TOPICS OF THE TOWN Ray Cameron spent from Septem­ ber 20 to 27 in a Portland hospital for surgery to remove a cataract from his eye. He is making good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Enevoldsen returned last week from a two weeks vacation trip to Nebraska where they visited brothers and sisters of each of of them. Mr. Enevoldsen was in Ver­ nonia Friday on business. with their mother, Mrs. May Leh­ mann who has been quite ill. The Nances left for Bend Friday evening. society of the EUB church held their October 7 meeting in Hillsboro at the home of Mrs. Harry Junken. SWEATERS REG. NOW $2.88 - $6.00. FASHIONS. her daughter at 5007 S. E. 87th street in Portland while completing recup­ eration from automobile accident in­ juries. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown are the parents of a son, Kenneth Robert, bom October 1 at Tuality hospital. He weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces and joins a sister, Tammy, and brother, Mike. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker, for­ merly of Vernonia, now living at Medford, and his paternal grand­ mother is Mrs. Ingrid Kurz. He also has a great grandmother, Mrs. Roy Sutton. The two older Brown chil­ dren are staying with their grand­ parents at Medford for two weeks. secretary at Washington school, took advantage ot the hunting vacation for a long week end at Yakima with her husbano who returned there recently for the fall college term. YARDAGE SPECIALS — REG. $1.0O-$2.98 yd., REDUCED TO $.60- $1.75. FABRICS ’n FASHIONS. 42tlc Mrs. Orville McKinster underwent surgery last week at Tuality hospital from which she is making good re­ covery. Mrs. Ed Tapp was in Vernonia Thursday evening and reported that she and her husband had taken an extensive plane trip this summer which included the New York Worlds Fair, Washington D. C., Atlanta, New Orleans, San Francisco and Hawaii. RUMMAGE SALE, fire hall, Octo­ ber 15, 16, 17. EUB Circle. 41t2c Otto Burke returned to his home here earlier this week and is feeling much better. Mrs. II. A. DeWitt, Mrs. Lona Weidman, Mrs. Leta Whiteman, Mrs. Clyde May, Mrs. Laura Junken and Mrs. Mabie Graves visited Mrs. E. J. Douglass at Salem Friday. Mrs. Douglass was formerly a resident of Vernonia for 35 years and now makes her home at Salem with Mrs. Roxy Williams. WOOL YARDAGE REG. $2.98 & $3.98, NOW $2.00 & $2.50. FABRICS ’n FASHIONS. 42tlc Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken were Miss Charlene Johnston and Miss Lynda Anderson from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson. The Folkens took them to Portland Fri­ day evening to catch the train for home. - Clarence Nance received word Thursday night of the death of his son’s mother-in-law at Bend. He had to call Mrs. Nance home from Ta­ coma where she and her sister, Mrs. Esther Ring, had been for a week Demonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 J o f/ Fri., Sat. T h e a tr e October 16-17 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Sean Connery as James Bond $3.98 - $10.98, FABRICS ’n 42tlc RUMMAGE SALE, fire hall, Octo­ ber 15, 16, 17. EUB Circle. 41t2c Funeral Service« were held Wed­ nesday at the Skyline Memorial Fun­ eral Home at Portland for Rodney E. Hyde, son of Mrs. Chris Larsen of Vernonia who passed away Sunday following an extended illness. He al­ so is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, two brothers and four sisters. F U R T H E R REDUCTIONS ON SALE RACK AT FABRICS ’N FASHIONS — BLOUSES, SKIRTS, DRESSES. 42tlc DATES to Remember EUB Circle Rummage sale - Fire hall, all day FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 EUB Circle Rummage sale - Fire hall, all day Columbia Encampment No. 89 - I OOF hall, 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 Lions hotcake feed - City Cafe, 6:00 a m. to 6 p.m. West Oregon Electric annual meet­ ing - West Oregon Bldg., 9:30 a.m. EUB Circle Rummage Sale - Fire hall, all day. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 Lions Club dinner meeting - Fire hall, 6:30 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. City Council - City hall, 8:00 p.m. Veterans Service Officer - City hall, 10 a m. to -2 p.m. American Legion Auilixary - Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. EUB Guild - Home of Mrs. Larry Sutton, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge - IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 EUB Circle - EUB Church, State street, 1:00 p.m. Nehalem Chapter OES - Masonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. Proper maintenance of a house in­ volves decisions about how often to paint it since it is possible to paint too often as well as too infreqently. 10c POTATOES N ™ : ; leca„ 10c POTATOES Mashed— Pkg. 8 Servings MATCHES 10c 10* HO M INY 10c h 10c RIPE OLIVES 10c NAPKINS Crown’s Zee Paper — Pkg. 80 Napkins 10* ■ ■ 11 Il n AA mi STEAK SC.— Shady Oak iVlwJnKUVlfl w’th sH’ Mushrms., 6-oz. 10c n iC D D IC C C J W est Peak Dark Sweet A.H r l> S SARDINES - ____8 ’/4- oz . Can 10c mhCMX e ........... 4-oz. Can 10c p o r