Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 08, 1964, Page 3, Image 3

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    Willards Mark
Fiftieth Year
Fall Colors Decorate Church
For Jones-Ritz W edding Rites
Fall flowers in shades of gold, yel­
low and bronze, accented by baskets
of pink gladioli and white stock and
white tapers in the candelabra set
the scene far the pretty fall wedding
September 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the
First Christian church here in which
vows were exchanged by Miss Dian­
na Ritz, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.
Wilhelm Ritz, and Louis Jones, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones of
The bride, given In marriage by
her father, wore a white lace and
nylcn gown made with short bouf­
fant skirt, ar.l long sleeved bodice
with scoop neckline. Her blush veil
fell frcm a white velvet crown and
she carried a white Bible on which
rested her shower bouquet of yellow
and white rosebuds and yellow car­
Her maid of honor was her twin
Sewing Sisters 4-H
Club Is Organized
The Sewing Sisters 4-H sewing
club, Phase II, met at the home of
their leader, Mrs. Robert Borders,
at 1:30 p.m. October 3. The club
has nine members but only five were
The following officers were elect­
ed: President, Sharlene Gibson; vice-
president, Coleen Webb; secretary,
Belinda Brewer; reporter, Sharon
Brewer, recreation leader, Mary Ann
Each member took a turn thread­
ing the sewing machine and all
agreed to have a button contest to
see who could help their mothers by
sewing on the buttons this year.
Also discussed was manners at
meetings and TV slippers for a new
The club will meet the first Sat­
urday of every month.
Refreshments were ice cream sun­
Reporter, Sharon Brewer
756 B ridge St.
— Also, Shoe Repairing —
Two-day Service
E lect
R A L P H M.
P o s itio n N o. 7
P r e fe r r e d by
o v e r w h e l m i n g v o t e In
O r e g o n B a r A s s o c ia tio n
p o ll
Pd. Adv. Hoi mon for Supreme Court Comm.
Glenn R. Jock, Chmn. Loyolfy Bldg., Portland
sister, Deanna Ritz, who wore a
geld cclcred brocade dress and car­
ried a bouquet cf fall flowers.
Bert man was Robert Mathews,
uncle of the groom.
The impressive double ring cere-
meny was performed by Reverend
Robert Sargent, pastor of the church.
Mrs. L. H. Thcmas was organist and
Mrs. Larry Jones sang “Because.”
Ushers were Dennis Raines, cous­
in of the bride from Portland, and
Larry Jones, cousin of the groom.
Following the ceremony, the re­
ception was held in the church par­
lor which was decorated with the
same color scheme with dahlias pre­
dominating in the bouquets. The
three-tiered cake, decorated in white
and yellow with wedding bell orna­
ment on top was cut and serveo
by Mrs. Ralph DeVaney of Snoho­
mish, Washington and Mrs. James
Toedemier of Hillsboro, both aunts
of the bride. Mrs. Thomas Holce
served punch and Mrs. Harris, cof­
Miss Carolyn Krieger had charge
cf the guest bock and Miss Tish Bid­
dle and Miss Marilyn Jones, sister
of the groom, cared for the gifts.
After a brief honeymoon trip to
Eastern Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Jones
are now at home in Vernonia.
4-H Sign-up To
Be October 21
To observe National 4-H Week,
Mrs. Francis Wright who is the
leader of the Maple Meadows live­
stock club, asked Mr. Proehl to have
an assembly at the school. Mr. Ro­
bert Stevely, the county extension
agent in 4-H work was the MC. He
told about the different projects that
are available to the children.
Zenda Ellis talked about cooking
and the demonstration she did for
the county fair that she also took to
the state fair.
Tim Johns told about the livestock
tour and of going to the pea cannery
in Weston and the experiments they
are doing with feeding beef cattle
also the alkali bee that it used for
p; Utilizing the alfalfa.
Nancy Skidmore’s talk was on 4-H
summer school and the scholarships
that can be wen by a good 4-Her and
hard work.
It was all very interesting.
Another meeting will be held Octo­
ber 21, 8:00 p jn. at the Washington
school in the band room. This is the
date of the achievement meeting
and it is hoped many will attend and
sign up for 4-H clubs.
Lina Wright, secretary
Maple Meadows Club
Honor Society Elects
New Slate of Officers
At the first meeting of the school
year for the Vernonia high school
chapter of the National Honor Socie­
ty, Jim Bellingham was named as
Other officers elected were as fol­
lows: Vice-president, Vicki Pollock;
secretary, Sharon Brunsman; treas­
urer, Christine King; concessions
representative, Linda Jensen.
Possible projects for the group to
carry out this year were discussed.
Crabs — Oysters — Smoked Salmon — Fresh Salmon
Halibut — Red Snapper — Clams
Open at Noon Friday and Saturday
Many friends and relatives gath­
ered Sunday afternoon at the IOOF
hall to honor Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Willard on their golden wedding an­
niversary. The reception was ar­
ranged by their daughter, Joy, and
husband, Major and Mrs. Richard
A. Bonney of Norfolk, Virginia.
A gold and white color scheme
was carried out in the decoration of
the hair and the beautiful four-tiered
cake which was served to guests by
two of Mrs. Willard's sisters, Mrs.
Harvey Heath of Spokane and Mrs.
Gladys Goetz of Portland, was iced
in white and trimmed with gold ros­
Mr. and Mrs. Willard were m ar­
ried at Lewiston, Idaho October 7,
1914. They farmed in Idaho for eight
years and during that time, they
also took up a homestead at Broth­
ers, Oregon.
In 1922 they came to Vernonia and
Mr. Willard was employed at the
Oregon American mill until it closed.
He has been retired since that time
For the reception, four of Mrs.
Willard’s sisters and three brothers
were here. In addition to the two
sisters who served the cake, Mrs.
Fred Young of Seattle and Mrs. Stu­
art Martin of Costa Mesa, California
poured. Brothers here were Odus
Laramore of Portland, Lewis Lara-
more of Elmira and John Laramore
of Winston.
Others who assisted at the recep­
tion were Mrs. Carl Davis and Mrs.
Donald Bentley of Portland who had
charge of the guest book; Miss San­
dra Heath of Spokane and Miss Su­
san Bentley of Portland who cared
for the gifts; Mrs. Evelyn Heath
and Mrs. Frank Lange who poured.
Additional out-of-town guests in­
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson
and Fred Young of Seattle; Donald
Bentley, Mrs. Odus Laramore and
Mrs. Ora George, Portland; Stuart
Martin of Costa Mesa, California;
Mrs. Lewis Laramore of Elmira; Mr.
and Mrs. John Kauffman and sons,
Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Light; Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Craw­
ford and Mrs. Robert Yandell, Bea­
verton; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroe­
der, Oakridge; Mrs. Orvel Edwards,
Banks; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cantwell
and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gwinn,
Cannon Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kasper, Sunset Beach; Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Ludwig, Forest Grove and Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Ladd and Suzy, North
Following the reception, the rela­
tives gathered at the Willard home
for a buffet supper.
Future Teachers Date
Joint Installation
The Future Teachers of America
club held its first meeting Wednes­
day, September 30. Several money
making projects were planned be­
tween now and homecoming.
The installation of officers will be
held October 20 with a spaghetti din­
ner with the FTA groups from St.
Helens and Clatskanie.
September 29, some of the mem­
bers attended a workshop in Beaver­
ton. Dessert was served and mem­
bers brought home many ideas for
the local club. Those attending were
Kathy Minger, Jeanie Roediger,
Chris Bender, Peggy and Ann Sar­
gent, Marilyn King, and Geri Clason.
Ridge Riders Discuss
Park Improvement Work
The Vernonia Ridge Riders met at
the fire hall September 29. Clair
Devine was welcomed as a new
Projects to improve Anderson
park were discussed and action will
be taken later in the year.
Coffee was served and a movie,
“Back Packing in the Yukon’’ was
Any interested persons are wel­
come to attend the meetings. The
next regular meeting will be October
27 at 8:00 p.m. at the fire hall.
SOME of the distinguished guests at the reception Sep­
tember 26 in honor of Mrs. Lillian Davis, were, from
left, Claude Sanders, worthy grand patron; Iola War-
nick, associate grand matron of Washington; Ralph
Bergerson and Mrs. Bergerson, worthy patron and
matron of Nehalem Chapter; Merle Lamar, grand ma-
tron of Oregon; Mrs. Davis; Paul Sorenson, associate
grand patron and Mabie Roach, grand conductress
for Washington.
Reception For G rand Chapter
O fficer D raw s Large Crow d
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bergerson pre­
sided at a reception honoring Mrs.
Lillian Davis, associate grand ma­
tron of the Grand Chapter of Oregon,
Order of Eastern Star, Saturday ev­
ening, September 26, at the Vernon­
ia high school.
Among the people here from out of
town were: David O. Bennett of St.
Helens, a committee member of the
general grand chapter and a pas;
grand patron of Oregon; Mrs. M. La­
mar, Silverton, worthy grand ma­
tron; Claude Sanders, Reedsport,
worthy grand patron; Paul Soren­
sen, Pendleton, associate grand pa­
tron; Mary E. Miller, Portland,
grand secretary; Belle Bateman,
Portland, grand treasurer; Margery
Jones, Bend, grand conductress;
Laurie Woodard, Portland, grand as­
sociate conductress; Ruth Atkinson,
Milton-Freewater, grand chaplain;
Ellen Sanders, Reedsport, grand
marshal; Isabelle Sullivan, Portland,
grand organist; Martha Powell, Kla­
math Falls, grand Adah; Telma Nel­
son, Portland, grand Ruth; Leah
Vantzelfden, Portland, grand Es­
ther; Winifred Nelson, Coos Bay,
grand Martha; Mae C. Finlay, Sil­
verton, grand Electa; '‘Helen Tate,
Stayton, grand warder; Harold Grib-
ble, Portland, grand sentinel; Lau-
rose Hibbard, grand lecturer and
past grand matron; Iola Warnick, as­
sociate grand matron for Washing­
ton; Mabel Roach, grand conductress
for Washington, and Audrey Stew­
art, district deputy for Washington.
Also present was a large group
of past grand matrons and patrons,
a group of grand committee mem­
bers, grand representatives and
many other friends.
The stage and tables were beauti­
fully decorated with baskets of dah­
lias, donated by Mrs. Waunita Yea­
A drill was presented by a group
of associate matrons and patrons of
Portland and vicinity, who call
which they officially welcomed Wil­
bur Davis into their group.
Mrs. Davis was presented an hon­
orary membership In Wabanang
Chapter in Clatskanie by the worthy
matron, Mrs. Irene Harmula, and a
group of her officers.
A number of officers of Nehalem
Chapter and Nehalem Assembly,
Rainbow Girls, assisted by the De-
Molay of Clatskanie, depicted the
histories of the Masonic Lodge, Ne­
halem Chapter and Order of Rain-
bow. They performed a black light
drill which was very impressive.
The Willamette Valley association
performed an addendum, honoring
Mrs. Davis after which Ralph Ber­
gerson presented Paul Sorensen of
Pendleton, associate grand patron,
an honorary membership in Nehalem
Refreshments were served after
the degrees with Mesdames Harry
Sandon, F. E. West, Guy I Thomas,
Walter Linn, Albert Brunsman and
DeeVeere Hershey pouring coffee
and punch for some 700 guests.
European Tours Provide
Club Program Material
A very interesting evening was
provided members of the Vernonia
Study club Thursday of last week
when Mrs. Justin Folken showed
movies taken during the nine months
spent in Europe last year. She gave
an interesting commentary with the
pictures and also showed folders,
booklets and postal pictures of many
places visited.
Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson was host­
ess for the meeting.
November 5, the club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz
and will view slides taken by Mrs.
Ralph Reynolds while she and her
husband were touring Europe this
Pythians Plan
Rummage Sale
Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters
will meet Wednesday evening of
next week, October 14, and hear in­
formal reports by Grand Represen­
tative Irma Chance and Supreme
Representative Lesta Garner on the
Grand Temple sessions which they
will attend in Roseburg Sunday, Mon­
day and Tuesday. Mrs. Chance will
give her complete report at a later
At the last meeting September 23,
plans were made for the annual rum­
mage sale November 5, 6 and 7.
Mrs. Frank Lange is chairman of
the committee in charge of arrange­
The charter was draped in loving
memory of Past Grand Chief Sadie
Graham who passed away at the
Oregon-Washington Pythian Home in
Following the meeting, a silent auc­
tion was held which created much
fun and realized a good sum for
the temple treasury. Refreshments
honoring those whose birthdays were
in July, August and September were
served by Mrs. Dane Brady, Mrs.
Harry Culbertson and Mrs. Irma
Oertionia Eagfe
Columbia County
Best Return for Your Tax Dollar
Courteous, Impartial Public Service
Pd. Adv. by Dave Williamson, Box 425, St. Helens. Ore.
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GOLD M ED A L FLOUR 25-1.1». $ 2 .19
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