CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General SEASONED maple 16” wood. $6.00 load delivered. Vernonia Golf Club HA 9-3865. 41tlc FOR SALE: Four Hood tires, 4-ply, white sidewall, nylon cord, 670 x 15. $17 each. Only 250 miles on them. Guy Tiffney, 101 B Street, Vernonia. ____________________________ 41L3 FOR SALE: Large band saw, wood lathe, concrete block machine, double laundry tray, bath tub. See even­ ings. George Biddle, Timber road. HAzel 9-3270._________________41t3c FOR SALE: High pressure spray ump, 50 foot high pressure hose, igh pressure nozzle, with all fit­ tings and equipment. All new. For spraying fruit trees or brush. $100 cash takes all. Cost almost $300 new. Call HAzel 9-3951._____________4K3c FOR SALE: 48” coil spring rollaway bed with inner spring mattress, all in first class condition. $40. Call HA- zel 9-6044.___________________ 41t3c FOR SALE: Davenport and chair, good condition. Reasonable. Frank Lange, HAzel 9-3161.__________ 41t3c SPINET CONSOLE PIANO to be picked up and sold. Want responsi­ ble party to assume small mo. pyt’s. Write or phone Tallman Piano Stores, Inc. Salem, Oregon. 363-5707. 40t3c RED POTATOES for sale. $3.00 per hundred. Virgil Allen, Buxton, Ore­ gon. Located between Vernonia and Sunset Highway on Strassel Road. After 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday. 40t3c FOR SALE: Monarch combination electric range and trash burner. Al­ so large blue-ribbon unused study Bible. Both priced to sell. Part Per­ sian kittens to give away. See at House 24, OA Hill. 39t3 Second growth fir pole wood for sale, dry, $16 per cord. Leave orders at Vernonia Eagle office for Harold Peterson, Buxton, Oregon. 40t5 FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ____________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck Buy From Local Boy BUY YOUR NEXT CAR FROM AL HUNTLEY Specializing in new 1964 PLYMOUTH, VALIANT, SIMCA, CHRYSLER, INTERNATIONAL plus 100 Reconditioned new car trade-ins. 100% Financing, debt consolidation, bank terms. Lowest price in town. These terms will be handled by me only. — Phone AT 8-6366 — Gary Worth Plymouth Co. 1913 N.E. Union, Portland 34t8c See hometown boy AL HUNTLEY Pick-ups - Scouts - Travalons All units available in 4-wheel drive. 1964 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UPS Half ton, heater, defroster, spare tire and wheel, internal cooling system, 100,000 mile warranty. Immediate delivery $1790 100% Financing - Debt Consolidation Budget Terms Phone AT 8-6366 (¡ary Worth Plymouth Co. 4943 N.E. Union, Portland For information call collect 38t8c Oernonia £a$fc MARVIN KAMHOI.Z Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail mat­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3.50. NEWS By Gordon Reed VERNONIA BRANCH 866 Bridge St. Phene HA 9-5211 3 BEDROOMS, Furnished, close in. Includes wood. $3000.00 DOWNTOWN, Live in one arid rent one. 2 B/R plus. $4250.00 1V4 ACRES in town, fully furnished 3 B/R home with barn, chix house, lots of wood in shed. $8000.00 16 ACRES, 2 mi. from Vernonia. Creek running thru, paved hiway. $5000.00. WE NEED SMALL ACREAGE LISTINGS 41tfc FOR SALE: Two houses on large lot, one three-room; main house, 3 bdrm down. Property can be seen at 843 Third St. or call HAzel 9-3441. 40t3c FOR SALE OR RENT: House 33, OA hill. r Two bedrooms. Inquire at Vernonia Eagle office. 40t3 FOR SALE: Three, possibly four, bedroom house on Capitol hill. For more information call HAzel 9-3145. 39tfc BILL HORN REALTY and Insurance Exchange HAzel 9-6203 VIEW PROPERTY. Large 4 bedrm. home, fire place, excellent condition. $8500.00. 3 ACRES, 3 bedroom home. $6000.00, terms. LISTINGS WANTED 866 ROSE AVE. 50 x 134. $654; East 4th east of Nehalem River 100 x 100 Good 3 rooms, bath, $1240. Terms. See signs. Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, 397-31C6. 39t3 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE The following described abandoned automobile will be sold under Or­ dinance Number 316 on the 10th day of October, 1964, at 10:00 a.m., at the City Hall, Vernonia .Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash: 1954 4-door Mercury sedan, License No. 2Q-3154. CITY OF VERNONIA By A. D. Lolley City Marshall 40t2c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three-room house plus bath, utility room, partial basement. Near downtown. $25 per month. Call HAzel 9-3867 after 6 p.m. Or, will sell, 26tfc CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete­ ly furnished except bedding, dish­ es. Rent includes all utilities, heat, lights, water. Private bath, kit­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. H. J. "Hill” Edison, Mgr. ___________________________14tfc WANTED BABY-SITTER wanted for pre-school children, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mrs. Ray Lamping, HAzel 9-3883 41tlc SHEET ROCK nailing, taping, ten turing. Free consultation and esti mates. References. A complete guaranteed service. Wallboard Cor structors, 224 North St., Vernonia Oregon Al A. Reeves, Owner. 41t3< W A N TED DEER, ELK, STEER HIDES Trade for Gloves und, or Cash. J. B. ARTMAN* Vernonia 39-52c CALL Guy A. Luttrell collect for domestic and irrigation well drilling. FHA terms. 397-2140, St. Helens, Rt. 1, Box 732. 36tfc Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and build­ ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore- go";_________________________20tfc CARD OF THANKS THANK YOU, friends, for the beau­ tiful cards and encouraging letters you sent me while I was in the hos­ pitals I am home now, my foot healed and whole, and I have the promise of better health than I’ve had for several years. Again, thanks Blanche E. King _________________ 41tl N A T IO N AL f O IT O B IA L AFFILIA S d ii) ® ® ? M I L YOUR F in e REPORT MIGHT K I M F IR S T RECEIV ED Care Asked on Fire Danger Hunters, with contined dry warm weather forecast for Oregon, your help is needed. When you are hunting in the forests or out on the eastern Oregon range land during this hunt­ ing season, and you spot a fire, try to put it cut yourself, but if it is too big, get some help. Call your nearest fire warden, forest supervisor or Bureau of Land Management Range manager. Do your bit to keep our forests and range lar/ds good for your enjoyment and for the deer. Help Keep Oregon Green. Almost every forest area in Oregon will be open for hunting, unless for­ est fire conditions become too criti­ cal. Some of our forests are still mighty dry and deer hunters are be­ ing allowed to hunt this year because they have been mighty good sports in late years and have been extra careful with fire. If you see another hunter leave a campfire or flip a cigarette without being sure the fire is out, you are being a good sports­ man by telling him. Ask him to be more careful for he is risking a for­ est fire which could destroy deer food, forests and even the big game animals themselves. Help Keep Ore­ gon Green. SERVICES RENTALS 1964 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT Dual tanks, sure-grip rear end, bucket seats, full top, 4-wheel drive, loaded with extras $2488 and FOR SALE-Real Estate Columbia River Real Estate Vernonia Bank Bldg. Oernonla Eagle GOLF VIEWS VfVRff SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your savings deposit with Vernonia Credit Union. 853 Bridge Street, Vernonia. 17tfc Haberman's Meal PROCESSING PLANT Stale Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ ing work. * 24tfc CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks It Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c each. Ole man weather turned up with some real nice weather for both the golfers and hunters last week end. Many of the golfers and some of the hunters who stopped in for a snack spoke of how beautiful the fall sea­ son is with its many colors and bright shadows. We here at the golf club thoroughly enjoy it too. However, we have miss­ ed seeing the deer around the course this fall. We wonder what happened to them? Is it because of the grow­ ing number of coyotes, a stray cou­ gar prowling around or just that there are not as many in the area? Our club championship golf tourna­ ment is just about over and new names are appearing at the top of the lists of players. We still have two matches to go, which will be played this week to finish the flight matches. Our ladder tournament which has three golfers as winners (one for each column of players) wound up with the following golfers at the top: Ralph Bergerson, Gordon Reed and our genial druggist, Horace Hertel. In a playoff Sunday for the club chamipcnship between Wayne Tho­ mas, who has been club champion for two years now, and Gordon Reed, the latter won two up after a very interesting and tough match. The second flight was won by Ralph Bergerson after what I under­ stand was a very hard fought final match between Ralph, our hard working banker, and Horace Hertel, our pill peddler from Main Street. The third flight was nearing the close Sunday when Al Williams, the “Timber” pro, retired our genial friend, Loel Roberts to the showers with a four up victory. Dan Fletcher now has to play Al in the semi-final, the winner in turn will meet Elmer Pumala, the Clatskanie • carpenter, in the final match for the third flight trophy. The awards banquet will be put on at the Vernonia Golf club Tuesday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. Bill Horn has the tickets for the chicken din­ ner which will be served by the club. We understand our president, Wayne Thomas, has a few things planned for the evening. Officers for 1965 will be elected at the meeting. It looks like next year will see the men’s club grow into a very active group at the Vernonia Golf club. We have had many residents outside of the area express an interest in join­ ing the group and participating in our activities. The matches with outside clubs have been very interesting to many of the players, even though we did not “bring home the bacon” . The fun of making the trips and playing with someone besides our own mem­ bers leaves memories which carry over from year to year. We put in our final piece of tiling this past week. This 160 feet of tile has been badly needed for years in the gully between No. 3 green and 4 tee. The golfers know how very soggy this area used to get from seepage from under the hill at this point. By putting in this tile which runs down in front of No. 3 green and over to the ditch by the fence we hope we have eliminated this swampy winter spot for all time. We are now in the process of spray­ ing cur greens and liming them to get them through the winter. This will keep the fungus from taking over during our long wet months. We have a question we would like to ask of the people of the Valley. Maybe someone has an answer. What does the persons who steal the flags from No. 1 and No. 3 greens do with them? 6 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Team Standings Team W L Ave West Oregon 2 809 6 Quinn's 2% 755 5W The Pills 2W 5L41 768 Standard Oil 2 6 729 High individual three games, Flor­ enz Huff, 555. High individual game, Florenz Huff, 202. Splits picked up: Ann McEntire, 5- 7. MEN S LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES AND HIGHLIGHTS By Edwin Ade, Sec. The Vernonia Men’s Bowling assoc­ iation started its season Wednesday, September 30. Brunsman Hardware & Electric started on top as they took 21'2 points from Deans Market. Ralph’s Chevron Service split with St. Helens Ice & Beverage, each getting 2 points. St. Helens had high series with 2069 and Brunsman Hardware had high game, 800. Bill Smejkal had high individual series, 501 and Albert Schalock had high game, 190. Splits picked were: Ralph Sturde- vant 3-8-10 and 3-10; Myron Haines 5-10 and Cread Morgan, 6-7-10. Industrial League W L Brunsman Hardware 2% 1% Ralph’s Chevron Service 2 2 St. Helens Ice 2 2 DeDans Market l'A 2li Thursday, October 1, the City League started and Vernonia Milk copped top honors as they took four points from Bob’s Union Service. Crown Zellerbach defeated the Ver­ nonia Lions Club 3 to 1. Crown had high series, 2644 and the Lions Club had high game, 951. Dick Johnson had high individual series, 509 and Ed Slowik, high game, 186. Splits picked up were: Myron Haines 5-10, Henry Anderegg 5-7 twice, Joe Magoff 5-7, Ed Ade 3-10, Homer Fuller 6-7-10, Don Holsey 2-7-8 and 3-10 and Doc Hobart 3-10. City League W L Vernonia Milk 4 0 Crown Zellerbach 3 1 Vernonia Lions Club 1 3 Bob’s Union Service 0 4 MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. C attle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and W ednesday until noon. Come through Banks, lake Tillamook road < V, mile, take first iefihand road. ltfc THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1964 Couples Attend Wedding Rites NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey drove to Portland Saturday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson. The two couples enjoyed dinner together, then attended the wedding of Joan Roediger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roediger. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonlette of Port­ land called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff Sunday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack, accom­ panied by Mrs. Robert Kyser and children, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Parm er at Deer Island and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding at Scappoose Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap re­ turned home Monday of last week from a trip to Salt Lake to visit Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Deeds and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra attended the show. Holiday On Ice, in Portland Sunday. Many live branches also have a lemon on them, it seems. Does Training And Experience Count? For County Judge A man’s past accomplishments indicate his capabilities for the position he seeks. What did he do yesterday? W hat is he doing today? In answering these ques­ tions Judge Whipple states: 1. He has had 17 years active practice of law, 2. Served 5 year as U.S. Con- cilliation Commissioner. 3. Former Chief Investigator 11th U. S. Civil Service Region. 4. Immediate Past Pres. Assn, of Oregon Counties. 5: Presently m ember National Tax Comm. Nat. Assn. County Officials. 6. Member Advisory Board Bu- eau of Land Management, Salem Division. 7. Member Executive Comm. State Mental Health Planning Bd. AND your County Judge past 11 yrs. & 9 mo. His m aturity, experience and training is need­ ed in the im portant years that lie just ahead. Vote X 118 JOHN W. W HIP­ PLE County Judge. C. R. Ol­ son, W arren, Ore., Chm. Comm, for re-election of Judge W hip­ ple. 4-H club work is administered by the Cooperative Extension Service and supervised locally by the county extension agents. If exposed to poison ivy, wash thor­ oughly several times with warm wa­ ter and plenty of soap. • SAFE, SURE! For safety’s sake, let us put your ear’s wheels in perfect balance. You can be sure of prompt reliable service when you drive in to BOB’S. BOB'S U N IO N SERVICE A U TOM ATIC THERMOSTAT! • FIREBRICK & CAST IRON LINED FIREBOXI > • LIFETIME PORCELAIN FINISHI Enjoy the comfort and ease of automatic W ARM FLOOR heat­ ing with America'» most beautiful, most efficient wood heaterl Burns wood up to 26'' long . , . holds fire overnight without re- fueling. Available with "CarDet of Comfort" 3-speed blower for warm floor circulation! $158.00 Complete See your local dealer or write for free descriptive literature. EQUIPO INC. Phone 226-2805 — 1314 N.W. Glisan — Portland, Ore.