Oregon H l s t o r i o ä l S o c ie ty 2 # SN M árket 3 t ' ‘’ P o r tla n d , Oregon 97201 Co-op Schedules Annual Meeting This Saturday Letters went out last week to the approximately 1700 members of the West Oregon Electric cooperative in­ viting them to attend the annual meeting this Saturday, October 17, according to Guy I. Thomas, cooper­ ative manager. Gus Norwood, executive secretary of the Northwest Public Power as­ sociation, will be the guest speaker and will use as his topic, “The Pa­ cific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie.” The meeting will be held at the cooperative building at First and Maple streets and the doors will op­ en for registration at 9 a.m. and the meeting will be called to order at 10 a.m. The letter mailed to mem­ bers contained registration cards Demonia Eagle VOLUME 42, NUMBER 42 VERNONIA, OREGON which are to be brought in to facili­ tate registration. Also included were name tags, meal tickets and door prize tickets which will be used for drawing a beautiful array of appli­ ances which have been on display at the West Oregon office. Cards to be returned indicating plans to at­ tend were also included. In the business, of the day, reports of the manager, officers and direc- ors will be heard and election will be held for three directors. The pres­ ent directors, Lee Wooden, O. T. Bateman and Lewis Kelly, are can­ didates for re-election. Others may be nominated from the floor. The West Oregon Electric coop­ erative is composed of seven dis­ tricts which extend from near As­ LEE WOODEN, Jewell, director for toria to near McMinnville and to E l­ sie on the Sunset highway and Chap­ district 1 since May 1944. man near Scappoose. Districts are as follows: one, Elsie, Jewell and Hamlet; two, Birkenfeld, Mist, Pitts­ burg, Spitzenburg and Chapman; three, Riverview, Stoney Point, Rock creek; four, Vernonia; five, Corey Hill, Timber route and Timber; six, North Washington county; seven, Scoggins Valley, Mt. Richmond, Pike and Moore’s Valley, District 1 was recently expanded to include the Necanicum junction area. A popular feature of the annual meeting is the cake baking contest for both youthful cooks and senior cooks. Cakes must be in by 10 a.m. and a label must be attached to the bottom of the plate with name and address of entrant and the classifi­ cation. The contest is open to co­ operative members and members of their immediate family. Cakes will LEWIS KELLY, Banks, director for be judged by Mrs. Betty Ashbaugh, district 6 since November 1951, cur­ Washington county extension agent. rently president of board of directors The free lunch provided by the cooperative at noon is being prepared by the Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge, Music during the day will be pro­ vided by the Vernonia grade school chorus directed by Don Jackson. Club Dates Hotcakes Members of the Vernonia Lions club have been practicing the art cf flipping hotcakes, frying eggs and acting as waiters in preparation for the annual club hotcake feed at the City cafe Saturday. As yet, no wife has reported her husband tak­ ing over the dishwashing task at home in order to be in trim for that part of the job, so they must be planning on the job training for that part of the event. Doors will open to the public at 6:00 a.m. according to Edwin Ade, general chairman, and serving will continue all day until 6:00 p.m. Ade has appointed committees from the club membership to wotk during two-hour shifts. The clean­ up committee that comes'on at 6:00 p.m. will work until the task is com­ pleted. This annual event is the club’s means of raising funds for commun­ ity projects. Donations in the amount those served wish to contribute are accepted in return for the well-served meal of hotcakes, eggs and coffee. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1964 City Voters to Decide Question Of Building Code November 3 According to action taken Monday ia Sanitary service to include the evening by the Vernonia city coun­ Timber-Sunset junction area. cil, the question of adopting a city A petition from a number of Riv­ building code will appear on the No­ erview residents asking that t i e vember 3 ballot. A resolution to that name, Pomona Drive, adopted for effect was adopted by the group. the part of Nehalem River highway City ballots for the November 3 which extends through Riverview be election also will carry the names changed to Mist Drive was referred of Dr. T. M. Hobart, candidate for to the planning commission far con­ re-election as mayor; Mrs. Mona sideration and recommendation. Al­ Gordon who seeks reelection as so, a resolution was introduced ano treasurer and of L. E. Atkins and adopted to establish a posted speed Mrs. Launee Cousins who seek elec­ of 35 miles per hour on highway 47 tion to the two councilman positions. in Riverview from the Riverview These are the only ones who have bridge bo the north city limits. filed for the offices, but names also Details of miscellaneous business may be written in. and payment of bills concluded the The Mayor, Dr. T. M. Hobart all evening and the council adjourned ccuncihnen, Horace Hertel, C. E. at 10:15. The next regular meeting Miller, L. E. Atkins and L. E. Stiff; will be October 19. City Attorney Robert Vagt and City U. S. National Bank of Oregon Engineer Clarence Wagner, attended reached an all-time high in both the meeting which was a postpone­ deposits and total resources on Oc­ ment from the October 5 regular tober 1, President E. J. Kolar has meeting date. announced. Two projects previously ordered, As of that date, a call by James the erection of new steps at the city The October meeting of the PTA Saxon, comptroller of the currency, hall and the drainage clearance in will be held in the vocal music room revealed that U. S. National’s state­ Bear creek, were reported complet­ at the Washington grade school Mon­ wide deposits stood at $1,058,987,197, ed. day evening, October 19, at 8:00 p.m. an increase of seven per cent over Authorization was given to ask for Columbia County Judge John W. the $988,749,566 total reported on the bids for erection of a fire hose dry­ Whipple of St. Helens will speak September 30 call date in 1963. ing tower by submitting specifica­ about the reimbursement of the Total resources increased $85,627,- tions to three or more builders. $600,000 O&C timber money and the 634 to $1,176,251,681 and loans and Announcement was made that E. plans for using the money in the Chairmen fop the Johnson-Hum­ A. Elliott has moved to the living county. Judge Whipple will then an­ discounts reported were $631,745,902, phrey campaign in Columbia county quarters at Anderson park which swer questions from the audience. up $57,973,299 from a year ago. have been announced by the county are provided rent free in return for The Vernonia Branch of U. S. The third grade room-mothers, Democratic Central Committee. They park care and supervision. He was Mrs. Max Buckner and Mrs. R. C. National recorded total deposits ot include Thomas Meuleveld, precinct authorized to tear down a dilapidat­ Peterson will be in charge of re­ $1,703,938 according to B. R. Pilger, committeeman for west Scappoose, ed cut-building on the caretaker’s freshments. manager. Loans and discounts for advertising; E. Clarke Shelton of the premises at the park and was grant­ the local branch stood at $359,976. Four members of the PTA execu­ Scappoose high school faculty, pub­ ed paint for interior of the house. Kolar also reported that net op­ tive committee, Mrs. Robert Curl, licity; Larry Brooks, St. Helens, and erating earnings after taxes for the Attorney Vagt was instructed to Mrs. Albert Krieger, Mrs. Ralph Dale Brooks, materials. first nine months of 1964 were $5.- draw an ordinance for creating a Krieger, and Mrs. Melvin Schwab, at­ 520,682, amounting to $3.68 per share, Dale Brooks is president of the sinking fund for fire truck replace­ tended the Columbia County Coun­ based on 1,500,000 outstanding shares. county Democratic club. Gerald Vio- ment. cil PTA workshop held in Scappoose This is an increase of 11 per cent lette, St. Helens, alternate vice-chair­ Several requests of the fire de­ October 5. Mrs. Leonard Smith, re­ over the same period last year. man of the Democratic party, was partment also were approved as gional vice-president, was the speak­ The comptroller of the currency named operation support chairman. follows: Transfer of the fire phone er and covered the subject of PTA issues a “call” for national bank Wesley Kimble, Rainier, Pomona from the city hall to Fuiten’s Mortu­ very thoroughly. figures at various times during the Grange master for Columbia county, ary where it will have 24 hour ser­ The executive committee met Mon­ year. This third quarter call date is chairman of Rural Americans for vice; purchase of two winter tread day, October 12 to talk about the was October 1, one day later than Johnson committee. recaps for the disaster truck; equip­ school census which will be conduct­ last year’s September 30 date. On the state level, Elmer McClure, ping of the fire truck with a revolv­ ed by PTA members as one of their At the membership meeting of the former state master of the state ing red dome light; and the engag­ money raising projects for this year. Vernonia Chamber of Commerce, ing of Western States Fire Appara­ More information about the census grange, is serving as chairman. State Representative Victor Atiyeh tus for annual service for inspection will be sent home with the children held the attention of the group when and maintenance of fire truck equip­ in the near future. he gave his views on the inventory ment at an estimated cost of not tax measure to be presented at the more than $50 per year. r/ext legislative session. Reports showed that the River­ He felt that the tax should be The Columbia Courtty PTA met at view water service main line con­ the Grant Watts elementary school abolished because of its inequalities. struction is almost completed and in Scappoose October 5 from 10:00 For example, he said that a service O. T. BATEMAN, Vernonia, director should be ready for service after Mrs. Robert M. King and Mrs. Da­ business such as a lawyer, doctor, for district 4 since November 1958, a.m.to 2:30 p.m. The Oregon State Highway Com­ vid Banta, co-chairmen for the testing and sterilization is complet­ The president, Mrs. George Cowles, a bank, etc. would pay very little is currently serving as secretary. ed. mission recently allocated $2,371,420 United Good Neighbors drive in the presided over the business meeting personal tax compared with a busi­ Approval was given to the exten­ in 1966 federal-aid secondary high­ area, have the drive underway fol­ after which Mrs. Leonard Smith, ness that owned a large inventory sion of garbage pick-up by Vernon - way funds to the 36 counties in Ore­ lowing a kick-off coffee Tuesday at regional vice-president of region 2, stock such as furniture, drugs, gro­ gon. the Banta home. led in a workshop, assisted by Mrs. ceries or hardware and yet their in­ The state will add $790,290 to the Those assisting with solicitations Jesse Herbert, the state PTA trea­ come may be the same. federal-aid fund and the counties in the various areas are: Mesdames surer. In place of the tax on inventories will add an equal amount to make Ed Roediger, Merle Cline, Don Webb, Gold Oak Leaf awards for either he advocated a tax that all busi­ the total funds approximately $3,952,- Charles Minger, Wm. Vealey, Elgua Roy A. Nelson, Columbia county a 10 percent increase in membership nesses would pay so the tax burden 000. The federal gavemment pro­ Frank, Neil Zimmerman, Thomas or a 75 percent family membership would be equalized. Oregon would clerk, has released figures compiled vides 60 percent of the county FAS Tomlin, Guy Thomas, Tom Bate­ since the close of voter registration Results of the judging of the can­ funds and the state and counties each were presented to the following benefit from such a change, as new man, H. E. McEntire, Earl King, October 3 which show that there has ned fruits and jelly in the Oregon provide 20 percent. PTA’s by Mrs. Cowles: Columbia businesses would be attracted to L. G. Caron, Owen East, R. L. State Grange-White Satin sugar can­ City-Deer Island, Otto H. H. Peter­ this area, giving employment to m a­ been a gain of 619 in the total voter The funds are allocated to each registration in the county since the Thompson, Dan Lawler, Robert ning contest at South Scappoose son, St. Helens Jr. Hi, Goble, Quincy, ny- county according to a formula pro­ Mathews, James Brewer. primary election in May. Grange hall were as follows: Canned posed by the Association of Oregon Scappoose Hi, Rainier, and Vernonia. The business area of Vernonia is Present registration total is 11,764 fruit, first, Anna Mauris of Fern Counties. This formula allocates the Ray Godsey, the county school sup­ as compared to 10,845 when the books being covered by Bill Rundle. Hill Grange with apple sauce; sec­ money on the basts of 25 percent erintendent, presented some facts re­ Quota for the Nehalem Valley is closed April 17, 30 days prior to the ond, Bernice Annia of South Scap­ equally, 60 percent according to rural lated to legislation opposed or sup­ $1200. poose, pears; third, Mabel Ahlf oi ported by the Oregon Congress of Pa­ The Columbia county building re­ primaries. In September 1963, the population ,and 15 percent accord­ Warren with peaches. rent teachers. ports for the month of September figures stood at 10,078 and October ing to total county road mileage. 8, 1962, it was 11,452. Jelly: first, Annetta Hamlick of About 38 people were in atten­ shows a total of 27 permits issued Columbia county’s share of the Fern Hill, prune jelly; second, Pearl total $3,952,000 FAS money will ge Of the 11,764 registered as of this dance, representing PTA’s from War­ with a valuation of $94,800. This is an Becker of Warren, crabapple; third, $79,000. ren, St. Helens, Rainier, Goble, Co­ increase over September, 1963, of date, 7,632 are Democrats; 3,966 are Bernice Annia, gravenstein apple jel­ Republicans and 166 are miscellan­ lumbia City, Vernonia, Clatskanie $36,362. eous. ly- and Scappoose. First prize winners will next be For the Nehalem Valley area, vot­ County Clerk Roy Nelson has is­ judged at the district level at Hills­ er registration by precincts is as fol­ sued a statement to urge all register­ boro on October 19. lows: Mist, D 74, R 76, total 150; Word has been received that Lucy Columbia County Historical Socie­ Vernonia 1, D 139, R 66, misc. 4, to­ ed voters who will be unable to at­ Columbia County Pomona Grange ty will meet Wednesday, October 21, tal 209; Vernonia 2, D 188, R 108, tend the polling places on election Avis of Warren Grange, who won Oregon hunters are advised that will meet on Saturday, November 7, in the 4-H dining room, county fair­ misc. 9, total 305; Vernonia 3, D 229, day to make their applications for first on her knitted sweater in the with Warren Grange. All Grangers grounds. All are welcome. A potluck R 113, misc. 12, total 354; Vernonia absentee ballots as soon as possible. Pomona needlework contest recently, all permits for either-sex deer hunt­ These applications are available in has placed second at the state level. ing in the various game management are welcome to attend. luncheon will be served at noon. 4, D 157, R 98, misc. 3, total 258. units have been issued. No addition the county clerk’s office and may al permits are available. be obtained by calling, writing or A few controlled tags still remain coming in to the office. for the Medical Springs controlled This should be of particular inter­ deer hunt in Union ocunty anti for est to those who are planning hunting Vernonia m ade the Iona tt-in -rui- “ Vernonia made the long trip to to This Friday night the Vernonia Passing: the North Side John Day controlled PA PC trips and know they will be away Hood River Friday night and was eleven will entertain the North Ca­ hunt in Grant county. The commis­ 54 28 from the county on the day of the soundly trounced to the tune of 30-13 tholic squad. North Catholic is 4 in Bellingham The 4-H achievement meeting for sion advised that these $5.00 tags art- election. It should be noted that Holsey e 2 in a game plagued by penalties. 1 having been defeated by Concordia these applications must be received the Nehalem Valley will be held in being issued on a first come, first According to Coach Bob Wendel, last week, but is reputed to have a Pass Receiving: by the clerk not later than five days the music room of the Washington served basis, and the quota may be the local contingent gathered over big line which will be quite an ob­ Larson 13 for 179 yds. before the day of the election, says grade school in Vernonia at 8:00 reached at any time. 100 yards in penalties which didn't stacle for the locals. Game time is Terry Smith ........... 10 for 106 yds. Nelson. p.m. Wednesday, October 21. aid their cause too much. The Log­ 8 p.m. Steele ............................ 3 for 89 yds. Achievement pins and cards will gers scored once on a 12-yard run Statistics as compiled to date are Holsey 3 for 75 yds be presented to all 4-H club mem­ by Steele and again on a pass front listed below: Cnrl ............................ 1 for 25 yds. bers who have completed 4-H pro­ The first anniversary of Deaw. Bellingham to Holsey for 35 yards. Rushing: Scoring: jects during the 1964 year. Enter­ Market in Vernonia is being ob­ The Loggers also made many mis­ Steele .................................... 510 yds. Steele ............................................. 42 The Vernonia high school Jay­ tainment will be provided by 4-H served this week to add to the i.:any takes, which may have been due in Holsey ............................................. fg Vees will meet the Banks high club members. Holsey .................................... 237 yds events scheduled Cread Morgan, part to the deer hunting season. Bellingham ................................... 13 Boys and girls wishing to join manager, has extended an invita­ Vernonia gained the net of 117 Johnston ................................. 151 y