Oernonia £a$le 8 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 Newlyweds to Make Home in Riverview BIRKENFELD — Darryl Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barlow, and Miss Alice Roberts of North Plains were married the last of the week in Idaho. They will make their home in Riverview. Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanAtta visited a couple of days last week at the F rand s Larsons. Mr.^fetheridge left last week for Los Angeles on business and will return next week. Shirley Berg left last Friday for Seattle for a few days visit with rel atives and friends. Little Marcie Layman, grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg, is in the hospital for skin grafting on the bums she received some time ago. Airman Writes Grandparents TIMBER—Mrs. Roy May received a letter from a grandson, Ale Larry Gray, telling of life in camp on Greenland. He said they had 24 hours of daylight and very soon would be having the long night. Their quarters are very small and each room holds two beds. The wind is so strong the roofs are made of 18-inch cement to keep them from blowing away. They have TV. The base monitors its own programs, one channel only. Also one radio short wave program comes in part of the time, but no newspapers from the states. They have a base paper they call the Thule Times. It gath ers news from the states and pub lishes some of it. r — - - —— —— —— —— —— RE-ELECT 0. D. (ORIE) CLARK Democrat Incumbent for Columbia County ' Commissioner it ★ ★ it Fair. Impartial, Sincere Service to All Life Resident of Columbia County. 35 years experience w ith Co lumbia County Road Dept. Supervised oiling and paving of County Roads and City Streets throughout Columbia County. 4 years as County Commis sioner. Pd. Pol. Adv. by O. D. Clark Rt. 1, Box 970, St. Helens Heart Group to Offer Program The Oregon Heart association will offer a free program titled "Hearts and Husbands” to all women in the Portland area Friday, November 8 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Memorial (nliseum. Dr. Paul Dudley White of Harvard who was consultant during President Eisenhower's heart attack will give information about the prevention of heart attacks - care, exercise, diet, sex and work after a heart attack. Questions from the audience will be answered by Dr. Paul White, and a panel of experts: Paul H. Blachly, M. D. (psychiatrist)r 7Herbert E. Griswold, M. D. (professor of cardi ology ) ; James Metcalfe?. M. D. (cardiovascular research .professor); Wayne R. Rogers, Mr.*©,, 'consul tant in cardiology);.'and -Konnie G. Worth (housewife. New inventions andj/.pjagJiines for treating heart diseases will be, shown by these heart s p e c ia l^ , and their colleagues:; II- Lenox H.W ck, M .D.; Charles T. Dotter, M. D.; William ,W. Hurst, M. D.; Gordon L, ^aurice, M. D.; Melvin M. Reev^,, M. D.; Mar- vin Schwartz, M. D.; Herh^ft J. Sem- ler, M. D, They will be QJ1. exhibit from 12 noon to 1 p.m,. (rom 3:30 to 5 p.m. November 6, at the Colise um. This program promises to be one every woman should attend if at all possible. Devines Sell Home at Mist MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daniel son and Mrs. Jim Swanson of Apiary were Wednesday visitors at the Sam Devine home. Mr. and Mrs. Devine have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brower and moved to their new home in Vernonia over the week end. The Browers are mov ing into their new home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch returned Tuesday after spending the opening of deer hunting at Burns. While there they visited with the Lee and Carl Enneberg families and with Johnny Hopkins. Johnny is working at the airport at Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker visited at the George Mathews one day dur ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox returned late Saturday afternoon from Union after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgason. Hugh states no luck in hunting. Upon ar riving home they found a chicken dinner waiting them as her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Norris, and children of Eugene had arrived earlier with Mrs. Martin Hansen to spend the week end. The Norris family accom panied Mrs. Hansen as far as Port land Sunday on their return trip. Mrs. Norman Hansen and children were Monday visitors in Astoria. Sunday Mrs. Hansen and Randy ac companied her folks, the Howard Thompsons, to Beaverton to visit Mrs. Thompson’s mother. (ONES WANTED Helping Circle to Continue with Plans MIST—Mrs. John Grawford and Mrs. Sam Devine will be hostesses for the October 22 meeting of the Mist Helping Circle at the Birkenfeld center with a potluck dinner at noon. Plans for the November 21 program will be worked out mere. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Al Schlehub- er returned Sunday from a trip to the San Diego, Los Angeles and Pol lock Pines areas visiting relatives. A side trip into Mexico was also en joyed. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel and Mrs. Marlene Kahoe of Portland were at the Law- ton Waddells to help Mrs. Waddell celebrate her birthday. Those known to have killed deer are Warren and Raymond Kyser. There were others that have gone cut of the neighborhood. The Mist - Birkenfeld Extension Unit met Friday, October 9 at the Birkenfeld center with nine mem bers present. Mrs. Norman Hansen and Mrs. Sulo Sanders gave an in formative lesson on Plaids and Stripes. The unit will present Crea tive Baking with Mixes November 13 with Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Mrs. Wayne Kyser as leaders. Ev eryone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland enjoyed having the Ira Petersons and Mrs. Helen Hughes with them Thursday and Sunday. MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and Lloyd Garlock returned from Eastern Oregon Thursday morning after a successful hunting trip. Mrs. Garlock and Mary were accompan ied to Clatskanie Sunday evening by Mrs. Hugh Cox, Mrs. Martin Han sen and Mrs. Wayne Norris and chil dren of Eugene to attend the evan gelistic meetings at the Seventh day church. Miss Anna Hanberg was a dinner guest of the H. M. Reynolds Thurs day evening. Friday visitors of the Reynolds were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cockam of Mulino. They lived in this locality some time back. Mrs. Ida Condit returned to her home Sunday afternoon after spend ing the week end with the Walter Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holce and fam ily of Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Holce and family of Ver nonia and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews of Scappoose were with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews Sunday. The Tom Holces flew down in their plane. Guest speaker at the Birkenfeld and Mist churches Sunday was El don Shetier of Ariel, Washington. His wife and seven children accom panied him. He was a candidate speaker. CROWN ZELLERBACH CORP. Mist Route VERNONIA, OREGON RIVERVIEW—Henry Hudson re turned home Saturday from Colum bia District hospital at St. Helens af ter a couple of weeks stay following a tractor accident. One leg is still bothering him but otherwise he is doing fine. On Sunday his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lara of Portland visited at the Hudson home. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff of Portland visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Mills, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tarvestad of Portland spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Want- land. E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge St. - Also, Shoe Repairing — Two-day Service CASH & CARRY ANNUAL MEETING COOPERATIVE BUILDING P -R -O -G -R -A -M VERNONIA, OREGON AN NU AL MEETING AT VERNONIA, OREGON Registration Begins 9 A.M. WEST OREGON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. INC. October 17, 1964 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. MORNING SESSION DOOR PRIZES FREE LUNCH DISPLAYS i Registration ........ .................. ......... V ;«? Î A ► J V •J ‘«j £ £ $ X $ X ♦ X X Join the parade to better living . . . ► ♦J 9:00 A.M. Invocation—William Armstrong__________ ____ ______________ 10:00 A.M. Flag Presentation----------------------------- ---------- Boy Scouts of America Minister, Assembly of God Church Star Spangled Banner Door Prize Welcome to Vernonia ___ ___________ Dr. T. M. Hobart, Mayor Meeting Called to Order and Welcome ........... Mr. Lewis Kelly, President Reading of Notice of Meeting and Proof of Mailing Mr. O. T. Bateman, Secretary Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting Introduction of Board Members. Guests and Displayers Reports of Officers, Directors and Manager Introduction of Candidates Appoint Tellers Call for Nominations from Floor and Voting Door Prizes Adjourn for Lunch..... _...... ..................... ............. ...... .... Rebekahs AFTERNOON SESSION—1:00 P.M. Door Prize 1 $ I I A $ ■ *< ► »♦. >J X 0 V A Main Address X „ S X V y X $ y V »J ---------------------------------------------------- Mr. Gus Norwood Executive Secretary, Northwest Public Power Association Presentation of Service Pins Cake Contest Awards----------------- -—--- ------------- ----- Mrs. Betty Ashbaugh Washington County Home Economics Agent, Hillsboro Unfinished Business New Business Reports of Inspectors of Election Musical Selections ----------- — — Vernonia Grade School Choral Group Directed by Dan Jackson Drawing for Door Prizes a Adjournment Organizational Meeting of Board of Directors { ■ 8 ► ,| A A HEAT ELEC TR IC A LLY WEST OREGON ELECTRIC CO-OP X J 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. EVERY DAY Two-Week Stay in Hospital Completed Oregon trappers may now obtain copies of the 1964 trapping regula tions. Copies of these rule books have now been received by the game com mission from the printers and will be sent to interested individuals on request. Trappers may also obtain copies of the rule book at the com mission’s Portland headquarters, 1634 S. W. Alder. Regulations for the 1964-65 season are similar to last year with only imnor changes made in some of the trapping areas. Season dates remain identical to previous years . Trappers are reminded that all traps must be marked with a brand approved by the game commission. Trappers are required to register with the game commission for the brand. Nutria and opossum have increas ed and spread from recent illegal in troductions and are now presenting a serious threat to agriculture and wildlife. The game commission urges all trappers to catch and destroy these animals at every opportunity. Welcomes You To The 27th $ Hemlock (Clean)...... $5.00 Noble Fir................. $1.50 ------- A------- TIMBER Rt —Mrs. Mildred Merrill from Battle Ground, Washington and her son, Wesley Merrill, from Ft. Lewis visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Mae Wienecke Saturday evening. Mrs. Merrill lived here several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and family from Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Harders and family of Aberdeen, Washington spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Carl Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Dono van Reynolds and family joined the group for dinner Saturday. Fred Sha ver from Lebanon visited his sister, Mrs. Snyder, Sunday. 1964 Trapping Regulations Set WEST OREGON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. BUSHEL MEASURE Douglas Fir (5 Seed)-$2.55 Douglas Fir (3 Seed)-$1.50 Grand (or White) Fir-$1.50 Former Resident of Area Visits Saturday Hunting Trip Said Successful A •J >} •J A INC. FARM BETTCR» VERNONIA, OREGON A SELF LIQUIDATING, SELF-MANAGED, TAX-PAYING COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE >J >J<