in itself, a guarantee against an invasion of our hard-won privileges as
Americans. N o w -ag ain —is the time for all good men to stand up and be counted. Be informed—speak up for the
principles you believe in, and vote.
A m e m b e r o f th e G e n e ra l S y s te m