TOPICS OF THE TOWN hadn't seen the sisters since he was 17. Through the years they had lost track of each other and it is just re­ cently that he learned they were still alive. He flew from Los Angeles to London and from there to West Ger­ many. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts of Mil­ waukie were guests from Friday to Monday of their cousin, Dale Ro­ berts on Timber route. They also visited with other cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Loel Roberts and Mrs. Macile Grady. Mrs. Wilbur Davis, associate grand are Mrs. Shirley Henry and children who have recently returned state­ side from Turkey where they spent 10 months with Mr. Henry who is stationed there. At present, they are living with her sister, Mrs. Dot Wil­ son on Mist route while waiting for their household furnishings to arrive here. Guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson was her sister, Mrs. Marian Tallman from Portland .She also visited her bro­ ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Crawford at Treharne. RUMMAGE SALE, fire hall, Octo­ ber 15, 16, 17. EUB Circle. 41t2c Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken drove Wilhelm Ritz has news from his father, Dick Ritz, that he has flown from Southern California to Germany where he will spend from six months to a year with three sisters with whom he recently established con­ tact. He is now 76 years old and he Oernonîa Eagle 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1964 • lo t / T h e a tr e Fri., Sat. October 9-10 FUN IN ACAPULCO Elvis Presley AT BUDGET PRICES New residents in the community matron for the Oregon Grand Chap­ ter of Eastern Star, returned home Sunday evening after attending the Grand Chapter of Nevada at Reno which featured the theme, “Our Her­ itage.” She went to Reno last Wed­ nesday to be there for the opening session Thursday. RUMMAGE SALE, fire hall, Octo­ ber 15, 16, 17. EUB Circle. 41t2c Rev. and Mrs. II. L. Russell at­ tended the organ concert in Portland, given by Rife’s Conn Organ Co. Don Baker, nationally known pipe organ artist, began the concert on the large theater and church mocei then brought it on down to the smaL lest home organ. to Devils Elbow park near Florence last Friday for an overnight visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Stankey, after which they went on to Med­ ford to visit until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Culbertson and fam­ ily. The 14th birthday of their grand­ daughter Julie was observed while they were there. II. T. Hudson is still in Columbia District hospital at St. Helens for treatment of injuries received Sep­ tember 26 when a tractor overturned on him. Some infection has developed in his leg to complicate recovery. Mrs. Fern Kullander of Indepen­ dence spent all of last week here as the guest of Mrs. Macile Grady. Wed­ nesday evening, she attended the meeting of the Past Chiefs club at the home of Mrs. Irma Chance. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner and three children were among those who attended the Icecapades at the coliseum in Portland Sunday. Two young people from Vernonia have enrolled this fall at Southern Oregon College at Ashland. Martha Bush is a freshman this year and Randy Aultman is a junior. He spent the past two years at Clatsop col­ lege at Astoria. He is an English major and is preparing to teach. RUMMAGE SALE, fire hall, Octo­ ber 15, 16, 17. EUB Circle. 41t2c Thomas Tomlin came home Sun­ day from Tuality hospital with his leg in a cast that reaches above the knee. He is making good recovery now from his recent cycle accident. Mrs. Blanche King came home two weeks ago after a long seige of hospitalization and recuperation at the home of her son. She is much improved in health. Word was received here Tuesday that Lloyd Osborne of Hillsboro, son of Mrs. Otto Bittner, had suffered a heart attack last Thursday and was taken by ambulance to the veterans hospital at Vancouver. Mrs. Agnes Peachey came out from Portland Monday and took her three younger children to Portland to live. The two boys have been stay­ ing at the Bob Borders home and the little girl with her grandmother, Mrs. CWace Peachey. flootteattMq Mrs. Don Huss received word Sun­ day of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Eda Gronbeck of Astoria. Mrs. Gron- beck formerly lived here when her husband was bus driver here. Ser­ vices for her were held Wednesday morning at Astoria and burial was at Forest Grove that afternoon. Her husband passed away at Astoria a number of years ago. Funeral services were held in Portland recently for Mrs. Esther Leavitt, wife of Rev. Teddy Leavitt. The Leavitts at one time were here when he was pastor at the Christian church and they returned here other times when he held evangelistic meetings at the church. In addition to her husband she is survived by four sons. DATES to Remember THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Mist - Nehalem Extension Unit - Birkenfeld Center - 10:30 a.m. LADY ELBERTA FREESTONE I £"l| 2tt Tins PEACHES............ 3 for KARO SYRUP PINEAPPLE MARSHMALLOWS 55c 3/89c 2/4 9c Quart Bottle sc^ n Ä „ 9 Package Campfire Super Soft White LIBBY’S FANCY *1 (¡■■j • 46-oz. Cans 1’ I TOMATO JUICE - 4 for KIDaEY BEANS > r :X „ 4 /4 9 c POP CORN X " 1 «*. 23c /"AAI/ICC Vwwllltv Sunshine Orbit Creme Sandwich—15-oz, Pkg............... SOFLIN JlOe» MB | Pkg. of 400 7"I e FAC. TISSUE -4 for SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Billy Graham film - Washington school - 7 p.m. Vernonia Grange - Hall by golf course - 8 p.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 Nehalem Assembly, Rainbow Girls- Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce dinner meet­ ing - Legion hall - 7 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 Timber Rt. Extension Unit - Ver­ nonia Grange hall - 10:30 a.m. Mt. Heart Social club - Home of Mrs. B. J. Horn - 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters - IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. PEO Special meeting - Home of Mrs. T. M. Hobart - 8 p.m. Obligation Is Given Members The Barracks of WW I 2525 and the ladies auxiliary met Monday ev­ ening in the Odd Fellows hall at 6:30 p.m. for a delicious pot luck dinner. The meeting of each organization was held at 8 p.m. Visitors of the Barracks were Herbert Calfe, Ed Johnson and Happy Thompson of Barracks 1287 of Portland and James Harris of St. Helens. George L. Smith was taken in as a new member. Guests of the auxiliary were Ber- netta Johnson, Marie Calfe and Ha­ zel Thompson of Portland, Mrs. James Harris of St. Helens and Mrs. Marian Tallman of Portland. Evelyn Smith was given the ob­ ligation and taken in as a new mem­ ber. The next meeting will be Oc tober 26. i i DR. R. V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST Wed.. 10 A.M.—5 P.M. i Vernonia Clinic Building i VOTE FOR DONALD L. KALBERER Democrat DISTRICT ATTORNEY catsup x Mr t:,rancy MARMALADE MJB INSTANT X 3 /5 0c 45c CSV 49 X Giant 10-oz. Jar 1 ¡COFFEE............. Ea. CHEESE NIPS MINCED ONION - o 2 /7 5 c 2 /6 5 c X Durkee’s Instant— Equals 14 Medium Onions MORTON’S FROZEN 8-Inch Pie CREAM PIE ¿ S 3 for 9S ******** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PA 1II j L ALLUr J Booth Frozen— Heat and Serve— 7-oz. Pkg. R e p resents— C o lu m b ia C o u n ty as one o f its tw o a p p o in te d R e ­ p re s e n ta tiv e s or. the M e tro p o lita n S tu d y C om m ission w h ic h w as c re a te d b y th e 1963 O re g o n S ta te L e g is ­ la tu re . B a c k g ro u n d — V e te ra n . 4 y e ars. U n ite d S tates A i r F o rc e . G r a ­ d u a te o f th e U n iv e r s ity o f O reg on . P ra c tic in g S t. H e le n s A t to r n e y -A t - L a w . P le d g e — T o re p re s e n t e v e ry c itia e n o f C o lu m b ia C o u n ty in a C o u rte o u s . P ro m p t. E c o n o m ic a l a n d Im p a r t ia l m a n ­ n e r. Pd. P o l. A d v . D o n a ld L . K a lb e r e r , 414 D a y S t., Scappoose. O re . • Columbia Photo Vows Taken at Church Rite Pink and white flowers and candles graced the altar and chapel of the First Methodist church in St. Helens when Miss Sheryl Jane Tarbell and Robert D. Mathews exchanged wed­ ding vows September 12 at 1 p.m. Miss Tarbell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tarbell of route 2, Scappoose, and the groom is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Robert U. Mathews of Mist. About 80 friends and rela­ tives were present for the ceremony. The double ring ceremony was per­ formed by the Rev. Donald Colburn. Traditional wedding music was play­ ed by Hal Cook and the soloist was Mrs. Charles Lingo, who sang “I Believe” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride, given in marriage by her father and mother, wore a floo;- lcngth white gown with white veil and crown and carried a white Bible with pink rosebuds and gardenias. Her matron of honor was Christine Tarbell who wore a floor length pink sheath and carried a bouquet of pink roses and white carnations with an orchid in the center. Louis Jcnes was the best man and candlelighters were Loren Tarbell and Walter Berg. Loren Tarbell also performed the duties of usher. The bride’s mother chose a blue flowered suit, and the mother of the groom wore a pink and white flow­ ered suit. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held in the fireplace room of the church. Bateen Wright poured, assisted by Lena Mathews. Cutting the cake were Eva Harms and Faye Tarbell. Carol Tarbell was in charge of the guest book, and Flora, Faye, Nancy and Jenny Tarbell were in charge of the gift table. Mrs. Wallie Baomhower was responsible for the foral decorations. The new matron is a graduate of Scappoose union high school and Phager/s School of Beauty, while her groom is a graduate of Vernonia high school and Lower Columbia Col­ lege. Mrs. Mathews chose a pink and white mohair suit with white acces­ sories for her going away costume with which she wore a pink orchid. The ccuple spent their honeymoon at Newport Beach and are now at home in Scappoose. | Phons HR S-3462 I _____________ I NEHALEM VALLEY J MOTOR FREIGHT /AP / / 7 jC Tnic q CELERY HEARTS CAULIFLOWER 23c 20c 9 / our fowJT/ow Drices GROUND BEEF PIC HAMS LUNCH MEAT 100% Pure, Ground Fresh Hourly, Lb. 39c 47c 4 /Î1 Swift Premium Semi- Boneless Fully Cooked, Lb. Hygrades 6-oz. Pkgs. MILL MARKET You’re as close to Mill Market as your Phone— HA 9-3492 Member of United Grocers Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. EXPERIENCED MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY R e p resents— C ity of Scappoose - S t. H e le n s R u r a l F ir e D is tr ic t W a rr e n G ra d e School a n d Scappoose G ra d e School D is tr ic t • F o rm e r V e rn o n ia C it y A tto rn e y . Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mathews (nee Sheryl Jane Tarbell) Plaids and Stripes On Extension Unit Agenda Timber Route Extension Unit in­ vites everyone interested to attend the October 12 meeting to be held at 10 30 a m. in the Vernonia Grange hall. The lesson will be "Knowing Your Plaids and Stripes' and will deal with how to recognize types of plaids for home sewing and also when buy­ ing ready mades Hostesses for the potluck dinner will be Mrs. Gene Fuquay and Mrs George Smith. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work O pen S ix Day» a W eek Vernonia, Oregon K»:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e:e: ROGERS “SPRING WHEAT” STAINLESS FOUR PIECE SETTING ONLY w ith 8 g a llo n g a s o lin e p u rch ase This beautiful tableware, Rogers “Spring Wheat”, crafted in stainless by the International Silver Company, is available exclusively a t the sign of the Chevron. E ach piece is gracefully proportioned and finely balanced with a bright smooth finish that will last and last. Additional service pieces are also available. Charge them on your Chevron National Credit Card if you wish. Start your collection today at: D A I D II ‘ C Il A L r 11 3 chevron service Phone HA 9-6691 WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR