* Union Honors . Vet Members . • Twenty-seven veteran members of Local 3-14, International Woodwork­ ers of America, were honored by the union at a dinner at the Victory House restaurant at Tillamook Sat­ urday, August 8. Service pins marking 25 years or more membership in the IWA were pcq$e«ted to the men. Their wjves also ,were.guests at the dinner, Among those who received a pin was A. F. Hartung, Portland .inter­ national president of the IWA since 1951. Before becoming a full-time of­ ficer of the union, Hartung worked for many years as a logger in the Vernonia area. Although a few are retired, most of the veterans wno received pins still work as loggers and in sawmills in the local union area, which ex­ tends from Forest Grove to Tilla­ mook. All are dues-paying members of Local 3-14. In addition to those at the dinner, 33 ether members are eligible for the service pins and will receive them from the local union. Pins were presented by Willis P. Carver, business agent, and Lloyd Davidson, vice-president of Local 3-14. Those present at the dinner to get service pins were: A. F. Hartung, Edward P. Kellar, F. J. Smith, R. Lee Johnson, Ralph Sutor, Harry T. Fellows, Harry Clark, Samuel Anderson, Albert E. Schedwin, Guy Tiffney, E. G. Ander­ son, Don Applegate, Joseph B. Car­ ter, Oreste Bemardi, Frank Lange, James G. Cox Jr., Raymond R. East­ er, Glen W. Gibson, August Hilbers, Fred McEachern, Maurice A. Van Loo, V. A. Warland, C. E. Buckner, Thurman DeHart, Chester Anderson, Marlin Engle and Clarence Black­ burn. Two Attend Meeting Of FT A a i Ashland Christine Bender and Kathy Min- ger attended the FTA (Future Teachers of America! ctihvention in Ashlatid last week. They stayed at Southern Oregon College and at tended meetings an teaching. They were also able to attend the Shake­ speare Festival. They saw three plays and enjoyed them very much. Carol Brunsman attended an earli­ er convention at Monmouth in July. The girls expressed their thanks to the many merchants who helped them raise money to go. Don’t overlook your need for INCOME INSURANCE "i* l i Your ability to earn is one of your most important assets— don't leavg it uninsured. Ask about one of our “Income Pro­ tection” plans that can assure you of a regular weekly income when you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Costs less than you think—and it tan save you a lot! BILL J, HORN VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Phone HA 9-6203 1; 905 Bridge Street Barlles Serving on Salisbury Sound R ussells to R etire H ere Mr. and Mrs. ¿paries Justice 40th W edding » D ate Observed Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice gathered Sun­ day at Anderson Park to observe the Justice’s 40th wedding anniver­ sary with dinner and an anniversary cake prepared for the occasion. Guests were present from as far away as Alaska and a surprise for the day was the arrival of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Justice from San Bruno, California. People from elsewhere who were present included: Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ cus Brown and daughter of Hermis­ ton; Mr .and Mrs. Bill Sharp, Palm­ er, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. Orland Boorman (aunt of Mrs. Justice» and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Davis and daugh­ ter (cousin of Mrs. Justice, all from Scholls; Mr .and Mrs. Douglas Goert- zen and two children, Scappoose; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Justice and three sons and Mrs. Ethel Meeker, all from Port­ land; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Peterson (sister ol Mrs. Justice), Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Peterson and son (nephew of Mrs. Justice), and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Peterson and three sons (ne­ phew of Mrs. Justice!, all .from Bux­ ton. 15 A ttend M eet, Enjoy Sw im At the close of the 11 o’clock wor­ ship hour service Sunday morning, August 16, a coffee break will be held at the Church of the Nazarene located on 3rd street. This is to hon­ or Rev. and Mrs. Harry Russell. Ml old acquaintances and many friends also pastors and members of the other churches in town are invited to come to welcome the Russells back to Vernonia after an absence of nine years. Rev. Russell has finished a very successful pastorate at Coos Bay where he erected one of the finest churches in the denomination and the Oregon Pacific District. The Russells have bought the Ben Smith house at 1228 Bridge street. Having retired from the active mini­ stry, the Russells plan to make it their home. All will be welcome to attend the morning service in their honor, or to drop in for a greeting and a cup of coffee after church. SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! Laurence W. Bartles, shipfitter third class, USN, 9on of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartles of Timber Route, is a crewmember of the seaplane ten­ der USS Salisbury Sound O()erating in Alaska waters. Salisbury Sound provides supply and other support to long range re­ connaissance seaplanes. Her crewmembers will have an op- portunit yto visit Haines, Juneau and Sitka, Alaska. 1 ' ono . 1954 Graduates Plan For Reunion Saturday The reunion of the 1954 class of Vernonia high school will be held Sat­ urday evening at 7:30 at Dessy’s. Those planning to attend are asked to notify Mrs. Richard Gwin by call­ ing HA 9-5752. The charge will be $2 a plate. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1964 5 Lei's Gel Acquainted! Do you know this man? Bom December 25, (what lady tells the year» in Columbus, Mississippi. Married in 1942 in Louisville, Missis­ sippi. Came to Vernonia in 1943. Has four children. Is employed locally. Is arirve in church work. Is a member of a local loilge' lh which Shb hits gone thru the chairs1. (Information supplied by J. W Nichols. » ’c Answer to August 6 quiz: Sam Hear­ ing III. Dairy sour cream is a velvety, firm, tangy flavored treat made by adding a selected lactic acid produc­ ing culture to cream. 49 th COLUMBIA COUNTY TIMBER — The local fire depart­ ment met Wednesday evening at the Roy May home. All members were present. Meeting was called to order by President Walter Bacon, minutes read by Secretary Winifred Culoha and pictures were shown by Fire Chief Fred Brehm of a practice burn­ ing of a house donated to the Forest Grove fire department. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dockery and fa­ mily of Fortuna, California and Mrs. Dorothy Brooks and daughter of Portland spent Sunday, August 2, at the parental Bert Dockery home. From here, Ed and family went to Garibaldi bo visit brothers. Rev. and Mrs. Parisho returned Monday from a week’s vacation spent with their children and families at Crater Lake. There were 32 pre­ sent. Sunday, they held open air sn Welcomed Sunday At Tuality Hospital Oernonia Eagle 10c