■ rr □ssnxos-r-«saxon* Millage Rates Compared The following is a su m m ary of the m illag e ra te s th at will appear on tax statem en ts for property inside th e city lim its of each city in Columbia coun­ ty and a re a s im m ediately outside th e city lim its and com parisons with 1963. TAXING DISTRICT MILLAGE RATES FOR 1963 1964 Inside City of Scappoose 111.0 115.7 O utside City of Scappoose 95.9 100.3 W arren School D istrict 105.2 131.1 Inside City of St. Helens 103.6 110.9 O utside City of St. Helens 82.2 89.8 Inside City of Colum bia City 85.5 92.8 Outside City of Colum bia City 82.2 89.8 Goble School D istrict 71.1 64.2 Inside City of P resco tt 99.1 105.5 Inside City of R ainier 97.0 104.0 O utside City of R ainier 87.3 94.0 Hudson School D istrict 77.1 81.7 D elena School D istrict 91.9 80.0 M ayger in R ain ier High D istrict 102.7 104.8 M ayger in C latskanie High D istrict 107.3 115.6 Quincy School D istrict 89.6 98.0 Inside City of C latskanie 100.9 106.4 O utside City of C latskanie 88.6 94.8 Inside City of V ernonia 115.2 103.2 W h if O utside City of V ernonia 94.2 84.0 Squaro Sauvies Island School D istrict 77.7 71.6 CEILING Colum bia County portion) FIXTURE W estport School D istrict 145.1 114.0 B a o u tlfu l flo ra l design on 12*' C olum bia County portion) g las s shade. 2 -lig h t, U L ap ­ The following is a list of the m illage ra te s of all th e taxing districts in Co- proved. (EA1500-1) lum bia county for the tax y e a rs of 1963-64 and 1964-65: TAXING DISTRICT MILLAGE RATES FOR 1964 1963 County G eneral Fund 10.5 6.2 County G en eral Road F und 5.0 5.9 County Road Oiling F und 2.0 1.9 M osquito Control .7 TOTAL COUNTY LEVY 17.5 14.7 Spouted St. H elens P o rt D istrict 4.1 4.0 CAULKING C olum bia H ospital D istrict 1.6 1.7 R ainier C em etery D istrict 2.4 2.2 CARTRIDGE F ire D istricts: Seal c ra c k s . In terio r t e r io r . (G W 0160-5) Scappoose R u ral D istrict 1.6 1.5 St. Helens R u ral F ire 2.0 2.1 CAULKING C latskanie R u ral F ire 4.4 4.5 GUN R ain ier R u ral F ire 1.8 2.0 F o r a ll spouted cartridg es. (G W 0320-2) V ernonia R u ral F ire 5.9 6.0 Cities: General Electric City of Scappoose 16.7 16.9 STEAM AND City of St. Helens 23.4 23.2 DRY IRON Colum bia City 3.3 3.0 City of P resco tt 13.6 13.5 City of R ain ier 11,5 12.0 City of C latskanie 16.7 18.1 City of V ernonia 26.9 25.2 School D istricts: In term e d iate E ducation D istrict: High School 8.6 7.9 E lem en tary School ( Colum bia) 17.6 16.1 TOTAL IN TERM ED IATE EDUCATION 26.2 24.0 Scappoose G rade School 26.8 36.6 Change from steam to dry Scappoose High School 18.1 17.8 Ironing with fust a flick of a St. H elens School D istrict 30.8 43.3 button I U L approved. W arren School D istrict 35.7 66.8 Sauvies Island School D istrict 13.6 12.5 Goble School D istrict none 5.6 R ainier G rade School 16.0 35.1 R ainier Union High 19.3 12.0 Hudson School D istrict 7.6 22.8 D elena School D istrict 18.0 18.6 M ayger School D istrict 28.8 43.4 Quincy School D istrict 11.1 25.8 C latskanie G rad e School 12.5 24.8 C latskanie Union High 23.9 22.8 W estport School D istrict 67.1 48.0 Closet S eats — White & N eer City School D istrict 18.2 49.3 Colored $049 A piary School D istrict 9.1 none O nly.......................... Z t V ernonia School D istrict 44.6 40.0 The following is a schedule of the sev eral school total budget req u irem en ts and com parisons with 1963 together w ith th e percent of in crease for each budget: Scappoose G rade School $213,043.75 $ 265,210.40 25% Scappoose Union High School 151,687.93 157,536.28 4% St. H elens School System 895,928.00 1,141,012.00 27% W arren School D istrict 48,033.87 73,701.65 53% Goble School D istrict 14,773.44 18,408.50 25% R ainier G rade School 99,889.25 143,070.48 43% R ainier Union High School 119,832.00 92,353.00 (23%) N eer City School D istrict 4,268.52 24% 5,283.87 A piary School D istrict 5,549.15 1,313.67 (76%) G o u ld s b a la n c e d flow Hudson School D istrict 8,685.73 11,370.72 31% s h a llo w w e ll sy s te m D elena School D istrict 21,283.02 20,286.50 (5%) N o ta n k , n o e x tra s. M ayger School D istrict 20,115.12 21,118.50 5% N ow $ l S 85 Quincy School D istrict 20,449.66 28,869.00 41% O n ly 75,339.96 C latskanie G rade School D istrict 98,908.97 31% C latskanie Union High School 131,682.17 130,908.32 ( .5%) V ernonia School System 216,093.00 217,186.00 .5% 81* ’104s Ocrnonia Eagfc 8 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1964 D R . R. V . L A N C E OPTOMETRIST Wed.. 10 A .M .— 5 P .M . Vernonia Clinic Building Civilization has now reached th e point w here m iracle drugs and get- well c a rd s have a h ard tim e keeping up w ith each other. P le a se vote 113 X LAWRENCE M EISSNER. He h as the tim e, energy and ability to study proposed laws. P aid Ad. by L aw rence M eissner, M eissner Road, D eer Island. 42t3c PERSONAL: Did you know that your District Attorney can save you money by cutting down on the taxpayers welfare burden caused by non­ paying support-owing fathers? Did you know that he can also produce a substantial financial gain for you, the taxpayer, by processing county claims and promptly and fairly handling criminal matters? Well he can—and he does. Don't risk a change! Re-elect Dave Williamson, District At­ torney of Columbia County. Pd. Pol. Adv. Dave B. Williamson, Box 425, S t Helens, Oregon TT.n a in t i » »4 M IT » — «SS3BTS333 TF TO COAST STORES BRUNSMAN HARDW ARE NOW IN H o lid a y S T r a n s i s ta r Round PORTABLE ft RADIO U TILITY PAN A ttr a c tiv e radio companion com es com plete w ith case, earph one and 9 volt ba tte ry . (M E 0 0 0 8 -9 ) PR O G RESS & ELECTRIC F IN E F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R U n iversal ‘ ‘ Compact” H e a v y ro lle d edge. F u ll 16' d ia m e te r, 4 f t " deep. 16 qt. c a p a c ity . G a lv a n iz e d . D urab le (H B 0 0 7 4 -2 ) HAIR DRYER E x tra large hood, n a il palish d ry e r, 2 po ck e ts , ha t box s ty le . 230 w a tts . (W S0300-2) T herm ostatically Oakland Wood Controlled Auto. H e a te r...................... Oakland F irep lace 139" Wood H e a te r......... » •a $3.19 Comet I O' .yt TEFLO n Biltwell Sofa Bed and Gallon FRY PAN A m arv e lo u sly eas y -to -c le a n n o n -s tic k fry pan. P la s tic h a n d le . (WF1 150-7) R ocker Set 1 7 9 95 .................. Men*« protective lined work gloves of 12 oz« Conton flan­ n e l. K nit w rist. (HG0055-0) FRIGIDAIRE " P e a k D ry .E x ” Gas L in e ANTI-FREEZE 12 O Z . CAN Prepare for below zero temp* iro tu re s nowl No more free x e - ips for y o u . Absorbs m ositure In gas tank and Uns. A C 0 6 3 0 -3 ) H as new p ivo t autom atic lig h te r! In s ta n t lig h tin g m ech­ anism to s ave you tim el (H A 1 903-8) CHARGER Accurate 4 amp, 6 or 12 volt. U L approved. Charges average battery overnight. (AJ0756-3) Model F D 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. cap a­ city. 30” width, 59%” height, 71-lb. zero zone freezer. A utom atic frosting re frig e ra to r section. Snow crest White only.............................. de­ ■299’ L a Salle " F a n Gio” A utom atic E lec. H eater with 95 B a tte rie s — 15 Mo. G uar. E xchange M etalcraft 7-Pc. Set. Reg. Ifl 52 Gallon Silver Seal Electric WATER $79.95 — Only T h e rm o sta t___ HEATER $54.95 T itan Circl-Aire P o rtab le B aseboard E lec. H eater Combination F an-F orced and R ad ian t $ Q £ *9 5 H eat. S IM M O N S S lu m b e r K in g In n e i S p rin g M a ttre s s an d B ox S p rin g s $ J Q 9 5 Price, each TX i z Vinema H.E.C. Plans Events B IR K E N FE L D —W inema HEC met last T uesday a t the hom e of Mrs. Art Bellingham with eight m em bers present. The roll call w as “ Your fa­ vorite pickle re c ip e .” P la n s were m ade for th e annual potluck harvest supper w hich will be held at the next reg u lar g ran g e m eeting N ovember 5 a t 6:30 p.m . It w as also voted to have a card p arty a t the grange hall S aturday, O ctober 31 a t 8 p.m. T here will be prizes and refresh­ m ents. The public is invited. The MJB coffee labels and lids were counted and th ere w ere m ore than I A rm s tro n g B u d g e to n e vinyl floor covering. S quare SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES B e a u ty R e s t In n e r S p rin g M a ttre s s an d B ox Springs, Each O nly. . . . Special on Rifle and Shotgun Shells tS $ " | 29 Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. S quare Y a rd _________ 9x12 P lastic S u rfa c e R u g s 1 ‘5 $ -f 59 IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA enough to get the coffee m aker. It was suggested to keep on saving the labels and lids to get coffee la t­ er. P lans w ere m ad e for a p ast m a s­ ters club evening w hich w as set for W ednesday, O ctober 21. The hostess box w as won by L ora Hopkins. De­ licious refresh m en ts w ere served by the hostess. The next HEC m eeting will be a t the hom e of M rs. G. P . W anstrom T uesday, N ovem ber 10 to avoid conflict w ith election. Mr. and Mrs. F re d Stinchfield left Sunday for D ayville w here they plan to stay until election. A fter re tu rn ­ ing h ere to vote they will leave for th eir hom e in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B each w ere C latskanie business callers Saturday. Hank Robinson spent a few days last week visiting w ith his sister at KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Whore Your Money Buy» More" M issoula, M ontana. M r. and Mrs. E v e re tt Johnston spent the week end a t th eir hom e h ere from W arm Springs w here he is em ployed. M r .and M rs. P h il L aym an and d au g h ter of Jew ell visited h er folks, the Vick B ergs, Sunday. YOU VOTED down w hat the last legislature did, so now vote for a dif­ ferent rep resen tativ e, 113 X LAW­ RENCE M EISSNER. P aid ad by L aw rence M eissner, D eer Island. * COLD SEASON * Get relief with Coryban D Decongestant Colds Capsules with Vitmain C Riverview Al the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING $1.29 42t3c