il Oernonia Eagle Crown Zellerbach Dedicates 21-Mile Forest Road Saturday Officials of Columbia county and the cities of Vernonia, St. Helens, Scappcose and Columbia City joined Crown Zellerbach in dedicating the company’s 21-mile Columbia forest road last Saturday. The private logging road stretches from the company’s Stamm Tree Farm headquarters near Vernonia to the Scappoose log delivery point on the Willamette slough. The new road follows closely the travel on public roads. The overpass, part of a county road, was built by Crown Zellerbach and then turned over to Columbia county. LOAD of 85-foot poles heads under the overpass at the start of trip downhill to the Scappoose log boom. Co­ lumbia Forest Road removes these long loads from CROWN Zellerbach’s Scappoose log boom on the Columbia River is the eastern end of the Columbia Forest Road. Loads of logs are lifted from the trucks by a stiff-legged crane and lowered into the river. LOADS of logs and poles and pilings arc lined up in the transfer yard at the E. P . Stamm Tree Farm Head­ quarters waiting to be hauled across the Columbia v I I Forest Road. The transfer yard is at the western ter­ minus of the road. The new telephone directory goes to press soon - 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1964 route of the old Clark and Wilson logging railroad arxl parallels for some distance the county road from Scappoose to the junction of Highway 47. The Columbia forest road is the first key private log transportation artery extending out of the Nehalem Valley since trucks replaced logging railroads. Clarence Richen, Crown Zeller- bach’s Northwest Timber Operations manager, said the road was con­ tracted to assure continuity of em­ ployment and relieve log truck traf­ fic on public roads. “In addition to the public safety factor,” Richen said, “the road per­ mits more efficient transport of logs from the Stamm Tree Farm to Columbia River points. “Hauling 120-foot poles and piling on public roads many times presents problems which are solved by the private road. Also, we are able to in­ crease the size of our log loads as in the case of the double trailer truck haul.” Richen said the rock road elimi­ nates the hazard to log truck drivers caused by frost on paved roads. “This means a year ‘round haul,” he said, “regardless of freezing wea­ ther.” Richen says the new road gives a real sense of permanency to the company’s 80,000-acre tree farm in Columbia county. Crown Zellerbach in 1947 began purchasing this prop­ erty, most of which was cutover, having been logged since the time of the Civil War. Old growth timber from the Ne­ halem valley was transported via railroad. Today the harvest of the new forest is moving over the Co­ lumbia forest road and Richen be­ lieves the lush growth of the Ne­ halem area and intensive forest man­ agement practices of tree farmers gives promise of a perpetual supply of logs from Columbia county for fu­ ture generations. In 4-H club work, a comprehensive system of awards is provided by scores of donors convinced that 4-H is an investment in future security. FOOT BILL VERNONIA BANKS please check your listing Tonight - 8 P.M. Greenman Field No. 75 TERRY SMITH, right end, 2-year let­ terman. Fair speed. Has caught 8 for 77 yards and one TD pass. Defensive safety. No. 73 TERRY LARSON, left end, 2-year let­ terman. Has caught 5 for 59 yards. Plays de­ fensive end. Good hustler and hard worker All league offense and defense as junior. WE RE BACKING THE LOGGERS — WE HOPE YOU DO ALSO! Linn Grocery Sunnyside Service Edna and Walter Linn Hans and Vi Slette ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Vernonia Service Station E&B Laundry & Dry Cleaners George Johnson Ed Bredeau ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Dean's Market Vernonia Clinic Drs. Hobart, Thiringer, Hansen, Kramer ------------- ★ ------------- Fabrics I s your present listing correct? Want to add other fam ily members?—extra names cos very little! W ant your business listed under more classifications fc customer convenience in the profitable Yellow Pages Call our Business Office now. There’s not much time lef WEST COAST TELEPHOHE CO. A m e m b e r o f th e G e n e ra l S y s te m CCNCRAL '•su *> i I N Fashions Vernonia M ilk Farms Doris Skidmore Henry and Isabel Anderegg ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Ralph's Chevron King's Grocery Ralph Sturdevant Bob, Earl, Emilie -------------- * --------------- ------------- ★ ------------- V V î î V « î S V V « I I V I Union Oil Company The Pine Cone 3 3 8 $ V i V V V Loel Roberts Cliff and Ruby Fowler V ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- Dessy's Bowl Mar-Ona Bootery V V I Zeke and Marion Lemaick Stona Serafin ------------- ★ ------------- ------------- ★ ------------- ÿ ' i Bob's Union Service Tandy Shoe Repair 'i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Albert Tandy 't 3