Crane Devours Meals oi Trout, TIMBER—Miss Gladys Johnson, owper of the Halfway house cafe and fish pond at Vemonia-Timber junction, has a regular non-paying boarder. At the rate of six cents an inch for trout, this old crane runs up quite a bill every night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton, former residents of. Timber, were here a few days recently visiting friends and on business. They had been on vacation at Fallon, Nebras­ ka and were on their way home to Port Orford where they are em­ ployed at a fish hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simonson of Seattle were guests at the Roy May home Tuesday. They are friends of Mrs. May. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Tallman spent Thursday at Troutdale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Tuttle. Mar/y years ago Mr. Tuttle worked at the old West Timber mill as log scaler. Mrs. Gertrude Williams, postmas­ ter, who has been quite ill, recently was back on duty for a short time when she became ill and has been confined to her home again. Thurs­ day she said she was sure she was feeling better again and expects to be back on the job soon. Next meeting of PTA will be the 14th of this month. Mrs. A. Peterson of Cornelius will be present to install the new officers for this year. Sheila Sponsel has been out of school the past few days with intes­ tinal flu. Speech by Senator Heard in Portland BIRKENFELD—E. T. Johnston, and Art Bellingham were in Port­ land Saturday to hear Senator Gold- water. Mrs. Don Lousignont has been ill the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Olson of Clatskanie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andersen of Grande Ronde flew here Sunday to see the Art Bellinghams. The Sody Scderbacks of Jewell were also here. A pot luck dinner was held at the church Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Shetler and children of Ariel, Washington as guests. Rev. Shetler had the services for the day. Fol­ lowing the pot luck the Shetler fam­ ily and Rev. and Mrs. Sanders and Leslie were supper guests of Miss Anna Hanberg. Miss Ann Ramsey was home over the week end from Cascade College in Portland. came Saturday to stay at the Berg home while Shirley is away. Sunday, she had company from Clatskanie, Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Desler and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Annundi. They looked at the Fishhawk dam project. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson and the Herbert Rodgers family were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hebe Rodgers. It was the birthdays of Herbert and Lorene Rodgers. The Nehalem Valley Garden club will meet at the home of Anna Han­ berg Wednesday, October 21 at 1:30 p.m. SEE US FOR TERRIFIC BUYS EVERY WEEK SCREWDRIVER SET «-««. 88c FILE SET 88c $1.88 GRASS RAKE 88c VERNONIA TRADING CO. 13859594 Your Shopping Center For Garden Supplies — Plants — Flowers — Seeds — Feeds Farm Supplies — Hardware — Cabinets — Plywood Building Materials — Rentals — Chemicals — Shoes Men’s Clothing — Toys — Plastic Wares — Kitchen Wares. Stevely Gives 4-H Meaning Family Returns from Vacation at Coast TIMBER—The Farrell West family has returned from a several day fishing and hunting vacation on the "Did you ever stop to ask your sell coast. Eddie, one of their sons, just what 4-H stands for?, asks Ro­ caught two chinooks, one weighing bert H. Stevely, Columbia county 4-H 35 and one 40 pounds agent. The four H’s stand for the Mrs. Farrell West has been help­ head, health, hands and heart of the 4-H club members. The Pledge goes ing cut at the pizza parlor at the like this: "I pledge my head to clear­ junction recently. Mrs. Melany Hadley of McMinn­ er thinking, my heart to greater loy­ alty, my hands to larger service, and ville was a recent guest at the home my health to better living, for my of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern club, my community, and my coun­ Sponsel. The occasion was her 23rd try”. When you really let this soak birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sponsel and in, it is pretty all inclusive. It really does include the whole person, Steve­ son of McMinnville spent the week end at the parental Vern Sponsel ly continued. home. In 1964, Columbia county had an enrollment of 467 club members with 602 projects that range from photo­ graphy to livestock, to sewing to food preservation. Whatever a youngster’s interest, there is probably a project to fit it. In addition to the projects carried in Columbia county, there Trucks with special “farm ” li­ are over 25 more from which to cense plates may not legally carry choose. Among the most popular projects, campers or pull camping trailers ac­ clothing ranks first, followed by hor­ cording to the Oregon Department ses, knitting, and foods. Horses is the of Motor Vehicles. Department Director Vern L. Hill fastest growing project. said that violations have occurred Mrs. Margaret Allyn, home exten­ when owners of motor vehicles with sion agent, spends a part of her time with 4-H home economics clubs. You farm plaes misinterpret the uses might ask, “How can two agents they can make of these specially handle this many club members and licensed vehicles. "Farm license plates are issued clubs?” The point is, they can’t. The whole program and its success is for vehicles used solely for agricul­ built around community and local tural purposes.” Hill said, “and their leaders who, to a great extent, carry use for anything other than trans­ out the program on the community porting farm or forest products, live­ level. There are 94 leaders in this stock, farm equipment or supplies, county, who volunteer their time and as outlined in the law, is prohibited.” Campers, loaded on the back of energy to make the 4-H program farm licensed pick-up trucks, have successful. “Do these people work for nothing?” , been reported to the department by you might ask. No, they are paid in police, especially now that hunting satisfaction in seeing boys and girls season has opened. learn skills, assume responsibility and grow. What greater pay is there? The 4-H club year is just starting so if there are persons interested in leading or organizing a 4-H group they can give the 4-H office a call in St. Helens, 397-3462 or 397-3463 or write to Robert Stevely, 4-H club believes FEDERAL AID to each agent at the court house, St. Helens. state should be prompt return of one-fourth of all income tax paid by School food service is worth its that state’s taxpayers for that state salt because it provides your child to spend. with the energy he needs to grow and LESS UNEMPLOYMENT in Ore­ to be a good student. gon if we handle our own money. Now we support beaurocrats in Washington and elsewhere to handle it inefficiently for us. NO FEDERAL GAS TAX. Then we won’t have to pay for the graft back east. NEHALEM VALLEY Please Vote 113 X LAWRENCE MEISSNER. Paid ad by Lawrence } MOTOR FREIGHT Meissner, Deer Island. 42t3c Oernonla Eagle License Exams Are Curtailed THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 The driver license examination schedule will be sharply curtailed during the week of October 19 while local examiners attend the annual in-service training session at Depart­ ment of Motor Vehicles headquarters in Salem. ,..,, No examinations will be given any place in the state October 20-22 and many stations will be closed all day Monday. October 19. Only those of­ fices close to Salem will bt open Monday. The normal examining schedule' will resume Friday. October 23. The local Department of Motor Ve­ hicles office can give residents the exact examining schedule for this area. The field office will be open as usual to process motor vehicle registrations and driver license re­ newals. Emphasis of the training sessions, according to the department, will be a refresher course on all driver licensing examination procedures. Greeks used sponges to pad their armored suits, centuries ago. 'Farm' Plates Use Detailed LAWRENCE MEISSNER Phone HA 9-3462 ROGERS “SPRING WHEAT” STAINLESS FOUR PIECE M y C SETTING ONLY PLUS TAX This beautiful tableware, Rogers “Spring Wheat”, crafted in stainless by the International Silver Company, is available exclusively a t the sign of th e Chevron. E ach piece is gracefully proportioned and finely balanced with a bright smooth finish that will last and last. Additional service pieces arp also available. Charge them on your Chevron National Credit Card if you wish. Start your collection today at: R A LP H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone HA 9-6691 WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR I_________- ------------------- • » » » » » » » » » » » » Join Ike in Supporting WYATT for Congress T H R E E F R I E N D S —* t h e la te C o n g re s s m a n W a lt e r N o r b la d , F o r m e r P r e s id e n t E is e n h o w e r a n d O r e g o n ia n W e n d e ll W y a tt. F o llo w in g is t e x t o f te le g r a m to W e n d e ll W y a tt, O c t. 7 , 1 9 6 4 : Y o u r e f f o r t t o h o ld y o u r d is t r ic t as a R e p u b lic a n s e a t in th e C o n g re s s a n d y o u r p e rs o n a l c o m m itm e n t to g o o d , c o m m o n - se nse , h o n e s t g o v e rn m e n t to g e th e r m e rit th e s u p p o rt a n d v o te o f e v e ry c itiz e n c o n ­ c e rn e d a b o u t th e s u rv iv a l o f th e A m e ric a n tw o - p a r ty s y s te m a n d a b o u t th e f u tu r e o f th e R e p u b lic . M y p e rs o n a l b e s t w is h e s a re y o u rs f o r a s u c c e s s fu l c a m p a ig n . D w ig h t D. E is e n h o w e r VOTE g ) TWICE for WYATT 0 SHORT TERM 0 REGULAR TERM FOR CONGRESSMAN, 1st DISTRICT W y a t t f o r C o n g re s s C o m m itte e , 1 7 6 L ib e r t y S t. S E ., S a le m H o w e ll A p p lin g . J r ., C h a ir m e n I f what you see moves you* wali'll you take the wheel ( l i t ' » t r U h - H n n u m - u p io t o o h p ) One look at those longer, wider lines tells you it’s of 400 hp. And the road feels like satin because our the kind of car you just couldn’t buy before without engineers came up with a new Full Coil suspension getting into the higher price brackets. But one drive system, teamed it with a Wide-Stance design, and made our famous Jet-smooth ride smoother and will tell you a lot more. You’ve got your kind of engine going for you. more stable than ever. Beginning to feel like it’s your kind of There’s an even half dozen of them available car? There’ll be no doubt about it when you this year—anything you name from a quieter, CHEVRO LET drive the real thing at your Chevrolet dealer’s. sweeter running 6 to a V8 with the authority Ä r« .* b r a u ! I f u l n h a p n , t o r 'O S - V h c c r o t r t , C h r r o U o , I ' b r r y I I , t ' o r r a l r A f ' o r r r t t e - a t y o u r t t r a l r r ' » No. 36 8700 VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA OREGON 7 PHONE HA 9-5023