Oernonia Eagic 8______ THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1964 Kennedys Leave For N ew Home NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. Kit Kennedy left early Friday morning for their new home in Dora, Missouri. Mrs. Eva Pringle accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. Titus, drove to Roseburg Thursday of last week for a reunion with the Jack Smith fam­ ily. Mrs. Smith is another daughter of Mrs. Titus. Present were grand­ children and great grandchildren Mrs. Titus had not seen for some time. They returned home Friday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beerman and four children of Enterprise, Anna Beerman and Mrs. M. Hanson of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peterson and three children of Vancouver. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Tupper were Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dee and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and family spent the week end at Sil­ verton with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and family of Longview visited her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass, Sunday. Helping Judy Grant celebrate her birthday Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. K. Tupper and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Kit Kennedy who en- oyed birthday cake and ice cream. Couple Visits Here Enroute to Nebraska MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bliss returned from spending the summer in Alaska and visited at the Ray Garlock home several days recently, enroute to Lincoln, Nebraska where he will be attending college this year. Mr. and Mrs. Garlock and Mary were in Clatskanie and Delena Labor Day visiting at the Vivian Kar­ vonen and Paul Thompson homes. Mike Totten will remain at the Lloyd Garlock home this coming school year and has enrolled as a freshman at Vernonia high. Mrs. Garlock was in Portland Sunday to see an uncle that has been quite ill. Guests at the Charles Sundlands during the Labor Day week end were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobble of Portland. Monday Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Marvin visited the Sundlands. Attendance Small At Helping Circle Meet Larsons Visit Coast Fam ilies BIRKENFELD—Saturday Mr. ana Mrs. Fred Larson, Debra, Donnie, Terry Larson and Laura Floeter went to the coast. They visited with the Delmar Jepson and Jim Garlock families and called at the Buddy Larson home at Netarts. Mrs. Arnold Olson and Mrs. Smith of Clatskanie visited with Mrs. Arby Mills last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom went to Monmouth Friday evening to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen. They also took in the state fair, then re­ turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells of Tigard visited at the G. P. Wanstrom home Sunday. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wanstrom and Hank Robinson at­ tended the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey Jr. and family of Dallas spent Labor Day Keno 4 0 H our week end with his folks, Mr. and ALARM CLOCK Mrs. Fred Udey. Mrs. Udey also had her mother with her over the Large easy-read dial, bell alarm . Single key wind, week end. She is not very well. Al­ rich Ivory color. (WJ 1399-3) so visiting the Udeys were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hanning and family of > Cannon Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Lagus of Warrenton. C O A S T TO COAST STOR ES ST snt£ Super Inner frame, 4 corner post construction, 21 x26 x 11**. Choose Pink, White or Y ello w . (FS0027-4-FS0029-2? Ray cine HAIRCUTTING SET With high carbon steel clipper bladesl Clipper case, 4 attachments, forged steel shears. Comb and instruc­ tions. (WJ0730-3) 4-SPEED PHONOGRAPH SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES Special on Shotgun Shells Dinnerware Sets. Reg. 45-Piece Set Melmac $18.95 $-J J 97 Now ................ £ 4 4'* front mounted speaker, dual controls for volume, tone. Turn-over cartridge, 2 sapphire needles. (M F0300-3) White or Colored R ealtone 6 T ran sisfo r F IN E F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R •1 7 9 ’ 88< FRIGIDAIRE Regularly $1.49 Ho» five sewed seams for extra durability. Fine quality com broom. Easy to arip handle. A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $-j 29 Model FD 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. capa­ city, 30” width, 59% ” height, 71-lb. zero zone freezer. Automatic de­ frosting refrigerator section. Snowcrest White $ O iA /A 9 5 only.......................... 299 $£*89 M SEAT AND COVER Garbage Cans 20-Gal. 31-Gal. Size Now Only .. F u ll mirror, pin-bin. Large bouffant bonnet, plastic leather-tone case. 5-positl> on heat, control. (WS0294-0) BROOM 9x12 Plastic Surface Rugs E le c tri c Regularly $14.95 U t ilit y HOUSEHO LD Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square $ -| 59 Troy Portable HAIR DRYER & ELECTRIC • e g $8 .95 Philharmonic UPRIGHT HAMPER HARDW ARE ENDS THIS WEEK 8 P ie c e * • » $8.95 H aw keye Large BRUNSMAN Biltwell Sofa Bed and Rocker Set Ladies Attend Bridal Shower MIST—Mrs. Walter Mathews, Mrs. Robert Mathews, Mrs. George Math­ ews and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were in St. Helens Thursday evening to at­ tend the bridal shower for Sheryll Tarbell. Miss Tarbell and Robert Mathews are to be married Satur­ day. The Mist - Birkenfeld Home Exten- will meet September 18 instead of the regular second Friday for the month of September only. The meet­ ing will start at 1:30 and will be an organizational meeting for the com­ ing year. Members are to remind others who are interested of the change and everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served. A plaids and stripes sewing workshop is to be worked out as well as pos­ sibly a re-upholstery workshop. Mrs. Fred Busch accompanied by Mrs. Virginia Hansen were in Port­ land Thursday to meet Mrs. Busch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wil­ son of Seal Beach, California. Sun­ day the Buschs and their guests were in Hillsboro at Shute Park for a Busch family reunion. Later in the day the Busch family enjoyed roller skating. Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey will en­ tertain the Mist Helping Circle at her home September 24. Everyone is welcome. The August meeting was held at Mrs. Ira Peterson’s place with five members and the hostess present. 'Q ' SIMMONS Slum ber King Innei -Spring M attress and Box Springs ? 1 Q 9 5 Price, each * «7 Heavy ^ s p r a y e d enamel finish on molded hardwood. Solid plastic hinge. Choose from 7 colarsl (P E 0112-5- PE0120-5) Beauty Rest Inner Spring M attress and Box $ fJQ 5 0 Springs, Each I «7 RADIO Metalcraft 7-Pc. Dinette Set. Reg. $ Z ? Q 95 $79.95 — Only O « 7 G oulds balanced flo w sh a llo w w e ll system. No tank, no extras. Now $ O nly 1048S Big 52 Gallon Silver S ta i Electric WATER MFATER (Held from last week) 1.88 NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mist Helping Circle met Thursday with Mrs. Ira Peterson. A small group • (MwUe* taf T U m M I C rystal turned out but enjoyed their pot • 1 hMeretoe T-tf| • Advanced Circultryl Batteries — • Tone-True 2'4” speaker! “ TWIST” $ CasfM» f in s lined luck dinner and business meeting. 15 Mo. Guar. • • 4 « I. Het vatee • Earphone, Batleryl The hostess box was awarded to Mrs. leatm tly. 10 y«ev Exchange___ FIXTURE • Casel (M E0106-0) Werre aty. Bessie Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Sandra attended St. Pauls Lutheran Guests Entertained church in Portland Sunday. After­ Devines Attend Rites wards they were dinner guests of By Several Families For Cousin on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolff. They also MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baill- MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine called on Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pall- MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leppa ett of Bly have been visiting at the viny in Portland. were in Portland Monday evening and Curtis of Duluth, Minnesota were (Held from last week) BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kyser, Myrtle Mathews and week end guests at the Charles Han­ on business. Tuesday morning they Maude Rogers homes during the Fred Stinchfield spent Labor day sen home. Sunday visitors were Mr. NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and were in Clatskanie to attend the fun­ past week. Mrs. Vivian Wickstrom of and Mrs. Ken Justus and children week end at Elk Lake. Eugene was a week end visitor Mrs. Kit Kennedy, Mrs. Laura Car­ eral of Mrs. Devine’s cousin, John Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham flew at their homes, also. of Creswell. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford michael and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Larson. Sam was or« of the pall Salmi and Lois and Mrs. William to Prineville Saturday morning to Mrs. Alvin Wright of Manzanita Lindsay were dinner guests of Mr. Jones of Clatskanie were also visi­ join the Ted Bellingham family who was a visitor over the Labor Day and Mrs. Noble Dunlap Sunday, Au­ bearers. Einar Danielson of Forest Grove called the Devines Sunday tors at the Charles and Norman Han­ were on a skiing trip. Art flew to week end with her mother, Mrs. gust 30. as did Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtzell Astoria first and picked up April sen homes over the week end. Saturday breakfast guests of Mr. and children of Portland, enroute to Bess Mathews and family. David re­ Guests at the Wayne Kyser home Bellingham who flew there with turned with her to enter school. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff August 29 were the coast. Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard and Labor Day were Mr. and Mrs. Albert them. her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Marvin of Knappa were Labor Day Guests at the George Mathews Blount and family of Vernonia. Mrs Dinner guests of Shirley Berg home during the week were the Ken­ and Mrs. Roscoe Babb of Moscow, Blount also visited the Hugh Coxes. Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. neth Tuppers, Mrs. Lucille McCrone, Idaho who were guests of Mr. and visitors and Mrs. Stunkard accom­ panied the Hirtzell family back to Dorsey Tuttle became ill last Sun­ Sulo Sanders, Dale, Rosemerri and and the Vic Bergs. Mrs. E. Frank in Vernonia. Mr. and Portland. day evening in church with a heart Leslie Sanders and Ann Ramsey. Mrs. Marvin Turner, Tom and Su­ Miss Rosemerri Sanders left for attack. He was taken to the hospital Francis Larson accompanied Don sie of Hood River were overnight Greenville, S. C. Saturday to attend in Forest Grove Tuesday morning and Glen Meier to Portland Satur­ guests of the Wolffs and Sunday the Bob Jones College. and brought home Thursday. He is day evening to see the ball game. Babbs and Turners enjoyed dinner Mrs. A1 Schlehuber was called to much better but has to make fre­ Sam Samuelson and boys also at­ with the Wolffs. Oakland, California the latter part quent trips to the doctor. tended I t’s a wonderful feeling to know Mrs. Bessie Hershey erf Portland of August due to the critical illness you’ve got the kind of auto Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott of War­ visited Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Her­ of her mother. She arrived home RIVERVIEW—Those attending tile shey this week end. Mr. and Mrs. insurance you can count on in renton called on the Francis Larsons Wednesday and states her mother is New Arrival Prompts an emergency . . . if trouble Friday evening. They came in the Couples Conference at Castle Rock Hal Vicars and sons of Portland better. Raymond Schlehuber also Visit to La Grande should pop up around home interest of their trailer house which over the week end were Mr. and called on the Hersheys Friday ev­ returned home after visiting his sis­ or even while you’re on a trip has been parked here. Mrs. Elliott’s Mrs. Everett Brown and children, ening. (Held from last week) ter and family at Pollock Pines, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wantland and across the country. Quality in­ Mrs. Ellen Devine and Mrs. Max California. NATAL - PITTSBURG - DeeVeere brother-in-law and a friend are here children and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Oblaek were luncheon guests of Mrs. surance of this nature is the Hershey and son Dee drove to La getting it in shape to move to Ne­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham Weller and sons of Stoney Point. Ted Gearnhart at Hillsboro Thurs­ of Portland were visitors at the only type we handle, so see Grande and brought Mrs. Hershey vada. Mrs. Glenn Mitchell spent Sunday day. A1 Berg made a business trip to home Wednesday of last week. She us today. Shalmon Libel home Sunday. at the home of her daughter and had been spending a week there get­ Portland Wednesday of last week. family, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schatz, at Roger Berg spent the week end ting acquainted with her granddaugh­ Scappoose. ter. Shelli. new daughter of Mr. and here with relatives. Penny Harpster of Montesano, Mrs. Mike Mullins. Washington spent the week end vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were iting at the home of her parents. Mr. Mother and Brother recent callers of Mrs. Lillie Hender­ VERNONIA INSURANCE and Mrs. Carson Strong. On Sunday son of Portland. Attend Wedding Riles she took her sisters. Vickie and Mel­ Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview EXCHANGE Monday, Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Gene Lar­ ody, to the state fair and to visit "Where Your Money Buy« More" A t the M ile Bridge Hershey and Dee accompanied by son and Marvin returned home by another sister and husband. Mr. and Phone HA 9-6203 Mrs Albert Childs drove to Beaver­ plane from Ayer, Mass. Saturday ev­ Mrs. Jim Rash. ALWAYS — Top Quality ton and visited Mr. Childs who is ening. Wayne and Vonnie Johnson Mrs. Grace Peachey returned 905 Bridge Street staying over there for awhile. were married Friday evening at a home Saturday evening after spend­ ALWAYS — Best Prices Recent callers of Mr and Mrs chapel on the base at Fort Devens. ing two weeks at Camp Ghormley Max Oblaek were Mr. and Mrs. They are living in an apartment and near Naches, Washington, assisting R epm en tin g ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery Hartford Accident and Ralph George and two grandchil­ their address is 15% Third St.. Ayer, in the kitchen at the Pioneer Girls Indemnity Company M dren of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mass. camp. Member Hartford w.«n Wallace and children of Molalla and —From your home-owned, independent grocery_ Insurance Group Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Condit and Visitors over the long week end Mrs. Jim Hirtzel of Portland. Hartford 15, Conn. family of Portland spent a couple ot at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were days last week at the home of Mr. Snook were their son and family. SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING Hillsboro visitors Tuesday of last and Mrs E. T. Johnston The men Mr and Mrs. Joe Snook and five week. did some pigeon hunting. children of Portland Visitors Here From Minnesota You’ll drive more confidently with Quality Insurance BILL J, HORN Fam ily Meets At Ski Area Group Dines at N. Dunlap Home Three Couples Attend M eeting KING’S Grocery-Market