CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Real Eslate FOR SALE: 2-week-old Jersey bull calf, $25.00. All kinds of household furniture. Former Bassett house on highway at 10th St. 42tl FOR SALE: (1) 5 and 3 room, 6 ft. basement, concrete walls. (2) Anoth­ e r 6 ft. basement, 32-inch blocks. See Mr or Mrs. Moore, 1332 State Ave., Vernonia. 42t3 WOOD HEATER, Oakland, for sale.. Thermostat. HA 9-5693. 42t3c FOR SALE: Boy’s boots, size 9t4C. Like new, $5.00. HA 9-3071. 42tlc DRIED Parson Sweet, Brooks, Ital­ ian prunes. Potatoes, apples, Hallo­ ween pumpkins and Indian corn. Lloyd’s Peach Center. Vi mile S. Cornelius on Golf Course road. Open 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. 42t3c OVERSTUFFED chair, very good shape, $15.00. Wood screen door, 32”x 80” , heavy plastic on for winter storm door, $2.00. Frank Lange, phone HAzel 9-3161. 42t3c DEER RIFLE, 303 British, for sale, with 1>6 half boxes shells. $30. _____________________________ 42tlc FOR SALE: Four Hood tires, 4-ply, white sidewall, nylon cord, 670 x 15, $17 each. Only 250 miles on them. Guy Tiffney, 101 B Street, Vernonia. ______________________________ 41t3 FOR SALE: Large band saw, wood lathe, concrete block machine, double laundry tray, bath tub. See even­ ings. George Biddle, Timber road. HAzel 9-3270.__________________41t3c FOR SALE: High pressure spray pump, 50 foot high pressure hose, high pressure nozzle, with all fit­ tings and equipment. All new. For spraying fruit trees or brush. $100 cash takes all. Cost almost $300 new. Call HAzel 9-3951._____________ 41t3c SPINET CONSOLE PIANO to be picked up and sold. Want responsi­ ble party to assume small mo. pyt’s. Write or phone Tallman Piano Stores, Inc. Salem, Oregon. 363-5707. 40t3c RED POTATOES for sale. $3.00 per hundred. Virgil Allen, Buxton, Ore­ gon. Located between Vernonia and Sunset Highway on Strassel Road. After 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday. 40t3c Second growth fir pole wood for sale, dry, $16 per cord. Leave orders at Vernonia Eagle office for Harold Peterson, Buxton, Oregon. 40t5 FRESH FLO W ERS for any occa­ sion. Flow ers w ired anyw here. R uth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc FLOW ERS TH A T PLEA SE. F in ­ est in flow ers for all occasions. P lants, bouquets. F loral pieces for funerals. F low ers speeded by long distance or w ired anyw here. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ______________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck Buy From I,ocal Boy BUY YOUR NEXT CAR FROM AL HUNTLEY Specializing in new 1964 PLYMOUTH, VALIANT, SIMCA, CHRYSLER, INTERNATIONAL plus 100 Reconditioned new car trade-ins. 100% Financing, debt consolidation, bank terms. Lowest price in town. These terms will be handled by me only. — Phone AT 8-6366 — Gary Worth Plymouth Co. 4943 N.E. Union, Portland _____________________________ 34t8c See hometown boy AL HUNTLEY Pick-ups - Scouts • Travalons AU units available in 4-wheel drive. 1964 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UPS Half ton, heater, defroster, spare tire and wheel, internal cooling system, 100.000 mile warranty. Immediate deUvery .............$1790 1964 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT Dual tanks, sure-grip rear end, bucket seats, full top, 4-wheel drive, loaded with extras $2488 100% Financing - Debt Consolidation Budget Terms Phone AT 8-6366 Gary Worth Plymouth Co. 4943 N.E. Union, Portland For Information rail collect 38t8c NATIONAL • ID IT O IIA L » I M II f H ' I U a N IW S 9 A F IR P U B ltS H IR S ASSOCIATION Columbia River Real Estate VERNONIA BRANCH 866 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 FIRST house 3 bedrooms—second house 2 bedrooms, downtown Ver­ nonia, $4250, will finance. Good in­ vestment. 3 BEDROOM house, furnished. Lots of wood. Low taxes. Total price $3000. NEW HOME in Vernonia’s newest residential area. 3 BRs, $12,900. Will finance. IVt ACRES on Nehalem river. 3 BR house with garage and utility. Total price $6950. Terms. WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS 42tlc FOR SALE: Two houses on large lot, one three-room; main house, 3 bdrm down. Property can be seen a t 843 Third St. or call HAzel 9-3441. 40t3c FOR SALE OR RENT: House 33, OA hill. Two bedrooms. Inquire at Vernonia Eagle office. 40t3 FOR SALE: Three, possibly four, bedroom house on Capitol hill. For more information call HAzel 9-3145. 39tfc BILL HORN REALTY and Vernonia Insurance Exchange Bank Bldg. HAzel 9-6203 VIEW PROPERTY. Large 4 bedim home, fire place, excellent condition. $8500.00. 3 ACRES, 3 bedroom home. $6000.00, terms. RENTALS LISTINGS WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three-room bouse plus bath, utility room, partial basement. Near downtown. $25 per month. Call HAzel 9-3867 after 6 p.m. Or, will sell. 26tfc CH ERRY TREE A pts. C om plete­ ly furnished except bedding, d ish ­ es. R en t includes all utilities, heat, lights, w ater. P riv a te bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. H. J. "Hill” Edison, Mgr. ____________________________ 14tfc WANTED SHEET ROCK nailing, taping, tex­ turing.^ Free consultation and esti­ mates. References. A complete, guaranteed service. Wallboard Con­ structors, 224 North St., Vernonia. Oregon. A1 A. Reeves, Owner. 41t3c W A N T E D DEER, ELK, STEER HIDES Trade for Gloves and, or Caah. J. B. ARTMAN’ Vernonia ____________________________ 39-52c CALL Guy A. LuttreU collect for domestic and irrigation weU drilling. FHA term s. 397-2140, St. Helens, Rt 1, Box 732. 36tfc Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and budd­ ings. Can pay aU cash, b.k.r. Call Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore­ gon.__________________________ 20tfc CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published In its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, w ill reprint that part of an adr. in which the typographical m istake occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4c each. Three Insertions lor the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: M ini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks A Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c each. Oernonia Eagie LEGAL NOTICE SERVICES CARD OF THANKS THE COLUMBIA COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNOUNCES EXAMINATION FOR Road Maintenance Foreman 2 . Promotional $440 - $500 Applicants must be United States citizens .residents of Oregon, present employees of Columbia County with six months service and have three years experience of a progressively responsible nature in road construc­ tion or maintenance work; and be a High School graduate. Obtain application forms from Ci­ vil Service Office, Room 205, Court­ house, St. Helens, Oregon. Applica­ tions must be filed by 5:00 p.m., Oc­ tober 22, 1964 _____________________________ 42tlc SEPT IC TA N K service. Pum ping and repair. G. A. Russell, Colum bia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 d aytim e; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc I WISH to extend my sincere thanks to all the kind friends who sent cards and gifts and remembered me in various ways while I was in the hospital. Your good wishes have meant a great deal to me. BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONER OF OREGON UF 2457 In the m atter of the Application of NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COM­ PANY for allocation of exclusively served territory and adjacent un­ served area. NOTICE OF HEARING On September 1, 1964, the Commis­ sioner accepted for filing an Appli- cation of Northwest Natural Gas Company submitted pursuant to the provisions of ORS Chapter 757. Said Applicant prays for an Order of the Commissioner allocating territory within which Applicant is exclusively providing gas utility service and cer­ tain adjacent unserved area as yet unserved by any other sim ilar utili- ty service. The served territory and adjacent unserved area are more specifically delineated on a m ap a t­ tached to and made a part of the Application as Exhibit “A” . The above areas are described by legal description in Exhibits “B” and “C” attached to and made a part of such Application. Said Application is on file with the Commissioner and may be examined for more specific de­ scriptions and locations of such areas. The territory above designated is generaUy described as foUows: Exclusively Served Territory Located in Benton, Clackamas, Co­ lumbia, Douglas, Hood River, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Was­ co, Washington and YamhiU Coun­ ties, commencing at the intersection of the Columbia River and the South Township line of Township 6 N, W. M.; thence easterly along and con­ forming to the Columbia River to the East Range line of R 14 E, W.M.; thence south to the North Township line of Township 1 S, W.M.; thence west to the E ast Range line of R 4 E, W.M.; thence south to the South Township line of Township 10 S, W.M.; thence west to the E ast Range line of R 1 E, W.M.; thence south to the South Township line of T 22 S, W.M.; thence west to the West Range line of R 6 W, W.M.; thence north to the North Township line of T 4 S, W.M.; thence east to the West Range line of R 4 W, W.M.; thence north to the North Township line of T 2 N, W.M.; thence east to the West Range line of R 2 W, W.M.; thence north to the South Township line of T 6 N, W.M.; thence east to the point of be­ ginning. Adjacent Unserved Areas Located in Benton, Clatsop, Colum­ bia, Coos, Douglas, Lane, Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties, commencing at the northwestern tip of the state of Oregon; thence east along the Co­ lumbia River to the intersection oi the South Township Une of T 6 N, W.M., with the Columbia River; thence west and south along the west­ erly boundary of the aforedescribed exclusively served area to the North Township line of T 22 S, W.M.; thence westerly to the East Range line of R 12 W, W.M.; thence south to the South Township line of T 26 S, W.M.; thence west to the Pacific Ocean; thence north along the Ore­ gon Coast to the point of beginning. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing in the above-entitled matter will be held as foUows: On: Wednesday, October 28, 1964 At: 10:00 a.m. At: Room 101 Public Service Building Salem. Oregon Dated this 5th day of October, 1964 JONEL C. HILL Public Utility Commissioner 42t2c FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your savings deposit with Vernonia Credit Union. 853 Bridge Street, Vernonia _____________________________ 17tfc Haberman's Meal PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING B e ef: Monday, Tuesday. Frida) Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Sm oking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, F crest G rove, Ore. On F ern H ill Road ltfc CLARENCE R. W AGNER, county surveyor, C o u rt House, St. Helens. Phone office, 397-0698; hom e, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ ing w ork. 24tfc CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to take this means to ex­ press our very special thanks to each individual who rendered such prompt, intelligent help at the time of the tractor accident September 26th. We cannot name any one with­ out leaving out someone, and so we thank God for each of you for the contribution you made at the time; for the prayers, cards, notes, calls and visits since and offers of help in so many ways. We were especial­ ly touched by the cards from each of Mrs. Christianson's 2nd grade class. We ewe each one of you more than we can repay in this life. God Bless You all. The Hudsons, Henry, Polly and Debbie 42tlc ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ Mrs. Carson Strong _____________________________ 42tl Oernonia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail m at­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3.50. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladies corduroy jacket, Lo- den green, September 26 in high school auditorium. Call HA 9-3562. ______________________________ 42t3 MISCELLANEOPS WILL pay cash for your deer hides. John Siedelman, HAzel 9-3421. 42t3c Please advise us of your new ad­ dress if you are planning to move. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------,------------------------ STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of October 23, 1962; Section 4369, Title 39, United States Code) 1. Date of Filing, October 1, 1964. 2. Title of Publication; Vernonia Eagle. 3. Frequency of Issue, weekly. 4. Location of known office of publication, 721 Third St., Columbia, Vernonia, Oregon 97064. 5. Location of the head­ quarters or general business offices of the publishers (not printers): 721 Third St., Vernonia, Oregon. 6. Names and Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher, Marvin KaKmholz; Editor, same; Managing Editor, same. 7. Owner: Marvin Kamholz, Vernonia, Oregon. 8. Known bond­ holders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per­ cent or more of total amount of bonds, m ortgages or other securities: none B. Paid Circulation Single Issue Nearest Average No. Copies To Filing Date Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months A. Total No. Copies Printed 950 925 (Net Press Run) B. Paid Circulation 1. To Term Suscribers, by Mail, C arrier Delivery or 846 831 by other means 2. Sales Through Agents, News Dealers, or 40 41 or otherwise. C. Free Distribution (including samples) by Mail, Carrier De­ livery, or by other means. D. Total No. Copies Distributed. (Sum of 886 lines Bl, B2 and C) 872 I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete, MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor NORTH CATHOLIC FRIDAY 8 P.M. GREENMAN FIELD 3 ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ 3 3 3 ¥¥ ÿ 3 ÿ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ I 1 Rt. 2, Box 379, F o re st G rove, Ore EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing M eat fo r sale, an y q u an tity . C a ttle R eceived S u n d ay and M onday u n til noon. H oes received T uesday and W ednesday u n til noon. Coma through Banks, taka Tillam ook road i V, mile, take first ¡offhand road. ltfc I EXTEND my thanks to my friends who sent me cards and letters whUe I was in the hospital. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1964 e READ ADVERTISING — IT PAYS. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Ray Cameron _____________________________ 42tlc 6 X -¿ U Vernonia, Oregon No. 72 Fred Smith, Jr., 165, just starting to come into his own as tough defensive end. 7 tackles at Hood River. Going to be a good football player. Needs experience. No. 74. Albert Brunsman, Soph., 140, end. Plays JV and also a miler m track. Could turn into a good football player. WE RE BACKING THE LOGGERS — WE HOPE YOU DO ALSO! Darigold Farms Spofford's Flower & Gift Shop ----- ★ ------ ----- ★ ------ West Oregon Electric Co-op. ----- ★ ------ Nichols Variety ------ ★ ------ Crown Construction Company ----- ★ ------ Vernonia Drug Company Standard Dairy Products Sam's Food Store ----- ★ ------ --------------- * --------------- ----- ★ ------ Allied J&H Lumber Company ----- ★ ------ Vernonia Federal Credit Union Kate's Cafe ----- ★ ------ Ben's Barber Shop Bill Horn Really and Vernonia Insurance Vernonia Card Room Vernonia Trading Co., Inc. and 88< Store Columbia River Real Estate & Insurance—Lloyd Quinn, Agent ----- ★ ------ --------------- * --------------- Mill Market & Lockers ----- ★ ------ The Vernonia Eagle --------------- * --------------- ----- ★ ------ Rex and John McRae ----- ★ ------ ----- ★ ------ Fuiten and Friesen Chapel In The Hills ¥¥ >:• ¥ ÿ 3 S 3 ÿ S ¥ $ ï ÿ g ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ î ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ’«? »*• X I *•! >*•