Oernonia EagÎe 10 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 Let's Get Acquainted! Do you know this man? Born August 16, 1880 in vicinity of Portland. Married at Portland in 1906. Lived in Washington a number of years. Came to Vernonia in 1923. Worked for Clark and Wilson many years and for Oregon American same. Now retired. Has one child, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Owns a home near Vernonia that is a showplace because of the interest he and his wife take in gardening and flower raising. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chols) Answer to quiz used October 1, Dudley Spofford, with one correction. He and Mrs. Spofford were married at Vernonia by Rev. Ted Leavitt. Nickel: What this country needs— a good 5 cent one. Helens. DON’T H STRAIN ■ YOUR “ | POCKETBOOK Our convenient Premium Pay­ m ent Plan allows you to get th e insurance protection you need when you need it and pay for it by the month, just as you pay for utilities. More and m ore of our clients are finding th a t this plan req(/y h tlffr Call us fvi details» BILL J, HORN VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Phone H A 9-6203 905 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Representing. Hartford Accident and te n V Indemnity Company Member Hartford Insurance Group Hartford 15, Conn. . x.«Y WKen J g U a i > n «rTTn Granddaughter Arrives At Home in Los Angeles MIST — Mrs. Lloyd Garlock re­ turned Sunday evening from Los An­ geles after being there since Sep­ tember 25. She arrived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Dawson, to welcome a 7 lb. 4 oz. granddaugh­ ter October 1. Valarie Joy joined an older sister, Loree. Mrs. Garlock states everyone was just fine when she left, but the area was suffering a heat wave that made traveling miserable. Robert Roeser and Bobby were week end visitors at the Charles Hansens. Hie Mist Cemetary association met at the home of Shalmon Libel Monday evening for their business meeting. Mrs. John Crawford returned last week after being in Vancouver for almost three weeks redoing their home after their renters moved. John made several trips to help with some of the work. Mrs. Vivian Wickstrom of Eugene was a Sunday visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Kyser and family. ^ < n .»ni.gg!»u*T i.yn» — |9 5 Thermostat__ ^1 T t Titan Circl-Aire Portable Baseboard Elec. Heater Combination Fan-Forced and Radiant $f> p- 95 Heat. Only .. 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs - $p-89 BATTERY CHARGER A c c u ra l. 4 amp, 6 or 12 volt. U L approved. Charges overage battery overnight. (AJ0756-3) SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei Spring M attress and Box Springs $ J Q 9 5 Price, each J t *7 Model FD 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. capa­ city, 30” width, 59%” height, 71-lb. zero zone freezer. Automatic de­ frosting refrigerator section. Snowcrest White $O A A 95 only................................ ‘299s Big 52 Gallon Silver Seal Electric WATER Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $ fT Q 5 0 Springs, Each • «7 U FA T E R $54.95 M ‘25s 104 Ceste« fiscs I bm UL Ha» i laataatly. 18 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES « * t e » Metalcraft 7-Pc. Dinette Set. Reg. $ /? Q 9 5 $79.95 — Only O aZ Special on Rifle and Shotgun Shells CO A S T - T O - C O A S T By Frank J. Laheney QUESTION. Can you send my so­ cial security check to me while I am in a foreign country? ANSWER: In most cases, yes. However, there are certain restric­ tions that apply when you receive benefits outside the United States. STORES i IT ’S A PR IVILEG E AN D A PLEASURE TO L IV E IN VERN O N IA Get in touch with your local social security office for details. They can also give you a special post card on which to report your new address. QUESTION: How soon should you check with the social security office before you retire? ANSWER: Sixty to 90 days before retirement will generally provide enough time to best serve your needs. QUESTION: A cousin of mine was killed last year. He wasn't married and the lump-sum death payment went to his brother because he paid the funeral bill. My cousin had been supporting his parents for years, but a friend said there was no need for them to visit the social security of- KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "W hore Your M oney Buys More" Batteries — Group 1 15 Mo. Guar. $1*755 Exchange___ 9 Riverview A t the M ile B ridge fice because they’re still in their fifties. Was that good advice? ANSWER: No. While it’s true that your cousin’s dependent parents can’t get benefit payments until they’re 62, they must file evidence soon with social scurity to prove their dependency. This proof of de­ pendency must be filed within two years of the date of your cousin’s death. The social security people have the forms and will be glad to help your cousin’s parents fill them out. READ ADVERTISING — IT PAYS. D R . R. V . L A N C E I Traveling. Freight & Passenger Agent American Rank Building Portland. Oregon — CA 8-9111 SPOIANE, PORTLAND and SEATTLE SAUVAT STSTEN C«n«r»l W it « » : A m o rittn Bank B ld g , Porttood. Oragon ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING • OPTOMETRIST W ed.. 10 A .M .— 5 P .M . | Vernonia Clinic Building RE-ELECT DAVE WILLIAMSON DISTRICT ATTORNEY ALWAYS — Top Quality J. H. TAYLOR Auto. S pouted Goulds Dalanced flow shallow well system No tank, no extras. N ow 51 J8 i Only For Information Call: WE D E L IV E R »•953.19 is Important... N ow th a t fa ll is here, a u tu m n m e r­ chandise is m uch in dem and. To keep y o u r cu sto m e rs happy, o rd e r th o s e s p e c ia liz e d ite m s s h ip p e d v ia t h e S p o k a n e , P o r t la n d a n d S e a ttle R ailw ay. T h e re is never a d e la y w h e n S .P .& S . c a r rie s th e f r e i g h t . D e p e n d a b le , o n - t im e schedules m a in ta in e d to and fro m a ll m a jo r p o in t s in t h e U n ite d S ta t e s . W h e n y o u n e e d i t in a h u r r y —C a ll S .P .& S .—th e ra ilw a y o f personalized service. F U R N IT U R E Men* a WORK GLOVES B la * * Orange Merger Unites Banker Groups In accordance with the results of a previous ballot, the Washington- Yamhill bankers group and the Low­ er Columbia bankers group at a joint meeting held on October 6 at the Tualatin Country club, merged into one group to be known as the N. W. Oregon Bankers Group. There were 103 banking represen­ tatives present. Presiding officer was Paul Krug- gel, Scappoose Branch, Bank of St. Helens. The main speaker for the occasion was Hillman Lueddemarm, director department of commerce, state of Oregon, Salem. Others speaking were Guy C. Rea, President, Oregon Bankers association, and senior vice-president. United States Nation­ al Bank of Oregon, Portland; and Lester E. Thayer, executive secre­ tary, Oregon Bankers association, Portland. Newly elected officers are as fol­ lows: President, C. E. Roberts, State Bank of Rainier; vice-president, Cur­ tis Tigard, Tigard Branch, United States National Bank of Oregon; and secretary-treasurer, C. Ben- scheidt, Tillamook Branch, First Na­ tional Bank of Oregon. The outgoing presidents of the two merging groups were Paul Kruggel, Lower Columbia Group and Lloyd H. Vietmeier, Washington - Yamhill Group. ELECTRIC Columbia County if Best Return fo r Your Tax Dollar ★ Experienced ★ Courteous. Im partial Public Service Pd. Adv. by Dave Williamson, Box 425, St. Helens. Ore. J ;