Happy Cooks Learn io Measure Ingredients A new Happy Cooks 4-H club was started October 8. The second meet­ ing was held October 22. The girls learned how to measure and how to make orange floats. They also elected officers. The officers are: President, Sue Miller; vice-president, Karen Long secretary, Kimberlie Thibodeau; treasurer, Donna Wantland and news reporter, Lorna Westlind. Mrs. Ralph Higginbotham is leader of the club. F.T.fi. Chapter Seats Officers The Vernonia high school chap­ ter of the Future Teachers of Amer­ ica held a spaghetti dinner in the high school home ec room October 20. Special guests were J. W. Acai- turri, superintendent of schools, and two girls from Clatskanie. After the dinner, a candlelight installation ceremony for new offic­ ers was conducted by Vicki Pollock in the library with parents and friends as guests. Those installed were: President, Kathy Minger; vice president, Chris Bender; secre­ tary, Geri Brady; treasurer, Jean­ nie Roediger and historian - report­ er, Peggy Sargent. The new officers then conducted the ceremony to take in new mem­ bers. Included were Marilyn King, Geraldine Clausen, Russell Redmond, Tommy Lawler, Mike Fetherston, Peter Brunsman and Sharon Bruns­ man. Entertainment included two piano solos by Sharon Brunsman and two skits which were presented during the refreshment hour. Taking part in them were Chris Bender, Ann Sar­ gent, Jeannie Roediger, Sharon Brunsman and Geri Brady. ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -y Rainbow Girls Chapter Guests Halloween was the motif for..dec­ orations and delicious cream puffs with chocolate sauce were served by Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. Ralph Bergerson to 16 Rainbow- Girls who were guests of Nehalem Chap­ ter, Order of Eastern Star on Octob­ er 21 at the Masonic Temple. The group then went upstairs and Miss Rory Workman, grand page of the Grand Assembly, International Order of Rainbow GirLs; Miss Chris­ tine King, worthy advisor of Nehal­ em Assembly and Mrs. Louise Ham­ nett, mother advisor of Nehalem As­ sembly, were escorted and intro­ duced. The girls were asked to perform a new dance called the “Bug” which they did with agility. They were each given a book mark in Rainbow colors and excused as most of the girls were in training for the Powder Puff football game. After the girls were gone, the reg­ ular Nehalem Chapter meeting was held and several members reported on visitations they had made to other chapters. The next meeting will be Novem­ ber 4 and Irene Ostlund, member of Estarl committee will be the speaker. Maple Meadows Club Donates To Memorial The first meeting of the Maple Meadows 4-H livestock club was cal­ led to order by Lina Wright. The club elected new officers as follows: President, Lina Wright; vice president, Bonnie Normand; sec­ retary, Rose Siedelman; news re­ porter, Steve Borders; song leader, Donna Walker. Bobby and Steve Borders, Bonnie Normand, Lina Wright and Tim Johns sold colored pens for 60c each. They collected $10 from their prof­ its for the Bill Durant memorial fountain which will be erected on the Columbia county fair grounds. Cupcakes and cocoa were refresh­ ments enjoyed by all. Steve Borders, news reporter Mrs. Boyd Gentry and Mrs. Fred Fowler were honor guests Wednes­ day evening of last week at a clev­ erly appointed party at the home of Mrs, Wesley Bolmeier. The ladies were showered with gifts for their baby sons who arrived recently. Since both ladies are wives of Vernonia high school faculty men, the football theme was carried out in the blue and gold high school col­ ors. Mrs. Welcome Rumbaugh and Mrs. Robert Wendel, co-hostesses for the event, had designed invita­ tions which were replicas of letter- men’s sweaters in blue with gold stitching. An appropriately worded poem carried the invitation. Two gift tables were decorated with goal posts and footballs and aa Better « Free Bowl Attached , Can Pkg. <* 4oos 2 2 ^ Lbs. Each 0. D. (ORIE) CLARK ; FR E E D E L IV E R Y Columbia County Commissioner Fair, Impartial, Sincere Service to All A Life Resident of Columbia County. ★ 35 years experience w ith Co­ lumbia County Road Dept. ★ Supervised oiling and paving of County Roads and City Streets throughout Columbia County. A 4 years as County Commis­ sioner. Pd. Pol. Adv. by O. D. Clark Rt. 1, Box 970, St. Helens The Balls of Yarn 4-H club held its weekly meeting October 14 at the home of Mrs. Don Huss with Mrs. Vi Fetherston assisting. Some of the girls are still working on their hats and some are finished and are starting their TV slippers. Kathy Tomlin, reporter BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorlal Work Open Six Day* a Week Vernonia, Oregon lU U lllE j 0/$! m m 98c 59c 3/$l 69c 3/89c Archway Home Style Regularly 39c Pkg...................... SLICED BACON “ TEA BAGS APPLESAUCE DETERGENT CHUNK TUNA = Gravenstein— 2*4 Tins HEADQUARTERS FOR HALLOWEEN CANDY, GUM, NUTS, CIDER, DONUTS, CANDY APPLES, ORANGES PHONE H A 9-5501 The Compulsory Insurance Monopoly Bill 756 Bridge St. — Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY LAWRENCE MEISSNER (State Measure 3) will work hard lo see that your tax dollars buy real results. Will NOT Do What Its Promotors Claim! For representative, vote 113 X Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon Pd. Adv. by Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon Join ike in Supporting WYATT for Congress X no VOTE Compulsory Monopoly Job-Injury Insurance Would HURT Employees-Consumers-Employers-YOU! T H R E E F R IE N D S — th e late C ongrassm an W a lte r N orblad, Fo rtn er P re sid e n t E isen ho w er and O regonian W endell W yatt. Follow ing Is te x t o f te le g ra m to W endell W yatt, O c t. 7 , 1 9 6 4 : Y o u r e f f o r t t o h o ld y o u r d is t r ic t as a R e p u b lic a n s e a t in th e C o n g re s s a n d y o u r p e rs o n a l c o m m itm e n t to g o o d , c o m m o n - se nse , h o n e s t g o v e rn m e n t to g e th e r m e r it th e s u p p o rt a n d v o te o f e v e ry c itiz e n c o n ­ c e rn e d a b o u t th e s u rv iv a l o f th e A m e ric a n tw o -p a r ty s y s te m a n d a b o u t th e fu tu r e o f th e R e p u b lic . M y p e rs o n a l b e s t w is h e s a re y o u rs f o r a s u c c e s s fu l c a m p a ig n . D w ig h t D. E isenhow er VOTE H TWICE for WYATT 0 SHORT TERM 0 REGULAR TERM FOR CONGRESSMAN, 1st DISTRICT Wyatt for Congrees Committee, 176 Liberty St. S.E., Salem Howell Appling, Jr., Chairman 3 Progress Is Reported By Balls of Yarn Club SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! -------------------- D R Y C LE A N E R S 1 Democrat Incumbent for A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. —Oscar Wilde THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1964 S A M ’ S FOOD STO RE I ~~E&B ’ L A U N D R Y and RE-ELECT a game of football with the honor guests as team captains enlivened the evening. Yardage was gained by points earned with charade type pantomines of nursery rhymes and children’s stories. The refreshment table was cov­ ered with a blue cloth and centered with a bouquet of gold chrysanthe­ mums. Ice cream shaped like balls and cookies in the shape of footballs with blue icing for markings were served. Quality for Less Here! #