TOPICS OF THE TOWN Billy, Freddie, Richard and Jess John and Rose Marie Siedelman Hall of Madras are here visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Killingberg, and dad, Bill Hall, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Killing- berg drove to Madras last Saturday to get them. attended and took part in the horse show and rodeo at Long Beach, Washington last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Emery Mellinger of LaGrande were here last Thursday, along with Mrs. May Mellinger of Clatskanie, to see Cleve Mellinger, Emery Mellinger’s uncle. Callers at the Jake Van Zee home last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Rowe of Tillamook and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Manford Oman of Scap­ poose. FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE - FURTHER REDUCTIONS, 30% or more, on dresses, blouses, skirts, ca­ pirò, knit tops. Fabrics *N Fashions. 33tlc Aretha Ritz was taken suddenly to Tuality hospital a few days ago. The length of stay has not been deter­ mined. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harders and sons, Dickie, Billie and Freddie of Aberdeen, Washington, were over­ night guests at the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Harders. Other week end callers were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haynes of Oswego. Home from a ten-day vacation are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckland who returned Saturday. They visited rela­ tives in North Platte and Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, among whom was a bro­ ther-in-law who has been ill for some time. They stopped enroute in Colo­ rado to visit Mrs. Eckland’s sister who lives on a beautiful typical Colo­ rado ranch. Another stop was made in Idaho to look after property in­ terests. They report encountering very hot weather on the entire trip atfer leaving Pendleton. In spite of the heat they had a very enjoyable trip but home looked good when they returned and they can appreciate cool Oregon much more now. YARDAGE CLEARANCE - one week only: Reg. 69c yd. to $1.98 yd. NOW 45c to $1.30 yd. Fabrics ’N Fashions. 33tlc Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange visit­ ed Mr. W. J. Lilly at the Masonic home in Forest Grove on Friday. They took Mr. Lilly with them to Hillsboro to the Harmony guest home whjere they visited with W. 0. Por­ terfield and Mrs. Tressie Michener who reside there. . Mr. and Mrs. Thurman DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange and Guy Tiffney went to Tillamook last Satur­ day to attend a banquet given by the 1WA. The men received their 25- year membership pins. The wives all received lovely carnation corsages. They met several farmer Vernonia residents. The dinner was enjoyed and the weather was perfect for an enjoyable short trip to the beach. Guy Tiffney wan DATES to Remember THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 12/95* 12/95’ Chicken Noodle No. 2V4 Can L I IMUUN ‘ TRANSIT M IX 3 /9 5 c 5 /$ l 55c Libby’s Deep-Brown No. 2 ‘/z Tins BEU-PEPPERS O Rock Hudson 43 POTATOES— 10-Lbs. D A T A T A IT ITU I A I U O MAN'S FAVORITE ’ SPORT’ ,r 1 U.S. No. 1 Clues Offered For Freezing Museum open 1 to 5 p.m MONDAY. AUGUST 17 City council - City hall, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Post 119 - Legion hall. 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 Vernonia Gem and Fossil club - fire hall, 8:00 p.m. Veterans Service Officer - city hall. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge - I OOF hall. 8:00 p.m. American Legion Auixliary - Legion hall. 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1$ Museum open 1 to 5 p.m. SUNDAY. AUGUST 16 Vernonia Society picnic - Anderson park. Noon Museum open 1 to 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19 Goodwill truck makes calls here. delicious cargo o f C h u g peaches, pineapple, prunes, pears, straw berries, and raisins. Easy? J u st p lace a m olded carton o f dairy-fresh c o tta g e ch eese in th e c e n t e r ,. . the port hole# are olives and the m ast is a carrot stick . And rem em ber, your C ottage Cheese Salad Boat carries a cargo o f h ea lth , too. I t ’s loaded w ith m ilk ’s protein and lo ts o f n atural n ou rish m en t. S o .. . DARIGOLD FARMS