M t. Heart Rebekah Lodge Plans Program tor Friendship Night Prior to the meeting of the Mt. Heart Rebekah kxige Thursday even­ ing, October 8, Joyce Chandler and Darlene Welch, delegates to girls State, gave a very interesting and well prepared report on the activities they had enjoyed at the sessions held in June in Salem. The girls stayed on the Willamette University campus and part of the activities took place in the capitol building. Mt. Heart Re­ bekah Lodge cooperates with the American Legion auxiliary in financ­ ing delegates to this citizenship train­ ing program. Mathilde Bergerson, vice grand, presided over the meeting in the ab­ sence of Noble Grand Reatha Hom who was ill. Her station, in turn, was filled by Past Noble Grand Bessie Tapp of North Plains who was at­ tending a meeting here for the first time in several years. Additional plans were made for friendship night which will be held October 22. Many interesting things are planned by the program com­ mittee, Mrs. Henry Andregg, Mrs. Charles Minger and Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Invitations have gone out to surrounding lodges and members of Mt. Heart lodge are all urged to at­ tend. An invitation was received from Plympton Rebekah Lodge at West- port for their friendship night, Octo­ ber 27. An interesting letter was read from Julieann Hensel of Warrenton who had been the delegate from this district to the United Nations Pil­ grimage for Youth this past summer. She thanked this lodge for their share in making the trip possible for her and told highlights of the tour. She expressed her increased thankfulness for being a citizen of the United States and her pride in her own state, Oregon. Mrs. Marie Atkins, district deputy president for Mt. Heart Lodge, instal­ led Mrs. Henry Andregg as inside guardian to fill the vacancy created when Mrs. Sina Baker moved to Portland. She was assisted by Mrs. Zoe Salomonsen as marshal. As an expression of appreciation for assistance given by thé Rebekahs at the golden wedding reception for the M. B. Willards, their daughter, Mrs. Joy Bonney, contributed to the lodge memorial fund. Plans were made for serving the dinner for the West Oregon Electric annual meeting October 17. It was announced that first nomin­ ation of officers for the 1965 term would be made October 22. Following the meeting,' a social hour was enjoyed around the tables in the dining room and delicious cakes were served by Mrs. Florence Akers. Mrs. Geneva Killingburg and Mrs. Mabie Graves. CONTRIBUTED SPENCER HILL Now Spencer Hill has turned to gold A frost is on the moon. Summer has had too brief a stay And Winter comes too soon. * First Granddaughter Greeted by Camerons Rainbow Girls Seat Officers 3 Girls in Sewing Club Work on 4-H Projects The Balls of Yarn 4-H club held its weekly meeting September 30 at the home of Mrs. Don Huss, leader, with Mrs. Vi Fetherston assisting. Some of the girls have started thejr hats. The rest are still working on their slippers. We had two visitors, Kathy Ber­ gerson and Rhonda Persyn. The Balls of Yam Club held its weekly meeting October 8 at the home of Mrs. Don Huss with Mrs. Fetherston assisting. The girls are working on their hats and some of them are working on socks. Reporter, Kathy Tomlin 9 FOOTBALL VERNONIA Past Chiefs to Install Slate VS N. CATHOLIC Friday - 8 P.M. Linn Grocery COFFEE B R EA K Reports Heard At CWF Meeting The CWF held their October 8 B reak fast - Lunch - Dinners meeting in the church social hall. — DIFFERENT SPECIAL EACH DAY — Ì The devotions were given by Mrs. g Olivia Wood on "Recharging Run­ Advance Reservations Taken for Special Menas »J down Batteries.” Following were the various re­ A Home Made Pies — Sandwiches — Complete Fountain î ports. December 4 and 5 are dates for g Bring in your fish or game— Let us cook it for you. $ the bazaar and cooked food sale to X Î be held at the Fire hall. An invitation was extended to the .♦X»X»X*X»X»X*X»X*X*X*X»X*X«*X»X*X*X*X»X»X*X*X*X*>! group by a former resident, Mrs. Fred Roediger, to attend a luncheon meeting in St. Helens. Miss Faith McCracken, a disciple missionary from the Congo, will be the speaker. Plug and point chack, b a t­ The meeting adjourned with the tery check and recharge a t CWF prayer and Mrs. Lolley served refreshments. BOB’S m ean your car is The next meeting will be held Oc­ tober 22 at 1:30 p.m. in the church always ready to go when social hall. MORE PEP FOR PROMPT STARTS you are. Please advise us of your new ad­ dress if you are planning to move. BOB’S // When Spencer Hill was bravely green; Then we were bravely young. And every book was still unread And every song unsung. Oemonia Eagle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 Vicki Pitkänen, daughter of Mrs. Carl Westlind, Vernonia, is the auth­ or of a thesis entitled “The Death of the Protagonist: Madame Bo vary, Nana, and Fathers and Sons” pub­ lished in the Willamette University honors annual for 1964. Miss Pitkänen, a former student of Willamette majoring in English, is a member of the Willamette honors program. She is also a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and Pi Gamma Mu social science honorary. She is a 19 6 2 graduate of Vernonia high school. Miss Pitkänen transfered this fall to University of California at Berke­ ley where she is a junior. She also has changed her major to journ­ alism. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron are re­ joicing over the arrival of their first But Youth, like Summer’s stay, is grand-daughter who arrived October brief 3 in Portland and is the daughter of And Spencer Hill is gold. Mr. and Mrs. Don O’Neill of Port­ There’s frost on moon and heart land. Mrs. O’Neill is the former Ann tonight Rainbow installation was held Oc­ Cameron. The baby has been named And you and I are old. tober 4 for Christine King, who was, Nancy Marie and she weighed in at —Edna Owens Engen crowned the new worthy advisor. 5 pounds 4tt ounces and is 17 inches Hillsboro, Ore. Her theme is “Climb Every Moun­ long. She joins a brother, David. Mr. tain,” and her colors are brown, and Mrs. Cameron were in Portland Fifty-two percent of 4-H club mem­ gold and white. from October 2 to 7 to care for David The following girls were installed: until his mother and sister came bers now come from urban or sub­ Kathy Minger, worthy assistant ad­ home from the hospital. Mr. O’Neill, urban homes. visor; Marilyn Jones, charity; Ann who formerly taught at LaGrande, Bergerson, hope; Chris Bender, is a student counselor at David Doug­ V faith; Mary Andrus, recorder; Mar­ las high school in Portland. sha Krieger, treasurer; Nancy Ham­ nett, love; Jeanette Aultman. nature; Marilyn King, religion; Alison Hall, fidelity; Diana Rodger, patriotism; Christine Landers, service; Virginia Nelson, drill leader; Judy Stockwell, confidential observer; Marsha Al­ Mrs. Charley Hickman was elected drich; outer observer; Sharon Bruns- man, musician; Linda Sawyer, his­ president of the Past Chiefs club torian; Darthula Grosche, news re­ at the meeting held September 29 porter; Mary Lou Carter, jewel keep­ at the home of Mrs. Irma Chance. Mrs. Albert Blount was named as er and Betty Berg, chaplain. After the officers received their vice-president and Mrs. Carl Davis jewels, the Clatskanie DeMolay boys was retained as secretary-treasurer. Officers will be installed at the performed the crowning ceremony. Mary Andrus then received the next meeting, October 29 at the honorary necklace which Mr. and home of Mrs. Reta Lamping. Highlight of the evening was hav­ Mrs. Moran contributed to the Rain­ bow Girls of Vernonia when they ing a member from out of town, Mrs. A. L. Kullander of Independence pre­ moved. ; sent. There also was a good turn-out Refreshments were then served. The installation was open to the of local members to start the fall public and many citizens were pres­ season off in good stride. ft After the business of the evening ent. was cared for. President Cora Lange led the group in playing two games No. 20 Joe Curl, Jr., 155, year letterman. Knitting Pearls Hold which were very hilarious and en­ •»’ Offensive halfback, also plays defensive end. tertaining. Second Meeting on 5th ► J Does a real good job on defense. 6 tackles at At the next meeting, October 29, ,J Hood River. Smart ball player, needs exper- Last Wednesday, October 5, the members are to bring old Christmas 9 ience. Knitting Pearls had their second cards and wide ribbon with which to V meeting at Esther Hunteman’s make door swags to be taken to the >,« No. 22. Roger Medges. 1-year letterman, FB house. The girls knitted and after­ Oregon-Washington Pythian Home to and linebacker. Plays first string defense. wards they had some upside down help make it festive for the holiday X Very good, aggressive tackier. Good, complete cake and koolaid. ball player. Can run, block, kick. season. Each person should also Reporter, Della Hass bring scissors for cutting out designs from the cards. W E R E BACKING THE LOGGERS — WE The club will serve as hostesses Engagement Revealed October 28 at the meeting of Ver­ For Kathleen Weller nonia Temple Pythian Sisters when Mrs. Maxine Weller announces the the Halloween festivities will be in Edna and W alter Linn engagement of her daughter Kath­ sway. ------------- ★ ------------- leen to Jerrold Bush, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Floyd Bush. The date for the wedding is December 5. x *x *x « *x *x *x » x *x « *x *x *x *x *x o x *x *x *x » x o x *x *x *x $ a 9 L Thesis Brings Student Honors U N IO N S E R V IC E Vernonia Service Station Sunnyside Service H ans and Vi Slette ----------------------------- E&B Laundry & Dry Cleaners Ed Bredeau ------------- ★ ------------- -------------- * -------------- Vernonia Clinic Dean's Market Drs. H obart, Thiringer, Hansen, K ram er ------------- ★ ------------- Fabrics 'N Fashions Vernonia Milk Farms Doris Skidm ore H enry and Isabel A nderegg ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Ralph's Chevron King's Grocery Ralph Sturdevant Bob, Earl, Emilie ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Union Oil Çompany The Pine Cone Loel Roberts Cliff and Ruby Fowler -------------- * -------:------- ------------- ★ ------------- Dessy's Bowl Mar-Ona Bootery Zeke and Marion Lemaick Stona Serafin ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Bob's Union Service Tandy Shoe Repair Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson A lbert Tandy 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 ÿ 3 9 9 9 î 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 î» x * x o x o x » x o x * x * x * x * x o x * x » x » :« > x o x '» x * x * x o x o x * x * x * x *x o x o x » x » x » x * x * x » x * V Better Quality for Less Here! # Two Terms Is Enough For Governor For President and for the present county Judge . . . who is over 67 Years of Age “WE N EED YOUNGER LEADERSHIP!” Regulated Suds for All Washing Machines— Reg. 99c / Geneva Shadley, Chairman, S t. Helens, Oregon Seaw right for County Judge Committee î George Johnson SLICED BACON 8,y,e 89c IT IS T IM E T C H A N G E "! SWEET POTATOES y a m s ulOc DELICIOUS APPLES . 10c P U M P K IN “ “” 2/29c PINEAPPLE JUICE K . 3/89c CAT FOOD S 6/59c "JOi* J C Vote (X ) 117 C-20 SOAP EARL SEAWRIGHT FOR COUNTY JUDGE HOPE YOU DO ALSO! J $ 9 « 6 /6 9 c BABY FOOD 39c FRIL-LETS POTATO CHIPS 29c OTTER TUNA 3 /8 9c LEAF SPINACH 2 /2 9 c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS “ 49c SALAMI 89c S A M ’ S FOOD FREE DELIVERY Heinz Strained Porters— The Noodle That Won’t Slide Off Fork..... Lb. Pkg. Blue Bell Snack P a c k .............. Light Solid Pack Flav-R-Pac Froz. 10-oz. Pkgs.......... Royal Danish Smoked 1-Lb. Tin STORE PHONE HA 9-5501