CLASSIFIED ADS _ FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Real Estate SPINET CONSOLE PIANO to be picked up and sold. Want responsi ble party to assume small mo. pyt’s. Write or phone Tallman Piano Stores, Inc. Salem, Oregon. 363-5707. 40t3c FOR SALE: Two houses on large lot one three-room; main house, 3 bdrm down. Property can be seen at 843 Third St. or call HAzel 9-3441. 40t3c RED POTATOES for sale. $3.00 per hundred. Virgil Allen, Buxton, Ore gon Located between Vernonia and Sunset Highway on Strassel Road. After 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday. 4013c FOR SALE OR RENT: House 33, OA hill. Two bedrooms. Inquire at Vernonia Eagle office. 40t3 FOR SALE: Three, possibly four, bedroom house on Capitol hill. For more information call HAzel 9-3145. 39tfc FOR SALE: Metal fryer fattening battery, aluminum feeders and wat- erer. Holds 100 head. Inquire at 875 Third Street. 40tl 866 ROSE AVE. 50 x 134. $654; East 4th east of Nehalem River 100 x 100 Good 3 rooms, bath, $1240. Terms. See signs. Lawrence Meissner, Deer Island, 397-3166._______________39t3 FOR SALE: Weather vane. See it at 831 Third Avenue. 40tl LISTINGS WANTED FOR SALE: Ashley circulating wood heater. Call HAzel 9-5897.______ 40tl BILL HORN FOR SALE: Monarch combination electric range and trash burner. Al so large blue-ribbon unused study Bible. Both priced to sell. Part Per sian kittens to give away. See at House 24, OA Hill.___________ 39U REALTY FOR SALE: Two and three-year old steers; also spring calves, grade and registered Shorthorns. Archie Dass, Mist Rt., HAzel 9-3845. 38t3 FOR SALE or TRADE: Large oil heater with fan. Call HAzel 9-3743 evenings. 38t3 Second growth fir pole wood for sale, dry, $16 per cord. Leave orders at Vernonia Eagle office for Harold Peterson, Buxton, Oregon. 40t5 FRESH FLOWERS for any occa sion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ____________________________ Itfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck Buy From Local Boy BUY YOUR NEXT CAR FROM AL HUNTLEY Specializing in new 1964 PLYMOUTH, VALIANT, SIMCA, CHRYSLER, INTERNATIONAL plus 100 Reconditioned new car trade-ins. 100% Financing, debt consolidation, bank terms. Lowest price in town. These terms will be handled by me only. — Phone AT 8-6366 — Gary Worth Plymouth Co. 4943 N.E. Union, Portland 34t8c FOR SALE: CLEAN 1960 Ford 'sT pickup, 4-speed, economy 6 cyl. 28,000 actual miles. HA 9-5103 . 38t3c See hometown boy AL HUNTLEY Pick-ups - Scouts - Travalons All units available in 4-wheel drive. 1964 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UPS Half ton, heater, defroster, spare tire and wheel, internal cooling system, 100,000 mile warranty. Immediate delivery $1790 1964 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT Dual tanks, sure-grip rear end, bucket seats, full top, 4-wheel drive, loaded with extras $2488 100% Financing - Debt Consolidation Budget Terms Phone AT 8-6366 (¡ary Worth Plymouth Co. 4943 N.E. Union, Portland For information call collect 38t8c CLASSIFIED RATES" THE EAGLE assume« no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4c each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini- mum charge 51.00. No informa tion given relative to such ads. and Vernonia Bank Bldg. Group Enjoys Birthday Event Insurance Exchange HAzel 9-6203 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE The following described abandoned automobile will be sold under Or dinance Number 316 on the 10th day of October, 1964, at 10:00 a.m., at the City Hall, Vernonia .Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash: 1954 4-dcor Mercury sedan, License No. 2Q-3154. CITY OF VERNONIA By A. D. Lolley City Marshall 40t2c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three-room bouse plus bath, utility room, partial basement. Near downtown. $25 per month. Call HAzel 9-3867 after 6 p.m. Or, will sell. 26tfc CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete ly furnished except bedding, dish es. Rent includes all utilities, heat, lights, water. Private bath, k it chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. H. J. ‘ Hill" Edison, Mgr. 14tfc CARD OF THANKS WE ARE so grateful to neighbors and friends for the many cards, flow ers and other expressions of sympa thy at the time of our mother’s death. Circumstances have made our thank you late but it is pone the less sin cere for every kindness has meant more than words can express. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice and the entire family ot Mrs. Julia E. Kirk 40tlc THANKS, to each and every one of you, who has made personal visits, sent cards, letters, flowers, gifts and oral messages of cheer, to me since the accident. No one can imagine the help and courage one draws from such friend ly overture? until he (or she) has had the sad experience of "Being there and needing.” Such thoughtfulness could come from only one place—The Best Com munity in the World—and ‘twill be a happy day for me when I am able to return to that community. Thanks so very much, to you. my warm-hearted friends. Ruby E. Elliott 40tlC WE CERTAINLY have been blessed these past days as we have seen so many friends and neighbors come to us with expressions of love. Our parents loved the time spent with you in Vernonia and we, too, have thoroughly enjoyed knowing their friends. We thank the Lord for each of you. Betty DeMott Gebby Dan DeMott Marie DeMott ____________________________40tlc I WISH to thank my friends for the cards and visits while I was in the hospital. Archie Dass 40tlc Oernonia £a$fe MARVIN KAMHOLZ WOMENS BOWLING Standings W L West Oregon 3 1 Quinn's 2*/i The Pills 1W 2Mi Standard Oil 1 3 Splits picked up: Margaret Thomp son 3-10, Sharon McKee 4-10, Gladys Sharar 5-7, Sally Gaston 5-6. High game, Sadie Miller, 182; high series, Joyce Johnson, 472. Guests Include Eskimo Student TIMBER—Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Zenos Perisho the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley of Newberg, Dr. Claude Lewis and Mrs. Lewis of Medford and Har ry Harvey, an Eskimo from Alaska. Mr. Stanley conducted the service here Sunday. Harry Harvey is en tering George Fox College the com ing year at Newberg. The next meeting of Timber fire department will be October 14 at the school house just before the PTA meeting starts. Recent guests at the Bert Ohler home were Mr. and Mrs. Dean John son of Centralia, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchel spent Thursday in Vancouver visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Silvers. While there they were shown the new home under construc tion for the Silvers family. They ex pect to be able to occupy it the lat ter part of November. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sponsel and daughter Sheila spent Saturday and Sunday in Wheeler at the home of Mrs. Lillian Ritter. Flax is an excellent nurse crop for seeding down legumes and gras ses. WANTED W A N T E D DEER, ELK, STEER HIDES Trade for Gloves and, or Cash. J. B. ARTMAN- Vernonia 39-52C Waitress-cook wanted at Halfway House at Sunset Junction. Call EL- gin 7-7409.___________________ 40tlc N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L KW H? A F F IL IA T E MEMBER Grapefruit; A lemon that had a chance and took advantage if i t HEC Meeting Date Delayed MIST—The regular Winema HEC meeting which is scheduled for Oc tober 6 has been changed to Octob er 13 due to hunting season. It will be at the home of Mrs. Art Belling ham. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom were in Hillsboro Sunday to see Mr. Gaston who is in the Tuality hospital recovering from a car ac cident. Mr. Gaston worked with Nordstrom and Bellingham in the woods. Tom Hopkins left Wednesday for the hunting grounds, going early to get things ready. Last Saturday and Sunday, there were eight little people and three others who gathered at the home of Shirley Berg. Sunday they had a picnic and a very enjoyable time. Their next meeting is planned for November at Chehalis. Mrs. Elsie Bryant, Mrs. Geo. Con yers and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hind man. all of Clatskanie visited Sun day with Shirley Berg. They also drove up the Fishhawk to see the progress on the dam project. Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and build ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore gon. 20tfc SERVICES For piano and organ lessons call Mrs H. L. Russell HA 9-6941 who is also a representative for Rife's Conn Organ Store, Portland, Oregon. All instruments can be purchased on rental basis. 38t3c SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc TIMBER—Guests Sunday, Septem ber 20 at the Tallman home in hon or of Mrs. Mae Tallman’s birthday were her mother, Mrs. Edith Riggle; a brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggle of Buxton; her father, George Riggle; the Tallman’s son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tall man and family of Forest Grove; and a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. Druery of Vancouver. Mrs. Mae Tallman and her guest, Mrs. Marie Ewen of Newport and Mrs. Roy May attended the pot luck dinner and meeting of HEC Sunset Grange at Manning Thursday. ' offers increased service by th e addition of Sharon Reid hair sty list and beautician to its present sta ff Anne Bartles and Esther Ring, Manager HOURS: 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. — EVENINGS BY i m APPOINTMENT — i l i m (le ft) Hale Boggs, Congressional Majority Whip, with Blaine Whipple. Stale Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING • MAR-LEE BEAUTY SALON (far left) Blaine Whipple with John McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Haberman's Meal OPTOMETRIST Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. C attle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, lake Tillamook road IV, mile, take first jefihand road. ltfc "Blaine Whipple has person ally informed me of the problems and potentials of Oregon's 1st Congressional District. He's my kind of m a n . . . the kind of man we need in Washington." President Lyndon B. Johnson PROCESSING PLANT ; " dr ." r . v ? lance MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Whipple io Congress Union. 853 Bridge Street, Vernonia 17tfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House. St. Helens. Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 0018. Private surveying, engineer ing work. 24tfc Born December 24, 1902 at Chicago, Illinois. Came to Vernonia in 1926. Married a local girl at Vancouver in 1927. Has three children. 15 grandchildren Has been a railroad cook. Worked for Oregon-American, Crown Zellerbach and Johnson & Hughes. Is interested in coin collecting. Also, sometimes is concerned with the coins others want to collect. Is an active church official. Looking down on others comes easy for him. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni chols) Answer to last weeks quiz, as cor rected, Mrs. Dudley Spofford. Relatives Gather for Birthday Observance s FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your savings deposit with Vernonia Credit Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hoqs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 R t 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc Do you know this man? of Estacada and Mrs. Ruth Pieper of Forest Grove called on Mrs. Nell Thacker Wednesday afternoon. That evening Mrs. Carl Wienecke accom panied them to Manning where they were dinner guests of another sister, Mrs. Elva Tolke. Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Wienecke were overnight guests of Mrs. Pieper and Thursday the three ladies drove to McMinnville to visit Mrs. Pieper's daughter, Fran ces Shriber and then on to Tilla mook to visit their brother, Lyle Bledsoe and family. Mrs. Wienecke accompanied Mrs. Britton to Es tacada where she spent the rest of the week visiting relatives. CALL Guy A. Luttrell collect for domestic and irrigation well drilling. FHA terms. 397-2140, St. Helens, Rt. 1, Box 732.__________________ 36tfc Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail mat ter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3 50. RIVERVIEW—Sunday. Mrs. Bill Eckland and two sons accompanied her sister, Mrs. Roberta Schwab and two sons to the home of their brother, Pat Lloyd in Portland to help celebrate the fourth birthday of Julie Lloyd. Mrs. Henry Hudson accompanied by Mrs. Artie Buckner made a bus iness trip to Beaverton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beckman and family moved from Riverview to Third avenue in Vernonia recently. Mrs. Dorothy Wilson and two daughters have moved from the for mer Bassett house to the house east of the Riverview cabins. Dwight Strong of Veneta was in the neighborhood last week greeting friends and looking after his prop erty. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tillery of St. Helens called on Mrs. Grace Peach ey Sunday. Mrs. Carson Strong is in the com munity hospital at Forest Grove un dergoing tests and taking treatments. Sisters Visit Oernonia Eagle Family Members 6 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1964 Lei's Get Acquainted! TIMBER RT.—Mrs. J. E. Britton "Blaine Whipple has demon strated an ability to translate 1st District social and economic problems into constructive proposals. He will be effective in Congress because he already knows the job.” Senator Wayne Morse "Blaine Whipple is an aggressive and able candidate with high qualifications and an excellent background.” Senator Maurine Neuberger ! Wed., 10 A.M.—5 P.M. } ! ' Vernonia Clinic Building E&B LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 756 Bridge St. — Also. Shoe Repairing — T w o - d a y S e r v ic e CASH & CARRY \ I you vole lor action when you vote lor DEM OCRAT FOR CONBRESS Paid M u . Whipple For Congress Committee, Rep. Elmer McClure. Chairman, P. 0. Box 23, Beaverton, Oregon