Oerttonia Eagle Many Visit at Sundland Home Family Spends Week End Fishing; Visiting Unique Class Will Be Given MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and family were in Pacific City Sat­ urday. That evening the Busch fami­ MIST — Guests at the Charles ly was overnight guest at the Bud Sundland home during the week were The 4-H participants in this year's Howry home at Grande Ronde. Sun­ Oregon state fair, September 4 to Mrs. R. Roberts and Larry of San day, Bud, Billy, Fred, Mike and 12, will chalk up another education­ Mark went out over the bar fishing. Bernardino, California; the Arby al ’’first” when they enter their live­ The group brought back fish. Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Elsa Knowles and Ber­ stock in a unique carcass evaluation Busch states Mrs. Howry and Susan nard Dowling. Don Sundland and class, according to Cal Monroe, Ore­ left Sunday morning with other mem­ Bernard had a long visit. Don and gon State University, state 4-H ex­ bers of her family for a visit to wife left for a few days visit at Lake tension agent. Tahoe. Saturday visitors were Mr. Kansas. In a departure from the tradition­ and Mrs. Earl Bachelor of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Art Farnsworth of al method of awarding prizes to ani­ QUESTION: We have just recently Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobble and Portland visited Sunday with the adopted a child who was receiving mals for their appearance “on the Mrs. May Tourney of Portland, and George Mathews family and her mo­ hoof,” 4-H club members who wish social security. We’d be interested Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen of Ver­ ther, Mrs. Bessie Mathews and fami­ in knowing how the adoption may af­ to do so can enter their animals in nonia were at the Sundland home ly. Mrs. Alvin Wright of Manzanita the carcass evaluation class where fect this payment. We are not re­ returned home over the week end Sunday. they will be judged according to lated to the parents of this child. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds were and after being here with her mo­ ANSWER: The adoption of a child their actual meat value. in Portland Monday to help Mrs. Ro­ According to Monroe, this is the ther for the last two weeks. by a non-relative will terminate the Mrs. John Crawford was in Hills­ bert Doty celebrate her birthday. child’s entitlement to benefits. A first time that such a class has been offered at state fair for all classes boro Monday on business. Rosemerri Relatives from Sutherlin and Port­ child adopted by an aunt, uncle, Sanders was a guest of the Craw­ land were at the Doty home to help step-parent or grandparent after the of meat animals. The class will be make the occasion a happy one. somewhat similar to the carcass fords Saturday. death of the worker would not termi­ Bernard Dowling has been spend­ nate benefits to which the child had classes recently inaugurated at the The Sam Devines were in Clats­ ing several days with his father and Portland International Livestock Ex­ already become entitled. kanie Thursday to attend the funeral sister while Mrs. Dowling is visiting position. of Mrs. Johnny Holmes. The Devines QUESTION: I have been living at The cattle, sheep and hog carcass were in Portland Friday evening. in Missouri with relatives. the same address since I got my so­ evaluation classes will be open to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon and fa­ Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. cial security card 10 years ago. I animals owned by any 4-H member. STATE TU B ER C U LO SIS Ted Gernhart of Hillsboro and Einar mily and his mother, Mrs. Rhoda will be moving next month. How do I The animals also may be entered Hemeon left on vacation for Boston, hospital of the u . o . Danielson of Forest Grove. go about changing my address with in the showmanship contest prior to MEDICAL SCHOOL IS THE ONLY Massechussetts early Saturday morn­ social security? Mrs. Lawton Waddell was in St. HOSPITAL IN OREGON DEDICATED the carcass exhibit if the owners ing. ANSWER: You are not required to Helens Monday to visit with Mrs. TO PATIENTS W ITH T 0 . THIS SALEM Mrs. Archie Horgan accompanied F A C IL IT Y RENDERS AN IMPORTANT report such a change of address un­ wish to do so. George Peterson and family Satur­ An evaluation of the live animals SERVICE TO A L L O p E & O N lA N S .. Mr. Horgan back to her home in less you are receiving social security day evening. The Waddells were at will be held September 9 at 4 p.m. benefits. Beaver Homes to attend Pomona Hayward, California over the week All breeds will show together. Ani­ end after visiting her son, Dave QUESTION. When I got married, I Grange. mals will then be taken to Mount The Timber Helping Crawford and family the past week. told my husband I was two years Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hamlick and Angel for slaughter, and the carcas­ Hands Hold Meeting younger than I actually am. Now family from near Rainier were din­ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Normand and fa­ ses judged and displayed Septem­ that we are making our claim for TIMBER — The Timber Helping ner guests Saturday at the Ray Gar- mily were guests of the Crawfords ber 12 at 9 a m. John Landers, OSU social security, will he find out I lied Sunday afternoon. lock home. Hands club met last Tuesday with animal science specialist, will super­ to him? vise the carcass evaluation exhibit. MIST — Pastor Bryce Bartruff of Mrs. Bea Kimble. Mrs. Bert Dockery ANSWER: Not unless you want The new state fair class is in line the American Sunday School assoc­ was a guest. A pot luck lunch was him to. You may arrange to be inter­ with the continuing trend by live­ iation was the guest speaker at the viewed separately from your hus­ served picnic style in the yard. The stock producers to breed and feed Birkenfeld Community church Sun­ band so that he may not hear you animals to meet consumer demand day morning and at the Mist church next meeting will be August 18 at tell us your date "of birth. for more tender meat with less Sunday evening. A pot luck dinner the picnic grounds by the Vernonia QUESTION: I got a social security 35™ A N N U A L waste fat. Landers points out the was enjoyed after the morning ser­ golf course, weather permitting. If card years ago but have misplaced not, it will be held at the home of difference in market value of the vice. it. I know the number by heart and Mrs. Laurell Jensen. carcass is determined in part by The Howard Grimsbo family was have been reciting it from memory Mrs. June Mayfield of Portland the amount of excess fat. in Eugene over the week end visit­ to past employers. My present em­ A beef carcass is made up of skel- ing relatives and friends. Bob at­ spent the week end here with Mrs. ployer insists on seeing the card. ton, fat and muscle. The relative tended a patio birthday party for his Morris McMann. Mrs. McMann has What shall I do? been quite ill and her husband, who proportion of muscle and fat can be nephew, Rick Milburn. ANSWER: Request a duplicate changed through breeding and feed­ Mr. and Mrs. Dave Karr and fami­ is employed in Portland, laid off card from your social security office. ing for lean, high quality meat type ly of Vancouver visited at the Clar­ work the past ween to be with her. The Social Security Administration ence Kyser home Thursday. Mr. and A grandson, Dennis Atkinson, who urges all employers to copy the name animals. This will be one of the first 4-H Mrs. Dale Leino and family were has been visiting here, returned and social security number of each livestock carcass evaluation classes there also. Dale returned Monday home Thursday when his mother, new employee from the card to pre­ Mrs. June Atkinson of Portland, to be offered in the nation. It should from fishing in Alaska. vent any possible error that might afford a valuable educational oppor­ came for him. The Mist-Birkenfeld church youth occur when people give the wrong tunity to 4-H livestock club mem­ group was in Hillsboro Saturday and number from memory. bers who intend to raise livestock as enjoyed an evening of skating. QUESTION: How much wages a career, says Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel were must a farm worker be paid in or­ For further details on entering in Seaside Sunday to visit his mo­ der to receive a quarter of coverage? livestock in the carcass evaluation ther, Mrs. Clara Libel. Guests that ANSWER: Farm workers earn a class, 4TI club members should con­ evening were Mrs. Francis Bum- quarter of coverage for each $100 tact their county extension agent. ham and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burn­ that they are paid in cash wages in RIVERVIEW — Saturday was the ham and family of Portland, and Mr. a calendar year. If a farm worker 55th wedding anniversary of Mr. and and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds and Susan. is paid cash wages amounting to $400 Mrs. E. L. Lloyd. Their neighbor, Warren Kyser returned home from in a calendar year, he may be credit­ Heppner, Oregon Friday evening af­ Mrs. Ruby Elliott, asked them to go ed with four quarters of coverage ter working there the last six weeks. for a ride with her, and as a sur­ for the year. Ronnie is also home after being in prise took them to the Timber Junc­ QUESTION: I am planning to file tion cafe where a pre-arranged din­ BUY ONE QUART for my social security benefits next TIMBER — Walter Bacon took Delena the last three weeks picking ner was served, complete with the strawberries. year but I worked for the railroad care of the stock for Mr. and Mrs. BOYSEN RUBBERGLO Mrs. Jerry Hanson returned to traditional wedding cake. for four years in the 1940’s. Will 1 Roy May over the week end while FLAT WALL FINISH FOR. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown and receive credit under social security the Mays attended a wedding at Bel­ California last week to make her children visited his parents, Mr. and (custom colors slightly higher) for this railroad work? lingham, Washington. They also visit­ home there. Mrs. Bill Robbins and children re­ Mrs. Harland Brown at Gales Creek ANSWER: Yes. Your railroad ed relatives in Seattle. earnings will be transferred to your Mrs. Gertrude Gilroy, who has turned to their home in Port Or­ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rose and two social security account at the time been in Portland taking treatments, chard. Washington Thursday after­ you file your claim. They will be is home again. Her grandson, Jerry noon after visiting her folks, the children of San Jose, California are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. used as credit toward your insured Sparks, is visiting her. His parents, Claude Kysers and other relatives. FOR ONLY. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schroeder of Bud Rose and her parents, Mr. and status under social security. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sparks and fa­ No lim it to quantity! mily of Coos Bay brought him here Marshland visited at the Charles Mrs. Howard Sampson of Warren Sunday and spent the day visiting Hansen home Friday evening. Sun­ during their two weeks vacation. Surgery Undergone day morning Mrs. Schroeder called friends. In Astoria Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young and to announce the arrival of a little (These are not 1« Sale items -outlying districts slightly higher) Children Return Home girl at the Peter Schroeder home in BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Darrell Ba­ daughter, and Mrs. Young's mother, Vancouver, Washington. D i n n e r ALKYD MARINE ODORLESS DREEM After Long Visit ker underwent surgery at the Colum­ all of Seattle, were visitors at the guests at the Hansens Sunday were HOUSE PAINT gal $7.15 SEMI GLOSS qt. $1.99 TIMBER ROUTE — Sharlene and bia hospital in Astoria last Friday. Roy May home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rassumassen Finishing W hite Mrs. Alvin Smith and family of 14 R eady-m ixed colors Donald Gibson arrived home Thurs­ She is coming along fine and will Pastel colors (1-18) gal. $7.13 $2.49 Pastel colors (1-18) qt. Sheridan spent Saturday evening at and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lane. M idtone colors (19-36) gal. $7.99 $2.74 M idtone colors (19-36) qt. day after visiting this summer with soon be back home. Deer> t one coilors (37-72) gal. $8.84 $3.05 Miss Sandra Hansen was in Clats­ Deeptone colors (37-72) qt. their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield the Walter Bacon home. kanie Sunday to participate in the Mrs. Sonia Silvers and family of Gus Hult at Rodman Bay, Alaska. came from Condon and will stay at MONOKOTE PVA or 4-H horse club practice. VI-KO LATEX EXTER­ the Baker home while Mrs. Baker is Vancouver spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal from Neal Jones spent several days vis­ MONOKOTE OIL TYPE IOR HOUSE PAINT in the hospital. They will continue the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry iting at the A1 Schlehuber home this Molalla were overnight guests of Finish’g White gal. $6.52 to stay while she is recuperating at Mitchel. Mrs. Carl Wienecke Wednesday Finishing White gal $6.79 Pastel colors (1-18) gal. $7.27 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose of En­ week. Pastel colors (1-18) gal. $7.19 M idtone colors (19-36) gal. $8.23 night. They called on Mr. and Mrs. home. M idtone colors (19-36) gal. $8.05 glewood, California were visitors at Deeofone colors (37-72) gal. $9.65 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen of Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Frank Birt Deeptone colors (37_72) gal. $8.62 Vernonia were Sunday dinner guests the home of Mrs. Rose’s sister, Mrs. Thursday. B. B. Wright and family. SHAKE & RUSTIC of Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills Mrs. Charles Hascall, Mrs. Bruce PORCH & DECK PAINT, gal. $5.18 The Columbia County Historical Watson and Mrs. Mamie Sloan call­ MLss Shirley Berg was in Port­ 10 R e ad y.m ixed colors $1.99 ENAMEL, qt. Society museum, located in the for­ ed on Mrs. Carl Wienecke Tuesday land Monday. Pastel colors (1-1S) gal. $6.34 6 Ready-m ixed colors M idtone colors (1.-36) gal. $7.11 mer mill office building on O. A. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and $2.54 Pasted colors (1-18) qt. Deeptone colors (37-72) gal. $$.17 $2.7» M idtone colors (19-36) qt. Hill, Vernonia, is open to the pub­ Jim, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Belling Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt were in a.n Deeptone colors (37-72) qt. lic Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ham spent the week end at Detroit 9" ROLLER FR A M E ...*!.20 Forest Grove and Hillsboro Satur­ and Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00 Lake. WARNER PUTTY KNIVES BIRKENFELD — Walter Berg, son p.m. and offers much of interest day. Mrs. Nell Thacker and Mrs. 9" ROLLER COVER . . . of Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg, received to all who come to visit it. Mr. and 1 U ” ala. 63t 3” »la. George Smith and boys were at California Visitors Mrs. E. G. Hislop, curators, are on his discharge from the service and r DEEP-WELL TRAY.. hand to greet visitors and answer Clatskanie Wednesday and visited returned home Saturday. Stay at Grey Home PLASTIC DROP CLOTH Mrs. Les Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers and questions about items. NYLON ENAMEL BRUSH $169 9 ’ X 12’ Reg. 69< . . . 27^. CAPITOL HILL — Visitors Satur­ A S al. pric. family visited Sunday with the Fran­ day at the Frank Grey home were cis Larsons and other relatives. Dozens of other specials on sale at Mr. and Mrs. Berg Crawford from Visitors at the Vick Bergs during La Mesa, California. They had their trailer parked in Anderson park and the week were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Layman and daughter, and Mr. and are making a trip through eastern Mrs. George Mathews. Oregon. P r o p e r w h e e l b a la n c e a n d Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson Visiting at the Jack Odam home a lig n m e n t m e a n lo n g e r tir e and baby spent the week end at Sea­ and enjoying the Jamboree events w e a r, s a f e r d r iv in g . L e t us side with his mother. Also visiting were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon (rowston Elsa Richardson are her sisters from G a rd e n S u p p lie s — P la n ts — F lo w e rs — S e e d s — F e e d s c h e c k n ow . and little Gina Crowston. a niece. F a rm S u p p lie s — H a r d w a r e — C a b in e ts — P lyw ood Mr. and Mrs. Art Odam entertain­ Madras. Mrs. Mary Williams and ed their son and family, Mr and Mrs. Julia Vadnais. B u ild in g M a te ria ls — R e n ta ls — C h e m ic a ls — S h o e s Miss Mary Ann Nordstrom from Mrs. Gene Odam and three children M en ’s C lo th in g — T o y s — P la s tic W a re s — K itc h e n from Myrtle Point who came to Ver­ California flew by jet to Portland W a re s. nonia for the Jamboree. Together Saturday. She will spend two weeks with other relatives they took ad­ at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg and Walt vantage of the summer weather to picnic in Anderson park the two days spent Monday in Astoria and Seaside. HURRY! SALT CNDS AUGUST 2 2 1 Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and Mary of the Jambome. Ann were in Dallas Sunday to see Censure is often useful, praise of­ Mrs Fred Larson, who was in the hospital for a few days. ten deceitful. 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1964 Churches Enjoy Guest Speaker sm Date Observed With Dinner The Roy Mays Attend Wedding PRINT, PSa/e GET SECOND QUART OTHER BOYSEN MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS Museum Hours Given Son Returns From Service 794 794 794 d I T SAFETY IS IK THE BALANCE VERNONIA TRADING CO. Your Shopping Center For BOB'S UNION SERVICE