Cabin Owner Undergoes Surgery in Portland Pastor Called To New Field The Reverend Mrs. A. W. Wilson, pastor at the Nazarene church for the past several years, has accepted a call to a rural,church near Adah, Oklahoma and she and her hus­ band are preparing to move there as soon as possible to avoid travel hazards of winter weather. Mrs. Wilson stated this week that the church is in the area where she and her husband started their min­ istry about 50 years ago. She has been acquainted with the district superintendent there for many years and saw him this past June at the Nazarene church general assembly held in Portland at the Memorial coliseum. She has also stated that the call to this church is a promotion for her and she appreciated the willingness of the local church to release her at once to accept the offer there. LAWRENCE MEISSNER will stay to the end of each ses­ sion. He will not leave days earlier as the democrat candi­ date has done. The last week of­ ten sees more laws passed than any other week. For representative, vote 113 X Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon Pd. Adv. by Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon SAFETY CHECK NOW! Yes! Now is the time to have your car checked com­ pletely from bumper to bumper for the coming win­ ter season. RIVERVIEW — Vernon Bateman, owner ci the Riverview cabins, en­ tered the University of Oregon med­ ical school hospital Sunday and un­ derwent surgery Monday. He ex­ pects to be hospitalized about a month. Mrs. Don Wantland and Mrs. Dick Nightwine visited Mrs. Bud Larson at Netarts Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown are living at the mo­ tel owned by the Larsons. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Briones en­ joyed a dinner Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook in observance of Mrs. Briones' birthday. GrimsbosHost Lassie Queen MIST—Albert Grimsbo of White- wood, South Dakota arrived at the Howard Grimsbo home last Monday evening to spend a week with his brother and family/ While here they attended the PI where Mrs. Grimsbo acted as hostess Tuesday and Wed­ nesday for the National Shorthorn Lassie. Jeanette Ccufal of Seward, Nebraska. Inland Empire Lassie Queen Caron Williams of Spokane and the Western Oregon and Wash ington Shorthorn Lassie Queen of Monmouth attended the show and sale. Miss Coufal returned with the Grimsbos Wednesday night as their guest and made side trips to Cannon Beach and the coast Thursday. The Grimsbos drove her to the airport Friday evening for her return home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock at­ tended the West Oregon Electric an­ nual meeting Saturday in Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and MIST—Mrs. Wyne Kyser accom­ children were in Clatskanie Sunday panied her sister and husband, Mr. afternoon to attend the wedding re­ and Mrs. Bryce Ostrander of Mc­ ception for Mr. and Mrs. Jan Schultz. Minnville to Everett, Washington Sunday visitors at the Clarence Sunday morning to join other mem­ Kyser home were Mr. and Mrs. bers of the family. They had re­ Dale Leino and family of Clatskanie ceived word earlier in the week of and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Karr and the accidental drowning of their sis­ family of Vancouver. Saturday ev­ ter Shirley’s fiance. His body was ening the Kyser family was in Port­ not recovered until late Sunday af­ land to attend the PI. ternoon and will be flown to Illinois The Charles Ramseys and Mrs. for burial. After memorial services Monday afternoon. Mrs. Kyser and Russell Hansen were Sunday after­ Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander were accom­ noon guests at the Howard Grimsbo panied home by their parents. Mr. home. Albert Grimsbo, nephew Ray­ mond and niece Kathy were in Rai­ and Mrs. Harold Sparks of Delena. nier Saturday to visit Mrs. Anna Sundquist. That evening the Grims­ bos and guest were in Forest Grove to watch the football game between Pacific U and Pacific Lutheran. Bob Grimsbo plays for Pacific U. Sunday guests at the Claude Kysers were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Karr and family of St. Johns; Mrs. Queenie Karr, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Karr and family, Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kyser of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Don Karr vis­ ited a short time also. Dale Sanders spent the week end home from his studies at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock re­ ceived word that their grandson, Clayton Bliss and wife had wel­ comed an 8 pound 9 ounce son Sep­ tember 26 at Lincoln, Nebraska. The Bud Howry family of Grande Ronde were in Mist a short time Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Closner have been in the community renewing old acquaintences. They were mar­ ried in June and are now living at Rainier. Trip Follows Accident News BOB'S UNION SERVICE LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Meets last Thursday every m onth West Oregon Electric Auditorium , 7:30 P.M. LIONS CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL Robert Sargent, President Don Jackson, Secretary 3-65 George Laws, President Harry Junken, Vice-president Stanley Enevoldsen, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-64 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meet« at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication t h ir d '' Thursday of each month, at 8:00 p.m. Ralph E. Bergerson, W.M. Walter E. Linn. Sec’y. ________ 1-65 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall, 8 P M . D. G. Pattee, Commander Art Gardner, Adjutant KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon auxiliary Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. Lona Weidman, President Cora Lange, Secretary I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month 7-65 IWA Local Sergerson, Chancellor mander Garner, Secretary 3-14 Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 P.M. fTH IA N SISTERS ernonia Temple No. 61 feelings: I.O.O.F. Hall 1 and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Atkins, M.E.C. ,ange, Secretary__________2-65 A.F.L. — C.I.O.’ Business Agent is at the hall, North and W ashington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 4-64 ---------------------—1--- X------------------------- Order of Eastern Star First and Third Tuesday 8 P.M. Thomas Hall, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson, See. 1-65 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 41h Thursday evenings of each month in the I.C.O.F. halt Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and third Wed. ot each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Jean Bergerson, W. M. Frances Hershey, Sec. 1-65 AMERICAN LEGION Reatha Horn, Noble Grand Irma Chance. Secretary 3-65 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Guy I. Thomas, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy. 7-85 Meets First and Third Mondays of each month. VERNONIA Injuries Received In Sunday Accident TIMBER—Sunday, October 11, four miles west of Vernonia - Timber junction there was an accident in which Richard Shaw was a victim. He had pulled off the road to allow a string of cars to pass. The sun was very bright and as he pulled onto the road again to make his turn he did not see the on-coming car which was white. The front fender and a light on the one car was damaged and the Shaw car was demolished. It had rolled, coming to rest on its top. Shaw had difficulty getting a door open to get out. One knee was injured and a wrist was cut where a wrist watch was torn off. Later the watch was found by the car and the twisted metal band was found in the rear seat. The top above his seat was crushed almost level with the steering wheel. The occupant of the other car, a lady, was cut and bruised about the head and face. All were taken by ambulance to Forest Grove where they were treated and released. Since then, Shaw has been confined to his home recovering from shock. Allan May of Seattle spent the week end at the home of his father, Roy May. Gathering M arb Oerttoitia Eagle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1964 7 83rd Birthday Group Attends P.I. MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Math- ews attended church in Longview Sunday, then went to the home of her brother, E. H. Condit in Westport to celebrate the 83rd birthday of Mrs. Ida Condit. Six of her seven chil­ dren and many of her grandchildren were present. Mrs. Elsa Knowles accompanied Miss Shirley Berg to Seattle to visit friends and relatives. They were gone from Friday to Tuesday. Events in Portland BIKKENEELD — Mr. and Mrs Chas Ramsey, Vickey and Paul; Nick and Erik Berg took in the PI Saturday. They were joined in Port­ land by Ann Ramsey who returned home with them for over the week end. Pat Hopkins left Friday for his home in San Diego after spending his vacation here. POETRY Ode and Tribute to the Vernonia Hills On the hills of Old Vernonia, As you all may see, A touch of Autumn Splendor, On every maple tree. The autumn leaves are turning Orange, gold and red. Below the river’s flowing. And all the birds have fled. A peaceful autumn silence, Rests upon the hill. The twilight’s gently falling Over rock and rill. On the hills of Old Vernonia, As you all may see, A touch of Autumn Beauty On every maple tree. Composed by Nettie Adams Titus HE CARED ENOUGH to visit almost every home in VERNONIA For representative, vote 113 X Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon Pd. Adv. by Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, Oregon Camper Prompts Vacation Trips TIMBER—Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn McCarty and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McCarty of Eu­ gene, returned home Tuesday from a weeks camping trip at Silver Lake and the Sycan river country. They bought their camper about three months ago and already have over 10,000 vacation miles on it. Miss Bonnie Webster of McMinn­ ville was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sponsel. Mrs. Maxine Williams of Eugene was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Williams over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pagh re­ turned Tuesday from Crater Lake where Les has been working. Bill Mulkey volunteered for the school census taking which will be started soon. The apple eating bear back of the school house has polished off the apples and now is cleaning up the prunes on the tree back of the bam on the Mav place. One morning last week a crippled coyote came out of the barn as May took his cow over to the pasture. Your summer vacation trip won’t be ‘make believe’ if you use the want ads. olo M ® (jflfio ir® T a a !• » ‘ N o D Health Care Se Elderly ? tfc 0^ ” Let’s look at the facts about the proposed Medicare Tax... and a medical care program for the aged that already exists! W hat’s the hurry here? The supporters of the proposed Medicare Tax would have you believe th at passage of this controversial bill is urgent... th at persons over 65 are deprived of needed med­ ical care because they can’t pay for it. Nothing could be further from the tru th . The Kerr-Mills Law, passed by Congress in 1960- and other state and local programs-enable indi­ vidual states to guarantee to every elderly person who needs help the health care he or she requires. We call th is h ealth p r o g r a m ... H e a ltlf Opportunity Program for the Elderly. Thou­ sands of people every day are being helped by its generous benefits. And, unlike Medicare, which would substantially increase your Social Security Tax payroll deductions, this Health Program is already being paid for by a p art of your present tax dollar! Medicare Tax? No. Health Care for the Elder­ ly? Yes! For more information on this program, ask your doctor or call the number listed below. H E A LT H O P P O R T U N IT Y PROGRAM POR THE POST 119 Thomas Hall, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Beauiah Hall, President Morel Folken, Secretary 228-4175 1-85 1-65 OREGON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ELCSRLY f