(fregón H is t o r ic a l ’ 2 # SV/ Márket S t P ortlan d , Oregon 97201 • ' • » ^ - .X : -JSMkf Demonia Eagle VOLUME 42, NUMBER 41 VERNONIA, OREGON Lions Plan for Hotcake Feed Cooperative Prepares for Annual Meet THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1964 Area United Fund Given The 1964 United Fund drive will get underway here shortly with Mrs. At the meeting of the Vernonia stack of hctcakes served with two David Banta acting as co-chairman Lions club Monday evening of this eggs and plenty of syrup and butter with Mrs. Robert King, drive head, Plans are underway fcr the annual week, plans for the annual hotcake plus coffee and milk and those who meeting of the West Oregon Electric in the Vernonia area campaign. feed were discussed and Chairman want seconds may have them. The county chairman is Rod Nor­ cooperative on October 17 at the DANNY STEELE, No, 30, drove through the line for a 10 yard gain Edwin Ade announced that details As as been customary in the past, company's building at First and wood of St. Helens who has announc­ against the Braves in this second quarter play. This brought the Loggers are shaping up well. there is no set charge but those who Maple streets. Several directors are ed that the Vernonia quota has been to the Banks’ 10-yard marker. The event, which is the big money partake donate in a conveniently to be elected and other business set at $1200.00. James V. Durbin, raising event each year from which placed barrell in the amount they Rainier, is the Columbia county cam­ transacted, including the hearing of the Lions derive funds for communi­ see fit as a contribution to help the paign chairman, and Mrs. T. M. Ho­ reports from officers for the past bart and Bill Rundle represent this ty projects, is scheduled for Satur­ club finance such projects as the year. day, October 17, at the City Cafe Christmas decorations on Bridge area on the board of directors. Detailed information on the meet­ which is being made available Street, the park dressing room, and ing will be given next week. Ad­ Additional information concerning the local drive will be given as soon through the cooperation of the new other projects for community good. vance information is that there will proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coach Bob Wendel’s Vernonia eleven when they play Friday night. Ade promises that Lions club mem­ be lets of door prizes and the usual as the committee has completed Frazier. eleven tcok to the local field Friday The Loggers do have the will and bers will be in top form as cooks free lunch at noon. There will be drive organization here. Ade states that serving will start and waiters to serve the most tasty evening and cnce again got back in determination, however, and if they cake baking contests fcr both seniors at 6 a.m. and continue until 6 cakes and eggs available anywhere. the groove and displayed the fine play ball Friday night like they did and juniors and good entertainment p.m. and that the menu includes a He promises eggs cooked to order form they were in when they defeat­ last Friday during the first half, will be interspersed in the business ed the Clatskanie team the first the possibility of an upset is very as the customer wishes them, and of the day. game of the season. likely. plenty of good coffee for everyone, Directors whose terms are expiring whether they want the full menu or and who are candidates to succeed The Loggers lost no time in scor­ not. themselves are Lee Weeden, district ing as they took the opening kickoff Mayor T. M. Hobart recently ac­ all the way to the one yard marker Additional details will be forth­ 1; O. T. Bateman, district 4 and cepted for the Vernonia Industrial Lewis Kelly, district 6. Other no­ from which point Bellingham scor­ coming next week. Development Corp, a check for minations may be made from the ed cn a keeper. Try for point was Next Tuesday, October 13, at 9:30 In other business Monday even­ $120,000 as proceeds of a 502 local good with Bellingham kicking the a.m. at the high school health room, ing, President Robert Sargent ap­ floor for any of these positions. development loan from the U. S. counter. Gus Norwood, executive secretary vision checks will be given those pointed standing committees for the Small Business Administration. A brilliant display of nature's high school students who have signed year. He also announced the selec­ of the Northwest Public Power as­ Vernonia took the ball after receiv­ Mayor Hobart said the loan and autumn colors will be the feature at­ for them at the school office or whose tion of Horace Hertel as second- sociation, will be the guest speaker its use to purchase and expand the ing a Braves fourth down punt and traction of a rail excursion from parents have called the school office, vice-president to fill the vacancy and since he is nationally known for drove all the way to the Banks 23 former Smithwick Haydite mine Portland to Goldendale, Washington HAzel 9-3521, asking that their chil­ created when Willie Barsten moved his work in the power and conser­ paves the way for other industrial de­ only to have a pass out in the flats on Sunday, October 18. Sponsored by dren be given the tests. intercepted and run back all the way from Vernonia. He also announced vation field, he should prove to be velopment projects in the future. Sunset Tours, a department of the During the period from Septem­ the appointment of Harold McEntire an interesting and informative speak­ Leon Barnes, chief of the invest­ for the TD. Try for point was good non-profit Vernonia, South Park & ber 22 to 29, vision checks were made as chairman of a special Lion-of-the- er. with the score reading 7-7. ment division of the Small Business Sunset Steam Railroad, the special at the Washington school by the Year committe. Vernonia took the ensuing kickoff train will leave N.W. 10th and Hoyt Administration regional office in county school nurse, Mrs. Geraldine The club heard a report from Seattle turned the check over to and from the 34 drove all the way streets, at 8:00 a.m., DST, and will Malakowski, who was assisted by John Jensen, deputy district gover­ Mayor Hobart in a brief ceremony for ¿mother six points with Johnston return at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Albert Krieger, Vernonia PTA nor, on the winter conferences he in the office of John G. Barnett, doing the honors. Try for point was It will operate over the tracks of health chairman. There were 29 stu­ and President Sargent had attendetd manager of the Portland branch of good. the SP&S railway, along the north dents who were referred for checks at Corvallis. SBA. The Loggers scored twice more in bank of the Columbia as far is Lyle, by teachers and 19 slips were sent The next meeting of the club will Lester Sheeley has received a re­ Assisting in the ceremony were the first half, one TD on a pass to Washington where the mouth of the home to parents advising that chil­ be October 19. ply to a letter directed to the SP&S Don Willner, Portland attorney who Larson and again Steele from one Klickitat river is located. From this dren have further eye examinations railway company concerning a is counsel for VIDCO, and Del Put­ yard out. Halftime score read 27-7. point the "Fall Foilage Special” en­ by doctors. change in the frequency of train nam of the Portland office of SBA, One TD was called back on the Log­ ters the narrow gorge of the Klickitat Tuesday, October 20 at 9 a.m., service here which gives the follow, representing Barnett, who was ill. gers. when Roger Medges intecepted following that stream to Swale Creek there will be an immunization clin­ ing information about present ser­ Barnes said the Vernonia loan was a Braves heave and rambled 65 canyon where it will climb to the up­ ic for students in grades 1, 5, 9, vices: one of the “finest examples of pri­ yards only to have a penalty nulifv lands through, a stand of deciduous and 12 at which DPT shots will be "Under the former arrangement vate initiative teaming up with com­ the score . trees and colorful rock formations. given. our train operated to Vernonia three munity effort and the lending author­ At Goldendale, county seat of Second half action started slow for Mrs. B. J. Horn has been namea trips per week, returning on the fol­ ity of the Small Business Administra­ the locals, but the Braves shoved Klickitat county, excursionists will Vernonia chairman of the Tom Mc­ lowing day, thus providing tri-weekly tion to raise funds for community de­ across one TD in the third quarter. be taken in special buses to Maryhill Call for Secretary of State commit­ service daily except Sunday. On the velopment.” Vernonia, not to be outdone, started Museum and Stonehenge Monument tee, it was announced this week by new arrangement the train will be the fourth period with Holsey going for a look at some of the treasures Columbia County Chairman John operated round trip daily except Sun­ over from 10 yards out. Banks end­ given by Queen Marie of Roumania Winkler of St. Helens. Mrs. Horn day, providing service to the farthest ed the scoring action with a nine- and the first Great War Memorial will have charge of literature distri­ point for which service is requested yard pass for the six points. Final erected in the United States. The Vernonia Chamber of Com­ bution and will participate in any on any given day. This gives all Equipment on the train will con­ score 33-19. merce will hold their quarterly din­ other activities in this area which shippers using the line the advantage Vernonia in this, their fourth tilt sist of standard coaches, a baggage ner meeting Monday evening, Octo­ she feels necessary to the success of of a daily except Sunday service on of the season, displayed marked im­ car where snacks are served and an ber 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Legion the campaign. both incoming and outgoing ship­ As a part of its modernization pro­ provement last Friday night and open-top observation car for a pano­ hall. The charge per plate is $1.50. McCall campaigners from Colum­ ments instead of tri-wekly service gram, the county court is having In­ that improvement coupled with much ramic view of the entire route. State Representative Victor Atiyeh bia county will man a booth at the under the former arrangement. Included in the fare of $9.95 (chil­ stalled this week a modem package- more will be needed by the locals to of Washington county will speak on Pacific International Livestock Expo­ “It is hoped that the shippers in type boiler at the courthouse to re­ dren 5 through 11, $5.95) will be a tilt the bandwagon of the Hood River the inventory tax measure to be pre­ sition in Portland on Columbia Coun­ your area will take advantage of chicken box lunch as well as the place the antiquated heating system sented at the next legislative session. ty Day, October 17. Mrs. Horn points the opportunity of this improved ser­ side trip to the museum, including that has been in service for the past He is exceptionally well qualified out that Tom McCall has visited this vice.” admission. Tickets are available at 40 years, according to information since he has been serving as the county three times, his most recent supplied by Judge John W. Whipple. Northern Pacific, Great Northern house minority tax expert. visit being during the Columbia and Union Depot ticket offices in The new heating system is being The tax measure should be of es­ county fair. Portland or by mail from Sunset installed by Campbell-Norquist and pecial interest to all who pay an in­ Other county chairmen for the Mc­ Tours, 2765 S.W. 119th Avenue, Bea­ company, heating engineers of Port­ ventory tax as well as every tax Call campaign have been named by The rate of insured unemployment verton, enclosing a stamped, self- land, at a contract price of $10,562.00. payer. Chamber members are urged Winkler as follows: Mrs. C. R. Ev­ The new boiler is a 40 horse power for the week ending September 24, addressed envelope. to attend the meeting and an invita­ enson, Clatskanie; William Janvrin, School district 47J teachers and Birchfield-Ray steam packaged boil­ at 2.0 percent, is lower than for any tion is extended to everyone interest­ Rainier; Heinie Heumann, St. Hel­ administrators are currently taking er and guaranteed to furnish ade­ comparable week since 1956, David ed in the topic to be discussed. ens: William Connelly, Scappoose. a modem mathematics for elemen­ quate and even heat to both the H. Cameron, commissioner, Oregon tary teachers in-service class. This courthouse and jail, he said. Department of Employment report­ class is being coordinated by Eugene ed. , Ashback, curriculum director for the Also for the week ending Septem­ Portland public schools, who also is ber 5, the average insured unemploy­ serving as an instructor for the di­ ment rate for the United States was Pomona Grange has announced vision of continued education, Ore­ 2.6 compared to Oregon’s 2.0 percent. that judging of Columbia county en­ gon state system of higher education. Four weeks earlier as well as a tries in the State Grange-White Satin Twenty-five teachers and admini­ year earlier the rate was at 2.1 per­ sugar canning contest will take strators are enrolled in the classes cent. The only area experiencing place October 8 at 10:30 a m. at the which are conducted every Tuesday substantial unemployment was The South Scappoose Grange hall. evening, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., and will Dalles with 6.7 percent where a la­ Entries may be made in two class­ continue through December 18. This bor - management dispute involving es: jelly, in which three glasses must is for preparation of teachers for plumbers’ locals tied up construction be submitted: and tree fruit or ber­ the new elementary mathematics at the John Day Dam. However, the ries, in which three jars must be en­ which will be coming out in the 1965- settlement of this dispute early this tered. 66 school year. week is expected to relieve this sit­ In all cases, one glass or jar will Also planned for early next fall Is uation, Cameron said. be opened for sampling. For first a series of classes which will be held place winners, the other two entries to inform any interested parents of will be sent to Hillsboro far judging grade school children concerning the in the district contest October 19. new math program. There, another jar or glass will be Later this fall the school will be Vernonia's football squad will take opened for sampling. Fcr first place examining new school books prior to the road and journey to Hood Riv­ district winners, the remaining jar to their adoption for the 1965-66 Benny Fields, left, and David Seidel- er this week. Game time will be will be sent to Portland by October school year, according to J. W. Acai- man exhibit the cub bear they bag­ 8:00 p.m. As of this time, there will 24 to be judged in the state contest turri, superintendent . ged in September near Rogers park. be no student bus taken to the game. October 30. Loggers Return to Win List With Banks Victory Friday SBA Loan Aids Haydite Mine Nurse to Give Vision Checks Sunset Touts Sets Rail Date Train Service Change Made Chairman for McCall Named Chamber Sets Dinner Date Steam Heating Unit Installed Teachers Take Course in Math Unemployment Hits Low Point Canning Contest Judged on 8th Loggers To Journey Historical Society Elects New Officers; Receives Museum Gift N o I I m o I l.ard .» Undwwtiun ‘’ARE YOU SURE YOU READ THE PAMPHLET ON FIRE PREVENTION?" The main order of business at the Amber, of St. Helens; Byron Larson meeting of the Columbia County His­ of Portland; Earl Seawright of St. torical Society on Wednesday, Sep­ Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hu- tember 23 was the annual election ser of Scappoose. of officers. Re-elected were Wm. C News that the bell from the Nee- Wood, president; R. 8. Lindsay, vice- City school house has been given to president; Pearl Becker, secretary, the society for the museum was glad­ and Nina Bush, treasurer. Directors ly received, and arrangements are elected were Marion Andress of War­ being made to remove the bell from ren, Lloyd Burris of Portland and the school and take it to the museum Harold Wellington of St. Helens. at Vernonia. Many other articles Visitors for the first time were Mr. have been donated to the museum and Mrs Robert Parr and daughter. during the summer Copies of the historical booklets were requested by the Library of Congress and have been sent to Washington, D.C., and letters were read from Rep. Walter Norblad commending the soicety on the work for the county museum, and saying he looked forward to visiting it when he came west, which he will nevef be able to do since he has passed away. Regret was expressed for this loss of a good friend. A letter has been received asking this society to share in the observa tion of the 100th anniversary of the Oregon state fair next, year, and plans are being made to cooperate in this in every way, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burris will serve as delegates to the annual meeting of the Oregon Historical So­ ciety in Portland on October 16. Tlie next meeting of the society will be held at the fairgrounds on Wednesday, October 21.