A Oernonia Eagle 8 Sons Visit At Peterson Home THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1964 B ro th e rs Use P lane F o r V is it to M o th e r B IR K EN FELD — A rt, G eorge and Ted B ellingham flew to Vancouver, B.C. S aturday to visit th eir m other and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. They retu rn ed hom e Sunday. M rs. G. P . W anstrom w ent to P o rtlan d Sunday for a few d ay s vis­ it with h er d au g h ter and grandson. Mrs. R oger Chase of Scio visited with th e F re d Larsons la st Wed­ nesday and p a rt of Thursday. Mr. and M rs. F ran cis N ordstrom visited last F rid ay evening with the E ddie P rices a t C latskanie and on Sunday afternoon the F ra n c is L a r­ sons called on them . MHC Announces Program Date MIST—The Mist Helping Circle m et a t the hom e of M rs. DeeVeere H ershey T hursday with 13 m em bers present. The h ostess box w as won by Mrs. R obert M athews. P lans w ere begun for the annual M ist Help­ ing C ircle p ro g ram to be held No­ v em b er 21. T h ere will be a w hite el­ ephant sale, fish pond g rab bag and auction as well a s refresh m en ts and a program . The place of m eeting for th e m onth of October will be a n ­ nounced later. Among those who attended th e Lou­ is Jones, D eanna Ritz wedding F ri­ d ay evening iu Vernonia w ere Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. W alter M athews, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ b ert M athews, Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ m an Hansen and children, Mr. and M rs. Shalm on Libel, Mr. and Mrs. C harles R am sey and Mr. and Mrs. G eorge M athews. M iss Ju d y K yser attended the r e ­ ception a t the high school in Vernon­ ia for Mrs. W ilbur Davis Saturday evening. M r. and Mrs. P au l Thompson of Lost Creek w ere Sunday evening visitors a t th e R ay Garlocks. V isitors a t th e Hugh Cox hom e Sunday evening w ere Mr. and Mrs. Ira W est of Clatskanie. Mr. and Mrs. A rt F arn sw o rth of P o rtlan d visited h e re Sunday with th e M athews fam ilies. OCTOBER IS NATAL - PITTSBURG —Mr. and Mrs. Veroan P eterso n and fam ily of V ancouver visited his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ira P eterso n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N orm an Peterson and fam ­ ily of Auborn, W ashington spent the previous week here. Mr. and M rs. E . McCrone w ere Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff in observance of Mrs. McCrone’s birthday. M r. and Mrs. K enneth T upper and S an d ra attended serv ices a t St. P au ls L utheran church in P o rtlan d Sunday. The ch u rch was celebrating its 75th anniversary. A fterw ards they visited Mr. and M rs. M ax Wolff. D inner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M ax Oblack one d ay last week w ere M r. and Mrs. Albin Oblack of Mo­ lalla, Mr. and M rs. Jo e Oblack and M ary of M ilwaukee, Wisconsin and Mrs. R obert K yser and four ch ild ­ ren. Sunday callers a t the Orin Davis hom e included M r. and Mrs. Bill E. Orton and d aughter L alaunia of G as­ ton, Mre. F ay e G ard n er of St. H el­ ens and Mr. D av is’s sister, M rs. Hayden H aupent and sev eral friends, all of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay drove to N ewberg F rid a y and visited a friend who is residing in a re s t hom e there. ^AUl r o n 1 ZI01 VIE MlONTH r r AT D o * ST *z* = TO 1C O AST S TO R E S BRUNSM AN J™ UNIVERSAL FIT FOR ALL STANDARD CARS AUTO FLOOR MAT SET 2 MATS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Regularly $5.98 FRONT HARDWARE 8c ELECTRIC F IN E F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R Ä 03 Beautiful floor protection mate for yo& r^ar gi the interior rich executive styling. Choose from 4 decorator colors: White. Blue, Green and Black. (AB1850A3-AB1850E4) o> O akland Wood H e a te r................ Prepare now for chilly days aheadl Absorbs fuel system moisture. Winter gas freeze-ups w ill be over for youl (AC0630-3) Hot forged-broached of finest Steell Sizes from h to 5 /1 6 " to 1-1/16 x 1 -1 /B ." In plastic mechanic's k it. For home, handyman, professionali (AD0034-4) O akland F ireplace Wood H eater. $-J O i l 95 Biltwell Sofa Bed and $- Accurate ammeter, UL approved. Charges up the average bat­ tery overnightl (AJ0756-3) Cousins V is it Here W ith G rim sb o F a m ily MIST—Howard G rim sbo and Ira H uber w ere in M ad ras W ednesday. T hursday overnight guests a t the G rim sbo home w ere his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R obert H ollander, recently of A nchorage, A laska. The Holland­ ers have just m oved back to Ukiah, C alifornia and w ere on th eir w ay through to atten d to som e business in Ohio. Mrs. G rim sbo’s brother, Sid P ie rc e of W ashougal w as a Sunday visitor. M r. and Mrs. A lbert Blount and fam ily of Vernonia visited a t the F re d Busch hom e S aturday a fte r­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill N u tter and g irls of Seaside w ere guests a t the H arold C ase hom e Sunday. M r. and Mrs. Sam Devine called on them in the evening. SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES S IM M O N S S lu m b e r K in g In n er S p rin g M a ttre s s a n d B o x S p rin g s $ 4 Q 9 5 P ric e , e a c h J tiz B e a u ty R e st In n e r S p rin g M a ttre s s a n d B ox $<7050 S p rin g s, E ach • <7 W est Bend Fully Auto­ m atic 5 to 9 Cup Elec. P erco lato r. 99 O nly......... ............. O E xchange Rotate Your Tires . . . G ro u p 1 $r755 1 P o rtla n d Residents V is it A u n t, Cousins TIM BER RT.—R ecent visitors of Mrs. C arl Snyder and B ert were two nephew s and fam ilies from P o rtlan d , Mr. and M rs. W alter Shav­ e r and M r. and Mrs. R obert Shaver and fam ily. The whole group were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ovan Reynolds. Mrs. L es Voit and T eresa from Tophill called on Mrs. C arl Snyder one day last week. Mr. an d M rs. H arry W eaver and C harlotte from Seaside visited her b ro th er and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. D. Reynolds S aturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur T hacker spent the week end a t Crow visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn G raves and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k B irt, Mrs. Nell T hacker and Mrs. Wm. F alconer vis­ ited M rs. B irt’s m other, M rs. Vic­ toria Rowe in V ancouver and called on Mr. and Mrs. J im Ried in St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Meek­ e r at Scappoose Sunday. Model FD 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. c a p a ­ city, 30" width, 59%” height, 71-lb. $54.95 P.O.S. « • Rally UeelMed *Nb FlUrgieel • feterUetl., Tkeme.MI • 1 UwereiM Castrai fin* ||*«4 ■•Wei. wwtg» Inntw M ly. warranty. S u rfa c e R u g s . U N IO N SERVICE Douglas Fir (5 Seed)-$2.25 Douglas Fir (3 Seed) - $1.25 Grand (or White) Fir - $1.50 Noble Fir................. $1.50 Hemlock (Clean)...... $5.00 ------- ★ ------- T itan Circi-Aire P o rtab le B aseboard Elec. H eater Combination F an-F orced and R ad ian t p -9 5 H eat. O n l y . . . . 4 u O MFATEB $£^89 P a W B H .H M R - B O - g - m a m .W B w A. Big 52 Gallon Silver Seal Electric WATER A rm s tro n g B u d g e to n e v in y l flo o r co v erin g . S quare 29 Y a rd ............... . I 9x12 P lastic BOBS BUSHEL MEASURE L a Salle “F a n Gio" A utom atic Elec. H eater w ith $9 / 1 95 T h e rm o sta t___ C o n g o le u m v in y l F o re c a st flo o r c o v e rin g . Square $-f 59 Y a rd ________ 1 Don’t gamble on worn tires. Come in now and let us rotate and check your tires. See us for all your other automotive needs also! CONES WANTED on Shotgun Shells M etalcraft 7-Pc. D inette Set. Reg. $ /? Q 9 5 $79.95 — Only 0 * 7 B a tte rie s — 15 Mo. G uar. at? Special R ocker Set 10 y ra r zero zone freezer. A utom atic frosting refrig erato r section. G o u ld s o a la n c e d flow s h a llo w w e ll sy stem . No ta n k , no e x tra s. N ow H A I8 f O nly Snow crest White only.............................. 104 de­ $O iV O 95 299 IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Timber P.T.A. To Continue TIM BER—A called m eeting of the PTA w as held W ednesday evening in the Roy M ay hom e due to the fact no one could find a key to th e school house. It w as decided to continue a PTA re g a rd le ss of th e fa c t there is no school h ere this y ear. Miss G ladys Johnson conducted the m eet­ ing. T here w ere 14 people present. E lection of officers for the coming y e a r w as held. Mrs. Sponsel w as elected president, M rs. B. B. Wright, vice president and Mrs. Bino sec­ reta ry -tre a su re r. It w as decided to have p arties for T im ber children on Halloween, C h ristm as and the last d ay of school on days not conflicting with Buxton, M anning o r Banks w here T im ber children a re attending schools. The Austin fam ily h as been busy this week finishing up th eir moving to Vernonia. Mr. and M rs. Alvin H. Sm ith of LaG rande, d au g h ter and husband of the G ladys Johnson lot. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Bacon, spent F rid ay and S aturday a t the Bacon home. Mrs. F a rre ll West spent Thursday with h e r grandm other, Mrs. Anna The W alter Stain fam ily h a s all been ill with the flu. They a re the new fam ily in the tra ile r house on Bock who is 85 y ears old and resides a t the E a ste rn Star-M asonic hom e in F o rest Grove. Mrs. Bock w as worthy m atron in Silverton in 1914. KING’S Grocery-Market Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned, independent grocery_ SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING WARFARIN - I - SULFAOUINOXALINE PROL 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. EVERY DAY Pellets and Meal Inexpensive New Rat and Mouse Killer 8-oz. Rat Killer............ 69c 9 3-oz. Mouse Killer.........39c I 16-oz. Rat & Mouse Killer 79c 9 CROWN ZELLERBACH CORP. M ist Route VERNONIA. OREGON v -------------------------_ _ H A - 9 • 6 _ 2 .5 4 _ _ (Special on Some) *<