Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 01, 1964, Image 1

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    Oregon H is t o r ic a l S o c ie ty
2 & SVI Márket S t ' *
P ortlan d, Oregon 97201
New County Tux Levy Down
For Year; Assessed Value Rises
County assessor Frank LeMont
released a report last week which
shows that taxes levied by the Co­
lumbia county court this year for all
county needs amounted to $498,541.67,
which is $76,938.75 less than last
year. The county levy includes the
county general fund, county road
fund, county oiling fund and the mo­
squito control fund which is assessed
only against the property inside the
boundary lines of the St. Helens port
The total monies levied by all
school districts in Columbia county
amounted to $2,377,673.18, which is
$355,947.45 more than last year and
which does not include the county
school fund of $77,860.00 which is in­
cluded in the county general fund.
The school budget requirements
have varied to a great degree among
school districts, ranging from 53 per­
cent increase in the Warren school
district to only one half of one per­
cent in the Vernonia district.
The assessed valuation of all taxa­
ble property in Columbia county has
risen from $33,346,985 for 1963 to $34,-
765,430 for 1964, an increase of $1,-
Properties exempted under the
1963 senior citizens tax exemption
act amounted to $192,580.00 assessed
valuation, leaving a net taxable value
of $34,070,440.00 to be placed upon
the 1964-65 tax roll.
A summary of the various millage
rates for areas throughout the coun­
ty and the various funds which taxes
are levied appears elsewhere in this
issue for the information of those in­
terested. These summaries were all
supplied by LeMont.
Four Injured
In Accidents
Oertiottia Eagle
Formula for
Being Sought
Loggers Drop
Friday Tilt to
Vernonia’s debut on the home field
Accidents last week end took a
heavy toll in injuries to local resi­ Friday night proved to be a big fizzle
as the local Logger grid team went
Thursday evening, Thomas Tomlin down to defeat at the hands of the
was trying out a motorcycle on Tenth Rainier Columbians to the tune of
street and went cn further onto a 25-0.
Vernonia played the Columbians
Crown Zellerbach logging road where
he piled up with a broken leg as the on equal terms during the entire first
result. His family did not know period and part of the second quar­
which road he had taken so did not ter, only to let the Rainier eleven
find him until about 10 p.m., though score in that period. Try for point
the accident occured about 7 p.m. failed with the halftime score 6-0.
When his wife and son Bill found
The visitors from down on the
him they got him into the car and river crossed the Logger goal once
took him to the hospital.
again in the third quarter and twice
Tomlin had secured two sticks to in the fourth stanza to make the
use as crutches and had managed to final score read 25-0 in their favor.
get about one and a half miles before One thing can be said for the local
he gave out completely and had to team, however, they did stop those
wait for help to come. His improvis­ extra point trys.
ed crutches cause’d bruises under
According to Coach Wendel, de­
both arms which have added to his fensively, John Weller, Ray Hartzell
pain this week.
and Mark Medges stood out and
He is at Tuality hospital where Gunny Cox and Bill Pringle were
the leg was set Thursday night but outstanding in the blocking depart­
required resetting Tuesday when ment, according to the game movies.
pins were put in. The large bone in
Wendel stated that the team’s pass­
the right leg is broken just above ing attack was off and that the var­
the ankle and the small bone in the ious mistakes that the local eleven
same leg, near the knee.
made accounted for the one sided
The Columbia County Council PTA
Friday evening, brothers, Jim and score. The Loggers gained 84 yards
workshop will be held at the Grant Jack Gaston were both injured when rushing and 96 passing which is only
Watts grade school in Scappoose their pick-up truck overturned on about half as much as they had in
on Monday, October 5, from 10:00 them on Keasey road. Both are in the previous tilts.
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be fur­ Tuality hospital but the family could
Passes to the ends were dropped
nished by the school for a nominal not be reached Wednesday to learn
and all around the locals played a
just what their condition was.
very poor game. Holsey was one
Henry Hudson was quite badly hurt bright note, however, as he show­
The meeting will be conducted by
Mrs. Leonard Smith, the regional Saturday forenoon at his home, when ed up very well in both carrying the
vice-president for this area. Others his tractor tipped over onto him. ball and being on the receiving end
from the state office will also be His daughter, Debbie was watching of passes.
there. Mrs. George Cowles of Rai­ him work and saw the accident
The Loggers will have to be up
nier, the county PTA president, will which gave them a chance to get
this Thursday night when they meet
help quickly.
assist Mrs. Smith.
With the help of the wrecker, a the Banks eleven on the local field.
All interested members of the local
Banks has the longest losing stretch
PTAs throughout the county are in­ neighbor’s car and several men dig­
in the state going, with 39 straight
ging, he was freed in about one-half
hour and taken by ambulance to Co­ losses. According to the experts
lumbia District hospital in St. Hel­ the Banks eleven should beat the lo­
ens. He was quite badly burned by cals based on comparative scores.
gasoline and his entire right side Rainier beat Banks only 12 to 0. If
is bruised but there were no broken the Loggers make the mistakes they
made last Friday night and block
and tackle as though they had never
been taught the two subjects, then
The City Cafe was opened for bus­
Banks is going to bring home a Log­
iness last Saturday under new man­
ger scalp.
agement, by Mr .and Mrs. Claude
Dane Brady announced this week
Frazier of Portland, who for the
time being are driving back and that he will be a write-in candidate
forth until they find a location here. for county commissioner and said
They have been open all this week he had made the decision because
and will announce regular liours af­ of the urging of people from all parts
ter they determine the local needs of the county. He will be in compe­
and how they can best serve them. tition with Orie Clark who received
Vernonia Boy Soucts of Troop 201
The Coffee Break has also been the Democratic nomination in May
the past week end camping at
open since last Saturday evening and Mrs. Reta Kerry who was se­
Wilkerson. The active scouts
and is holding its grand opening to­
day. Edna Berg is the new proprie­ the death of Francis Gill who re­ arrived in the forenoon Saturday, es­
tablished sleeping areas, fire pits,
ceived the nomination in May.
and gave attention to the colors.
The afternoon was spent in a vari­
ety of training exercises which in­
cluded knots and lashings, trail signs,
log hoisting, cover and concealment.
Contests were staged and points were
awarded to winning and placing
Favorite game of the afternoon
was the log hoisting event which de­
manded that a coiled rope be thrown
over the limb of a tree and attached
to a free log with a timber hitch.
The log was then hoisted head high,
dropped ,the rope freed, and the
team scampered over the finish line.
Points were based on timing, with
the Eagle patrol winning in 28 sec­
Meals were prepared over coals
or open flame on an individual basis.
Saturday evening, the boys entered
into a flashlight war combined with
capture of the flag. At the close ot
the evening, the scouts gathered at
a fire site to share skits, stories,
songs and yams.
Weather for the week end was per­
fect as the camp was above the le­
vel of low clouds. Sunday morning,
the troop struck camp and returned
home in time for the boys to attend
the church of their choice.
Training and instruction were un­
der the leadership of Scoutmaster
Ray Lamping, Assistant Scoutmaster
Don Jackson, and Instructor Gordon
Blackburn. The sixteen boys attend­
ing were Scott Davies, Scott Mitchell,
Don McLimans, Mike McLimans,
Pat Workman. Stan Rumbaugh, Ro­
bert McNair, Jerry Thibodeau, Allen
Robertson, Mark Peterson, Myron
Dennis, Gary Davis, Gary Harris,
Gary Michener, Steve Mishler, Mike
TWO Rainier men brought Terry Smith to a stop in top photo after suc­
cessfully completing pass play Friday night in Logger-Rainier football
Clason. Transportation was provided
game. Below, Danny Steele drove around end for three-yard gain before
by Caroll Clason, Jackson and Lamp­
being stopped.
At a meltin'! held September 24
at Eugene, the ccunty courts of all 18
cf the O&C counties were present
end spent most cf the day in an at­
tempt to work out a formula where­
by Columbia county could receive as
soon as possible the remainder of
the underpayment to them from O&C
timber receipts.
"The balance due our county is
$457,610.20 and a formula was dis­
cussed and will be submitted to the
Cf.C executive committee which, if
approved, will remit to Columbia
c; unty in a lump sum the above
amount no later than January 1. This
would be in addition to the $614,565.82
received by Columbia county on Aug.
ust 21, 1964," stated Judge Whipple.
In addition to Judge Whipple,
Commissioner O. D. Clark was pre­
sent at the meeting to represent Co­
lumbia county.
Chamber Hears
Report on Sale
County PTA to
Hear Official
Doors Opened
By Two Firms
Brady Seeks Post
Scouts Camp
At Wilkerson
Lloyd Quinn, chairman of the re­
tail committee for the Vernonia
Chamber of Commerce expressed
his pleasure and appreciation to the
response given the Saturday evening
“niconlight sale”.
He and his committee, Cread Mor­
NEW line truck placed in use by West Oregon Electric month and a half
gan, Bill Rundle, Mrs. Stona Serafin
ago provides equipment for complete line construction and repair work
and Mrs. Doris Skidmore .also ex­
in one unit. Truck is 2K-ton International with hydraulic winch on boom
pressed appreciation to the 39 busi­
capable of lifting 9000 pounds and extending to 41-foot heigth. A nine-foot
ness people who participated in the
section at the end of the boom and the bucket is constructed of plastic
promotion, to the Vernonia school
and is fully insulated. Man in bucket can control action of boom. Earth
bard members and James Fiske, di­
borer is constructed to bore through rock where necessary and can dig 12-
rector, who provided the concert to
foot deep hole in three minutes in earth. Truck also operates generator
start the evening, and to those who
to provide power for hand tools. Buck Holsey was in bucket when photo
took part in the style show.
wa9 taken. Tracey llanson is on pole and Charley Hickman Is beside
The style show took place in front
of Fabrics ’N Fashions with Mrs.
Serafin as narrator and fashions
from Fabrics ’N Fashions, Mont­
gomery Wards, Mar-Ona Bootery and
Brunsman Hardware were shown,
with hunting and woodsman attire
featured by Brunsman. Hair styling
by Anne Bartles of the Mar-Leo
There was a good turnout for the then introduced the new executive Beauty Salon also was featured.
Following the store opening, music
teacher’s reception at the high school committee which consists of the vice-
Monday evening when the PTA was president, Mrs. David Banta who al­ fcr a street dance was supplied by
so serves as chairman of the pro­ a combo composed of James Fiske,
host for the special event.
Cread Morgan, Harold Fowler, Rus
The grade school band, led by di­ gram committee with the help of Redmond and Wayne Welch.
rector James Fiske played three Mrs. Melvin Schwab and Mrs. Ralph
An interesting evening is being
numbers after which Eagle Scout Krieger; the secretary, Mrs. Wm. planned for the quarterly dinner
Gordon Blackburn led the pledge of Eckland: treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth meeting of the chamber on October
allegiance to the flag. Don Jackson, Smejkal; parliamentarian, Mrs. Hen­ 12. Victor Atiyeh, representative
from Washington county and the
vocal music instructor, then le dthe ry Anderegg; stamp chairman for house minority tax expert, will talk
audience in the singing of the na­ Lincoln school, Mrs. L. L.Browning; about the inventory tax measure to
health chairman, Mrs. Albert Krie­ be presented in the Oregon legisla­
tional anthem.
ger; historian, Mrs. Chester Ray; ture in the next session. This should
A clever program, introducing the
room mother chairman, Mrs. James be of interest to all merchants and
teachers as football players on a Brewer; publicity chairman, Mrs.
ethers who pay the annual inventory
team according to their years of ex­ George Laws and membership chair­
perience, was presented with Wilbur man, Mrs. Don Webb, who has the
Wilson acting as sports commenta­ help of Mrs. Larry Sutton and Mrs.
Norman Hansen from Mist.
tor on radio station PTA.
The auditorium was decorated with
PTA President, Mrs. Robert Curl
a table for each grade holding books
Columbia County School Nurse
fro mthat grade, fall leaves and flow­ Geraldine Malakowski has arranged
ers and pennants with the grade for free eye examinations for high
number. Mrs. T. M. Hobart, Mrs. Al­ school students in Vernonia on Tues­
bert Krieger, Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. day, October 13 at the school. Stu­
Curl did the decorating.
dents who wish them must sign up
Refreshments were served with the at the high school office now, or par­
Under the new election laws as
ice cream being donated by Henry ents may call the school office to ar­
adopted by the 1963 legislature, all
range for the tests if they so desire.
Anderegg of Vernonia Milk Farms.
registered voters must re-register at
their new residence address when­
ever they move, even if they live
within the same precinct as before
moving. This holds true if a person
has moved at any time since last
registering to vote even if only
across the street.
Persons who have moved at all
without re-registering should regis­
ter again before October 3, which is
the close of registration for voting
November 3. Failure to do so, will
require the election board to chal­
lenge voters when they come to vote.
Under the new law all voters who
did not receive their voter’s pam­
phlet for the primary election, and
who have not corrected their address
by the close of registration October
3, will not be sent a voter's pam­
phlet for the general election, and
will have their names checked off in
THE FEDERAL Civil Defense hopsftal was Increased Wednesday of last
the poll book to be challenged by
week when additional supplies were received from the depot in Spokane.
the election board when they pre­
Several items required refrigeration storage which is being donated by
sent themselvs to vote at the gener­
Dean's Market. The city of Vernonia Is required to keep the hospital unit
al election.
stored and provide personnel to set up the unit when and where needed.
If they do not vote in the general
Holding cases, from left: Jack Martin, assistant manger, John Miller,
election they will be dropped from
market manager, Cread Morgan, Deans manager, and Bill J. Horn, civil
the list of registered voters without
coordinator for this area.
further notice.
PTA Host to Annual Reception
For District Teachers Monday
Eye Test Date Set
Rule Told on