Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 24, 1964, Image 1

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    Oregon H ÍaV órioál S o c ie ty
235 SW Hárte« S t IL *
P ortlan d, Oregon 97201
P e r i to ti
i a E agle
City Problems
Occupy Council
The Vernonia city council met cil that the regular connection fees
Monday evening for its only Septem­ should be charged for establishing
ber session since a quorum was not
water and sewer service at the
present on the first Monday of the
church being built for the local con­
gregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on
Approval was given for use of the OA hill, but that there be no charge
sidewalks Saturday evening for the for water and sewer use after tne
sidewalk sale planned by the cham­ connection is made, which is a cour­
Vernonia’s gridiron giants kept chance in the waning seconds of the
ber of commerce retail trades com­ tesy extended to churches within
their undefeated record intact last game when they pounced on a War­
mittee. However, the council direct­ the city.
ed that the proposed street dance
Friday evening when they met the renton fumble on their 20. The Log­
The application of Charlie Biggs
should be held on some street other
Warrenton eleven and played that gers got all the way to the 11 but
water service outside the city
than Bridge street.
squad to a 14-14 deadlock in as even lost the ball on downs there.
in Vernonia with the observance of
limits when the Riverview water
A number of items considered per­
Once again Coach Bob Wendell’s
a game as could be found.
the first Moonlight Sale to be held
main is completed was tabled until
The Loggers started out the scor­ main defensive man was Ray Hart­
here under sponsorship of the Ver­ tained to water and sewer connec­ it is determined what effect the ad­
ing when Steele skirted left end zell who made 13 tackles. Hartzell
nonia Chamber of Commerce. Plans tions. Sam Cagle asked information ded services within the city will
from 12 yards out. Bellingham kicked was the main thorn in Warrenton’s
liave been completed under the di­ concerning the sewer connection to have on the present capacity of the
the new home now being built by
the point sending the Loggers into side’ stopping their hard charging
water plant.
rection of the retail trades committee
him on OA hill and contended that
backs time after time. Defensively,
the lead 7-0.
composed of Lloyd Quinn, chairman;
In other action, the council voted
Bill Rundle, Cread Morgan, Doris his opinion was that connection to shingle the balance of the ceme­
At the start of second quarter play, the Loggers looked slightly better
Skidmore and Stona Serafin.
Warrenton took the ball all the way than against Clatskanie, but still
tery house roof and instructed works
The response and cooperation of ing main within approximately 75 superintendent Lee Jessee to obtain
to the locals 12 and scored from that have a way to go, Vernonia’s offen­
Vernonia business people in this
point on a second down pass. Try sive machinery never did get into
service line from property to the an estimate on the cost of replacing
event has been excellent and indi­
for point was good. The rest of se­ high gear, as it was when it played
the city hall steps.
cates the willingness of the mer­ point of connection. Information giv­
cond quarter action was uneventful Clatskanie, and sputtered frequent­
Don Webb, representative of the
chants to work toward bettering
with neither team putting on a good
location an extension of the main was Vernonia Volunteer Fire depart­
trade conditions here and making it
sustained drive.
required and the connection fee ment, submitted an estimate by
win at home this Friday night when
attractive for people to shop at
Third quarter action saw the lo­
Crown Construction Co. of the cost
they meet Rainier on the local turf.
home. There are 39 businesses co­ would be in the $250 bracket.
cal lads get all the way to the coast­
of constructing a hose drying tower
The Columbians are 1 and 1 for the
operating hi the sale.
al lads’ 12, only to fumble with War­
for the fire station. The council ask­
Restaurants and taverns will be­
renton recovering. From that spot
Funeral services were held yester­
ed for more detailed specifications.
Jim Watson of Warrenton made one feat by North Catholic to trounce day, September 22, at the First Pres­ gin their Moonlight observance at
The department also again urged
of the game’s most exciting runs the Banks eleven last week. Vernon­ byterian church in Astoria for Walt­ 6 p.m. with from 6 to 7 p.m. desig­
the establishment of a sinking fund
nated as the happy hour.
when he galloped all the way to the ia, on the other hand, is hungry to
for future replacement of fire equip­
Other businesses will be open
Logger 26 as the third quarter ended. defeat the Rainier eleven who have er Norblad, Republican and Oregon
ment. The m atter is being referred
With but a few seconds gone in administered defeats for two years representative in congress, who died from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m., with many
to the city attorney far advice on
The Vernonia Ambulance has been correct procedure.
the fourth period Warrenton pushed running.
Sunday morning at the Bethesda Na­ placing stock on the sidewalk for
val hospital following a heart attack. sale and others keeping open for cus­ kept very busy the past week or so
over and made the extra counter to
Objections were heard from Mrs.
tomers. Special sale items are to and the problem of available drivers
He was 56 years of age.
send them ahead 14-7. The Warriors
Evelyn Heath in person and Mrs.
then proceeded to kick off and the
Memorial services were held at be found in all businesses, with to answer all of the calls has been Launee Cousins in writing objecting
Loggers took the ball and drove it
11 a.m. Tuesday in Alexandria, Vir­ some of them listed elsewhere in a real one. Many of the runs are to the name Pomona Drive for the
this issue.
made by B. J. Horn and Buck Hear­ Mist route portion of highway 47
right down the middle of the field
ginia, after which the body was flown
Special features of the evening are ing, both of whom have to leave
to score. Holsey was the main cog
to Oregon. Burial was at Stayton in
within the city limits. The council
a style show from 7 to 7:30 p.m.; a their own businesses, many times at
in this series of plays, ripping off
a cemetery near his home.
replied that the street names had
concert by the Vernonia high school inopportune times to do so.
huge chucks of yardage. Try /for
approved at a public hearing
Horn expressed great appreciation and were now being incorporated in
point was good, tying the score 14 Bowling association is scheduled to mer Oregon governor, had served band from 7:30 to 8 p.m.; the stores
open from 8 to 9:30 for the sale and this week for the assistance given city maps.
his state as representative to con­
Vernonia got one more golden o’clock at Dessy’s Bowl according gress for more than 18 years. A con­ a street dance at 9:30 p.m. In case by West Oregon Electric company
In reply to the recommendation
to Ted Bodenhammer, president of
of rain, this event will be held at manager, Guy I. Thomas who made
from the chamber of commerce and
the group. The starting date was set gressional delegation of 10 members the Legion hall.
it possible for one of his employees,
of both parties was chosen to ac­
Sunday at a meeting of bowlers.
Many of the business people w;3 Wilbur Wilson, to make the run last the planning commission that more
company his widow to Oregon for be appropriately clothed in pajamas
public toilet facilities be provided,
The Industrial league will start
week to take Charles Van Alstine to
the final rites. The Norblads son is and nightgowns to add local color
council replied that they consid­
that night and the City league the
a Forest Grove rest home.
a law student at Willamette Univers­ and interest to the event.
ered present facilities sufficient ex­
following evening on October 1 at
Last Thursday night the ambu­
cept at infrequent times when large
7 o’clock. Both leagues will attempt ity-
lance was called to take the year
crowds are present and cited the
Governor Mark Hatfield ordered
Glen D. Carter aquatic biologist to organize with five-man teams.
old daughter of the Frank Steeles to
difficulty of maintaining such facil­
flags flown at half m ast on all pub­
for the Oregon state sanitary author­
Bowlers who wish to take part are
ities because of their susceptibility
ity, in a reply to inquiries concern­ asked to contact either Bodenham- lic buildings in Oregon until after
ing night, it was used to take George
to vandalism.
ing reasons for cancellation of the er or Ed Ade, secretary of the as­ the funeral.
Elbble to the Veterans hospital in
hearing on pollution of the Nehalem sociation. They emphasize that boys
A final audit and accounting re­
Portland after which Archie Dass
river by waste m atter from the Em­ under 18 years of age may bowl if
was taken to the Forest Grove hre- ceived from the federal public health
pire Lite-rock company plant, stated they have the written consent of then-
Rev. Carl DeMott, 72-year-old re­ iptal for treatment of injuries re­ service relative to construction of
in letters directed to the Vernonia parents.
tired clergyman, passed away early ceived when his car wrecked on the sewage t r e a t m e n t lagoon
Eagle and to Robert King, president
showed the cost participation of the
The rules for play remain the same
Tuesday morning at his home at Mist route.
of the Rod and Gun club, that com­
federal authority to be $54,300, or one
108 B street in Vernonia. He had been
pany officials had come to an agree­ as last year and the price for three
third of the total cost. Hie final fed­
Dr. Robert E. Ransmeier, Portland in failing health for several years.
ment and signed a stipulation bind­ lines for league play is $2.25. The al­
eral payment was for $1,890.
ing them legally to abate the pollu­ leys have been leveled and refinished psychiatrist and newly - employed
Funeral services will be held Fri­
The city recorder was instructed
tion, therefore making the hearing and the machines have been re- consultant of the Columbia County day at 2 p.m. at the EUB church
to ask the state highway department
Mental Health Clinic, spoke at the
to extend the 25-mile speed zone to
Mental Health advisory board meet­ with the Fuiten - Friesen Mortuary
A copy of the agreement signed
the north city limits on highway 47.
ing at the Scappoose high school on Chapel in charge of arrangements.
states that “the Empire Lite-Rock
The Vernonia ,IV football team
The roof of the bank building was
Immediate survivors include a son, won their first game of the season
Monday evening, September 14. He
Inc. will continue to refrain from the
reported to be in good repair and
Dan DeMott of Anchorage and two last Monday when they traveled to the bank’s head office was to be so
use of water in crushing operations
help troubled people establish satis­ daughters, Ruth Marie DeMott, Spo­ Banks and defeated the Braves 19-18.
or in any other manner or type of
factory two-way communication.
operation from which unclarified
Coach Bill Howard’s club scored
kane, and Mrs. Betty Gebby of Bur­
Underground electric lines are to
The next meeting of the mental
wash or other water is or may be
the first time they got their hands be placed in Anderson perk for trail­
The deadline for filing for city
discharged or allowed to seep into offices is just one week away and health advisory board will be at the
on the ball with Ken Vealey going er connection and Fisher Electric is
the waters of this state, particularly only one nominating petition has high school in St. Helens on Monday,
over for the score on a quarterback to be asked to make the installation.
November 9. George C. Dimas of the
Castor Creek and the Nehalem river,
been filed to date, according to in­
Bear creek drainage was reported
and further agrees to operate its in­ formation supplied by City Recorder alcohol rehabilitation program will
The JVs ran up two more touch­
to need attention and works superin­
be invited to speak. The public is
dustrial operation, plant site, quarry
downs in the third period with Ger­
Walter Linn Wednesday of this week. invited.
tendent Lee Jeasee was asked to
and yard in such a manner that mud,
ald Ceballos scoring twice, one on a
Vacancies to be filled at the No­
check it and have needed cleaning
raw earth or other polluting sub­
60-yard punt return and the other done.
vember 3 election are that of mayor,
stances will not be discharged, car­
two councilmen and city treasurer.
curb installa­
ried or allowed to seep into the afore­
The JV team is made up of 14
The mayor is to be elected for a
plans for the opening of the Coffee fresmen and 8 sophomores. The tion was reported to be ready for
said waters.”
two-year term and the office is now
The Columbia Area Council of the Break lunch room in the Croeni freshmen are: Larry Elton, Les For- pouring of concrete and is being de­
The agreement signed further pro­ held by Dr. T. M. Hobart. The coun­
Parent - Teacher association
layed pending need of additional
vided that the Lite - Rock company cil positions are four-year terms and
building next to the Quinn insurance cier, Steve Hemeon, Paul Hytrek,
shall abate permanently by March the positions are now held by L. E. will hold a workshop, October 5, at office and stated this week that it Karl Koch, Randy Larson, Randy concrete to make a full load. An es­
the Grant Watts school in Scappoose.
Nightwine, Ed Burton, Tim Conroy, timate of the cost of curbing for
1, 1965 all pollution in any many of Atkins and L. E. Stiff.
This workshop, an all-day meeting, is will be open Saturday evening as a and Wade Von Heeder. The sopho­ the one block of Umatilla street be­
waters in the state, particularly the
A treasurer is to be elected for a open to all PTA members. All who part of the Moonlight Sale promo­
mores are: Gary Hanson, A1 Bruns- tween Rose avenue and First ave­
two streams mentioned above.
two-year term, and Mrs. Mona Gor­ can do so are urged to attend this tion of the chamber of commerce.
Curt Poetter, Gerald Ceballos, nue was placed at approximately
The agreement was signed Sep­ don has filed a petition seeking re- meeting. Those planning to attend
Her grand opening will be October LaVern Von Heeder, Ken Vealey, $700 and the proportionate share of
tember 10 by the sanitary authority election to that office.
from the local PTA please call eith­
each of the properties affected, $175.
Rodney Price ar/d Steve Baggs.
officials and the Empire Lite-Rock
Persons who aspire to any oi these er Richard Jones, president, at 543- 1 when free coffee will be served
An agreement was reached to con­
The next JV game will be at home
company officers.
offices may get petition forms at the 2219 or Mrs. Barbara Spillman, sec­ all day. Additional details will be against the Rainier JVs on Monday tinue the practice of letting the
retary, at 543-6687.
carried in next week’s paper
city hall which must be signed by
house in Anderson park be occupied
night, September 28 at 6:00 p.m.
the required number of voters who
rent free by someone who will act
live within the city and filed with the
as caretaker for the park. It at
recorder by Friday, October 2, which
present is vacant, since the Hytrek
is the required 30 days prior to the
family moved from it to the form­
er Caywood place east of Rock
Residents of the areas annexed to
creek. Also, the city will seek re­
The last link in the designated
the city this past year are remindeo
lease of the house at the park from
Highway 99 Alternate road became
that they are now eligible to seek
The Vernonia PTA this week ex­ dinner for members of the Delta
Rudi Thrau. national school assem­ the county tax rolls.
a part of the state highway system
city offices.
tended a special invitation to all Kappa Gamma sorority, an educa­ bly speaker and world traveler, en­
Payment of bills for the month
Wednesday of last week when rep­
parents, business people and others tion honorary, which held its meet­ tertained the Lions and their wives occupied the remainder of the meet­
resentatives of the Highway 99 Al­
interested in the schools of district ing here and was attended by mem­ Monday evening as a part of their ing which was adjourned at 10:05
ternate Road association met with
47J to attend the annual reception bers from other places. There were ladies night program. He sang songs The next meeting will be October 5.
the Columbia county court at St.
for teachers which will be held Mon­ 42 persons served and the executive in various languages accompanied
Helens and obtained their agreement
day evening, September 28 in the committee expressed appreciation to by his guitar.
to sign a deed to that portion of the
high school auditorium.
members who helped prepare and
A German band comprised of high
road extending from Oak Ranch
students played several num­
creek 12 miles toward Rainier on
A program has been arranged to
After a considerable interval with­
the Apiary road.
provide something different and in­ who donated food. Their thanks al­ bers and a medley of patriotic songs
out any calk, the Vernonia fire de­
so was extended to Marsha and Car­ were sung by Don Jackson and Ro­
Representatives of the association partment was called twice in the ter erting which will make attendance
olyn Krieger for their help.
bert Sargent to round out the ban­
who negotiated the agreement with past week.
Sen. Maurine Neuberger has can­
The committee also announced that quet program which was attended by
tunity to meet the teachers and get
the county court were Homer Waltz,
Last Wednesday evening, they
her scheduled speech and din­
Forest Grove, association president; were called to the Charlie Biggs
John Jensen presented an award­ ner appearance at St. Helens Thurs­
are urged to take advantage of this mark the start of the Savings Stamp
Guy I. Thomas. Vernonia, vice-pres­
place on Mist route where they
program for this school year. Stamps winning scrap book to past president day because of legislative commit­
ident and treasurer; and directors. found brush being burned on a state opportunity
will go on sale Monday at both the Joey Acaiturri to be retained by the ments in Washington, D.C.
State Representative Hugh McGilvra, permit and under control.
The PTA executive board met
She was to have spoken at a St.
Lincoln and Washington schools and local Lions club.
Forest Grove and Bill Janvrin, Rai­
Mooday evening of this week, a Monday to complete plans for this children are encouraged to take part
The first regular meeting of the Helens high school student assembly
chimney fire at the Frank Lange event and to outline other plans for in this worthwhile program. The local club will be Monday, October and then dined with Columbia county
The court acted on the advice ot home called them out No damage the PTA year.
stamps will be on sale every Mon­ 5 in the Vernonia fire hall at 6:30 citisens at a no-host buffet in the
District Attorney David Williamson. resulted.
Last Saturday, the PTA served a day throughout the school year
Loggers Undefeated, Schedule
Rainier Game Here Friday
_________ THURSDAY, SEPT, 24, 1964
Trade Group
Prepares Sale
For Saturday
Norblad Rites
Held Yesterday
Calls Answered
By Ambulance
Bowling Starts
Next Wednesday
Action Taken on
River Pollution
Death Claims
Carl DeMott
Health Board
Hears Doctor
JVs Conquer
Banks Braves
Last Date to
File October 2
Coffee Break
To Open Soon
Council Slates M eet
Court Agrees
To Road Change
PTA Asks Attendance at Annual
Teacher Reception Next Monday
Firemen Get
Calls Twice
Lions Begin
Fall Season
Appearance of
Senator OH